Belated Proposal


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The food and service was excellent. She looked at him when the waiter took his credit card. "Are you ready for desert?"

"That's all I've been thinking about all day."

"I have to confess, my thoughts have mostly been about you. Take me to your room so I can reevaluate your skills as a man of the world."

* * *

The sexual sizzle of the night before was replaced by controlled passion.

"Let's play a game." Ben poured two flutes of Merlot.

"What of game?" She asked seductively as he took a glass.

"It's called Sip and Strip. We each have a sip of wine then we take off an article of clothing, but no touching until the stripping is concluded."

"That's probably not fair because you are wearing more articles of clothing." She drank some wine and removed an ear ring.

Ben removed a cuff link after taking a sip. "I can match that."

Nikki laughed as she took a sip of wine and detached another ear ring.

He copied her with a second drink and cuff link.

Article by article they drank and removed an article of clothing.

Ben sucked in his breath when she removed her blouse. "Wow! I love the way you fill out that bra."

"The bulge in your BVDs is a turn on for me." She grinned and ran her hand across the front of her panties.

Ben was down to his BVDs and Nikki her bra and panties. They were both awkward in their movements and their speech slurred.

"I you with only your underwear. You've got a nice hairy chest." Nikki giggled as her hand shook reaching for the flute. "Which piece should I remove next?" She got the wine to her lips and spilled it down her chest. "Oops!"

"I'll help with that. Ben clumsily dropped to his knee in front of her and licked the wine from her chest and bra.

"That's not fair." She laughed. It's not fair but I like his tongue on my neck, chest, and bra. Oh! Especially, when he's licking around my nipples. She ran her hand over the bulge in his BVDs.

"You're getting ahead of yourself lady." He reached behind her back and ineptly unfastened her hooks.

She pushed him away but he pulled her bra from her as she did so.

"You have beautiful breasts," he slurred as he kissed her

The kiss lasted a long time and what began as a gentle bussing turned into a frenzy of slashing tongues and groping hands.

Nikki was as adventuresome as Ben. She massaged his body, face, hair, and cock. "Oh, you need to see a plumper; you seem to have sprung a leak." Nikki teased as she felt precum leaking from the slit in his cock.

"Come here my lovely wench, I'm going to show you a serious leak but not before I have my fruit salad." He sucked one nipple into his hot, wet mouth and roughly fondled the other breast. He spent a long time stimulating her nipples before he kissed his way south.

She felt his nose delighting her pubic hair and giggled. "That tickles."

"It's supposed to," he said before plunging his face into her pussy. He licked up and down her slit before settling on her clit. As he licked and sucked her love button, he inserted two fingers into her opening and reamed it until mucous covered his hand.

Nikki responded to his manipulations by sighing, moaning, and groaning before her body writhed under the pressure of his relentless tongue and hand. She lifted her hips, pulled his head from her as rhythmic contractions swept her body in the bliss of sexual release," Oh, aaaugh, ya, ya, ya!"

Before she could recover, he rolled onto his back, lifted and spindled her on his throbbing cock. "This is my favorite position. I get to look at your beautiful face, your fantastic tits swaying to and fro, and having you surrounding my cock. I have great control and can have you doing all kinds of things sitting on my stump."

"I like it too because I can see your handsome face, hairy chest, and I can manage my movements. I've got you in my clutches." She laughed and moved back and forth on his dick. For an hour she rode him like a cowgirl, rotated her hips as though she was a belly dancer, slid back and forth as if she were on a ski trainer.

At the same time he watched her breasts swing to the side, and back and forth, he fondled them as if they were wet sponges, and he pulled her to him so he could suckle on her long hard nipples.

Nikki climaxed and threw her head back moaned in pleasure and rested in between orgasms before beginning again.

After one orgasm she stopped. "Ben I love what we're doing but my legs are going numb. Can we change positions?"

Immediately, he rolled her on to her back without disconnecting, and stroked her as fast as he could. It only took minutes before his body became as rigid as his cock and with a long, loud gasp he exploded within her.

She groaned as she climaxed, "I'm coming; I'm coming, oh, oh, oh yes, held him close as his spasms continued, and as the ecstasy of sexual gratification filled her body and mind.

* * *

They were woken early in the morning by a ringing phone.

"Who's calling this time of night?" Ben reached for the phone.

"May I talk to Nikki?" Sidney asked crying

"Hello Sidney, what's the problem?

"Can you come to my room right away? I have a serious problem."

"I'll be there in a few minutes."

Nikki put on a robe and slippers, on the way out the door she said, "Put on some cloths and come to Sidney's room."

Sidney, dressed only in a robe was sitting on a couch crying and looking at photographs.

"What's wrong?" What happened? How can I help?"

Sidney continued to cry while handing the pictures to Nikki.

They were pictures of Sidney having sex with a man whose face couldn't be seen.

"Where did these come from?" She asked as there was a knock on the door.

"Who's that?"

"It's Ben, I told him to come over." She went to the door, let Ben enter, and handed him the pictures.

"I assume you got these from Paul."

"Ya...yes after we had sex he gave them to me and told me he would send them to my husband and or the media unless I gave him a twenty-five percent share in the business. I...I'm ruined. What can I do?"

