Becca XXX: Dangerous Cargo Ch. 14

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Becca meets with Tony as the terror plot intensifies.
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Authors note: - This is a follow on to the previous episodes of Becca XXX Dangerous Cargo. Please read them before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.

Becca XXX. Dangerous Cargo. Ch 14

I woke up in an empty bed, feeling refreshed and ready to move on with the next stage of the assignment. I stretched out in all directions to squeeze the lactic acid from my tired muscles, letting out a huge yawn in the process. As I rolled onto Lexa's side of the bed, I noticed that it still felt warm and smelled of her. She hadn't been up for long.

I sat up and got out of bed, pulling my long, baggy T-shirt down and smoothing it out. It hung from my shoulder as it was too big for me, but at least it covered my ass and tits.

I went downstairs and found the love of my life in the kitchen with her laptop open on the island-worktop. She was also wearing a long T-shirt which didn't fit properly, only hers was white and mine was red.

"Morning, sexy," she said, kissing me softly on the cheek. "There's some coffee in the pot."

"Thanks babe. What's happening?"

"You're just in time," she replied. "I'm about to link up on an encrypted video call. We need to discuss the mission with Tony, Ethan, Arran and Tristan. Come and say hi."

I poured myself a cup of coffee and stood next to Lexa as her laptop screen burst into life with four male faces staring back at us.

"Morning girls," said Ethan. "How are you both?"

"We're fine," Lexa replied. "How did it go with the police at the Cedars estate? We left a bit of a mess for them to clean up."

"You certainly did. It went pretty much as expected. I've cleared things up with the police and told them that as far as they are concerned, you were never there. There was a lot of terrified residents after your escapades, but the police have put their minds at rest. It was a hell of a thing that you pair did."

"I'll second that," smiled Tony. "That was quite a body count."

"Thanks," I giggled. "I'm guessing that the police are more than pleased with the result. There can't be many of the gang members left on either side after what we did to them. Maybe that'll teach them for coming after me."

"Quite. The local law enforcement are very grateful for your contribution and they are arresting what's left of The Lees and the Mancs as we speak. The dangerous cargo is off the streets and two ruthless drug gangs are about to be closed down. I've told the police to keep you both out of the media. They are going to say that it was a drug war over territory." Ethan continued. "Well done to both of you, but especially you Becca. That was outstanding work."

"Thank you, boss," I replied proudly. "It's nice to be appreciated."

"Appreciated is an understatement. If bringing The Lees and The Mancs down wasn't enough; you've also solved the riddle of the numbers."

"It was weird how it happened," I replied. "It was like an epiphany when those two goons from The Mancs mentioned two of the numbers which happened to match our sequence."

"Well, I don't care how you figured it out. All that matters is that we now know what their plan is. They are going to attack the motorway network."

"It looks that way. Does this mean that we can bring all this to a close then?" I asked. "Surely we can arrest Shaw and his group and do a raid on the bomb makers?"

"Hmmmm, it's not quite as simple as that," he grimaced.

I felt a little let down to say the least, but I'd learned to keep my mouth shut until I had all the facts. I had a fiery temper when things didn't go my way, but I tried to remain calm. I'd thought that my work would have given our team enough intel to bring them down, but it turned out that I was mistaken.

"I understand that things are complicated, but here are the facts as I see them. We know that Ryan is the source of the MP7's. There's no way that anyone else could be supplying them to Shaw. That model of weapon is just too rare in this country. Ryan is meeting with someone to exchange the weapons tomorrow night. It all seems to fit in with the terror attack theory."

"We think so too, but at the moment there's no actual evidence that he's meeting with Shaw," Ethan replied. "We'll need to see if it actually takes place."

"It's going to be difficult to keep track of Shaw now that Nat's gone dark. Have you heard anything from her?" I asked, trying to force the issue.

"No, nothing."

"Have you tracked her phone?"

"Of course we have. It hasn't moved in days so we're assuming that she's been told to ditch it until their mission is over."

"That would make sense," said Lexa. "They'll be communicating on burner phones by now. She might try to make contact from the burner, but only if it doesn't blow her cover."

"Agreed," said Ethan. "She's a big girl, she can take care of herself."

"But what if she needs help? What if her cover is already blown and she's waiting for someone to come and rescue her?" I replied.

