Becca XXX - Double Trouble Ch. 12

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Becca and Nat play with some new toys with some old friends.
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Authors note: - This is a follow on to the previous episodes of Becca XXX Double Trouble. Please read them before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.

Becca XXX. Double Trouble. Ch 12

"What do you mean, you don't have anyone available?" I hissed down the phone. "This is fucking make-or-break time here, Lexa."

"I know Becca, but like I've just explained to you, all the female agents are assigned to other cases," she replied.

"What about Stacey or Kate or anybody, have you just listened to a word I've said?"

I'd asked Lexa for at least five more agents to help with Tristan's orgy, but Lexa had told me that everyone was already busy on other assignments. I needed extra girls to maintain my cover whilst we continued our investigation into Tristan's election rigging with the Russians.

"They're all busy Becca. I'm sorry, it's just too short notice for something as big as that."

"I appreciate that, but how are Natalie and I going to explain our way out of it. We've gained his trust and we can't afford to lose it now. What are we going to do?" I said, sounding exasperated.

"You could always try it with just the two of you," she laughed. "I'm sure you could handle a hundred cocks between you."

"This is not a laughing matter, Lexa. I might be a slut but I'm not superhuman."

"Well it's still a few days away, maybe it won't come to that," she said, more seriously.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, the evidence on his computer is pretty much conclusive. He's using his social media platforms to influence people's decisions. It's like you said, he's spreading good news for Wilson and bad news for Hugh's," she explained. "Arran has managed to decipher his algorithms and it shows that he's definitely vetting what goes onto social media. If people only see good news for one party and bad news for another, he's already made the decision for them."

I picked up on the name of the tech guy. She hadn't used names before and I assumed it was to keep them anonymous, but his name rang a bell.

"Did you say Arran?" I asked.

"What?.. No...," she lied.

"You did. You said Arran. Is that Arran Tabb by any chance? The same guy who tried to rape me at the university campus on my first assignment. The same guy who uncovered the G-Spot clubs and the people trafficking?" I interrogated her.

"Ok, yes, it's him. What of it?"

"I thought he was arrested for what he did? Are you telling me that you're now employing him?"

"Yes. He's a world class hacker. He knows he's done wrong in the past and now he's making up for it by working for us. He's worked on most of your assignments in the background," she said it like it was nothing.

"So, now we're employing criminals and rapists?"

"Wind your neck in Becca. If it wasn't for him, half the cases you've worked on would have come to nothing."

"Who else are you employing? Is Sanchez there too and Elijah Freeman? What the fuck? For all I know you're taking the stem cell treatment too, from First Element," I snapped.

"Agent Becca! That's enough," she snapped back. "Remember your place and remember who you work for. You are just a small cog in a very big machine. Do your job and leave the rest to the experts."

In a way I knew she was right. I was just frustrated that she wasn't helping me with my predicament and hearing that she was employing a known criminal only made my anger worse.

I stayed silent whilst I digested what she'd just told me.

"Did you hear what I said Becca?" she wanted confirmation.

"Oh, I fucking heard you alright. I heard you loud and clear."

"I'm sorry I can't help you with the sex party, but I'm all out of options. You'll have to think on your feet like you always do. You're one of my best agents and if you and Natalie can't sort it out, then no one can."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better? Maybe I'll magic up some high-class hookers from my ass and all my problems will be solved," I said sarcastically.

"Becca, I can see that this conversation isn't going anywhere when you're in a mood like this. We have a lot more to discuss on this case and your attitude isn't helping. I suggest that we talk again when you've calmed down," she said.

"I'm being as helpful as you are, you stupid bit...."

The line went dead.

I threw my phone across the room and it landed on the bed with a dissatisfying thud. I'd rather it had smashed against the wall into a thousand pieces.

"That went well then?" said Natalie from our adjoining door.

"Fucking marvellous," I said, throwing my arms in the air.

We'd arrived back from the lake and told the boys that we needed to make some phone calls to get things moving with the party. Natalie had been listening to me on the phone to Lexa and had gotten the gist of it all.

"Although my pussy could take on fifty men, I don't think it's what Tristan wants," she laughed. "We need to come up with something else."

"No shit, Sherlock," I replied.

"Don't take it out on me Becca. It's not my fault we've been left to our own devices."

