Beetlesmith's Ch. 24


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Deshawn waved it off as insignificant. "We should be thanking you for your generous wedding gift. When Cecilia saw what was inside the envelope she was speechless. First time I ever saw her with her mouth shut."

Cecilia slapped his arm with a laugh, and said, "Yes, thank you so much for the gift."

"I was more than happy to do it. I hope it was enough."

"Enough?! It paid for our two-weeks in Tahiti. And then we had more than enough to buy a house we had our eye on."

"I'm so glad. You two deserve it." Stepping closer to her, I put a hand on her taut stomach, and joked, "And when can I expect to see a little Deshawn or Cecilia? Soon, I hope."

Laughing, she said, "Not yet. Deshawn and me are gonna play around a bit first. Settle into our lives. Sow those ever so wild oats," she let her voice drop to a whisper, and said, "Besides, I think Deshawn is scared of being a daddy."

I could tell Deshawn was a little miffed by her remark, but he laughed just the same. "I'm not scared of having kids. I'm scared of what will happen to you when you have a mule kicking in the stall." Leaning toward me, he dropped his voice to a whisper, and said, "A lot of black mommas become overbearing bitches when they have kids. Real ball breakers. Drives us men out of the house and to drink."

I laughed uproariously as Cecilia proceeded to repeatedly clock Deshawn on the arm with her fists. It was all in good fun. Both of them heartily laughed over Cecilia's weak punches.

"Do you know if Jackie's still doing her game stuff?" she finally asked.

"She should be in the middle of one now."

"Come on Deshawn. Let's enter a couple of contests. I want to see all those white girls drool over that big, beautiful, black cock of yours."

I joked as they left, "Stay away from Vipsania, Deshawn. I don't need the competition."

The first room I came to as I proceeded past the glory holes was the Elagabalus Grotto.

It was full tonight, as every bondage table was occupied by a man or woman. All of them were strapped down, some were confined in the extreme by ankle to wrist restraints, which fully opened up their genitals to all manner of sexual torment.

A bevy of slaves happily oblige them by periodically teasing the subjugated with fingers, feathers, or other ticklers. The scent of unrequited arousal was heavy in the air, as all the cunts and cocks dripped wetness onto the tables. Most of the bodies shivered in the throes of the abstinent shakes. When they weren't tormenting the current crop of subjugates, the slaves would busy themselves cleaning the leftovers off the floors and tables from previous devotees.

I saw Mark, the one who lost the Gladiator contest, in an ankle to wrist restraint and ball gag. He was being tended by two of the Brotherhood. They ran a feather across his rock hard cock and tightened balls, or used it to tickle his anus. He was sweating and shivering like the others, and a small trickle of semen already flowed from his tortured asshole.

"Why the ball gag, gentlemen?" I asked the two tormentors.

"This one hasn't learned not to bite. He's being most uncooperative," one said as he roughly grabbed a hunk of Mark's hair and vigorously shook his head.

"But his ass is being very cooperative," the other tormentor crowed, laughingly. "When we think he's ready, we'll take his sore ass to the Underground and really open things up." Then to his partner, he said, "Come on Todd it's your turn. Get that dick of yours up and at 'em. His asshole is more than ready.

Todd smirked as he brushed a lock out of Mark's eyes. "It's still smarting from his nips, the cocksucker. Maybe his asshole's ready for my fist, instead. What do you think, Grant?"

As Mark's eyes went wide with terror, I caught sight of a familiar friend. Her disheveled hair covered all of her face, but her 'Eat Me' tattoo was unmistakable. It was Raven.

Ever since the torture of being tied to the chair at my house, Raven had becoming a true abstinence whore, spending much of her time in the Elagabalus Grotto. And when she wasn't here, she was usually doing the same thing in the Domitian Grotto with the Sisterhood.

She had lost quite a bit of weight over the course of a year, almost becoming as thin as her friend, emaciated Holly. The weight loss allowed her to better fit in those leg spreading, ankle to wrist restraints. I thought she looked better with a little bit of extra weight, but it was obvious she liked the extreme restrains better. I couldn't argue with her, and even with the weight loss, her beautiful tits still looked plump and full.

She was covered in a fine sweat, and her hair was matted to her face. The tabletop right below her quivering cunt was drenched with moisture. A slave teased at her damp perineum with a velvet tickler, sending more wetness dripping out of her pussy and onto the bench below. Occasionally the slave ran gentle fingers along the insides of Raven's thighs, causing gooseflesh to erupt on the spot last touched. No longer experiencing just the shivers, her body was in perpetual, violent shudder and near involuntary spasm—resembling a person in the early stages of death, where the short-circuited nervous system still causes muscles to twitch.