I kept my voice low and soft, as I knew that I could sometimes come across as aggressive. I took deep breaths and spoke calmly to appear non-threatening.

"There's no way of knowing what's happened to her, but we can't jeopardise the bigger picture for one person," he dismissed it.

"Well, let's hope you're never the one who needs rescuing," I scoffed.

Tony let out an audible laugh at my comment and Lexa jabbed me in the ribs to tell me to shut up.

"I have been in her position, many times, Becca. All of our agents know the sacrifice they might need to make in order to complete an assignment. Natalie has been in worse situations than this one and lived to tell the tale. Don't worry, she'll be fine," Ethan wasn't rising to it.

"If Natalie has gone off the radar, then you have no way of tracking Shaw," Tony pointed out. "I think it would be worthwhile if we were at the meeting."

"The weapons exchange?" quizzed Ethan.

"No, the local PTA meeting," he replied sarcastically. "Of course the fucking weapons exchange."

I heard muffled laughter from Tony's end of the call. I imagined that the rest of the Grey Ghosts were just out of the camera's view, laughing their heads off. I knew Tony didn't like Ethan and I guessed the rest of his team felt the same way.

Ethan shuffled on the screen and tried to keep his composure.

"There's no need for sarcasm, Sergeant Fox," he replied. "The weapons are being tracked along with Ryan's car, thanks to Becca. We'll know when the exchange takes place."

"Yes, but we won't know who he's exchanging them with. There's no way of tracking Shaw and Natalie, now that her phones gone dark."

"Ah, I see your point."

"We can put Becca on it," Lexa butted in, interrupting the testosterone show. "She's about to be moved over to Tony's team anyway."

"She doesn't have enough experience on tracking a target," Ethan disagreed. "She could blow the whole mission."

"I could go with her," she replied.

"No. I need you back at the facility."

"I'll go with her," Tony interrupted. "We could do with her help anyway."

"How so?" asked Ethan.

The longer the conversation went on, the less I trusted Ethan. He seemed to be deliberately putting obstacles in the way.

"The bomb makers are hunkered down pretty tight. We have them under surveillance, but they're suspicious of male interaction. We could do with a female on the team."

Ethan gave it a thought for a moment and then agreed.

"Ok. You can both go to the weapons exchange, but you're there to observe only. Don't intervene, no matter what happens. I need you to see who Ryan trades the weapons with, but that's all."

"Agreed," Tony and I said in unison.

"Becca will now be re-assigned to Tony for the duration of the assignment," Ethan added. "Use her as you see fit, as her current mission is now completed."

"He can use me all he likes," I thought to myself.

"Thank you," Tony nodded respectfully.

Lexa gave my ass a little squeeze to tell me she knew what I was thinking. Any time I got to spend with Tony would be a bonus, especially if I got to fuck him again. It also meant that I would be able to see if Nat was still with Shaw. It would put my mind at rest.

"Once we know that Shaw has the weapons, we will decide what to do next."

"Wouldn't it make more sense to take him out before the exchange?" I disagreed. "Surely, he's an easier target if he doesn't have a truck load of MP7's at his disposal."

"She has a point," said Lexa.

"I agree with you, but unfortunately Mr Shaw is all over the news talking about Brexit. If he suddenly ends up dead, the country will go into melt down, saying that he's been assassinated because of his political views. The country is already divided about Brexit, so seeing a protestor gunned down, will be like a bomb going off without the terror attack ever taking place."

He had a point. The UK had voted to leave the EU by a slim margin. The slightest thing could tip the country over the edge.

"OK. We'll observe only and report back," conceded Tony.

"Great. Let's move on," said Ethan. "Tristan, what have you found out about this Charles Hamilton person?"

Tristan had been unusually quiet and Ethan seemed to have noticed it too as he moved the meeting on to the next item.

"Not much I'm afraid. I've tried looking into him within our network, but he's an elusive fellow," Tristan replied in his usual posh voice.

"He's also a terror suspect," added Lexa. "What have you found out? It doesn't matter how insignificant you think it might be, we need some evidence on him."

"He's definitely one of us... The Generals I mean. I've never met the gentleman and I don't know anyone who has," he replied. "He seems almost impossible to track down."

