Beetlesmith's Ch. 12


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"Do you want Sir to fuck you harder?"

She belted a quick answer, "Oh...Yes Mistress!"

"Then tell him."

She really didn't have to, but it was wonderful hearing her beg—and she begged, and continued to beg right into climax.

"Pl...Pl...Please fuck me harder Sir...Fuck me so much harder, Sir...Pl...Please!"

How can I describe it? There was no fast trickle this time, but a raging torrent that burst forth from her pussy. She tried to arch her back as she came, but Karen's weight on her stomach prevented it, and as she failed to push Karen up with her orgasmic spasms, all that 'upward' energy was translated 'outward' in the form of continual flooding of my groin with her orgasm. Then there was the scream. A protracted, high-pitched shriek thrown out at the moment her dam burst. Karen continued to play gently with her clit, while I gradually slowed my pumping. Barb's legs finally came to rest on the bed.

Karen slid back onto Barb's torso, and gently caressed and kissed Barbara's breasts, while teasing, "Naughty, naughty little girl. You neglected me an orgasm with your own selfishness."

Barb replied, sheepishly, "I'm sorry, Mistress. It felt so good."

"I know it did, baby, but you have to learn not to be so selfish."

Karen looked over at me, "Sir, what should we do about our selfish little girl?"

"I think five good swats on her plump behind should be enough."

Karen purred, "Turn over dear heart, and take your punishment."

Barb whimpered, but did as told.

"No, dear heart," Karen corrected her, "Not flat on your stomach. Put your cute little hiney in way up in the air and your head down." As Barb complied, Karen slipped her hand over Barb's groin. She rubbed her whole vulva, firmly but gently with the flat of her hand, while saying, "So, Sir's fat cock felt too good in your dripping pussy."

"Yes Mistress, I'm so sorr...," Karen's hard slap cut her off.

Immediately, I saw a large, red discoloration almost in the shape Karen's hand erupt on Barb's left buttock. Tears welled up in Barbara's eyes as she stifled herself from openly sobbing by biting down on her lower lip.

Karen went back to massaging Barbara's pussy, this time concentrating around her clitoris, while saying gently, "Such a selfish, little girl. And I was so close to coming too, but you only thought of yourself."

"I'm sorry, Miss..."

The sound of another loud spank reverberated around the room. A red discoloration, this time distinctly in the shape of a hand, erupted on Barb's right buttock this time. Barb continued to bite her lip to keep from crying out, but tears flowed unabated down her cheeks.

It was the perfect symphony of pain versus pleasure, measured out with near expert aplomb and dedication. Karen wonderfully meted out quick rashers of searing pain, which invariably melded with the longer, more thoughtful glides of pleasure. And as I watched Barb during her punishment, I couldn't help but feel a kinship with her at this moment, for as with me in the car with Beth and Karen, Barb was also suspended somewhere between heaven and hell when the pain blended into the pleasure.

I couldn't put my finger on it in the car, but now, watching Karen punish Barbara, my feelings began to crystalize. Over these past few weeks, I've had an overwhelming feeling of helplessness, as if I was some small, insignificant creature, like a lab rat, lost inside a maze or in some experiment; one which I couldn't comprehend or explain, or even see tangible proof of its existence. However, even though I couldn't see, I could feel the effects of that experiment. It was the feeling of being pushed and pulled, hither and yon, and it was all outside my own ability to control.

I always felt that rush and fusion of power, don't you see, but I could do nothing to stop its progression into my mind, or into my being. I was, indeed, helpless to stop it, or to stop its effect on me. Ultimately, when the feeling of power finally subsided, I was left dazed, confused, fearful, and raked with doubt. However, my existence wasn't all fear and confusion. Like the lab rat, who is given occasional treats to keep it interested and moving, so too, I was given the treat of unabashed sexual pleasure to keep me from going insane from the doubt and anxiety. Truly, both Barb and I are suspended somewhere between heaven and hell, tethered to an unstable reality, lost in subterfuge.

I came out of my thoughts to hear Barbara whimper, repeatedly, "I'm sorry, Mistress."

Karen slipped two fingers on either side of Barb's clitoris while pushing a thumb into her pussy. "You're not sorry," Karen said, sternly, "You're pussy is dripping with lust. You're nothing but a little slut, aren't you?"

