Becca XXX - Double Trouble Ch. 09

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Becca goes riding with Pippa in more ways than one.
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Authors note: - This is a follow on to the previous episodes of Becca XXX Double Trouble. Please read them before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.

Becca XXX. Double Trouble. Ch 09

The next morning, I was rudely awoken by Natalie jumping on the bed as I lay dozing. She came bounding into my room through our adjoining door and launched herself onto my bed head first. The bed rocked and bounced and she rolled over on top of me.

"Wake up bitch face," she said kissing my forehead and rolling back off. "I'm fucking starving. Let's get some breakfast."

"Grrrrrr, leave me alone, what time is it?" I groaned.

"Just after eight. Time to get up."

She yanked the bed covers off me and threw them at the foot of the bed.

"For fucks sake Nat," I snapped. "Give me a minute, will you, I didn't get much sleep last night."

"How come? You went to bed the same time as me. Have you been playing with yourself all night or something?" she giggled.

"No, keep quiet, get the bed covers back on the bed and come here and I'll tell you," I shushed.

She grabbed the tangle of sheets and dumped them back on top of me as I tried to wake up. After straightening them out, she sat up on the bed next to me.

"What happened?" she asked, suddenly being more serious.

"After I left you, I was going to go and check out Tristans study, but something else happened instead."

"Like what?"

"Like Tristan sneaking into Pippa's room and fucking her."

"What?! He fucked his own daughter?" she whispered in disbelief.

"After she sucked his cock, yes."

"Jesus, what a dirty bastard," she gasped. "I knew she was a slut but letting your own father stick his cock in you is a bit much, don't you think?"

"I've never seen anything so perverted in my life. They did a whole role play thing together, using words like 'nunny' and 'foo-foo' and he kept calling her 'daddy's little girl'," I explained. "It looks like incest is alive and kicking in the Kingsley family."

"Nunny? Is that what she called her pussy?" she tittered. "I've never heard it called that before."

"Me either, fucking weirdos."

Nat sat in silence for a couple of seconds and then turned to look me in the eye.

"You played with your pussy whilst you watched them, didn't you? You dirty slut," she smiled.

"Wouldn't you?"

"Fucking hell yeah I would. I'm getting wet just thinking about it."

"Thinking about what?" said a voice from the doorway.

It was Pippa and I had no idea how long she'd been standing there.

"Sorry?" I asked, trying to make out she'd misheard us.

"You're wet thinking about what?" she repeated.

"Oh... err... your brothers," stuttered Natalie.

"Did you guys fuck last night?" she asked coming in and sitting on the bed. "I bet you did, didn't you?"

She seemed very excited at the thought of it.

"We may have had a little fun last night, yes," I replied, with a smile.

"I knew they'd fuck you," she said. "I saw the way they were looking at you during dinner. I know them too well," she laughed. "Dirty fuckers."

"They certainly are," giggled Nat. "Do you always talk this way with your brother's girlfriends?"

"Sure, there's no secrets in our family," she shrugged. "We're very open with each other."

'A bit like your legs were last night for your father,' I thought to myself.

It seemed weird that we were discussing sex with the twins' sister, but after last night's performance between Pippa and daddy nothing surprised me.

She was dressed in her jodhpurs and a purple, tight-fitting T-shirt with the buttons undone down to her non-existent cleavage. She was ready for our morning's horse-riding session. I could tell she'd showered as her hair was still damp and she smelt of soap. I guessed she'd needed to wash her father's spunk from her nunny or risk a repeat performance of filling her panties with cum like she had the previous day.

"Anyway... you need to get dressed and have breakfast," she said, changing the subject. "The sun's shining and it's a great day for a ride."

"I think we need to shower first," I winked.

"Oh... right... yes, of course you do," she stammered. "Help yourself to some riding gear from my wardrobe and I'll see you downstairs for brekkers."

"Can I borrow some swimwear for the pool?" asked Nat.

"Of course. What's mine is yours," she replied.

She leapt off the bed and skipped out of our room as though she didn't have a care in the world.

"Do you think she heard us talking about her?" asked Natalie.

"I think she's too wrapped up in her own little world. I doubt she heard anything."

"Do you think it was her father's cum in her knickers yesterday?" she asked.