"They said the same thing about you and look how that turned out," laughed Lexa. "What can you tell us about him that we don't already know?"

"Our organisation has a hierarchy. Although there's no one in charge, so to speak, some members do have more power than others."

"And I'm guessing he's higher up the food chain than you are," I added.


"He's the CEO of the Hamilton Group," interrupted Arran. "It's a multimillion-pound organisation with its fingers in many pies."

I gave Lexa's ass a squeeze as my dirty mind kicked in, thinking about fingers in pies. She didn't even flinch; she was in full-on work-mode.

"One of which is importing illegal firearms," said Lexa. "Hamilton logistics."

"Yes. We've tracked the shipment from the EU to Catterick barracks and it all seems to be above board. No one usually checks military shipments so Ryan was onto a good thing. All he had to do was sign for the shipment and then take the extra illegal weapons and sell them on the black market. We know he sold them to Brian and we think he's selling the rest to Shaw. If it wasn't for Becca's assignment, we would never have found out that he was the source."

"We already know all that," hissed Lexa. "How do we find him? How do we infiltrate his network? How do we bring him down? We need a way in."

"We're working on it," he shrugged.

"Tristan?" she put the question to him too.

"He's too far up the food chain for me to help," he replied. "I'm doing my best."

"Well, try harder, you fucking pervert," I hissed. "You don't want me to pay your daughter, Pippa, another visit, do you? We could do with some new recruits."

He looked worried at the thought of it. Incest was alive and well within the Kingsley family, but I doubted that he'd want his daughter involved in my kind of work.

"I'll ask around, but if I arouse suspicion with The Generals, they'll do much worse things to Pippa than you ever could."

"Alright, let's all calm down here," said Lexa, trying to be the voice of reason. "Our first concern is Shaw and the bombs. We can worry about Hamilton afterwards."





"Becca and Tony can confirm the trade on Monday night and they can see if Nat's still with them. Once the trade's complete, she can help Tony's team with the bomb makers," she said.

"I'm running the show here," snapped Ethan.

Everyone went silent and waited for his decision. Lexa knew how far to push things and she knew when to be quiet. She was a master at manipulating people and she knew when to shut up.

"I'll go with that," he continued. "But no one makes a move on the bomb makers, Ryan or Shaw without my say so."

"What about Hamilton?" asked Tony. "Do you want us to look into it? The more info we have on the guy the better."

"Yes, but this is still my mission. Gather what you can and we'll reconvene when any of us has more to report."

We all nodded, but I couldn't help but feel that every one of us was holding back some information. I trusted Lexa and Tony with my life, but I wasn't sure about Ethan. Tony and Ethan had a history of mistrust which I hadn't gotten to the bottom of yet. Lexa had some power over Ethan due to her sexual relationship with him, but that made him seem weaker in my opinion. If he could be persuaded by Lexa's pussy, he may be open to manipulation from other outside influences. I was going to have to keep a close eye on him.

Tony wasn't like that; he was always on the level. He liked sex, but it could never be used to manipulate him. He was better than that. I could tell that he had something more to say, but he didn't want to discuss it in front of everyone else. Even Lexa seemed less than convinced by Ethan's performance. It was as though something was missing from the puzzle and that if Ethan gave us the rest of the information, we would be able to move forward more effectively. Unfortunately, egos and past history were getting in the way.

"Roger that," I said

"Roger and out," said Tony as his screen went blank

"I'll be in the office later today," said Lexa, before signing off.

She hit the red phone icon to end the call and then closed her laptop.

"Well...that went well," I said sarcastically.

"Didn't it just?"

"What's Ethan's problem?"

"What's Tony's?"

It appeared that the men in our lives were coming between us and that's the last thing I wanted. I loved Lexa and Tony, but choosing between them was impossible.

"Something's not right with any of this," I said, trying to steer the conversation away from the boys.

"What are you thinking?" she said.

"We have ten bombs and ten locations; I get that part of it. We also have Hamilton wanting to supply the weapons to cripple the country so he can profit from the stock market crash -- I get that too. It also helps his campaign to get us back in the EU, but I still think we're missing a big part of it."

"And you're not happy because Ethan won't act on the intel?" she gasped. "I've told you before about getting above your station, Becca. Ethan knows what he's doing."

