Beetlesmith's Ch. 04


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"That's right, stick it up there," she purred while sitting down a little firmer over my mouth and forcing my tongue further into her pussy, "Deeper...Oh, yes...Deeper," she repeated, her voice trailing away on the last syllable.

Then she slid back up, centering her clit over my mouth, forcing herself down on me again so that I could hold the sensitive button between my lips while lightly flicking with my tongue. No words were spoken by her this time, just a sharp intake of air and an ever so subtle trembling of her thigh.

The pattern repeated itself, but each time she would shift herself a little further forward, placing my tongue closer and closer to her anus. She would hold herself there, probably seeing what I might do with the opportunity she presented, but I didn't want to take the bait just yet; I was going to tease it out of her, first. So instead, I concentrated on the sensitive area between her vulva and anus, then shifting my tongue away from her chosen spot to work on her pussy once more.

We played this little waltz with each other for some time. As she purposefully shifted her anus close to my mouth, I would purposefully tongue any area but what she most desired. It's not that I was squeamish of the idea of tonguing Jackie's ass, quite the contrary. In fact Karen, who also liked a lot of attention through the backdoor, enjoyed that type of tongue-play immensely, so this was nothing new to me...Well now; I just learned another thing that runs in their family.

I could tell by the hard sighs and quivering whimpers she uttered that it was beginning to drive her mad with sexual frustration. Jackie ended our waltz by sitting back on my chest, and said with barely concealed irritation, "What are you doing, or should I say not doing?"

I looked her over before answering. God, she was beautiful when piqued. I could see her face framed between her large breasts, and even though she was well on the uphill side of middle-age, they still jutted out as firm, well-rounded globes. Each of her protruding nipples still sported a number of ruby colored, oval welts, the telltale signs of Gloria's enthusiastic nibbling. Her eyes glowed blue as they glared down at me; full of fire and frustration, their azure color augmented by the dark brunette hair that fell haphazardly across her forehead.

What man wouldn't give it all up, liberty and property, just to hear her beg him, even one time, to slide his tongue into her well-proportioned ass?

She raised an eyebrow as a silent reminder for me to answer her question.

I touched her protruding button with a finger and ran it slowly down along her labia. A warm, slick seepage lay thickly over her pussy and glistened at my fingertips.

Wonderful stuff, that elixir.

"Wasn't my tongue attentive enough on your 'hoochie'," I said finally.

I pressed on her button again, sending her leg into spasm. More seepage dribbled out, which I again slathered about her labia.

She pulled my head up, planting my face firmly against her pussy, "That's not what I wanted from you, and you know it. Now stop teasing me."

That last bit she said with a very high-pitched whine that caught the attention of Karen, "What's the matter?"

"Nothing; just that your husband's going to give me a stroke."

"Tell me about it," Karen said with some amusement, "Welcome to the club."

Funny, I hadn't noticed until now that Karen and Gloria had changed tempo, well at least Gloria had, as she was bouncing up and down rather vigorously on my stick. Every time she hit bottom I heard her squeak out a, 'Jesus,' or an, 'Oh my.'

So at least Gloria was enjoying me even if Jackie wanted to kill me.

Jackie let go of my head, saying as a parent to a wayward child, "I'll sit right here all night if I have to."

"I want to hear that voice."

"What voice?"

"The voice you used to tell me how you want to squirt."

All I wanted her to do was repeat the desire. I didn't expect she'd attempt to reach down into her memory hole, shallow as it may be, to find the right timbre to her voice, "I...I...I," she kept saying over and over, starting and stopping the phrase until she found the correct resonance.

Of course I helped her in her quest to find the perfect 'Jackie,' for every time she started the sultry phrase with 'I,' I threw in my own flippant opinion, "Deeper...No; too harsh...Now you're too high...Nope, too low...Close, but not silky enough."

Christ! She really must want it badly because she was jumping through every stupid hoop I put in front of her. I had her sounding like a stuttering moron with Tourette's.

I couldn't contain myself any longer and broke out laughing.

"Oh, fuck you," she spat, yanking a tuff of my hair.

"That's the voice," I said in mock congratulations.

She mouthed another, 'Fuck you,' at me before I said, "Now scoot up a bit so that I get my hands on that beautiful, ripe ass."