Between quiet sobs, Barbara squeaked out, "Yes Mistress, I am a slut."

"And what shouldn't little sluts do?"

Barbara looked confused, then answered, "I don't know Miss..."

Karen spanked her again on her left cheek before scolding, "Little sluts shouldn't deny their mistress pleasure."

Barbara was sobbing openly now, either out of the pain, or embarrassment, or both. Karen went back to slowly massaging the young one's clit and pussy as before, and softened her tone, "There, there, don't cry. You're punishment is almost over, and Sir and I can go back to giving you all those lovely orgasms you crave. Does that sound good, my little slut?"

Still sobbing, "Yes, thank you Mistress."

With Karen's continued finger massage, Barb's legs and lower torso began to tremble slightly as her breath came in short, raspy gasps. It was obvious she was nearing another climax. Karen teased her, "Is my little slut going to have another orgasm?"

Fearing a new reprisal if she did, Barb shook her head violently, saying, "No Mistress...Please..."

Karen spanked her right cheek. The force of the blow sounded as a whip cracking. Barbara yelped loudly from the pain. Karen's voice became harsh again, "Don't lie to me. Is my little slut going to come?"

Karen pushed her thumb deep inside of our captive. Barbara responded by pushing her bottom back with equal force, all while croaking, "Yes Mistress!"

Karen only had to rub Barb's clitoris a few more times before she quivered in ecstasy.

Karen stroked Barb's cherry-red ass cheeks, soothingly, and then between long, wet kisses to each, said, "Sir demanded five spanks, but I only gave you four. I'm going to save the last one for later, just in case you act like a selfish little slut again."

"Thank you, Mistress."

"Now stay as you are."

Karen slid over, and wrapped her arms around me, kissing me hard. She continued to kiss me softly, while asking, "What shall we do next, Sir?"

"I think it's time we double Barbara's pleasure. Why don't you get ready, and while you're doing that, I want to see if our little slut enjoys the phallic as much as the Sapphic."

Barbara kept her head down as I slid in front of her, placing her head between my legs. I smoothed some of her hair, and pushed a few locks that had become matted by her sweat off her forehead. Speaking to her gently, I said, "Lift your head sweetheart, and look at me."

She stared first, wide-eyed, at my burgeoning erection, and then up into my eyes. Her face was still flush, and other than a slight parting of her lips and quickened breath, she showed little emotion.

"I've given you some lovely orgasms, haven't I?"

"Yes, Sir."

"I know this was your first time with a woman, but have you sucked a man's cock before?"

She lowered her eyes as if in embarrassment, "Yes, Sir."

"How many times?"

"Only once, Sir."

I could tell by her reaction that she didn't find it a pleasant experience. I lifted her chin, and said, "Then this should be easy for you. I think you owe me at least one orgasm, don't you?" She just nodded her head.

Grabbing my cock hard and nearly squeezing the blood out of it, she pounced down with her mouth, scraping her teeth roughly against me. She started sucking too hard on the head. So hard, the pressure she exerted almost caused it to deflate. I stopped her with a gentle hand to her cheek.

"No, no, too hard and too fast my little slut."

"I'm sorry, Sir."

I pulled her up to me and kissed her, her breath still coming as raspy gasps. I cupped a breast, and felt that her nipples and areolas were still rock hard, then said, "Don't be sorry. You're just new at this, and I can tell you're overly excited."

She smiled in relief before kissing me again.

"Why don't you tell me about your one and only time."

"It was last year. There was a boy I liked, and we did it a few times first...You know, fucking, and he was nice, and 'it' was real nice. So then, he wanted me you know...suck it, and I wanted to, but...but he was really rough. He pushed my head down so hard I thought I was choking...Then, I got this mouth full of goo that I wasn't expecting, and I really started to panic and coughed so hard I almost puked."

I smiled at her, "Well, we guys get as overly excited as you girls, and sometimes we don't know how rough we're getting. Let's see if I can make this more pleasurable for you, okay?"

She smiled and nodded her head, then kissed my chest, and continued to kiss me as she moved her head down to my groin. I didn't expect that kind of innovation and sensitivity from her. It wasn't all about the cock and the cunt, it was obvious she wanted to explore and pleasure all facets of the body, and she was happy that I wanted her too.

