Becca XXX - Double Trouble Ch. 16

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The plot takes a new twist when Becca visits the embassy.
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Authors note: - This is a follow on to the previous episodes of Becca XXX Double Trouble. Please read them before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.

Becca XXX. Double Trouble. Ch 16

I heard it before I saw it. The faint whop-whop-whop of the helicopters coming in low and fast. I didn't even bother to look up and see where they were. I was more concerned about Natalie. She was still unresponsive as she lay on the cold ground.

"Nat... no... please no... don't be dead... I love you... please wake up.........." I sobbed.

I didn't know if she was dead or alive and I didn't want to move her, in case she had a neck injury. I noticed her helmet visor was steamed up and I thought it was a good sign. I flipped it up slowly, making sure I kept her head still and I pressed my ear to her mouth. She was definitely breathing which was a start.

I then gently ran my hands down her arms to check for breaks. There were no bones sticking out so I checked her legs. They felt normal too, but it didn't mean she was alright. She could have internal injuries or spinal trauma which I couldn't detect.

"Natalie, can you hear me? Help is on its way, just hold on babe," I said.

Suddenly a search light hit the floor next to us and it was as though daylight had arrived. The air became turbulent as the helicopters came in to land on the grass next to the road. Leaves and debris were kicked up in the down-draught and I put my body over Nat's to shield her from the worst of it.

Men spilled from the helicopter and got into all round defence, ready to take on Sasha's men.

"THEY'RE ALL DEAD," I shouted over the noise. "I NEED A MEDIC OVER HERE. NOW! AGENT DOWN!"

Three men came in my direction with their weapons raised, but they weren't pointing them at us. They were checking to see if it was all clear. Two of them checked on Sasha while the third crouched down next to me. He took a medical bag off his shoulder and dropped it on the tarmac.

"What happened to her?" he asked.

"She was thrown from the bike. She slid for twenty metres on her side and then flipped up three metres into the air and landed here. She's breathing and has no visible injuries, help her... please help her," I begged, giving the medic as much information as possible.

"Move back, let me get to her," I flopped backwards onto the wet road and looked over at the chopper.

A female figure emerged, dressed in similar clothing to me. Her long black hair shone in the moonlight as she walked down the ramp with a pistol in her hand.

It was Lexa.

I'd recognise her anywhere.

"OVER HERE," I shouted and waved.

She ran over and surveyed the scene. She saw the wrecked Porsche, the dead Russian, the dead deer and then Natalie lying on the floor.

"Is she ok?" she asked sounding very concerned.

"I don't know," I said bursting into tears.

"Becca, she's in the best hands. Come with me," she said, bending down and taking my hand. "Let them work on her."

She was right, she was always right, but I didn't want to leave Natalie's side.

"Will she be ok?" I asked the medic.

"It's hard to tell. We need to stabilise her and then get her to hospital as soon as possible."

Lexa led me away to let them do their job.

"Are you ok?" she asked. "We got here as soon as we could."

"I'm fine."

"Any casualties?"

I looked at Natalie over my shoulder and gave Lexa a look that said it all.

"Apart from Natalie?"

"The Kingsleys are all fine, but the two security guards at the gatehouse are dead."

"Ok. Are there any Russians left alive?" she quizzed.

"No. All sixteen are dead," I spat with venom. "Fucking cunts."

"Sixteen? You two took on sixteen ex-soldiers and won? Jesus Christ, Becca," she swooned.

She sat me on the tail ramp of the helicopter which was now powered down. I could see her beautiful flawless skin in the dim light. She looked like heaven, after everything I'd just been through.

I then looked down at myself and thought how bad I looked. I was caked in mud, leaves, blood and dirt. I was soaking wet and starting to feel cold.

Men in black were running up towards the house to secure the property even though it was no longer necessary, it was just standard operating procedure.

"Did Tristan give you anymore information about The Generals?" she asked.

"No, he won't talk until Stanislav is dealt with."

"We need to find him first. We'll gather intel from his dead men, there may be something on their phones that will help us locate him. I think you need a well-earned rest. Someone else will take over and find him. I can't let you go to Russia, it's too dangerous."

"Like fuck they will. I want to finish this," I cried. "Especially if they've killed Natalie."

