Becoming His Toilet Paper


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"I love the smell of your dirty, filthy asshole..." I said with a deep groan.

"Now I want you to give my shithole a long kiss, and then you're going to lick it all around." I did as I was told and pressed my lips in a kiss against his surprisingly soft and moderately hairy hole, breathing in deep as I did. After a few seconds, I slowly pushed my tongue out from between my lips and tasted his asshole for the first time.

To my surprise, the taste was somehow not as bad as the smell. It was similar, but not as offensive. I slowly worked my tongue around his asshole, gathering up all the sweat and filth that had built up over his 7 hour drive and who knows how long before that. I felt a strange sense of release as I eased into the act, and moaned again as I felt myself give over to the depravity of it all -- just like I had done with his feet.

"That's it, baby... I knew you'd love it. Taste my asshole baby, tell me how much you love my filth." I responded only with a deeper moan. I licked all around his hole, and then up and down his ass crack.

"Now I want you to suck on it like we talked about, baby. Worship my fucking shithole you disgusting pig." I did just that. I had come this far, I had no inhibitions left at this point. I devotedly sucked on his asshole, feeling him pucker it in and out, tonguing it as I went. My tongue explored the hairy rim of his sphincter, sucking him clean of the filth that toilet paper just can't get.

"There we go.... Mmmm clean my dirty asshole for me baby... that's it... I swear, I have no idea how such a cute young girl let herself fall this far, God you're disgusting." In that moment, you would think that hearing words like that would burn in my ears with shame, but it didn't. It felt good to hear. It felt good to let go, to just get lost in the moment, to get lost in the filth.

Just as we had roleplayed a dozen times, I was moaning like a whore as I worshiped and sucked on this man's disgusting anus. This was literally the sewer of the human body, and all I wanted was to experience more of it. After nearly 10 minutes of tonguing and sucking, I felt him concentrating on letting his hole relax.

"Ok baby, now I want you to work that tongue in there just like we talked about. I want you tonguefucking my ass" he groaned, stroking his cock faster now. I sealed my lips around his shithole and formed my tongue into a point to begin probing it. After a few minutes I was able to push the tip of my tongue inside, moaning deeply as I felt him squeeze around my tongue.

"Fuck yes... that's it... clean me out baby... just like we talked about, clean out my shitpipe with your tongue..." The hard reality of that last command was heavy on my mind as I was able to push steadily deeper into his asshole as it gradually loosened up.

I wondered to myself how far I was going to allow this idea to go. How far down this perverse and objectively disgusting rabbit hole was I willing to travel down? How easily could he push me past the point where I would want to stop? I've already gone this far for his pleasure, would I be able to stop him if he wanted to take it further?

I decided that I would allow myself to contemplate that another time. I wanted to devote my body and mind to him in that moment and nothing else. I slipped my tongue in and out, each time pushing a little further, fighting to stretch his hole little by little until I could just about push my entire tongue inside. I felt him rocking against my tongue as we fell into a rhythm, his moans becoming deeper as he stroked his cock.

"That's it, you're doing so well I..." he paused to groan, "I'll definitely be using that tongue as my toilet paper tomorrow morning." With that, the twisted knots in my stomach started to ease, and a sick sense of calm washed over my body. What would be the point of questioning him or myself now? Whether I was always destined for this sort of depravity, or it was the result of my own misguided and broken sense of sexuality, I was resigned to my new role beneath this man. At least for the weekend, anyway.

With a relieving sigh, I figured I owed it to myself to ensure that those countless hours edging to this very idea didn't go to waste. For that weekend I was his. For better or for worse.

With the last remnants of doubt finally clear from my mind, I realized that I was finally able to plunge my tongue in as deep as it could reach. I pushed in firmly, eliciting a deep and pleasured growl from above me as he grabbed the back of my head to hold me in place. I felt him squeeze my tongue for a moment before relaxing again, each stroke of his cock becoming more purposeful.