I didn't have to tell her twice. With her sitting in my hands I could shift her around any way I pleased. I dove into her pussy with abandon as sort of my last nose tweak to her much frustrated demeanor. However, I didn't dally there too long, shifting her up slightly so that my tongue easily darted around her anus. I didn't push too hard on it at first, just a tickle to get it nice and slick. I let her anticipation continue to work on her mind.

Back down I moved her, hitting her clit, raking along the labia, and really tonguing her pussy, before tickling her ass again. I kept this tease and tickle going for some time, but with each pass down her vitals, I would linger just a bit longer at her anus.

Jackie was starting to get antsy, shifting her bottom in my hands and occasionally pulling on my hair trying to get me to speed things up; whimpering ever so softly each time I tarried between her cheeks while pushing my tongue a little further inside each time.

I looked up at her face to see her drifting off in her own little zone. Her beautiful blue eyes closed tightly. When she wasn't pulling on my hair, she would playfully massage, pull and pinch her breasts. Her lips were mouthing something I couldn't quite make out.

In the meantime, Gloria had picked up her pace and was forcefully throwing herself down hard on my body. She had given up on the, 'Oh my's,' settling instead on loudly pronouncing 'Jesus' every time she slammed into my pelvis. Unfortunately, she was being a bit reckless with her pounding, for a few times she came close to whacking my balls with her groin. I was able to somehow shift my legs without interfering with her rhythm, allowing my balls to drop down between them and into shelter before disaster ensued. For her own part, Karen had stopped pumping, resigning to remain still and allow Gloria to use her own imagination and initiative in bringing herself to climax. Between Gloria's sweet 'Jesus' moans, I would hear Karen softly say to her, "Fuck that fat cock, baby. Oh yes, fuck my husband's fat cock for me."

'Fuck my husband's cock for me,' she said. God; I loved it when she expressed her desires in that way. She wanted to share me. Really, needed to share me; yet at the same time she needed to make sure no one forgot that I am hers.

On my last pass up Jackie's pussy I noted that she had shifted her attention away from yanking on my hair to earnestly fingering her clitoris. I saw it as a signal that she was getting close, and decided to finally give her what she wanted. Wrapping my arms around her thighs, I brought her tight against me, working my tongue as far into her rear as I could go.

"That's it you naughty, nasty man!" she said loudly, almost too loudly I thought.

She intensified her clitoral stimulation, while continuing to loudly verbalize her base sexual wants to any who cared to listen, "Deeper...Deeper...that's it...Oh, sweet Jesus that's the spot...Tongue-fuck my ass...You love sliding that tongue up my asshole, don't you?...And I love it there," and on and on it went.

It was loud, it was vulgar, and I'm almost positive it was meant for Karen's benefit.

I tried to work my tongue around as best I could, but her sphincter continually clamped down on it, immobilizing it. She was in spasm. I felt her leg twitch again, sustained this time, as if a jackhammer was going off in her thighs. Her abdomen rolled in subtle, involuntary convulsions, and with each contraction clear fluid would leak out of her pussy. There were no more attempts to taunt the other women in the room with bawdy, salacious talk; all that was spoken was a long, protracted squeal of delight.

Then she did something I had never seen a woman do before, she lightly slapped at her clitoris. She uttered one, final, loud, and high-pitched 'Fuck,' before a heavy spray of fluid drenched the headboard in front of her. She continued to slap herself silly, and pulse after pulse flowed out, hitting the headboard again, hitting the pillows and bed sheets, and, unfortunately, shooting up my nose.

Taken at unawares by the forcefulness of her ejaculation, I started to choke and cough, and seeing the predicament I was in, pinned down by Jackie's convulsing body, I began to laugh; and in so doing, brought my now saturated face up even further into her line of fire.

All good things come, and come to an end, eventually. So it was for Jackie. Slowly she sat back onto my chest, but continued to softly massage her clitoris and drawing out the last remnant of euphoria. The last waves of climax continued to roll through her frame at infrequent intervals, but the waterworks were over. Eventually she just sat motionless; her eyes still closed, hands clasped to her groin, and only a heavy sigh to signal its end.