"I don't think so. He never mentioned it when he slipped his fingers into her, he just commented about how wet she was," I shrugged. "But it's definitely his cum in her this morning."

"What? He actually jizzed in his own daughter? Shit, I hope she's on birth control."

"Me too, but we can take her look in her room and see if there's any pills," I said.

I threw the covers back and walked into the bathroom. I needed to wash last night's filth from my skin and Natalie disappeared back into her room to do the same. Whilst the shower warmed up, I sat on the toilet, peed and bore down hard to expel the remnants of cum from my ass. There was a loud squelching noise as the twin's sperm-cocktail left my body and dropped into the bowl beneath me. I didn't bother wiping myself, I just jumped in the shower and had a good wash.

Once I was back in my room and dry, I checked my phone quickly to see if there was anything from Lexa. I saw that I had two messages.

The first text was from Tara at the Voodoo bar.

It read: 'Thank you so much. Big Al's given us all a pay rise and I know you had something to do with it.'

It gave me a nice warm feeling inside, knowing that I'd done a good deed. I texted her back with a few short words.

'No problem. Let me know if there's any more trouble from him.'

I even sent her a winking face emoji for good measure.

I moved on to the next message, which was from Lexa. It was curt and business-like the same as the last few that she'd sent to me.


That was all it said. She was asking for a 'Situation Report'. It was a military term and had been shortened for speed, like most things in the military.

I replied with a brief update.

'We're at the manor. Hoping to check study later.'

She came straight back.

'Good work. Stay in touch.'

That was it. Nothing but business from her once again. No 'I love you' or 'I miss you', just work. I didn't expect much more from her, but I was still a little disappointed.

"Shall we go and get dressed?" asked Natalie appearing at our adjoining door.

"Definitely," I replied. "We've just had a message from Lexa. She just wanted a Sitrep."

"What for? There's nothing to report yet."

"I know, that's what I told her. Come on let's go and raid Pippa's closet."

We skipped across the corridor wearing only our towels and entered Pippa's huge wardrobe once more.

It didn't take Natalie long to find two-hundred pounds worth of pink bikini and a pair of daisy-duke shorts to wear. That was all she needed for her outfit to be completed.

"See if she's on the pill," I said to her as I searched for some riding gear.

"Right away boss," she laughed.

She left the walk-in wardrobe and started nosing around her bedroom whilst I pulled out some beige jodhpurs that matched Pippa's. I also found a purple T-shirt the same as hers so we'd look identical whilst we were riding. She'd even left a pair of black riding boots out for me which were, luckily, the right size. Finally, I went to her panty drawer, already wondering what underwear she'd be wearing. I opted for a pair of ivory lace panties made by Pleasurements. They were just as delicate and expensive as the ones I'd worn the previous night and I knew I'd feel sexy in them.

I quickly got dressed, squeezing my ample breasts into her tiny T-shirt and then went to find Natalie. She was looking through Pippa's drawers in the bathroom and she held up a foil packet which I recognised immediately.

"No babies for creampie Pippa," laughed Natalie.

"Looks like her dad can cum in her nunny all he wants then," I tittered. "How do I look?"

I gave her a quick twirl to show off my new outfit.

"You look positively radiant darling," she said putting on her posh voice again.

"You look like you're off to a beach party," I laughed. "Are you sure that's appropriate for breakfast?"

"I don't think anyone will complain, do you? The twins will love it and Tristan will probably cum in his shorts when he sees me," she giggled.

The daisy dukes barely covered her butt cheeks and the bikini was far too small. It was designed for an A cup and she was a D. It really left nothing to the imagination.

"If you get a chance to get into the study, go for it," I said turning things back to the mission. "I'll see what information I can get from daddy's little girl."

"Yeah, no problem," she replied. "Do you think that hateful cow Helen will be there?"

"I doubt it, she's probably still sleeping it off, the miserable fucking bitch. Come on I'm starving."

I slapped her exposed ass cheek to encourage her out into the corridor. As we descended the fairytale staircase I saw Robert waiting for us at the bottom.

"Good morning Ms Swanson and Ms Jones. I trust you had a pleasant night's sleep?" he said.

"Lovely thank you," I winked.

"Breakfast is served by the pool this morning, if you'd like to follow me."