"I'm close, baby..." he breathed to me in a lower voice, "just suck on my shithole now... worship it... love it..." I felt him squeeze and push my tongue out, withdrawing it completely for the first time in what seemed like an hour. With my tongue back in my mouth I took a deep breath and gave myself some time to really taste and swallow all the flavors that my tongue had been gathering from within his bowels. It was pungent and vaguely bitter, leaving a strong taste in my mouth (as you might imagine) -- but somehow not wholly unpleasant.

I opened my eyes to watch his puckering hole draw shut as his body was tightening in anticipation of this release. With that dribbled out what I assumed was in large part my saliva, but it had taken on a rather earthy color. The smell matched the strong flavor that had accompanied my tongue back into my mouth, sending a shiver down my spine as I wondered what color my tongue was as it exited his rectum just moments before.

Without a second thought, I met the end of the dripping fluid with my tongue and licked it up dutifully as I resumed my loving attention to his anus. I probed it steadily as he moaned and increased his pace stroking just above me. I felt his body begin to shudder with pleasure as he let his legs down and pushed my head back with his palm on my forehead, rocking back onto my calves.

"Swallow" is all he could get out, grabbing the back of my head and forcing me down on his cock just as he came. He held me down tight, pushing hard at my throat as the orgasm trembled through him. I choked initially on the intrusion, but managed to relax my throat and accept him, allowing his second pump of cum shoot right down my throat.

He held me down firm for maybe 45 seconds, though it felt much longer having not taken a deep breath in preparation. I felt his cock slowly go from strong pulsations to throbs, and then low pulses as he softened in my throat. When he finally released me, I tried my best to not show just how desperate for breath I was, leaning back on one hand as I gathered my thoughts on what had just happened.

I watched him as he stood up and walked over to the table. He grabbed my nicely folded blouse and wiped his cock off with it, before dropping it on the floor. He didn't say a word or even spare me a glance as he hopped back on the bed to flip through channels again. As I sat there on the dirty motel floor, still catching my breath, I couldn't help but feel a little insulted. I had just spent the better part of three hours doing every disgusting thing he wanted, and that was how he treated me?

He looked over at me and chuckled, "and what's the matter with you, Darlin? What, expected a couple roses and a kiss on the forehead?" He laughed to himself, shaking his head.

"Don't act like this isn't exactly what you asked for. I know you're smarter than that." I sat back and realized that I was stupid to not expect this. Through all of our conversations, he was up-front and consistent about his irreverence for me. Of course he didn't give a shit about me, that was the point. That was what I said I wanted.

"I'm going to uhh... I'm gonna clean up a little." I said sheepishly, my face several shades of pink in embarrassment. He didn't respond, I think he only barely heard me as I went into the bathroom and closed the door.


Chapter 4: Humans Are Adaptable Creatures


I couldn't bear to look myself in the mirror, I just kept my eyes down as I ran cool water over my face. I reached for my toothbrush and toothpaste and started brushing, wondering how many times I'd be doing that over the course of this weekend.

As I was thoroughly brushing my tongue, I finally made eye contact with the woman before me in the mirror and paused. Her face was red, hair disheveled, eyes slightly puffy and a little bloodshot from crying and the throat fucking. I looked her body up and down before locking eyes with her again. I was washed with a feeling of strange contentment as I admired this lady in the mirror. She was finally getting what she wanted.

I'm not sure why, but I decided to clean up and reapply my makeup -- this time a little sluttier than before. I put on some dark eyeliner, and somehow managed to make the wings in the corners of my eyes match on the first try. I applied a particularly blowjob-worthy coat of red lip gloss, and gave my lips a loud smack before turning around to check out the curves of my ass.

I noticed my bag sitting in the corner beside the tub and remembered the red fuck-me pumps I had brought. I put them on and walked out of the bathroom, determined to make him want to fuck me.

As I came out, I was surprised to see him standing and getting dressed. My heart sank, wondering if I had disappointed him in some way to make him leave. He turned around and chuckled as he looked me up and down.

"Hah, my, my..." he said looking me up and down, "you are insatiable, aren't you? I half expected you to lock yourself in there and refuse to come out." He buttoned up his shirt and reached for his jacket as I stood there in silence. All the confidence I had was quickly depleting. I felt foolish standing there in my silly heels, for having taken so much time to painstakingly apply my makeup, for wanting to look good for him.

