Becca XXX - Hard Time Ch. 09

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Becca plans her escape with Melody and says goodbye to Naomi.
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Part 9 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 04/23/2022
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Author's note: - This is a follow on to the previous chapter of Becca XXX Hard Time. Please read it before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.

Becca XXX. Hard Time. Ch 09.

Arrow and Melody may as well have been speaking a foreign language to me as they set up the Wi-Fi dongle. It was all 'VPN' this and 'remote server' that. They were talking about masking their identity on the internet by using some sort of encrypted tunnelling cipher to bounce our location off of several different servers throughout the world.

Naomi and I just sat back and enjoyed a plastic beaker of vodka while the computer hackers did their thing. Spalding had dropped off a water bottle filled with vodka and another one filled with tequila while I'd been doing The Crow's dirty work in the visitor's room. He'd been true to his word about making up for over-charging me for the wine.

It was turning out to be a pretty good day all round.

"Ok, we're almost up and running," said Arrow who seemed to be in her element now that she could show off her computer skills. "I'll just launch a Tor browser and we can get the information you need."

"What the fuck is a Tor browser?" I asked.

"It stands for, The Onion Router," explained Melody. "We need it to get onto the dark web. We won't find the information you're looking for on the surface web."

I knew very little about the dark web. I'd seen Arran and the tech guys accessing it back at The Facility, but I had no idea how it all worked.

"Won't the government be able to track us?" I asked. "Surely they'll know that someone in Bronzefield is accessing this data."

"Pah, they can fucking try," scoffed Arrow. "I'm routed through seven VPN's back to my cloud server. The software I use from there will have the fuckers going in circles for days. We'll be long gone by then."

"In English please," I said.

"Ignore her. She gets excited when computers are involved," replied Melody. "But no, they won't be able to track us. Think of our internet connection as a tunnel. To get into the tunnel you need a code which only Arrow knows. Now think of that tunnel being inside another tunnel with another level of security. Finally, think of that seven times over and you'll probably see how secure our connection is."

"Ok," I said. "That's sounds safe enough."

"Safe enough? It's fucking bomb proof," said Arrow.

"Shut up Arrow," snapped Melody, before turning her attention back to me. "Now, think of the internet as an iceberg."

"An iceberg?" I quizzed. "Why an iceberg?"

"An iceberg only has part of itself visible above the water. Imagine that the bit you can see is the everyday internet that normal people use. It's called the surface web. It's only about twenty percent of the entire internet. The rest of it is the dark web which lies hidden beneath the waterline. You can't access it with a normal browser or Google; you need a different type of browser to get to it, known as a Tor browser."

"The onion thing?"

"Yes. It allows us to search the dark web for anything we want. It's where all the secrets and criminal activity are stored, away from prying eyes. The government agencies can track it, but it's extremely difficult to police. Think of it like a lawless part of a city where even the police are scared to go. That's where we must venture in order to find what you're looking for."

"That makes a lot more sense. Thank you. Right... let's find the plans for Bronzefield and find a way out of here then," I said, rubbing my hands together and leaning forward to see the screen.

"I'm already one step ahead of you," said Arrow. "Watch me work."

Her fingers danced over the keyboard like a pianist's. She looked like a professional typist and didn't even look at the keyboard. Several windows were soon open on the screen and she was switching between them like a demon, typing in code and illegible computer language in between mouse clicks and yet more typing.

"Fuck me," I said. "What did you do for a living before you came in here?"

"Game coder," she said, without looking away from the screen. "Then software design, then selling hacking software on the dark web."

"Fuck. Is that why you're in here? For selling hacking software?"

"Not quite," she smirked. "I say it was entrapment."

"She hacked the MI5 database," said Melody. "She thought it was one of the greatest hacks of the decade. What she didn't know was that the British cyber security team had left a back door open on purpose to track any would-be hackers. Arrow took the bait and was arrested for it within hours."

"The cunts," she spat. "I was stupid enough to let my ego cloud my judgement. I should have realised that it looked too easy to be true. The next thing I knew, ten armed men were kicking my flat door down and arresting me. I've been in here ever since, on remand, just like you. They told me that I'm a danger to national security."