I was still coughing, trying to get that last bit of 'Jackie' out of my lungs.

"Sorry," Jackie said, trying not to laugh while wiping my face with the bed sheet, "Sometimes when I come...Well, let's just say I come."

I still couldn't get that last bit of fluid out, and said while trying to clear my throat, "Death by pussy; I can't think of a better way to go, and it would be funny watching you three explaining to the coroner how I drowned in bed."

I playfully touched her pussy. There was a little post-coital sensitivity that made her flinch. Funny how the women still suffered from that, but I didn't. Wonderful stuff, that elixir.

I touched her again, sort of as a gentle prod for her to move, and said, "I need to breathe."

She flinched again before sliding off me and onto the bed, "Now I'm sure you broke my hoochie."

"I think that was more you than me, but thanks for the compliment."

I looked in the direction of the other women. Gloria had remained seated on my lap with my hard-on still inside her. She was leaning forward with her hands on my knees, breathing heavily, a thin sheen of sweat glistened off her skin, but Karen was nowhere to be found.

I flexed my cock in a gentle call for her attention, "Where's Karen?"

She gave a little, answering wiggle with her rear and pointed toward the bathroom.

I flexed again, "You okay?"

Another answering wiggle.

"You keep doing that and I'm going to come up your ass again."

"Promise?" she cooed.

My interplay with Jackie, and now my sexual banter with Gloria, put my mind back into the sexual primitive, that ultra-horny, "no 'holes' barred" state where anything and everything can go.

"You like my cock up your ass?" I teased again flexing my cock.

She turned her head toward me to answer, "Are you what some people would call, 'My backdoor man,' now?"

"I don't know sweetheart that depends on how bad you want me to be. Show me how much you want me to be your backdoor man. Let me watch you slide that dick in and out of your sweet ass."

She started to bounce up and down like she had before, "No, no sweetheart, slower...That's right...Just a little slower...Oh, nice...Slide that cock up just to where I can see the head...There you go, now sit back down on it...Oh, nice."

Karen finally came out of the bathroom, and tossing the strap-on next to Jackie, announced, "That's it. I refuse to be anyone's fuck bunny for the rest of the night."

She laid down alongside of me and kissed me hard, "I think it's time my husband gave his wife a little quality time of her own; and I've been thinking of some deliciously wicked things."

"Do these things include my cock and your ass?" I asked, as I teased her anus with a finger.

"You read my mind," she purred, "That's exactly where I want it to go."

Yep, my mind was really back in the guttural, primitive state, and fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how one looked at it, Karen was going to take the brunt of my sexual rancor. Let's just call it my last bit of revenge for her Kendall mess.

"Well it's occupied right now," I pointed out, "But there are some things you can do to cut in line, so to speak."


"Yeah, like that little thing you started in the kitchen but never got to finish. Now if you were to suck my cock like a real slut, I can see about doing something your way."

She was there along with me, the guttural, sexual primitive. I could see it smoking in her eyes, and in the way she raised an eyebrow and crooked her mouth into a smile. She wanted me, no, was begging me to use her in the worst way imaginable.

She not so gently pushed Gloria off the sacred throne, saying, "Move baby, momma's gotta suck that cock."

No sooner had Gloria climbed off me than Karen dove down, and in no time had slathered my cock with a thick coat of her saliva.

She was easily sucking me in a half to three-quarters of the way, and I found great pleasure in pushing her head down to get her to accept my full length.

"That's right honey, suck it all the way in...Hold it there...No, hold it...That's right...Now let me feel your tongue tickle my shaft."

I held her head down like that, taunting her with my banter until I heard loud, forced breathing through her nostrils, then I would release her momentarily. Once freed, her head would spring off me as she grabbed for a much needed, long draft of air. However, I didn't give her much time before pushing her head back down, forcing my cock as fast and far down her throat as it would go without making her retch.

I only had to push on her head a few more times before she performed the act on her own initiative.