"Don't just stand there, get dressed. I saw a little dive bar down the road, come on, I'll buy you a drink." He said, putting his keys in his pocket. "Though with those heels, I'm sure you'll be able to earn yourself as many as you want, heh. I'll be in my truck, it's the white Chevy across the parking lot."

I stood there for a second, relieved that he wasn't leaving me and heading back home. I picked up my bag, and whispered a little "thank god" that I had packed a few outfits. As I pulled out a little faux leather skirt and a red blouse that showed off my midriff, I began to chew on his words a bit.

'What did he mean by earning myself drinks?' I thought to myself. We had talked here and there about him turning me out to other men, but it wasn't even close to being the focus of our conversations. I figured it was just his way of giving me a compliment and tried to brush it off.

"I think I've been adventurous enough for one weekend" I said to myself as I straightened out my outfit in the mirror. My top had something of a bra built into it, but it was still obvious I was going without one if you really looked. I turned to the side, admiring the curve of my thighs and silky white skin under the contrasting black skirt and deep red top.

I sent another kiss towards the mirror with a playful wink that seemed out of place for my personality, but I figured this weekend was a vacation from myself in many ways, so why not lean into it. As I walked out the motel door I again thought back to my fiance. I had never dressed this way for him in all the years we had been together, he didn't even know that I had a few risque outfits like this. I felt a pang of regret in that moment as I climbed into Bill's work truck.

I brushed it off with a smile in his direction, putting any and all guilt behind me for the moment. Unfortunately for my fiance, this was far from the first time I've cheated, as much as it pains me to say.

"Not too bad, girlie. Not too bad at all" Bill said as I fastened my seatbelt. After setting off out of the parking lot, his hand made its way up my thigh, pushing them apart. He took a glance over and saw the red thong I had on under the skirt.

"Nuh uh, you should know better than that," he said sternly, "take those off right now." I felt like a schoolgirl being scolded for chewing gum in class. Within a moment of saying so, he looked over and slapped me across the face. It wasn't overly violent, but was shocking enough to sharply get his point across.

"Get that pouty look off your face, girl. What, suddenly you're too good to listen to me?" he said, shaking his head and chuckling. I stared straight forward and quietly pulled my thong down from under my skirt and handed it to him.

"You can drink my piss and lick my feet and asshole clean, but going out to a bar without panties on is a line too far..." he said laughing. I stared out the window as we drove on, feeling possibly more humiliated than any other point in this whirlwind of a night.

As I thought about his words, though, a smile came over my face. I couldn't help but laugh as I turned to him, "Yeah, I guess that was a little silly of me, huh?" He reached over and grabbed me by the chin before squeezing my cheeks together to playfully scold me as I stared at him.

"Look, kid," he said, running his thumb across my lips, "if you take all of this too seriously, you're going to miss out on a lot of fun." With that, he gave me a playful smack across the cheek. As we drove along, I couldn't stop staring at him. I couldn't figure out if this was a deep and complicated man sitting before me or a shallow and simple one. He was simultaneously a complete enigma to me and also entirely transparent.

I took his hand into mine and decided to start acting like I wanted to be there. I brought his big, calloused fingers up to my mouth and ran my lips over them. While yes, he had just slapped me across the face multiple times with that hand, he did it to teach me a lesson that words couldn't in that moment.

I turned my body towards him, lightly sucking on his fingers as he drove us to the bar. I was going to go along with him regardless, probably with whatever he wanted from me for the whole weekend, so why pout and fight it? I had to remind myself to steer into the skid. That I was there because I wanted to be.

"There's my good girl," he said as he drove. "I don't need you to love me, but you better keep doing your best to make it seem like you do. I don't care if you hate my guts, for this one weekend you will worship the ground I walk on."

I moaned in affirmation of this comment, running my tongue along his fingers as I sucked on them. If he wants a mindless, dedicated slut, then that's what I'll be.

