Becca XXX - Double Trouble Ch. 17

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The sexy final chapter to Double Trouble.
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Authors note: - This is a follow on to the previous episodes of Becca XXX Double Trouble. Please read them before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.

Becca XXX. Double Trouble. Ch 17

It's funny how things have a tendency to go full-circle. Light turns to dark and back to light again. I had no idea just how full-circle things were about to go today as we arrived at the private military hospital.

Lexa had driven us from London, straight to the hospital that Natalie was in. We were killing two birds with one stone. Not only could we visit Natalie, who was still unconscious, but we could also get my injuries checked out by a medical professional.

I'd slept for a few hours on the long drive back and had gotten changed back into my normal clothes. It didn't seem appropriate to turn up at the hospital wearing ripped stockings and a flasher-coat with nothing underneath. I could have done with a hot shower and some clean underwear, but I had to make do for now.

The military doctor had examined me with a lot of frowning and concerned groans. He'd given me a chest X-ray and had then sat me down to discuss my prognosis.

"You have two broken ribs on your left side, a black eye and superficial injuries to your face," he explained. "You also have a bruised sternum, but none of your injuries are life threatening. What did you say happened to you?"

"I was in a car accident," I replied, telling a half-truth.

"Hhmmmmm, these injuries are not usually associated with that sort of incident," he mused. "Is there anything you wish to tell me? Everything you tell me here is private and confidential."

"No, I'm fine," I replied, knowing he probably already knew the truth.

"Are you sure? I noticed the red marks on your wrists which are indicative of being tied up," he said. "If I didn't know better, I would say that you'd been beaten or raped. I can get a female rape counsellor to see you, if you wish?"

"No, thank you doctor. Just give me some strong painkillers and point me in the direction of Natalie's room," I smiled.

"Ok then, that's entirely up to you. Your ribs should take around six weeks to heal. We don't strap them up, they will just heal on their own. Your facial injuries will go down in time. There'll be no lasting scarring from what I can see. Try to avoid any further trauma to the areas."

He wrote me a prescription for pain relief and told me that Natalie was in a private room on the second floor.

"How's she doing?" I asked.

"She's got swelling of the brain due to her accident and she's still asleep. She's breathing on her own, but she's still unresponsive I'm afraid. The next few days will be critical for her," he explained. "She also has a broken tibia which has been set in a cast."

"Will she recover?" I asked.

"It's fifty-fifty at the moment."

I could have cried. I was hoping for better news.

"When you go to see her, try talking softly to her," said the doctor. "Studies have shown that coma patients do respond well to familiar voices, sounds and smells. Hold her hand and just chat to her, it might help to bring her round if you stimulate her senses."

"Thank you, doctor," I said.

"Take care out there," he gave me a knowing look.

He knew what I did for a living, he wasn't stupid. I gave him a slight nod and left the examination room. Lexa was waiting for me outside in the corridor.

"She's two floors up," I said to her.

"I know, I asked at reception," she stated. "What did the doctor say about you?"

"I've got superficial facial injuries from being punched. Two broken ribs from being kicked and a bruised sternum from being shot through a flak-jacket. Apart from that, I'm peachy," I giggled.

"You look like death," she smiled.

"Thanks a lot. That makes me feel so much better. It's nothing compared to what Natalie's going through. Let's go and pay her a visit and see if she responds to a friendly voice. Then we'll head up to the safe house and put this whole sordid episode to bed."

We took the lift up to the second floor and found Natalie's room. I was full of trepidation about seeing her, but we both entered her room and tried to remain positive. I saw her lying flat on her back with the top half of her body slightly raised. She had an intravenous drip in her arm, to give her fluids and she was covered in wires and pipes.

I was welling up seeing her in such a state, but I fought back the tears and stayed strong for her. I needed to act as normal as possible in case she really could hear me.

"Wake up, bitch face," I said in a jokey tone. "You can't stay in here laying in bed all day, you lazy cow."

As I got closer to her, I looked down at her angelic face. She looked peaceful; despite all the monitoring equipment she was plugged into. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing normally. Her leg had a huge white plaster-cast on it, which stretched from her foot to the top of her thigh. She was wearing a medical gown under the sheets and she was alone.