We walked down the corridor at the rear of the property and were soon outside on a patio area next to the huge swimming pool. It looked inviting as the sun was already up and it was warming up nicely.

"Morning girls," said Sinner and Ice simultaneously. "Did you sleep alright?"

"Fine thank you," I replied kissing them both.

Natalie kissed them too and we took a seat around a large glass patio set with Pippa and Tristan.

Tristan stood up as we were seated and also said good morning to us.

"Tea or coffee?" asked Robert.

"Coffee please," I replied.

"And for me," added Nat.

Robert glided away whilst I took in my new surroundings. The pool was in full sun and had views to die for across the English countryside. I could see corn fields in the distance and woods and hills, it was an idyllic location and very secluded.

Although seclusion suited our mission it also presented a problem. It was prone to attack from all directions if our Russian friends decided to show up. The lack of security was worrying me. I liked to know what was coming my way so I could react and plan a counter attack but that wasn't possible with the way things were. I'd been hoping to find security cameras installed which we could hack into and view on our phones but there wasn't any. We were sitting blind.

I was about to ask Tristan about his security but he decided to start a different conversation.

"Did you have fun last night girls?" he asked us.

"It was a great evening and the food was amazing. Thank you for your hospitality," said Natalie.

"Yes, yes that's all fine but that's not what I meant," he smiled.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean, did you have fun with my sons?"

"Father please," protested Ice.

"That's rather personal isn't it?" I said.

"There's no secrets in our family," he chuckled. "Sex is just a leisure activity to be enjoyed by all, don't you think?"

"I suppose so yes," said Natalie.

"Anyway, I heard you," he laughed. "So, I know you had a good night."

"Sorry, we tried to keep the noise down," tittered Nat. "I hope we didn't wake your wife up."

"Good lord no, nothing wakes her up when she's like that. Stupid cow," he scorned. "Sorry again for her behaviour, I'll try to keep her out of the way."

"That's really not necessary," I replied. "Like I said last night, we're used to the abuse."

He gave me a long stare as though something in his head had just whirred into action. At first, I thought he was just perving at my tits which were bursting to escape from Pippa's tight T-shirt, but then he asked me something more worrying.

"You know Becca... you seem very familiar to me... I'm racking my brain trying to figure out if we've met before," he said with intrigue.

"I don't think we've met. I'd remember someone as debonair as you, I'm sure. Where do you think you know me from?"

"I'm still trying to figure it out, but I never forget a face," he laughed trying to lighten the mood.

"I get this a lot," I said. "I must have one of those faces that makes me look like other people."

I wondered if he knew I was an agent. Maybe he moved in circles I knew nothing about, he was an influential businessman after all. He may have been tipped off by someone as to who I really was. Ice and Sinner also exchanged glances as though they knew something and were trying to keep it a secret. Something wasn't right here and for the first time since I'd arrived, I felt a sense of foreboding of what was to come and it reminded me to keep my wits about me. This wasn't a holiday or a weekend retreat, this was an assignment that was so important Lexa had put two of her best agents onto it.

Robert served the coffee and asked us what we'd like for breakfast. We decided on eggs, bacon and toast and he once again floated away to the kitchen.

"I love your outfits, by the way," said Tristan, changing the subject. "You both look well attired for your day's events."

"Thank you," I said. "And thank you again Pippa for letting us borrow your clothes."

"It's a pleasure, although I think the tops a little on the tight side," she nodded at my cleavage.

"I'd say," laughed Ice. "It looks great on you."

All eyes were now on my chest as the purple T-shirt bulged with my heavy braless breasts.

"Yes, it is a little revealing," I laughed looking down at my cleavage. "But not quite as revealing as what Natalie's wearing."

In true Natalie style, she cupped and lifted her boobs letting them bounce back into their natural position, giggling like a naughty child.

"Oh my," gasped Tristan. "You are a big girl, aren't you?"

"I love this bikini," she replied. "Is it Gucci?"

"No, it's made by a company in London called Hunza G. They are so comfy... or at least they are when I wear them," she tittered looking down at her poached eggs sticking out of her chest. "The label is on the inside of the left cup."

Natalie rolled back the pink fabric to see the label and accidentally allowed her boob to flop out of the side of what little cover it offered her.

"Oh yeah, I see the label," she said.

"That's not all we can see," gasped Tristan.