Anything for him, right?

To be continued...

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MommabirdMommabird3 months ago

Great story. Great writing, great details. I like how you give them both a bit of humanity. It seems very realistic, very fun and… I’ve made myself cum to this story about 10 times.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I love this story I hope you will continue

llienollieno5 months ago

Wonderful..please continue

JohnJayChapmanJohnJayChapman5 months ago

This story — wonderful— is either a tremendous work of imagination, or an impressive piece of research. It energizes the darker corners of my soul. Applause.

jimvettejimvette5 months ago

You've done a very good job of communicating the emotions of surrendering to your desires or fantasy. I have not been fortunate enough to find the yin to yang and I'm afraid that my attained age has closed that window.

I followed your link from BDSMLR, thanks for posting both.

Blessings, Neutron Sr.

JackiemichelleJackiemichelle11 months ago

Couldn't stop reading. I have been in her place and loved every minute of it. I hope you finish her journey and take us to where you want it to go. Great story

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Fine writing with great pacing and tension. The story does an excellent job of communicating the "I can't believe I'm doing this but I can't stop" feeling. The cheating aspect helped to create a believably flawed character. I think some of the descriptions go a bit too far and could leave more to the imagination. I also don't like the word "nude" in erotica. It sounds prudish, which this character clearly isn't. But overall I loved the story and would definitely read a sequel.

Greasy_BallsackGreasy_Ballsackover 1 year ago

Will you continue this story or write others, or have you abandoned Literotica?

Greasy_BallsackGreasy_Ballsackover 1 year ago

Will you continue this story or write others, or have you abandoned Literotica?

bigblobusabigblobusaover 1 year ago

What an erotic and touching story. I especially loved his disregards of your needs. Him coaxing and coaching you to clean his asshole by discussing prior phone calls lends itself to reality.

That method helps me at times because some acts are easier to do when the choice is made for me. And reminding me of how much I previously said I wanted it. I almost backed out of rimming a guys ass due to the strong smell of sweat. But hearing him remind me of how much I craved licking a dirty ass clean had my pussy soaked. Once I started, the more I wanted it.

MommabirdMommabirdalmost 2 years ago

Very well written, but for me not sexy. I love raunchy stories, But I didn’t find this sexy, or stimulating. Firstly, the story starts out with her quite critical of other types of kink and how other people do slavery. Judgment of others is a huge turn off for me

Very well written, and I love the subject matter, my favorite in fact, but I didn’t find this story erotic.

rebeccastone747rebeccastone747almost 2 years ago

Wonderful story, a girl after my own heart. More please

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This is amazing! When will part 2 be done?

Humble_FootpigHumble_Footpigabout 2 years ago

Amazing. A well written story. In fact it is so well written I can assume the point of view of both characters. Keep writing more stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Wow, this was fucking hot and I'm not even into feet

TheOnlyJoshuaTheOnlyJoshuaabout 2 years ago

I love the detailed and personal exploration of following the path of personal demise. The insight given makes it more thrilling and satisfying to read. The look into her head, her thoughts and feelings, beside the explicite nature of events, makes this a wonderful story. I hope to read more you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Damn! That was really hot. One of the best Literotica stores I have ever read. I can hardly wait for part two.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Very well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It is very hard to find well written porn. I found it here and you got me hard. Thank you for all the time and might I also add, hard-work? I keep coming back to your page to see To be continued.... I hope to center of my Root Chakra that you keep the story going. My GF and I used to play master and slave. My favorite sex position was missionary slave sex. She would lay down face up, head on a pillow, and lick my asshole while I fucked her tits. We ended up getting married and of course those games also ended. Thank you for the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I identify with his irreverent attitude towards the depraved adultress. I liked that it was three pages and chapters because I watched the game, ate, pissed, and messed with my phone during THE DRAMATIC PAGE TURNS. The descriptive text contrasts the ass-licking adventures of this sophisticate author.

The grammar, syntax, and spelling were correct so that's already beter than 90% of what I've looked at on this site.


I'll read more.

Visited via bdsmlr

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


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