I looked over to see her being put onto a stretcher with a brace around her neck. Within minutes of the helicopters arriving, one of them was airborne again with Natalie on board heading for the hospital.

"You've been through enough," said Lexa. "But I understand."

"I'll kill that mother fucker and end this once and for all."


Back at the house, the clean up crew had arrived and they were carrying the bodies out and laying them on the gravel. I was sitting in the kitchen having a cup of coffee with the Kingsleys. The whole kitchen area had been taken over by Lexa's team and they were setting up an operations room. Lexa's men arrived at regular intervals to drop off mobile phones to a guy working on a laptop at the dining table.

The Kingsleys were very subdued after their ordeal. Maybe they finally realised that their little bubble-world was all in their heads and that the world was actually a very dangerous place, especially if you piss off the Russian mob.

Helen was still sobbing and comforting Pippa. Pippa seemed to be taking it better than the rest of them. Drinking her brothers cum and then being spit-roasted by Isaac and her father was nothing knew for her. I wondered if they'd tell Helen what had been going on, but I doubted it.

"Have you found anything on the phones?" said Lexa to the tech guy.

"Maybe. Sasha had a video call from Stanislav before they attacked the manor house," he replied.


"I'm still working on it. The phone number's blocked, but I may be able to triangulate it from his GPS."

"Good work," she said slapping him on the back.

I recognised the guys voice and realised it was Arran. He was the guy who'd once tried to rape me on my first assignment. He now worked for Lexa.

"Hello, Arran," I said in a menacing voice.

"Oh... er... hi Becca," he stuttered.

"Becca, behave yourself. He's here to help," said Lexa sternly.

I got up and walked over to the laptop and looked at his screen. He had Sasha's phone plugged into his computer to extract the data.

"Can I see the video footage?" I said.

"Sure, but it's all in Russian and we don't have a translator here," he replied.

"That's ok, just play it. I have an idea how we can find him quicker."

He played the call on a split screen showing both sides of the conversation.

"Just show Stanislav on the full screen," I said.

Lexa stood next to me as he played the video. He was right, it was all in Russian but I was more interested in the background. I thought back to selling dirty panties with Natalie back in the apartment. She had taken pictures of us, but had made sure that the background was sterile. There was no way of telling where we were.

I hoped Stanislav hadn't been as thorough.

I watched on, as Stanislav gave his orders for the hit on Kingsley Manor. He was quite animated with a lot of arm and hand gestures. Behind him there was a window and I could clearly see outside. In the distance there was a white high-rise tower block.

"Can you zoom in on the tower block?" I said to Arran, pointing at the area on the screen.

"What are you looking for, Becca?" asked Lexa.

"Just zoom in."

Arran used the mouse and zoomed in on the tower block.

"What's that?" I asked, pointing at the screen. "Is that an English St George's flag hanging from the apartment window?"

"Yes, I think it is... holy shit, he's in the UK," gasped Lexa. "I bet he's at the embassy. He has to be."

"Maybe I won't be going to Russia after all," I smiled. "Can you get Google maps open and see if there's a white tower block near the Russian embassy building in London?"

"Already on it," said Arran, as his mouse flashed all over the screen, opening new windows and zooming and changing to street view.

"Is that it?" he asked, showing a similar image of a white tower block, viewed from the street outside the embassy.

I compared it to the zoomed in image from Sasha's phone. They looked identical.

"It looks like it. Where in London is it located?" I asked.

"It's in Kensington palace gardens," Arran replied.

I walked back to the breakfast bar and picked up my Makarov. I cocked the weapon and stuffed it into my waistband.

"Let's go," I said to Lexa.

She just stared at me.

"Come on, what are we waiting for?" I pushed.

"Becca, calm down. Think about what you're saying here," said Lexa.

"I'm talking about ending this."

"I know, but you cannot just walk into the Russian embassy and start shooting people."

"Don't you think I know that?" I said. "I'm not stupid. I do have a plan."

"What sort of plan? How are you going to get to him?" she shrugged.

"He's going to invite me," I smiled.

"How? He doesn't even know who you are."

"He likes hookers, right?"

"According to his file, yes."

"Well, I happen to know a hooker who has had the displeasure of fucking him," I said.

"What? Who?"

"A girl named Claire. She works with Tammy and the girls at CATS. Let's go and pay her a visit."