I pushed the matted bangs away from her face. "Hello Raven."

She gasped and gurgled a lot when she talked, as if her lungs were full of phlegm. "T-Tiberius...h-honored," she forced herself to say.

"You look like you need release."

All she could do was manage a low moan as the slave tickled her anus.

"How long have you been here?"

Raven tried to respond, but her words only came out like a phlegmy gurgle. The slave answered for her, "Since the club opened tonight, Dominus."

"That's over two hours. Is that a record?"

"Not quite, Dominus, but she owns the current record, so..."

"I see."

I sat next to Raven on the bench and grabbed one of her breasts very hard, making it turn bright red and purple.

Raven groaned exquisitely under my maltreatment, and responded by arching her back in the extreme and pushing her breasts more firmly into my warming hands.

"How long are you going to go on like this?" I asked softly into her ear.

She just stuttered gibberish.

I slapped her breast hard, making a loud, 'thwack,' sound.

She arched her back again to the pain and pleasure, pushing her breasts as far forward as she could while grunting more gibberish.

I slapped her offered tits, again, hitting them hard several times so that they bounced and rebounded off each other. "Answer me cunt. How long will this continue?"

Tears flowed from her eyes, but she still held her back steady and fully arched. She wanted me to continue slapping them.

"No my little cunt, you get nothing. No slaps, no tickles, not even release. Not until I get an answer."

With great effort she finally croaked out between sobs, "I-I a-asked...t-to come...b-but...s-she w-wouldn't..."

I slapped her tits again, one very hard blow that sent them careening to and fro. She screamed, whether out of pain or pleasure, it didn't matter and I didn't care. They all wanted to be treated this way when they were strapped down. "She wouldn't what? Answer me now, or I'll keep you strapped down until the club closes."

"W-Wouldn't l-let...m-me...c-c-come"

I heard the slave say, "Dominus, we find it best to ignore the first few pleas. The extra wait gives them a more intense and long-lasting orgasm."

I bent close to Raven's lips and kissed them softly. The taste of salt and arousal were heavy on them.

"I taste another woman on her. You?"

The slave nodded her head sheepishly.

"Don't be embarrassed my dear. I know what it feels like to put someone at your mercy and make them willing to do almost anything on command. It gives us an incurable sense of power. Tell me, do all of the slaves take advantage of the members in here?"

"Some more than others, Dominus."

"And you? How do you compare with the others?"

The slave just gave a sly smile as an answer.

"Which do you prefer to torment, the male or the female members?"

"As far as that goes, I have no preferences either way. Both provide me with their very own unique blend of entertainment. For me, there are just some members I prefer teasing over others."

"And Raven is one of your favorites?"

"Oh yes, Dominus, although she does have some sexual preferences that I don't care for."

"Such as?"

"She likes watersports."

"You don't care for it, but do you still indulge her kink?"

"Sometimes when she's been especially compliant to my wants I'll piss in her face as I make her come."

I smoothed the hair out of Raven's eyes. They were staring up at me. Black in black, stony and lifeless; like a raven's wing lost in a dark, starless void. I've seen that look so often during Wilderness fun that I hardly ever notice it anymore. The Cruel Ones were always present, playing with us through the barrier.

"You're such a disgusting little cunt, aren't you?"

She gave me a weak smile while slowly nodding her head.

I asked the slave, "Has she been a compliant little cunt tonight?"

"Not hardly, Dominus.

"Good. I've seen too much potty play already this evening."

The slave continued, "In fact, I'm taking her as deep as I can into abstinence because she's been such a twat. Haven't you!? Bitch!" The slave then forcefully slapped Raven across the face.

Raven just gurgled a soft laugh.

"Show me how she entertains you," I commanded.

The slave smiled, and said, "Of course, Tiberius. Thank you."

Getting on the table with Raven, the slave positioned herself on all fours. Sticking her sweet vitals right in the captives face, she said, sweetly, "Raven, honey. Raven? Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey. Breakfast."

At first appearing comatose, Raven inhaled deeply while opening her eyes. She grunted with a weak smile, "P-Pussy."

"That's right, Raven, pussy. But first, you have to rim me before you get pussy."