"Oopsy," she tittered covering herself back up and looking embarrassed. "Sorry, when you work in a titty bar all day, you tend to forget yourself."

I knew exactly what she was doing. She was trying to get the interest of Tristan and it was working a treat. The pervert liked fucking young girls, including his own daughter, so seeing Natalie's tits was sure to win him over.

"Well the pool area is very private and you can't be seen by anyone outside, I don't have a problem with you sunbathing topless," he added. "I'm sure my boys won't mind, what?"

"It's fine by us," said Sinner.

"Dirty boys, the lot of you," chastised Pippa playfully. "We're not all that well-endowed."

"Yours are sweet and suit your figure," I said. "Large breasts wouldn't suit you."

"Precisely," said Tristan. "Yours are perfect just the way they are."

He placed his hand on her shoulder and winked at her.

"Thank you, daddy," she winked back.

The breakfast arrived and silence fell upon the table as we all tucked in. I needed to replenish my energy from last night's good hard fucking and I guessed everyone else was the same.

Once breakfast was polished off Natalie got up first and moved over to the sun beds. We all watched her strip off her daisy-dukes to reveal a G-string bikini bottom. It may have cost two-hundred pounds, but it wasn't down to the amount of material it was made from, that was for sure. It only just covered her shaven mound.

As she stripped her top off, I watched the reactions around the table rather than watching Natalie. She was acting naturally as though she didn't know anyone was watching her, but she made it look sexy. Tristan and the boys stared at her with their mouths open and as I glanced at Pippa, I saw that she was staring at me instead. As she saw me look over, a huge smile appeared on her face and she grinned like an excited child.

"Can you show me your Ducati Becca? You said I could go for a ride on the back of it," she beamed with hope in her eyes. "We can leave these pervs staring at Natalie's boobies."

"That's fine by me, you can borrow Nat's helmet. You should be alright in your riding gear."

"Brill," she beamed. "Daddy, I'm going on the back of Becca's bike and then we're off riding."

"No problem sweetie," he replied, barely looking away from Natalie's naked chest. "Be careful and have fun."

We got up to leave the table and the men got up to be polite. They managed to stop staring at Natalie for the briefest of moments before sitting back down again. She was now bent over facing away from them as she rubbed sun cream into her legs. She really did look hot with her legs slightly apart showing her undercarriage bulging out in her bikini bottoms.

"See you later Nat," I said, giving her a wave.

"Enjoy your ride," she said, arching her back and waving back.

I kissed the boys and Pippa kissed her father on the lips. It was barely nine-thirty in the morning and my cunt was already feeling hot and sticky with horny excitement.

Pippa led me around the side of the house and through a passageway which led to the garage. We entered it through a rear door and I stood back in awe of what was inside. As well as our bikes and the twins' vehicles there were also several other high-powered cars. Pippa's white Porsche sat gleaming as though it was in a showroom and that wasn't all. There was an Aston Martin, a Range Rover sport and a Ferrari.

"Fucking hell," I gasped. "Nice collection."

"Oh, right... yes... daddy likes his toys just as much as the boys," she waved it away like it was nothing. "The Porsche is mine."

"It's beautiful," I said, peering through the side window at the cream leather interior.

"It's a dream to drive. I love it, but I'd really like one of these," she said moving over to our bikes.

"Ducati Panigale V4S, zero to sixty in under four seconds," I boasted.

"I love the black and pink," she said, ignoring my performance statistics and focusing on the colour like a typical female.

I picked up Natalie's helmet and passed it to her.

"Put this on," I said. "It's better to be safe than sorry."

She slipped the helmet on making her head look like a lollipop on her skinny body. Crash helmets always made people's heads look out of proportion but it was more apparent with her.

I put mine on and spoke to her through the comms system.

"Can you hear me ok?" I asked her.

"Wow, yes. That's so cool," she replied.

"Yeah it works really well and it means that me and Nat can chat to each other when we're out on the bikes. Now... how do we open the garage door?" I asked.

Pippa walked over to the large garage door and pressed a button. The roller shutter whirred and the door started to open.

"Great, climb on behind me and hold onto me," I said.

I straddled the two-hundred horse power machine and flicked the stand up. I kept both feet firmly planted on the floor to steady the bike as Pippa mounted the pillion seat behind me.