"I know... I'm sorry. It's just that Lexa has let us down again. First with the no-gun policy and now this. The fucking bitch is about as much use as a soluble condom."

Natalie burst out laughing at my idiom.

I laughed too but more to relieve the tension.

"You're funny Becca. You make me laugh with your stupid comments," she smiled. "We'll find a way, we always do."


"Well, we've already gotten around the no-gun problem. We now know where to get unsecured shotguns from, thanks to the twins. We just need to find a way around this," she said, trying to be positive. "I liked your last comment to Lexa, by the way."

"Which one?"

"You said that 'maybe you could magic up some high-class hookers from your ass'," she repeated back.

"Yeah that was pretty funny... wait... that's it," I interrupted.


"I can magic up some high-class hookers," I said. "Just not from my ass, obviously. Shit, why didn't I think of it before? We don't need Mrs Soluble Condom."

"What are you talking about Becca? Speak English."

"Sorry, yes... I know where we can find some high-class hookers. In fact, they're better than anything Lexa can rustle up."

"Where from and who are they?"

"CATS," I replied.

"Cats? As in pussy cats?" she asked, looking confused. "What the fuck are you going on about?"

"No, CATS. C.A.T.S." I spelt out the initials to her.

"What's CATS?"

"It's an acronym. Chloe, Aggie, Tammy and Sara were my best friends when I worked at the G-Spot clubs, undercover. We were inseparable and we went through a lot together. When it all got shut down, they set up a brothel on their own, using the money they'd made at the clubs," I explained. "They used their initials to make the word CATS. I need to make a call."

I retrieved my phone from the bed and searched the internet for their website whilst Nat looked over my shoulder.

"CATS Tantric Massage?" she quizzed, looking at my phone screen. "Is that them?"

"Yes, they've opened up under the guise of a massage parlour to stay legal, but it's a brothel," I said.

I clicked on the phone number and let it ring out.

After several rings it was answered, but not by a person. I was placed in a holding queue with an automated message playing to me through the ear piece.

'Welcome to CATS Tantric Massage, where all your dreams come true. We have a range of special esoteric treatments just for you, which we're sure will meet your needs. Please hold whilst we direct your call.'

"Wow, that sounds professional," said Natalie, sounding surprised. "And whose sexy voice is that?"

"That's Tammy. She's half-Japanese and knows all about the spiritual energy flows within the body. She taught me a lot about Tantra."

The message started to repeat itself until someone finally answered the phone.

"Hello, CATS Tantric Massage, how may I be of assistance?"

The voice was soft, sexy and oriental, just like the recorded message.


"Yes, who is this please?" she asked politely.

"It's me Becca."

"Becca! Oh my god Becca, how are you?" she gasped. "It's been too long."

"I know, I'm good thanks. How are you doing?"

"We're doing great thank you. This place has really taken off, you should pay us a visit."

"That's my plan. I'm about an hour away from your place and I have a proposal for you," I said.

"A proposal? What sort of proposal?" she asked.

"A two-hundred grand proposal for one night's work," I stated.

"How much? Fucking hell, are you being serious?" she gasped.

"Of course. Are you and the girls up for it?"

"You bet your sexy little ass we're up for it. When is it and where?"

"Well, that's the bad news... it needs to be this Saturday night," I said apologetically.

"Shit, that's short notice, hang on, I'll check the diary."

"Your diary? Look at you, going all professional," I laughed.

"I see you're still a cheeky bitch," she laughed.

I heard her thumbing through her diary to see what bookings she had.

"Saturday's always our busiest night, but if I rearrange a few things, I'm sure we can fit it in. If it's as much money as you're promising, you'll take priority over the rest of the perverts," she giggled.

"Great, can I come and visit you to discuss it?" I asked.

"Of course, it'll be great to catch up. The rest of the girls will love to meet up again."

"Me too, I'll be bringing a friend with me too."

"What? You have friends now? When did that happen?" she joked.

"Who's being fucking cheeky now?" I laughed. "Her name's Natalie and I know you'll all get on well together. She's even dirtier than you lot are."

"Hmmm, I don't think that's possible, but we'll see when you arrive. When are you thinking of coming?"

"I've already cum once this morning," I giggled. "I was thinking this afternoon. I can leave now. Time is of the essence."