Raven complied with what fervor she could muster given her weakened state. Her tongue darted in and out and back and forth, lapping and slavering what saliva she could onto the slave's puckered anus.

At times the slave teased Raven by moving slightly away from her; thus, forcing Raven to strain forward against her restraints so that she could continue to lick.

"Come on, bitch," the slave would tease, while shaking her ass, "Reach for it. Closer now...a little bit closer...come on a little more, I can barely feel your hot breath on my dirty asshole."

Then, just as Raven's tongue finally touched home, the slave would push backwards, shovel Raven's face fully into her clef and between her firm buttocks. The slave would grind her ass to and fro, smearing her arousal all over Raven's chin, as Raven pushed her tongue as deep as she could through the slave's sphincter.

Besides tormenting Raven to the max and putting her into new, fevered heights of abstention fog, she was also ginning herself up with her raucous behavior. Her hand played roughly with her clitoris while she continued to berate Raven to push her tongue harder and deeper into her ass.

"Wonderful," I commented, "But remove your hand. It's time she eats pussy."

The slave gasp an, "Of course, Dominus," and then lowered her head to the table. This caused her ass to rise just enough to put her cunt squarely against Raven's mouth. "Didn't you hear your Master? Enough ass and eat pussy, you dirty cunt!"

I could hear the inevitable loud, wet sloshing sounds as Raven took large sucking bites at the slaves dripping labia and clitoris. I was hard as a rock at the pair's wanton display, and was sorely tempted to join the fray by sticking my cock deep into the slaves asshole as Raven continued to suck her snatch.

I held myself back, though. Instead, I put my fingers into Raven's mouth, commanding her to moisten them. Then I slid two fingers deep into the slave's slick and loosened asshole. As I slowly finger fucked the slave, I spurred Raven on. "That's good, Raven. Slurp on that pussy. Let me hear her moan like a whore. Good girl. Now, let's send your slave mistress to oblivion."

Once the slave's moaning came loud and protracted and her supporting legs and thighs quivered in continuous ecstasy, I put the cherry on top, and pushed ever so gently with my mind.

"Fuck me!" she screamed, as first a trickle and then a flood of ejaculate sprayed across Raven's face.

I added a third finger, and pumped her ass faster and harder. "Time to come again, slave"

"Jesus fucking fuck me! Fuck my asshole. Oh, fuck me, fuck me, fuck..." Another flood stopped her in mid-screech.

I made the slave come three more times. At the end, she had slipped forward onto the table, her body a quivering mass of wet flesh as I continued to pump her ass with my hand. Raven had all but passed out from exhaustion with her face and hair drenched and dripping from the slaves ejaculate.

Pulling my fingers out of the slave's asshole, I slapped Raven to consciousness, and commanded her to lick my fingers clean. She did with relish.

By now, the slave had gotten up, and was standing weak-kneed at the end of the table. Still panting, she asked, "I-Is there anything more I can do for you, Dominus?"

" entertained me well, slave. But, I think we've tormented poor Raven enough. Send her on her way."

"Of course, Dominus! Any preference on the devise I should use?"

"No. I bow to your expertise."

"Thank you, Dominus. This one loves the wand."

The wand was one of those plug-in vibrators with the large, bulging proboscis. It was bulky, but very effective.

I continued to stare into Raven's face as the slave touched her with the vibrator. Immediately Raven's black in black eyes went wide, and she gasp mightily for air.

For my amusement, the slave narrated what she was doing. "I like to draw these moments out, Dominus. At first, I just touch the vibe at far off, but still sensitive areas near the groin. I lightly touch their thighs or mons. The muted vibrations barely tingle their prime erogenous zone. It's maddening for them to be so close, and yet so far from release."

"Indeed. Please continue."

"After a while, I slowly work it closer to the sweet spots, circling their cunts and pricks in ever tightening rings."

Raven grunted and panted chaotically. Her hands and toes abruptly shot out as spikes, staying fixed and rigid in the air, when the slave touched a particularly sensitive spot.

"Wonderful technique."

"Thank you, Dominus. Then to really bait them, I push it firmly against their anus and hold it there."

Raven's black eyes went wide again. Her lips formed a tight ring as she forced air in and out of her lungs as if she were doing Lamaze. Her body began to spasm as if jolts of electricity pulsed through her torso at odd intervals.

"Doesn't anal contact trigger the orgasm?"