As I watched her breathing, I thought about the cycle of breath. When we are born, we take a deep in-breath; the breath of life. When we die, we breathe out one last time. I always thought that so long as a person kept breathing in; they were winning. Natalies breathing was steady with her chest rising and falling under the sheets. She was still winning, but I could see why the doctor thought it was fifty-fifty.

"The missions pretty much completed, Natalie," said Lexa. "We just need you to wake up."

"Yeah, come on Natalie, can you hear us?"

There was no response. I'd never had a one-way conversation before and it felt weird to talk to her and not have her reply with some sarcastic comment. We just carried on chatting to her anyway to try and bring her back to the land of the living.

"I see you've got some sexy clothes on as usual," I giggled at her green medical gown. "You look like my grandma dressed like that."

"Don't listen to her Nat. You should see the state of Becca," added Lexa. "She looks like she's gone ten rounds with Mike Tyson."

"Yeah, you'd probably say it's improved my looks," I laughed.

I held her hand and leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"Wake up babe. We've got one last thing to do before the assignment's over."

I looked for a faint glimmer of eye movement or a murmur, but she was motionless. I moved lower and kissed her on the lips. It was a long lingering kiss, but it felt awkward due to the lack of response.

"I see your kissing has improved," I joked.

As I pulled away, Lexa's phone rang in her pocket.

"Sorry, it's Ethan," she said, showing me the screen. "We need to tidy things up with the two dead Russians from the car. I'll be right back."

"No problem. I don't think she even knows we're here," I replied.

"Keep trying," said Lexa, leaving the room. "If anyone can get through to her, it's you, Becca."

I pulled up a chair and sat down next to Natalie and held her hand. She felt warm and soft.

"Stanislav's dead," I said to her. "I killed the fucker with a zip-tie, how bad-ass am I?"

It didn't matter what I said. I just hoped that hearing my voice on some unconscious level would bring her back to me. I brushed her hair off of her cheek and tucked it behind her ear.

I remembered what the doctor had said about stimulating her senses and I wondered how far I should go. I decided to try her sense of smell first, to see if I could get a response. She knew how I smelt in all my intimate places and it seemed like a good place to start. I undid the buttons on my jeans and slipped my hand into my panties. I kept an eye out for nurses or doctors and pushed a finger inside my wet pussy.

I hadn't showered, but that had never bothered her in the past. I wiggled my finger about inside my slimy hole and then rubbed it under her nose, wiping my juices onto her top lip.

"I'm all wet for you, Natalie," I said. "I'm all juicy in my knickers and I need you to wake up so we can have some fun together. Maybe we can sell my dirty panties again."

She just lay there motionless so I pushed my finger into her mouth. Her sense of smell, taste, touch and hearing had all been stimulated and I wondered what was going on in her unconscious head.

"I love you Natalie. I mean... like... I'm in love with you," I whispered in her ear. "I know you can hear me. Wake up."

I wasn't expecting a response, but I was willing to try anything. My heart was breaking. I had another check around to make sure the coast was clear and I peeled back her bed sheet. Her body was flawless and she smelt clean and fresh. Her huge tits were pushing against her green gown and her nipples were poking out.

Being careful not to disturb the wires that were stuck to her chest, I slipped my hand into the top of her gown. My fingertips traced the top of her left breast with a feather-light touch. It was warm and soft as I gave her a gentle squeeze.

"Your tits are amazing," I cooed. "I've never told you this before, but your breasts are slightly perkier than mine... there... I said it, just wake up."

Sleeping Beauty remained unchanged.

I peeled her gown back and leaned down to suck her nipple between my luscious lips. She tasted similar to the smell of a hospital.

"Come on you sexy slut. Give me some sort of sign that I'm getting through to you."

I thought I'd try one last thing so I stood up next to her and lifted her gown up. She wasn't wearing any underwear which made a change for her. She always wore sexy panties so that she could sell them after she'd added her pussy scent to the fabric.

"No knickers? You dirty bitch," I laughed. "Let's see what's happening with that sweet little pussy of yours."

I stroked my fingers up her silky thigh. Normally she'd be gasping and writhing by now and talking dirty, but she was silent. I pushed my hand between her legs and found her bald puffy lips pouting away at me. I felt perverted doing this to her, but it was also turning me on to be interfering with this beautiful young girl without her knowledge.