"It sounds like you are," I laughed.

"You better believe it," she smiled. "But my talents are wasted rotting away in Bronze. They should employ me, not lock me up. Wankers."

The screen refreshed at such a pace that it made my eyes go funny. She finally settled on a full screen layout of the prison on a blue background.

"BOOM," she cried, pushing the keyboard away and sitting back in her chair with her hands behind her head. "Did you time it? What was that? Three minutes? Job fucking done. You're now looking at the original blue prints for this shit hole. Some things may have changed over the years, but the overall structure will still be the same."

"Fuck me," gasped Melody. "I knew you were good, but shit, that was fast."

I looked at the plan of the buildings on the screen. It appeared to be showing the ground floor, but I needed to go deeper.

"Can you find the basement for me?" I asked.

Arrow clicked and typed and brought up a plan of the basement, one level down.

"There you go. Basement," she stated. "What are you looking for?"

"Find the rape room," I said. "It'll be a large room with only one door, near an elevator, possibly under the admin building."

Click - click - zoom - click.

"Is that it?" she asked, hovering the mouse over a section of the prison that matched my description.

I nodded and looked a Melody for confirmation.

"I think so too," she said. "That must be the lift we went down. There's only one way in and out. That has to be it."

"And there's the barred door at the end of the corridor," I pointed at the screen. "Can you find out where it comes out?"

I remembered back to my conversation with Lexa when she'd posed as my solicitor. She'd suggested that I use the entry route of the rapists as our escape route. Therefore, I needed to know how the bus load of rapists were getting to the basement undetected by anyone else in the prison. If I could find their route in, I could use it as our way out.

Arrow zoomed into the area which I was pointing at as I visualised it in my mind. I remembered the barred door fitted with tamper proof bolts which I'd thought was odd at the time. It had almost resembled a fire escape, but why would it be bolted shut?

"There's a stairway behind the door which leads up into the admin building," she confirmed, moving to a map of the ground floor. "It looks like it comes out next to a fire escape which in turn leads to the staff car park. But why are we looking at the rape room?"

"I think it's our best plan of escape," I stated. "I've been thinking about what you said the other day, Arrow."

"What did I say?" she asked, as though she'd done something wrong.

"You told me that in order to escape, our first problem was going to be getting out of our cells. If we're being taken to the rape room, that little problem will be solved for us, thanks to the screws."

Arrow smiled at me as though she liked the fact that someone had listened to her for a change.

"That might get you out of your cells, but you'll be surrounded by sixty men, the screws and the governor," said Naomi. "I don't want to sound negative, but how the fuck are you going to get away from them?"

"I've been mulling this over for days now," I replied. "Just bear with me. Melody, is the routine always the same each time you've been down in the basement?"

"Yes, the governor runs it like a military operation. We always go via solitary and it's always Reid and Jarvis that take us down there. We are escorted in naked, with bags over our heads. Then the spot lights come on as we're introduced and then one of us reads out some disgusting statement written by the governor," she replied. "The orgy takes place and then we're taken back to solitary before we go back to our cells."

"And does the governor always go back to the party once you're gone, for drinks and cigars with his rape gang?"

"I think so, yes."

"Ok. So... my plan is, once we've been fucked senseless at the orgy, we take out Reid and Jarvis in the elevator out of sight. Then we sneak past the rape room and make our way to the barred door."

"I don't think I can fight the guards," said Melody. "Having an altercation with The Crow is one thing, but the screws are armed with tasers and batons. I don't think I'll be quick enough to knock them out before they raise the alarm. I'm not a fucking ninja like you."

"Don't worry. I'll come back to that later," I said, waving it away.

"And the doors barred and bolted," said Arrow. "How will you get through it?"

"I think the bolts are fake. I think the rapists are being brought in through that barred gate. How else would they get in undetected? They can't come in through the admin building or they'll be seen by the rest of the guards or detected on CCTV."

"That's a risky assumption to make," said Naomi. "What if it's not fake? You'll be trapped down there with two unconscious screws."

"I can't see any other way that the governor can smuggle in sixty men, but we'll need a plan B in case I'm wrong. Is there another way out of the prison and into the staff car park?" I asked Arrow.