"No problem, do you remember where we are?"

"Yes. We'll see you in an hour or two."

"Looking forward to it," she swooned, in an even sexier voice.

"Bye for now... and thank you, you're a life saver."

"Anytime Becca. We owe you our lives, remember? You're the life saver"

She hung up.

"See, I knew you'd figure something out," smiled Natalie. "Part of this job is thinking on your feet and developing assets."

"Yes, but Lexa should be our biggest asset. We work for her after all."

"True, but she has a great deal of faith in you. You're her favourite agent, don't forget."

"If you say so. Right... we better take a quick shower and get moving," I said. "We'll tell the twins on the way out."


Twenty minutes later we were ready to go and visit my old friends. I was feeling nervous and horny all rolled into one. It had been several months since I'd seen any of the girls from the G-Spot club and I didn't know how I would be received. Tammy had helped me to adjust when I was first kidnapped and used as a series of holes for dirty rich men. She was kind and well adjusted to a life of sordid sex for money and she'd taught me a lot. I couldn't help but feel that I'd abandoned them when it all got closed down.

I was also nervous about leaving the relative safety of Kingsley manor. I had been here for almost three days and I felt quite settled. The fear of going back out into the real world was hanging over me, as was the threat of the Russians. Lexa had said that we had more to discuss about the case, but that would have to wait for now.

"I don't know how long we'll be," I said to the twins. "We're going to meet with our acquaintances and start the arrangements for the party. We might be out all night if I know what these girls are like. We'll probably end up fucking them."

"Oh my god," gasped Isaac. "I'm imagining you all together, now that you've said that."

"Well, you'll get to see us all together on Saturday, babe," tittered Natalie. "That should give you something to look forward to."

She moved closer and grabbed a handful of crotch as they kissed their goodbyes.

"Oops, it looks like you really are excited about it," she laughed.

I kissed Singen and looked into his eyes.

"Please thank your father for his hospitality and also thank Robert for me," I said. "I'm missing you all already."

"What about me?" cried Pippa, running up the corridor from the rear of the house.

"Pippa, I wondered where you were. Of course, we wouldn't leave without saying goodbye to you," I laughed.

She launched herself at me and threw her arms around me in a huge hug.

"I've been fucked by the stable boys again," she whispered in my ear, so no one else could hear.

I squeezed her hard as we hugged.

"You are so naughty," I whispered back.

"I know.... I've got cummy panties again," she tittered.

"Mmmmm, delicious."

We broke our embrace and made to leave.

"I'll walk you back to the bikes," she said.

We said our last farewells to the boys and followed Pippa to the garage. We were dressed in our matching bike-leathers with a pair of Pippa's Agent Provocateur knickers underneath. This girl really did have amazing taste in underwear, even if most of her knickers were constantly soaked with spunk.

"Where are you both going?" she asked, like an excited puppy.

"We have to meet some friends," I replied.

"Some prostitute-friends?" she asked.

"What? No..."

"Yes, you are, I know what's going on, even though daddy doesn't want me to know." she laughed. "He's having another fuck party isn't he and he wants you to arrange it for him?"

"How did you know that?" asked Natalie.

"I know a lot more than he thinks I do. I know he threw an orgy here a few months ago and I knew he was going to throw another one. It's this Saturday, isn't it?"

"I'm not supposed to discuss it with you," I said. "But how do you know?"

"Because he's sending mummy to a spa for the weekend and he wants me to go to a friend's house. He always wants us out of the way when he has a fuck-fest in the function room," she laughed. "So where are you going?"

"Ok, yes, we're going to arrange some friends for his little party," I admitted.

"Coolio, can I come along too?"

"No way. Your father told me not to mention it to you, so we certainly can't take you with us," I replied. "It's just going to be a boring chat about what we're going to do anyway, it's nothing exciting."

"What about the actual event?" she said, as we got to the garage. "It sounds so fucking sexy."

"Pippa, your father and brothers will be at the event. I hope you're not planning to sneak in and watch," said Natalie.

"Never mind watching, I'd love to join in with something like that," she swooned. "Three cocks at the stables isn't enough for me anymore. I want to try a bigger group."

"Jesus Pippa. We can't have you involved in something like this. It really isn't for the faint-hearted and your father would kill us for even talking to you about it. There's no way you can be involved."