As I pushed a finger into her crack, I felt how wet she was. Her body was still responding to sexual stimulation and had reacted the same way it always did. I thought that was a good sign.

"When you wake up, I'm going to fuck you so good, you sexy little whore," I swooned. "I'm going to make you cum like a waterfall."

I pushed her gown up a little further and kissed her pubic bone.

"You smell delicious," I purred, getting a good whiff of her erotic scent. "You have a lot of dirty panty fans to keep satisfied. Wake up babe, you don't want to let them down."

She was still unresponsive and I didn't want to push my luck. Someone could enter the room at any minute and they probably wouldn't appreciate me having my face buried in a patient's snatch. I pulled her gown back down and covered her back up with the bed sheet. I tucked her in like my mother used to do to me when I was a little girl.

"Come back to me soon, Natalie," I kissed her on the lips again, tasting my tangy pussy on them and then I left the room.

I'd done all I could and maybe she was fighting her way back to the real world, thinking about licking my cunt or sucking my tits. I had no idea if it had made any difference at all.

Lexa was just hanging up the phone when I found her pacing the corridor.

"Ethan's going to meet us at the safe house with the Kingsleys," she said. "We'll confront him together."

"Has he sorted out the mess I left behind?"

"Yes. It's all been squared away. How did you get on with Nat?"

"I think I got a tiny response," I replied. "I've made her cunt all wet."

"What? For fucks sake, Becca. Isn't that a little unethical?"

"Well, the doctor said I should stimulate her senses. I can't think of a better way to do it, can you?"

"No, I guess not, but I don't remember reading about that in any medical journals. I've never heard of a patient being fingered to wake them from a coma," she laughed. "You really are a dirty bitch."

"I gave her a sniff of my pussy and it made her wet. I think there might be some mileage in it as a treatment. Maybe I should write a medical paper on the subject," I joked.

"I'll look forward to reading it. Now, let's get going and finish this assignment," she said. "There's plenty more work to be getting on with."

We took the lift back to the ground floor and went to the pharmacy to get my pain killers. Once I'd slammed a couple of them down my throat, we walked out to the car park. It was mid-morning by now and we needed to get moving.

I glanced up at the second-floor window and hoped Natalie was recovering. I didn't know what else I could do for her.


The safe house was an hour from the hospital. It was yet another old farmhouse similar to the one Natalie and I had stayed in. I doubted it would be up to the Kingsleys usual standards, but at least they had been kept safe until the danger had passed.

There were several men guarding the house from the inside. This was covert protection rather than overt. Anyone looking from the outside would have no idea that someone important was staying there.

"They'll be moving back to their mansion later today," said Lexa, as we walked through the front door and into the hallway.

"Well, there's no one left to bother them so they might as well," I stated. "We've done all his dirty work and gotten him out of the shit."

"Yes... and now he's got some explaining to do."

As we closed the front door behind us, Pippa came running up the hallway to greet me. She had her arms out by her sides, but she stopped in her tracks when she saw the state of my face.

"Becca? Oh my gosh, what happened? Are you ok?" she gasped.

"Yes... I'm fine, it looks worse than it is," I opened my arms to her and immediately regretted it.

She launched herself at me and banged into my broken ribs, hugging me tightly.

"Ouch," I winced. "Not so tight."

"Oops, sorry," she replied. "I'm just so grateful to you for saving us. Daddy had gotten himself into a bit of a pickle."

"You're welcome. I just hope it's all been worth it," I said.

"How's Natalie? Have you been to see her?"

"Yes, she's still unconscious."

"Oh shit, I hope she recovers soon. We're going back to the house today. I was going to invite you both to the Manor so we can have some more fun," she winked.

"I need to rest and so does Natalie," I smiled. "You'll have to make do with your brothers or your father."

"Or the stable boys," she sniggered.

"Where's your father?" asked Lexa. "We need to have a chat with him."

"He's in the lounge with mummy. Follow me," she took my hand and dragged me along like an excited child.

I'd forgotten how young she was. She may have been sexually advanced, but she was still eccentric and locked away in her own little world. The events of the previous night seemed to have had no lasting damage on her mental state.