"I'm sure he does, but I think he knows more than he's letting on. I understand that blowing up the motorway junctions will cause havoc, but they can easily be repaired. It will create mass hysteria, but only in the short term. Shaw must be planning something else, other than blowing up the transport network."

"They're my thoughts exactly. He doesn't need sub machine guns in order to plant bombs. He must be using the weapons for another purpose which we've missed."

"Exactly, but what?"

"I'm not sure," she mused. "But I have new orders for you, in addition to what Ethan has just told you."

"I only ever take orders from you anyway, not Ethan. You know that," I smiled. "You know I'll do anything you say."

I bit my bottom lip to try and look sexy and innocent.

"Don't make that face at me, you little slut. Listen, I want you to find out what else Tony knows and report back to me with it. Don't go direct to Ethan. Do you understand?"

"Of course. Do you want me to pump him for information?" I put extra emphasis on the word 'pump'.

"Exactly. I'm sure you'll be able to decide how much pumping is required," she winked.

"Maybe you can get me warmed up before I go? You could make me nice and wet for him if we have enough time?" I turned to face her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

My hands were soon caressing her ass cheeks as I gave her a slutty look. She kissed me on the lips and pushed me away.

"Sorry babe., I'd love to, but work comes first. I'll give you a lift to Tony's location and then I'm off to the facility. This needs my full attention."

"And Ethan's cock in your pussy?" I giggled.

"Maybe, but only if it benefits the mission," she laughed. "I'm going to get dressed. Take whatever equipment you need from the boot of the car in the garage. The keys are hanging on the hook near the door. I'll be back in a moment."

"Which car?" I asked.

"The Seat Leon. It's fully equipped with whatever you need to re-stock your kit. There's also spare ammo for the Makarov and the MP7," she called back over her shoulder as she went through to the hallway.

I watched her sexy ass wiggling under her long T-shirt. With each step her butt-cheeks appeared and disappeared as her shirt rose and fell in time with her movements.

"Roger that. Are you sure you don't want me to help you get dressed?" I replied in a slutty voice. "I'll be super quick at getting you off."

"You're insatiable, Becca, but you'll have to keep it in your pants until you see Tony. I'm sure you two will have some catching up to do."

She turned and went up the stairs.

I felt disappointed so I flicked sky news on and then opened up the side door which led to the garage. I took the car keys from the hook and went out into the well-lit space. Lexa's Focus was sitting right in front of me and it brought home to me just how much danger we had been in the previous night. The car was full of bullet holes and had the rear window missing. The front windscreen was also cracked and crazed from the rounds which had punched into it.

Skirting around the car, I pressed the key fob for the Leon. The indicators flashed and I went straight to the rear of the car and opened the boot. The boot space was empty, but looked shallower than I was expecting. I pulled up on the carpet to reveal a hidden compartment containing three large black holdalls.

The first one contained ammunition just like Lexa had promised. I took out a couple of magazines of four-point-six for the MP7's and a box of nine-millimetre parabellums for the Makarov. They would be used to reload my magazines which were stuffed in my grab bag.

Next, I unzipped the second bag and rummaged around to see what it contained. I took out a new field agents kit in a zipped pouch. It contained trackers, micro-cameras and tiny listening devices. I didn't think I'd be needing it, but mine was back at my flat in my Louis Vuitton bag so I needed a replacement. There was other specialist equipment in the bag, but I left it where it was. I was about to meet up with Tony and I was sure his equipment would be far more advanced than ours.

The final bag contained an MP5 sub machine gun, stun grenades, a couple of Glocks and ammunition. It was to be used as the vehicles back up weapon in case of an emergency. All of the company vehicles had them. It was to remain in the vehicle at all times so I zipped it back up and placed the carpet back over the top.

After locking the car, I went back into the kitchen. The news was still playing so I decided to finish my coffee and put some toast in the toaster while I watched the headlines.

It came as no surprise that the incident at the Cedars Estate was the main news item. The title at the bottom of the screen read "Gun battle rages on Manchester Estate."

It was a bold headline designed to grab the viewer's attention and shock them into watching. The screen showed multiple bodies lying on the floor covered with blankets and the whole area was teaming with police and forensics officers.