Gloria and Jackie didn't attempt to join in or help Karen at all, but were content to watch my obvious verbal and sexual abuse of my wife from the safety of their respected corners of the bed. That's not to say they remained mute. Every so often, they would throw their own saucy banter into the mix, probably as their way of including themselves in the debauchery while staying at a safe distance. Gloria's taunts were all in good-natured fun; however, Jackie's were a bit on the abrasive and antagonistic, "Wifey sucks a mean cock, no wonder Will hasn't kicked you out yet; you're a keeper," or, "You tongue that cock almost as good as Will tongued my ass, and it's making me wet thinking about it," and other lewd comments even more over the top than those.

It's one thing to include dirty talk in a sexual situation, but quite another to say things that could be construed as cruel, and Jackie was treading too close to that line. In hindsight, I should have put a stop to the talk, but I didn't. Partly because I wasn't really paying that much attention to what was specifically said, but also because I still hadn't quite gotten over the Kendall affair, so I was relishing Jackie's explicit humiliation of Karen a bit more than I should have.

Unwittingly at the time, I threw my own two-cents worth into the taunting pool, saying to Karen in a mock tone of astonishment, "Oh, you are a slut. You just love sucking cock for an audience; I can tell just by how wet your pussy feels."

However, the sexual goading from the three of us didn't seem to bother her. In fact, I think it had the opposite effect, because I wasn't exaggerating before; Karen was as wet as I've ever known. When I buried my two fingers into her vulva it was like dipping them into a warm, water-soaked sponge, and the more I manipulated my fingers in and around her pussy the wetter she got until there was almost a continual seepage of her natural lubricant flowing out of her.

The real fireworks didn't start until I inserting two of my moistened fingers into her rear to compliment the two I already had in her pussy, working them in and out in tandem. By this time Karen had completely inserted my cock in her mouth, and held it there; her nose and lips in constant contact with the rest of my body.

I added the coup de grĂ¢ce when I pushed gently on her swollen button with my thumb. Karen let out a continual high-pitched moan of ecstasy that vibrated throughout my groin. She was in climax, a continual involuntary twitching of her lower torso that seemed to stretch out into forever.

Karen's head snapped back up. I heard the characteristic swimmer's gulp for air before she continued with a long, protracted, stuttering wail; the audio companion to the visual contractions in her lower extremities.

Seizing the opportunity afforded to her by Karen's climax, Jackie pounced down on my now, unattended cock; performing an almost seamless transition between her and Karen as she sucked for all she was worth, mouth over fist.

I watched Jackie's head bob up and down with such rapidity and force that it was causing her large melons to gyrate with a very seductive sway and wildly slap against themselves.

I chuckled aloud at the vision that just popped into my head.

Gloria, who was still only passively watching the other two women work their magic, asked, "What's so funny?"

I said loudly, "I was just thinking that someone with Jackie's finely tuned, sexual imagination would instinctive know what to do with a pair of large tits and a very hard cock."

Jackie didn't look up at me, but I saw her smile while mouthing another, 'Fuck you,' before smothering my cock between her beautiful orbs.

There was still something not quite right. I ran a finger along my wife's pussy while saying, "I think your cousin's going to need your help."

Karen giggled, "She always needs help."

Uncanny is the near telepathic connection between a long-standing husband and wife, because Karen knew exactly what I wanted from her without any further instruction.

She firmly held Jackie's breasts against my cock, allowing me to slowly thrust myself between them; and each time it emerged from between those choice pillows, Karen would lick and gently suck on my passing head. My vision was now complete.

"I feel kind of like a fifth wheel," Gloria said as she moved along side of me.

"You can always add your own tongue to the fray," I suggested.

She giggled, "Uh, uh; the last time I got my head shoved in there I almost didn't get it back again." She then joined me in fingering Karen's vulva.

I got another vision. This one was where Gloria inserted a fist into Karen's willing and well-lubricated pussy, while Karen screamed in frenzied ecstasy for her to push it in further. Maybe next time for that one, because the thought alone was all I needed at the moment, and said to Karen, "Better get ready, honey."

"Give it to me, baby," she answered.

This time my load wasn't nearly at the volume or force as those previous, but I still gave a good show nonetheless. I didn't see it myself, but a verbal description of the event was supplied by Jackie, who had the front row seat.

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C_frommnC_frommnabout 14 years ago
Love the Story

cant wait too see the 4 go from here and when he Finally figures out ifey "Knows" alot more then just Kendall.

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