"Yes. You'll have to go up the elevator or the stairwell to the left and then through the admin building. The problem is that it runs past the guard room by the look of it. There's also a dozen locked gates and doors to get through."

"Reid and Jarvis should have keys to get through the doors. It will take a while to figure out which key fits each door, but it's still doable," I shrugged. "If the barred gate is bolted shut, we'll have to go through the admin building as our alternative exit."

"The CCTV will pick you up," said Arrow, bringing up a new schematic of the camera layout. "Someone will be monitoring it for sure. If they see two naked prisoners running through the corridors, they'll be on you in seconds."

I thought for a moment, but Melody was one step ahead of me.

"What if we steal the clothes off of Reid and Jarvis," she suggested. "Reid's a brunette and slight like Becca. Jarvis is blonde with a fuller figure like me. We could pass for them if we tied our hair back and wore their clothes."

"That might actually work," I smiled. "Good thinking. We should do that anyway, regardless of which escape route we take. It will certainly be better than running around with our privates on display. It's going to be cold when we get outside."

I felt like I was back with Lexa and Nat, planning an assault on a building full of bad guys. We even had our intel guy - or in this case - intel girl, Arrow. There were still a lot of details to go over, but this was the basis of my plan. Ironing out the problems would come later, after I'd slept on it.

"Ok, let's say we make it to the staff car park, by whichever route - what happens after that?" I asked, trying to make it look like I wasn't the only one coming up with the escape plan.

"Stealing a car will be our best option," said Melody. "I'm sure Reid or Jarvis will have a vehicle in the staff car park."

"Probably, but I don't think either of them will have their keys with them," I said. "Do they usually go home in uniform, or do they get changed first?"

"I've no idea."

"Hang on," said Arrow. "Let me check the CCTV footage."

"You can do that?" gasped Naomi in astonishment.

"Of course. Watch me work," laughed Arrow, flexing her fingers and getting back to her keyboard.

She minimised some of the windows on the screen and opened another one full of code. After a few clicks and more data streams, yet another window appeared with a blinking cursor and a question: -

View security camera playback? Y or N.

"Fucking hell; yes," said Arrow pressing the 'Y' button on the keyboard.

The screen then refreshed, prompting for a camera location, time and date. After entering the required data, a new window opened showing video footage of the staff car park. Arrow fast forwarded through it until she spotted two females crossing the car park to a small silver car.

"Stop," said Melody. "Go back a bit. Is that them?"

Arrow reverted back to normal playback and rewound it a little until we spotted a blonde and a brunette walking to their car, dressed in prison guard uniforms.

"That's them," said Naomi. "I bet the rapey dyke bitches are going home to fist each other."

"Eeewwww," Arrow shuddered. "That's sick."

"It is, but it's probably true," I laughed. "It looks like they do go home in uniform. That must mean that they have their car keys with them. What sort of car are they driving?"

Arrow paused the video playback and zoomed in on the grainy image of the small car.

"It looks like a Nissan Micra," said Naomi. "I drive the same type of car... or at least I used to."

"It's hardly a fast getaway car, is it?" joked Melody.

"It doesn't need to be fast," I stated. "It just needs to get us out of the main gate and away from here. What's the security setup like for exiting the prison complex?"

Arrow brought up a different view from the security cameras and another window with Google satellite images of the prison.

"Non existent," she laughed. "Can you believe that shit. It's just an unmanned barrier. I'm betting that you'll just need a key card to get out. It's probably in the car knowing those two lazy bitches."

"Easy peasy," I laughed.

"Do you really think it will be that easy?" said Naomi. "No one has ever escaped from Bronzefield."

"Has anyone ever tried?"

"Probably not."

"Even if they have, no one has ever had the same information that we've got right now," said Melody. "It's a hell of a lot easier if you have building plans and CCTV footage. I think this could work."

"Me too," I said. "Once we're out of the main gate, we just need to put some distance in. We'll have to avoid the main roads so we don't get pinged by CCTV cameras or ANPR. We can hide away somewhere secluded until you can get a hold of your father."