Aran was still typing away on his laptop, opening new browsers and other software that looked very complicated.

"Are you sure she's been there?" quizzed Lexa.

"Tammy told me that Claire was pretty beaten up after visiting the Russian embassy, so I'm assuming Stanislav or his men were behind it," I said. "This is the only way in."

"He has a flight booked for Thursday night," said Arran. "I've hacked the flight manifests and his names' on a diplomatic flight back to Russia. I would say he is definitely at the embassy."

"Then we need to move fast," I said.

"Becca, slow down. For a start you need rest and secondly we need to think this through."

"What's there to think about? I get myself invited for a good fucking and I'll kill him while I'm there."

"If you kill a diplomat in the Russian embassy, it will be classed as an act of war on foreign soil. The repercussions could be immense."

"Do you have another suggestion? We've just killed sixteen 'Russian diplomats'," I made air quotes. "I'm sure one more won't make a lot of difference."

"Just slow it all down and think about it. You're so pumped up on vengeance and adrenaline you're not thinking straight."

She was right. She was always right.

I was so worried about Natalie that I hadn't thought it through properly. I wanted revenge for what had happened to her. We were still waiting for news about her condition from the hospital.

Right on cue, Lexa's phone rang.


She answered on the third ring like always.

"Lexa," she said.

I watched her nodding and glancing at me. I knew it was the hospital without even hearing the other end of the conversation. After a few comments like 'yes', 'no' and 'keep me posted', she hung up.

"Is she alive?" I asked.

"Becca, sit down please," she said.

My heart sank. It was obviously not good news. I slumped onto a stool at the breakfast bar, feeling as though bad news was coming my way.

"She's alive, but it's touch and go," said Lexa. "Her leg's broken and she's still unconscious."

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Her leg isn't serious. It's just a minor break, but she's had a huge concussion from the bike crash. Her head must have hit the ground pretty hard. She's in a coma."

I buried my face in my hands.

"She's stable, but they won't know if she's got brain damage until she wakes up... if she wakes up," she continued.

I felt sick. The mental strain of the last few days and the potential loss of a woman I loved, was overwhelming. We'd risked our lives to save a corrupt asshole who was trying to shape UK politics and Natalie was the latest casualty. He wasn't worth it.

Exhaustion suddenly hit me as though someone had taken all my energy away in the blink of an eye.

"I need sleep," I said.

"I know you do," said Lexa, rubbing my back. "Stay strong and try and remain positive. She's tougher than she looks."

I gave her a forced smile and walked out of the room.

"I'm going to bed. Wake me up if her condition changes," I said.

My rage had turned to sadness as my emotional roller coaster went, from the high of winning the battle, to the low of what may come. Sleep wasn't going to change the facts, but it was all I could do.

I was beat.


I had slept on the same side of the bed that Natalie had used the night before. As I woke, I could still smell her on the bed sheets. I pulled the duvet up to my face and breathed in deeply. My thoughts were immediately with her.

I hoped she was ok and that she'd live to fight on, but I had a mission to complete. Natalie wouldn't want me to be moping about, she'd want me to get revenge, complete the assignment and move on to something new.

I got up and looked at the mess of clothes all over the floor. My body armour and bike leathers were thrown in a wet heap next to the bed. The Uzi and the rest of the weapons were among the pile. I felt safer knowing that I still had them and I decided to squirrel them away before they were confiscated.

I took the Uzi, Makarov and the magazines for both and stuffed them into my bag. I also took two grenades and two flash-bangs, but I left the radio. There was no way I was going to be unarmed on an assignment again, despite Lexa's orders.

I caught sight of myself in the full-length mirror and realised what a mess I looked. My hair was matted and full of dirt and twigs. My face had dried mud and general grime all over it and my arms were covered in blood spatter. It was nothing a shower and a little makeup wouldn't fix and twenty minutes later I was dressed in fresh clothing and heading down the stairs.

The reception hall had been tidied up, but the doors were still missing. It was another grey miserable day outside, which matched my mood.

Lexa was in the kitchen with Arran and it looked like they'd been there all night. Lexa had gotten changed and was now wearing a short black skirt with black tights. She had a tight-fitting white top on and a black leather jacket. She looked as sexy as always.

"Morning, how are you feeling?" said Lexa.

I walked over and kissed her on the lips.