"I have a confession to make. I'm not exactly a guy who works for Hedges and Rogers. I'm the CEO and my firm has been looking to invest in women's clothing, and we have investigated the financial records and transactions of all major players."

"Do you mean to tell me, you have access to my financial records," Sidney asked in a loud voice.

"No, I don't have that information but through the internet we're able to track the industries business transactions. I have the information to save you from being destroyed by these photographs being sent to your husband and the media."

"How can you do that?"

"I happen to know that Paul's company has three outstanding loans to banks that total several millions of dollars. I can buy those loans from the banks and give Paul thirty days to come up with the money or I'll take over his business."

Nikki asked "Why didn't you tell me who you really were?"

"My true identify is on a need to know basis. There was no reason to tell you. Would you have been less interested in me if you knew I was wealthy," he said staring lovingly at her.

"What you're telling me is you have the ability to threaten to take over Paul's company in return for the pictures and a legal contract to stop them from ever being made public?" Sidney asked wiping her eyes.

While looking at Nikki he said, "I believe such a threat will enable you to get the originals and all copies of the pictures, and an agreement can be drawn up to be sure the pictures are never circulated."

"What is it going to cost me?"

"Nothing of monetary value just your friendship, gratitude, and a discount on clothes I might like to buy."

"You're a life safer. I'll agree to all those terms."

"I'll have to make a few phone calls to make this happen, but I believe by the end of the week Paul Edmunsen will be no more a threat to your business than he was before the conference."

Sidney jumped up and kissed him.

"Ben, after you make those phone calls I want to see you in my room." Nikki kissed Sidney and left the room and suite.

"I'm sorry Ben. I may have gotten you into trouble with Nikki."

"It's okay Sidney; I believe I can patch thing up.

* * *

An hour later there was a knock on her door.

The door opened and Nikki stood scowling.

"May I come in?" He asked smiling and handing her a bouquet of a dozen red roses.

She begrudgingly took the flowers. "Well what do you have to say for yourself?"

"There was no reason for me to tell you about my true role in the company. Does it make any difference? Before you answer, remember I just saved Sidney's company and your job."

"Thanks for coming to Sidney's aid, and yes, it does make a difference that you didn't tell me about the real you. In effect, you lied to me."

"That's a little strong but I won't disagree. Now can I ask you a question?"

"I'm not sure I want to answer your question but yes go ahead."

"Have you enjoyed your time with me here in Houston?" He asked with a grin on his face.

Nikki blushed. I...I, yes I have."

"May we continue being friends here at the conference and when we return to Atlanta?"

She frowned, "I'm not sure that's a good idea. I don't know how many other secrets you've kept from me."

"From now on, I'll be an open book" He stared into her brown eyes and took her hand in his. "I'm more than attracted to you. The past two nights have been the best of my life."

She didn't speak.

Ben hesitated. "I'd like us to be more than friends."

"What do you mean?" She asked wondering where the conversation was going.

He dropped her hand and took off a ring. "I'd like you to have this ring as a sign of my long term interest in you."

"Ben I can't do that?"

"Why not? It's a diamond my mother gave me when I received my BA. It has sentimental value and I want you to have it—to wear it." He handed the ring to her.

Nikki took it. "It's beautiful, but I shouldn't take it."

"I think I love you Nikki and I want you to wear it as a sign of my future intentions."

Tears appeared in her eyes. "What does that mean?"

"It means I love you and am thinking beyond this week. He dropped to one knee. "Oh hell! This is going to sound corny and I've done this completely the wrong way, but Ms. Nikki Alderman will you accept my proposal of marriage?"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
The Ending

came much too quickly. C

RealDocRealDocalmost 11 years ago
very romantic and well written


AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
"Literotica does not use italics to denote internal dialogue thus it is easy to miss what is internal and external."

Then fuckin' compensate for it, and use 'italics', and deal with it.


mitchawamitchawaabout 12 years agoAuthor
anonymous commentators

I don't believe my anonymous commentators will read this, but I thought a reply was appropriate. I don't mind my stories being trashed, but commentators should know that internal dialogue is written in first person present tense, and incomplete sentences in dialogue is more the rule than the exception. Literotica does not use italics to denote internal dialogue thus it is easy to miss what is internal and external.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
What garbage

What an unbelievably bad story. The story changes perspectives constantly, littered with spelling errors. Just a nightmare to read.

Get an editor or just stop writing all together.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

From your bio- "Retired university professor who discovered erotica after retirement. Published in professional journals and presented papers at professional meetings. Have published ten erotic stories over the past three years. Grammar and punctuation skills lacking due to having editors during university career"

Maybe you should have paid more attention when you were being educated, did you even read the edited versions of what you wrote? Clearly you learned nothing from that either, take the time to find an editor before you submit here, I'm sure one of the many editors on here would be able to help in some way. Or here's an idea, learn about grammar and punctuation.

hindsight2020hindsight2020about 12 years ago

Since English appears to be a second language, I suggest you find an editor.

bruce22bruce22about 12 years ago
Good Work

Corny Fantasy, but fun

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