"That's very nice," I complimented her, "You're learning already. Now, what I want you to do at first is not use your hands. That is until maybe later. For right now, I want you to just use your mouth, and start low and slow."

She started licking me about mid-shaft, but I said, "No baby, lower. Go all the way down."

It was about this time Karen, donned in her strap-on, slid up next to me to watch. She asked, "Need some help?"

I put an arm around her and pulled her to me, "No, I think she can manage."

...And manage she did, only with my help. However, my 'help' wasn't as verbal commands, or tactile gestures of an assisting hand, but rather, I directed all her movements with my mind alone. I cannot explain it, except to say that my peculiar mental influence of those around me was not a combination of mere coincidence mixed with paranoia as I had rationalized, but was real. I thought about what Barbara should do and in the manner in which she should do it, and those thoughts were actualized by her movements in near perfect, erotic detail. Barb became, in effect, my marionette, as if invisible strings emanating from my mind and directed her actions.

I realized that the clairvoyant episode I had at the orgy, the one where I thought I had visualized Karen and Denise's post-blowjob cum-swapping beforehand, wasn't prescience at all, it was my mind directing the two to act accordingly. Unlike the other times, however, I did not fear this strange, new gift, but I embraced it, wholeheartedly. I was coming to accept the inevitability of all the peculiarities of the elixir, at least when I was infused with that feeling of power. I was also coming to inevitable conclusion that Beetlesmith was a liar.

My realization of this new gift started thusly: to go 'really' low and slow, it would be nice if she started by kissing and licking my inner thigh before moving to more sensual and sensitive pastures. It was just a whimsical idea I had. An absent wandering of the mind as your partner services you. However, once that thought crossed my mind, I watched as Barbara shifted from tonguing the middle of my cock to preforming a long, slow glide of her tongue along the periphery of my groin, in the sensitive nook between my leg and scrotum.

For the rest of the evening it would be my thoughts translated into her actions. That's not to say she was totally directed by me. Quite the contrary, between many of my salacious thoughts, and her actualization of those thoughts, Barbara would interweave her own brand of sexual innovation; thus, an unexpected and erotic sauce was imparted into my sexual brew. Such as when she broke into her own bit of sexual panache by diverting down to flick a quick tongue at my perineum after concentrating her attentions to my inner thigh. I would then play off these innovative diversions of hers, and set her to new sensual tasks.

As she tongued at my perineum, her nose invariably and seductively lifted my draping scrotum away from my body so that she gained access to the sensitive area below. Such an erotic sight cannot be described with full force of arousal it instilled in me, to see my testicles moving up and down, side to side due to the whimsical actions of her nose as she worked her tongue beneath them. Once that visual entered my mind, I saw her moving upward and adding a warm, wet tongue to my balls. Within seconds of those thoughts, she laid her tongue on my testicles, bathing them a bit before pulling both fully into her mouth.

She did more than this, of course, as she introduced her own innovation, by taking great, wet, sucking kisses to each of my testicles after rolling them around in her mouth. Then, between each opened-mouth kiss, Barbara added a flicking tongue that beat against my sack as rapidly and gently as hummingbird's wings.

I then wished for that flicking tongue to extend up my shaft, but not too high at first. Immediately, up to the base of my shaft she went, parking that flickering, sensuous, oral appendage of hers right at the sensitive nexus between my shaft and balls. Waves of pleasure enveloped me, as my cock twitched each time she hit that sweet spot. So it went, from teacher's thoughts to pupil's actions, without word or gesture passing between us.

Barbara was really getting into it now. Even without my mental prodding, she was beginning to take an extremely sensuous interest in my cock that rivaled even Denise.

Each time she did her slow climb up my cock, it was always a little higher, pasting me the whole way, up and down, with those wet, sucking, open-mouthed kisses. As she got up to the head, she pushed my cock all the way down and held it against my stomach with her mouth as she took several, long licking sucks at my sensitive underside where the head meets the shaft.

Now that she had reached my bulbous gland, she began to mix up her technique. She started by taking long, wet gliding licks up my cock, starting at my balls and ending at the head. On her descent, it was back to the wet, sucking kisses, while stopping to flick her tongue across all my sensitive, sweet spots on the way down. Once at my balls, she inhaled them into her mouth. I could feel her lewdly rolling them around with her tongue, as she ever so gently pulled the whole package away from my body, secured as they were by her tight lips. Each time she released them, a large amount of her saliva lay thick and heavy about my sack, which she spread up on my shaft with her tongue.