"Awwwww, come on. I can wear a disguise or something. Daddy won't even know that I'm there."

"And what about if he or your brothers decide they want to fuck you?" asked Nat.

It was a pivotal question and we both stared at her waiting to see her reaction.

She hesitated and thought about telling us the truth, but she decided against it.

"Oh... er... yes... I hadn't thought of that..." she said.

"Unless there's something you want to tell us?" I pushed.

"No. Sorry, I hadn't thought it through properly. It's just the thought of all that cock in one place and all that spunk flying about would be like a dream come true. I don't want to become a whore, but I'd love to try something like that, just once," she gasped.

"Wow, you really are a horny little bitch, aren't you?" laughed Natalie. "I bet you're soaked down there." Nat nodded at Pippa's crotch as she stood in front of us in her jodhpurs.

Without hesitation Pippa undid her button and zipper and pulled the front of her jodhpurs down with her panties.

"You could say that," she giggled.

We both looked down into her exposed gusset and saw a huge puddle of fresh semen. She'd had the good sense to wear black cotton briefs to prevent it from soaking through, which only showed up the sticky mess even more.

"Fucking hell Pippa. How many loads did they give you?" I gasped.

"Two each," she giggled. "Six in total."

"Wow, you managed to milk two loads out of them? Impressive," said Natalie.

"I know, I feel so filthy," she purred, rolling her eyes. "I think I'm addicted to cum."

"So it would seem," I said, slipping my bike helmet on. "Go to your room and play with the sticky mess. We need to get going."

"That's exactly where I was heading when I saw you guys leaving," she said. "When are you coming back?"

She pulled her panties and jodhpurs back up with a shiver as the gloopy spunk touched her pussy lips. I knew that feeling all too well.

"Tomorrow at the latest," said Natalie. "I'm sorry, but we can't let you come with us or attend the party. Not unless you like the thought of fucking your family."

Natalie wasn't giving up on it. We already knew her father had fucked her and were pretty sure that her brothers had lost their virginity to her. We just wanted to hear her say it.

"It's fine. I didn't think you'd let me join in, but it was worth a try," she replied, avoiding the question. "See you soon."

"Yeah, see you soon," I replied. "Go and play with those cum filled panties before it goes cold," I laughed.

She smiled from ear to ear and skipped off back the way we'd come.

"What the fuck is wrong with that girl?" gasped Natalie, putting her helmet on.

"She's just a horny little teenager."

"Well, there's being horny and then there's her," giggled Nat. "It looks like her father has trained her well."

"And her brothers, by the sound of it," I added.

"You know, if she just admitted it, we probably could have let her join the party," mused Natalie.

"Not a chance Nat, she's far too young for all of that," I protested. "Come on, lets get going or we'll be late."

We both started up the Ducati's and I felt the raw power and throbbing engine between my thighs. I loved the feeling and anticipation of going fast, but I was still concerned about the Russians. We slowly made our way down to the gatehouse and the two security guards opened up as they saw us approaching.

"If we get any visits from our Russian friends, just open up the throttle and we'll outrun them easily," said Natalie, into the helmet comms.

"Agreed, but stick together, there's no way they'll keep up with us on these beasts."

We pulled up to the country lane outside the gatehouse and had a good check around. Nat took the opportunity to place a micro-camera on the gate post as we waited, unseen by the security guys.

The coast was clear and we kept our eyes out on stalks as we pulled off in a cloud of smoke and noise. We were once again out on dry roads with fading sunlight as it was now late afternoon. The trundle down to the gate house had warmed the engines and the tyres and we went straight into long sweeping bends at ridiculous speeds. Pippa would have messed her panties with more than cum, if she'd been on the back of my bike; I found it pretty scary myself.

All too soon the fun part of the ride ended and we were back on the motorway heading for yet another city. CATS was located just outside of the city and had been converted from a small disused hotel. The pub-trade and hotel businesses had taken a hammering when the recession had hit a few years ago and there were plenty of places like this up for grabs.

The girls had been in the right place at the right time and had snapped up the building for a minuscule price. That left them plenty of money to renovate and fit the place out just how they wanted it. These girls only knew one occupation and that was how to pleasure men beyond their wildest dreams. I was looking forward to seeing what sort of style and ambiance they'd given their very own brothel.