"Sometimes Dominus. Especially with the males if their balls touch the vibe. But if you avoid that, and keep the vibe at the lower setting, it usually just teases rather than triggers. It's an excruciatingly wicked torment. I usually keep the vibe against their asshole until... Ah, there it is. Oh yes, very nice. Would you care to look, Dominus?"

I turned to look at what she was describing. The slave was seated in a low chair right in front of Raven's groin, and with her head resting on an inner thigh. Holding the vibe securely within the cleft of Raven's ass, she teased at Raven's lower labia and hole with a gentle finger.

I could see a clear fluid continuously flowing out of Raven's cunt, running down her perineum and onto the bulbous head of the vibrator. An already sizable puddle on the table beneath Raven grew larger.

Putting a finger in the flowing wetness, the slave commented, "This isn't ejaculate Dominus, but pussy juice; Raven's clear, continuous, succulent arousal. So sweet. It always amazes me how it can just flow out as a steady stream, arousal and pre-cum alike. She's more than ready now. Please stand back, Dominus, so you don't get sprayed."

When I stepped back, the slave stood up and moved to the side of Raven, as well. Then she slid the vibrator up over the perineum, up across her opening and through Raven's slickened groove, and then stopping right on her clit. The effect was instantaneous.

Raven screamed, and kept screaming. Three long pulses of fluid, one after the other, gushed from her pussy, and shot forward several feet before hitting the floor, the sound of which, was reminiscent to a large wake lapping at a pier.

Raven continued screaming, and there was another gush of fluid, and still another. "Goddamn it!" she screamed. "Oh goddamn it! Goddamn it! Goddamn it I'm coming again. Don't you stop, you cunt. Don't you stop, you fucking cunt. You cunt, don't stop. Please don't stop. Oh! My! God! I'm going to...god I love you, you fucking cunt!"

Her body lifted off the bench momentarily before it slammed back down. Up and down she gyrated, each time slamming her lower back into the bench. And every time she fell back hard onto the bench, another heavy gush of fluid shot forward. I stopped counting after eight.

Finally, only a trickle emerged from Raven's warm, dank cunt as she slumped back fully onto the table, motionless.

Her eyes were closed and she panted heavily. Putting my face close to hers, I said, "That was amazing. I can see that the wait is well worth the torment."

"Thank you Tiberius, I'm glad I could entertain you."

"And now what's next for you?"

She smiled, weakly, "Again, of course."

I heard the slave say, "They sometimes do this three...four times in a row without stopping, Dominus. Sometimes they have a partner fuck them into oblivion, but usually they like the vibrators. The sensation is more focused. More intense"

More than impressed by her demonstration and professionalism, I asked, "What's your name, slave?"

"Tithea, Dominus."

"Tithea, when your tenure as a slave has ended I want you to become a special member of the club. Free membership and admission, and we'll provide you a monthly stipend of...oh, say, fifteen thousand. Would that be acceptable to you?"

"Oh yes! Thank you, Dominus!"

"We'll put you in charge of the slaves. I'll inform the Empress and Domina Denise that you will be helping them choose and train the slaves when we acquire their services."

"Many thanks, Dominus."

"Now, as one last favor to me, eat Raven out until she comes again. She's earned it."

As she sat back on her low chair, sinking her face fully into Raven's saturated pussy, I said, "Good bye, Raven. Give my regards to Holly if you ever see her again."

She could only answer me with more screams of delight.

There's nothing better than being Emperor.


Tool'sSober was being piped in over the speakers. Its dark, malevolent chords and riff structure, emulating descent into madness, was befitting my mood as I made my way deeper into the guts of the club...and closer to Gloria.

I found the Caligula Grotto near empty, which was unusual for a festive night like we were having. Gregor's fate must have scared the hell out of the disciplinarians.

Other than Gloria and De Vries, there was a woman in a bondage hood, strapped and fully suspended above the floor to one of the St. Andrews crosses. She was unattended at the moment. I guess her Dom fled for safer quarters after hearing Gregor's screams, leaving the poor girl hanging.

Besides the playfully crucified, there was also one of our female Dommes—I think her name is Eva—playing with two male subs. The subs were wearing those bondage masks with an exaggerated proboscis as a nose. She was standing with her legs apart as her two subs fucked her in both holes with the masks.

De Vries had Gloria well into her session. He was already using a paddle on her, having graduated up from a spanking hand. He usually ended the sessions using a strap or tawse, depending on her mood that evening. When she was feeling particularly guilty about Karen, it would be the tawse.