"Better than I was last night. Is there any news on Nat?" I said with hope in my voice.

"There's been no change."

It was disappointing, but I wasn't surprised.

"Where is everyone?"

"The Kingsleys have been moved to a safe location," she said. "Tristan's still refusing to talk until we sort out Stanislav."

"Have there been any developments with Stanislav?" I switched my attention to work to try and focus my mind away from Natalie.

"Not really. From what we can make out, he's still at the embassy and will be leaving for Russia on Thursday night," said Arran.

"Have you thought any more about my plan?" I asked, pouring myself a coffee.

"Do you think you can pull it off?"

I was surprised at Lexa's reply. I thought she would have dismissed it completely based on what she'd said the previous night.

"There's only one way to find out. I'm pretty confident though."

"And do you think this Claire will be of use to us?"

"She's the only one I know who's been to the embassy. She must know something useful," I shrugged.

"Let's go and pay her a visit then."

"Are you being serious? I thought you said..."

"I know what I said, but I agree with you. This needs to end so that Tristan will spill the beans about The Generals. Stanislav needs taking out for good."

"I'll get my stuff," I said, kissing her again and heading back up to my room.

I picked up my bag of weapons and my phone and headed back down to the reception hall. The manor house seemed empty without the Kingsleys and strangely quiet. Lexa was waiting for me in the hallway with a set of car keys in her hand.

"Are you ready?" she asked.

"Yes, I'll ring Tammy on the way and let her know we're coming," I said.

"Right, let's go."

We walked out into the misty morning and got into one of the Russian's black Range Rover Sports. I threw my bag onto the back seat with a metallic clink and hoped Lexa hadn't heard it.

"Why are we using their car?" I asked.

"Well, a helicopter's going to be a bit obvious. Besides, I don't think they'll be needing it, do you?" she smiled.

"No, dead people don't drive," I laughed.


It took about an hour to get to CATS and I'd briefed Lexa on everything I knew about the assignment. I told her about how we met the twins at the street race, the fun we'd had at the Voodoo bar and then the eventual invite to Kingsley Manor. She liked hearing about Pippa and the fact she was an incestuous little slut, but her main focus was on the mission.

We pulled into the car park at CATS which looked different during the day. People would have no idea what went on inside. I pressed the intercom and we were buzzed in like before, when I'd arrived with Natalie. Tammy came out into the reception and gave me a hug.

"Hi Becca. I didn't know you'd be back so soon," she smiled, squeezing my ass. "Where's Nat?"

"She's in the hospital. She had a motorbike accident," I said, missing out the key facts.

"Oh my god. Is she ok?" Tammy replied,

"It's still early days, but we're hoping she'll pull through," I glanced at Lexa.

Tammy followed my gaze and hugged Lexa. They'd met once before when we rescued her from a hareem in Algeria.

"It's good to see you again," said Tammy. "It must be serious if the boss lady is here."

"It's good to see you too. Thank you for helping Becca out with the orgy," she replied.

"Are you kidding? We all loved it," she giggled.

We followed her through to the bar area which was deserted. It was still pretty early and the local perverts hadn't started to show up for a suck or fuck yet. Tammy made us a coffee from behind the bar and we all sat down like civilised people.

"I'm guessing you're not here to try out the fucking-machines again?" said Tammy.

"Not this time, we need to talk to Claire," I replied.

"Claire? Yes, she's here, but what do you need her for?"

"It's complicated, but we think she might be able to help us with the assignment," I said. "You told me she was roughed up at the Russian embassy, right?"

Lexa was sipping her coffee and keeping quiet. In a way I think she was observing how I handled myself while on assignment.

"Yes. That's why she quit and came here. She hasn't said much about it and I don't like to ask," Tammy whispered. "I'll go and get her."

"Thank you," said Lexa.

Tammy disappeared and came back less than a minute later with the girl I'd seen a week ago.

"Claire, this is Becca and Lexa. They are very good friends of mine and I trust them with my life. They want to ask you some questions about what happened to you down in London."

"Are you the police?" she asked nervously.

"No. Far from it, but we are looking for justice against some people at the embassy. What can you tell us?"

She sat down opposite us with her legs closed and her hands on her knees. She seemed shy and reserved and I guessed she played the submissive role in a sexual relationship. She had dark hair and big brown eyes that older men would find childlike.