Even Karen was impressed by Barbara's obscene display. She waved a hand in front of her face in a mock display of fanning herself, while saying, "My god, this makes me wish I had a cock as well."

I laughed, "Get in line. This makes me wish I had two."

On one of her long, sucking licks up my shaft, Barbara brought her hands into the fray. Using hands with mouth had not crossed my mind as yet, so this was one of her own spontaneous innovations.

She used her hands gently a first, cradling my cock in them as if it were a kitten, while continuing to take long, wet licks and sucking kisses to my cock-head and shaft. Every so often, she would just caress me sweetly, pulling my cock close to her face to nuzzle it obscenely with her nose, or press and massage it gently against her cheeks; and always, during these close quarter maneuvers, she bathed me with her warm breath, coming as it did, loud and forced through an opened mouth.

She mixed it up again—at my mental insistence, of course. As she got to the top of one of her many, long licking climbs, she pulled me into her mouth. Her descent down my shaft was short. Just a quick bob, going about a third of the way down, just enough so that I felt my cock-head barely touch the back of her throat. On her ascent, right before pulling the head out of her mouth, she sent a liberal amount of her warm saliva cascading slowly down my shaft. Before the viscous fluid reached the halfway point on its descent, she was back down, batting and nuzzling my balls with tongue and nose, and as her saliva began to pool at the base of my shaft, she sponged it up with her tongue and used it in another of her long, wet licks up to my cock-head. She did this repeatedly until my cock was thoroughly saturated, and my legs were in continual motion from euphoria.

Her real fuel to my fire came next. Taking hold of my cock at the base, she began a slow, unvarying, rhythmic bob down the shaft, sucking me in again to about a third of the way. Always during her up and down bob, I could feel her tongue shifting rapidly from side to side along the sensitive underside of my cock. Then she added her own little innovated twist that sent me screaming to a rapid climb toward climax. Each time she reached the bottom of her descent, she twisted her head a quarter turn as she gripped me hard about the lips, then she repeated the little quarter turn in the opposite direction at the region where the head meets the shaft. It was magical—descent, twist, ascent twist, repeated over and over, and for every twist a jolt of electric ecstasy shot through my groin.

I told her I was coming, without touch or voice. For the first time, she opened her eyes and looked into mine. Then she brought her hand up, and began stroking my shaft in the same slow, unvarying rhythm as her mouth. She stopped her twisting, and instead continued her slow head bob where only the middle of her lips touched my skin, but always making sure she raked them firmly against my bulbous head.

The feeling of her dual hand and mouth strokes were incredible, as my mind floated free in the sexual fog she had put me. I lifted my pelvis to meet her downward strokes, but she followed me up in perfect coordination, never once breaking her contact or stride.

She pulled off me for a moment to utter her one desire, "I want you to come, Sir," and at that moment, I did.

With each pulse of my orgasm, I felt a little bit of strength ebb out of me. She continued the same, unvarying stroke with hand and mouth, as long, heavy strands of cum began to flow out the opened corners of her mouth and down my shaft. It continued this way until I felt something I hadn't felt in a long time after coming—I felt myself going soft.

And for the first time in a long time, I felt relief. Not relief from coming, but relief that maybe there is a limit to the residual effects of the elixir, and that they might wear off. Maybe Beetlesmith wasn't such a liar after all.

When I had stopped my forceful ejaculations, Barbara proceeded to slide my cock as far into her mouth as possible, and sucked any cum that remained within her reach. I continued to shudder in small spasms, as she laid my softening cock down on my stomach. As a final rejoinder to the task I had set her, she gently kissed and licked my balls, while saying, "Thank you, Sir."

Karen noticed the condition of my member, and said, "Oh my god, someone finally broke your dick." Laughing, she grabbed my semi-soft member, and teased, "Robo-cock, my love, please, please don't die. You have so much to live for."

"Oh, he's alright. He just needs a bit of a rest," I said, lightheartedly.

Turning to Barbara, Karen said with more than a hint of jealousy, "You're quite the little cocksucker. I see they're teaching more than Byron and Shakespeare at that school of yours."

Barb turned red-faced, "Pardon Mistress, but really, I've only done this one other time."