We wandered into the lounge and found the happy couple sitting on the sofa.

"Becca... oh my lord, are you alright?" he gasped seeing my injuries.

"I keep getting that reaction," I smiled. "I'll live, which is more than I can say for your Russian friend."

"Does that mean we're safe?" he asked.

"From the Russians, yes," said Lexa. "But we need to talk."

"Ah, yes, of course," he said, getting up from the sofa. "We can talk in the kitchen."

We turned and walked back into the hallway, but Helen decided to hold up the proceedings.

"Wait, Becca," she said, getting to her feet.

"This needs to be done in private," I said to her. "It doesn't concern you."

"I know. It's just... I never got a chance to apologise to you or thank you for everything you've done for us," she said meekly. "What you did was quite incredible and I misjudged you completely."

"Yes, you did."

"I'm sorry. Please forgive me."

I turned around and faced up to her.

"People like you think you're better than the rest of us," I barked. "But when it comes to the crunch, you need hard, strong women like me to protect you. You were pissing your little panties when the Russians arrived. You're pathetic and you're only apologising to make yourself feel better."

"No... I'm not... I really am grateful..."

"Well... you don't need to apologise to me, Helen. Your opinion of me didn't matter before and it certainly doesn't matter now. You're too insignificant for me to care what you think. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got work to do," I smiled sarcastically.

I walked off, leaving her open mouthed in shock. It was a low blow but she deserved it. I was in no mood for dealing with self-centred bitches like her.

We walked into the kitchen and took a seat at the dining table. Tristan was his usual happy-go-lucky self, as though he didn't have a care in the world.

I was about to start asking him some questions when I heard a car approaching. I instinctively looked around for a weapon as it reminded me of when Natalie and I had been staying at our safe house.

"Becca, relax. It's just Ethan," said Lexa. "He wants to be here for this."

"Who's Ethan?" asked Tristan, sounding a little nervous.

"Our boss," I replied.

"Oh, I see. I must be in for a bit of a grilling if you're all here," he giggled.

I heard the front door open and close and then I heard footsteps coming along the hallway. Ethan entered the kitchen looking as handsome as usual. He was wearing trousers and a shirt with a bright blue tie. His hair was immaculate and he had his 'just stepped out of a catalogue' look about him.

"Good morning ladies... oh my god, Becca. I heard about your escapades, but I didn't know it was this bad," he gasped, looking at my injuries. "Are you ok?"

"I appear to be getting that reaction everywhere I go," I laughed. "You should see the other guy."

"I have... well photos of him at least. I've just got off a video call with the Russian ambassador in London."

"How did that go?" I asked, looking like a naughty child.

"Surprisingly well," he sat at the table with the rest of us. "It turns out that the ambassador didn't like a known war criminal and rapist living at his embassy with a bunch of his thugs. He's actually rather pleased about it all."

"You're joking, right?" I gasped. "They're glad he's dead?"

"Apparently so, the ambassador said that Stanislav had it coming and that there's no case to answer from the British side of things. He said he'd handle it and erase the security footage of you entering and leaving the embassy," he smiled.

"Fuck me. I thought there'd be a shit storm after what I did on Russian soil," I breathed a sigh of relief.

"You did a fantastic job, Becca. It will all be as though nothing ever happened."

"And what about the two I killed in the car near Wormwood Scrubs Park?"

"They were Russian diplomats so they'll be dealt with by the Russians. The ambassador will cover it up with the police. It won't make the news," he stated.

"But there was a lot of people there after it happened. I'm sure there's some photos or video footage of the aftermath from people's phones. There were two Russians with bullet holes in their heads. It'll be all over the internet," I said.

"Well... I'm sure our friend Tristan here will help us out with that one," he replied, looking him in the eye.

"Oh... er... of course. I can stop it going onto social media. Consider it done," Tristan waved his hand as though it was a magic wand.

"Good, that brings us nicely on to you then, Tristan," said Lexa.

She put her elbows on the table and bridged her hands into a steeple pose. It was a show of dominance from a body language standpoint.

Tristan went quiet.

"Tell us about the fake news," I said.

"What? What fake news?" he mused, fidgeting in his seat.