"He's not an easy man to find," she replied.

I already knew that, but I obviously couldn't tell her. I was hoping that she might be a bit more forthcoming with the information, but she didn't elaborate so I dug a little deeper.

"Do you have a plan for finding him?" I asked. "If you want to go back to your old life that is."

"One of his places of work will be my best bet. I doubt he'll be there, but once they know who I am, one of his security team will know how to contact him."

"You don't have to go back to that life," Naomi interrupted. "There must be another way of explaining it all to the police and clearing your name. Just tell them who you really are."

I could have slapped Naomi for interrupting. If she knew what was at stake, she'd have been singing a different tune.

"I think he's the only one who can prove my innocence," Melody sighed. "He knows a lot of people in high places. Once my name is cleared and I have my old identity back, I can decide what to do with my life."

"I'll do what I can to help, once we've escaped," I said.

There was a brief silence as I let Melody think things over. It was going to be a big decision for her to get in contact with her incestuous father after so long. I didn't want it to look like I was influencing her decision.

"Fuck," Melody broke the silence. "This is really happening isn't it?"

"Too fucking right it is, but we're going to need help," I replied.

"Help with what?"

"You said you don't think you're capable of taking out one of the screws quickly enough. I might be able to take them both out, but why should we risk them raising the alarm when we have another prisoner with us in the lift?"

"You can't be serious?" gasped Naomi. "The Crow?"

"Fuck no," snapped Melody. "We can't trust that psycho bitch. She'll scream the place down and alert the governor. They may as well be a married couple."

"I don't see any other way," I shrugged. "But we need to keep her under control before we even get down into the basement. She needs telling about the plan."

"No fucking way," said Melody. "Can't you take her out before the rape party? She won't be a problem then."

"I have thought about it, but the governor might cancel the party if she's not there. She's the original Bronzefield slut, remember?"

All three girls fell silent as they took in the concept of conspiring with the enemy. The Crow had brought nothing but misery to Naomi and Melody and I could completely understand their feelings towards her.

Arrow looked puzzled as though she was working out a complicated equation in her head.

"Do you have a plan for controlling her?" she asked. "You do, don't you?"

Her face turned from one of puzzlement to a big beaming smile.

"I hope so," I smiled back. "Do you think you can look up prisoner records on that thing?" I nodded at the screen.

"Well duh," she mocked. "At least give me a challenge."

"I thought as much. Can you find The Crow's record and tell me if her sentence has been reduced by the governor since she arrived?"

"I can if you tell me her real name," she rolled her eyes at me.

"Sheryl Scott."

"What do you want her prison record for?" Naomi questioned.

"Leverage," I replied.


"Found her," Arrow interrupted. "Sheryl Scott. Aged twenty-eight. Incarcerated for murder and arson. We already know she's a psycho bitch."

"How long is her sentence?" I asked.

"She's in for life with no chance of parole for at least twenty-five years."

"Has her sentence ever changed?"

"Not as far as I can tell."

"It looks like the governor is a lying cunt," I laughed. "I thought as much."

"Check my file," said Melody. "I won the first time I went to the basement. My sentence should have been reduced."

Arrow checked Melody's file and found that nothing had changed there either.

"Lying bastard," exclaimed Melody. "He's just using the promise of a reduced sentence to entice us down there for his rape squad."

"That's exactly what he's doing," I sighed. "There's no way the Governor would have the authority to change prison sentences. It would have to go to a judge."

"What did you mean by leverage?" Naomi went back to my previous comment before Arrow had interrupted. "What are you going to do with that information?"

"If I can prove to The Crow that the governor's a lying piece of shit and that her sentence isn't being reduced each time she wins, she might listen to me," I explained.

"She'll want to escape with us," gasped Melody. "We can't have that crazy bitch roaming the streets."

"I beg to differ on that one. I think she'll want the glory of helping us escape. It will do wonders for her credibility in here."

"And what if she rats us out. If you tell her about our plan, she might go straight to the governor with it."

"Not if she knows the governor's lying to her. She'll want to get back at him even more. Besides, I may have a bit more of an incentive for her. Can you check one last thing for me?"