Best Friend Brain Ch. 02


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Liv raised an eyebrow, and then because she just couldn't resist asked, "Bad? Or naughty?"

"Both." Peyton confessed with another chuckle, "Definitely both."


"Wow, this really is a bad idea." Liv almost laughed as they stepped into Peyton's office building.

"I know." Peyton chuckled softly as she locked the door and turned back to her date, "But I'm fairly certain that no one's working late tonight, at least not here, and... well... I just couldn't stop thinking about you bending me over my own desk and having your wicked way with me."

"And now I will." Liv smiled softly, Peyton returning it before turning to head in the direction of her office. Liv thought about just letting her go, but she couldn't resist snapping, "What do you think you're doing?"

Peyton turned back and frowned in confusion, "Erm, going to my office?"

"Without my permission?" Liv pointed out, "And you're forgetting my proper title already."

"I, I... I thought we were putting that on hold for the journey." Peyton argued, blushing and stammering a little.

"We were. Now we're hear." Liv said flatly, before prompting her friend, "Soooo..."

For a few long seconds Peyton just stared at the zombie, then lowered her head and mumbled, "I'm sorry Mistress."

"That's better. But your disobedience cannot go unpunished." Liv said sternly, "Get on your knees."

"What, here?" Peyton asked automatically, before Liv gave her a look which quickly changed her tune and had her dropping down to her knees as she softly replied, "I mean yes Mistress."

Liv just stared at the taller girl, which she had just bought down to size, for a while before ordering her, "Now, we can go to your office. NO! Don't get up. I want you to crawl."

"No, I..." Peyton stammered, already halfway to getting up before she quickly got back down, lowered her head again and apologised, "I'm sorry Mistress, but... but my office is on the top floor."

"Which is why I'm going to allow you the privilege of taking the elevator." Liv informed her, "As long as you don't continue to complain."

Briefly Peyton just stared at the other girl again, then she gulped, "Yes Mistress."

Then Peyton hesitantly lowered her hands down until she was in the all fours position, and then slowly began crawling across the thankfully freshly cleaned floor that she walked through every day. Oh God, she was crawling up on her hands and knees through the building where she worked, in one of her best business suits, her cheeks flushing bright red with the humiliation of it.

Much to her horror was also turning her on, especially knowing this visit was being recorded. Thankfully she could erase the footage, and if she couldn't she had always claimed she had lost a bet or something. Most importantly of all, there were no cameras inside her office, so no one would see what Liv was really going to do to her. What Peyton wanted her to do to her. Possibly including what she hadn't been able to tell Liv she wanted yet.

At first Liv walked behind her, so Peyton tried her best to swing her hips seductively while crawling, wanting to give her date the best view possible of her butt to entice her to spank it. Also just to fuck her, although given the looks Liv was giving her that wouldn't be a problem. Then Liv made a point of walking just in front of her, making Peyton truly feel like an animal following it's Master's heels.

What really emphasise that feeling was being in the elevator, in which Peyton nervously took a break from being on her hands and knees by lifting herself up into a kneeling position. Liv stared at her for a long moment, then smiled and patted her head. Which again, excited her a lot more than was decent.

Once they finally reached her office Peyton felt a flood of relief that Liv closed and locked the door behind them. Sure, they hadn't seen anyone, and again it was unlikely they would, but she definitely appreciated the precaution. Peyton almost immediately got up and bent herself over her desk, but the look that Liv was giving her convinced her to remain on her hands and knees and await further instructions.

Quickly confirming this was the correct cause of action Liv smiled proudly at her, then slowly poured herself a glass of Peyton's best Scotch, sat down on her couch and then slowly began drinking it while looking her in the eye, daring her to complain.

When she had drunk half of the liquid courage Liv ordered, "Crawl over to me and kiss my feet."

"Yes Mistress." Peyton said submissively, again delighting way too much in acting this way.

Liv also felt she enjoyed this way too much, but her indecent lust was silencing the voice in her head which told her this was something she shouldn't be doing to her best friend turned something more, especially not on their first date. The visual of the dignified lawyer Peyton Charles crawling around in her own office and literally kissing her feet was just too erotic.

Well, her boots. Which was definitely more BDSM, but Liv quickly grew curious about how Peyton's lips would feel against her bare feet. Feet were supposed to be erogenous, and while the visual was definitely doing it for her Liv couldn't stop thinking about taking this grovelling a step further.

So eventually Liv ordered, "Good girl, now take off my heels so you can kiss my feet more directly."

"Yes Mistress." Peyton said again, her heart fluttering at being told she was pleasing her Mistress.

Impressively Peyton didn't rush removing Liv's shoes, instead taking them off one by one, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of each one after removing each shoe before placing them neatly down beside the couch and then beginning to truly worship Liv's feet. It was a great sign of respect, and almost turned Liv on as much as the foot worship itself.

Almost. But wow, it felt really great to have Peyton's lips travelling over her bare feet, especially when the other girl cautiously took her toe into her mouth, the soft moan Liv leting out encouraging Peyton to do the same throughout the toes before going back to kissing all over her feet.

After allowing this to go on for perhaps longer than she should have Liv ordered, "Now tell me exactly what you want me to do to you."

"I, I want you to spank me Mistress." Peyton admitted hesitantly with a blush, before really getting into the begging, "I want you to bend me over my own desk and spank my naughty little ass. Spank my ass bright red! Spank it so hard I can't sit for a week! Spank it until I beg for mercy, then spank it some more! Spank it hard, and then fuck it."

"What?" Liv murmured, taken off-guard, "You mean, anal?"

Peyton blushed furiously, then without looking up at Liv mumbled, "Not if you don't want too."

"Do you want too?" Liv pushed.

"Well..." Peyton began hesitantly, "It does suit this whole dominatrix thing you've got going on, and our options are limited, but honestly... I've been fantasising about it ever since you came to my office. I mean, tons of guys have tried to talk me into it, but I never thought I'd actually do it. Well, unless it was the guy I was going to marry, and even then only as a special treat, or because I screwed up. But, to just give it up to you on our first date? God, that's so fucking slutty, and hot, and it just drove me crazy thinking about it. You know? But we don't have to do it if you think it's gross, and honestly I have no idea whether I'd even like it, and AH FUCK!"

While Peyton was rambling Liv quickly finished her drink and then reached down to grab a handful of brunette hair and yanked it backwards, pulling the other girl into a kneeling position and leaning down so their faces were inches apart. She then faked to look of anger, then briefly of disgust, then finally Liv allowed a wicked smile to cross her face.

Which she briefly felt guilty for, given that Peyton had looked so worried, but the brain was screaming at her that this was the right thing to do, and at moments like this it was hard for her not to follow those instincts. In fact it felt really, really good just to give in, which was why she suddenly had the craving to do something she would have never consider doing otherwise, namely to sodomise another girl.

"God Peyton, I had no idea that you were such a slut." Liv smiled while sliding a finger teasingly over her friend's face, before becoming stern, "Beg me. Look me in the eye and beg me to fuck your ass!"

The way that Liv emphasised those last few words sent heat straight to Peyton's core, forcing the lawyer to close her eyes and whimper for a second, before opening them again looking the zombie in her thankfully her normal-looking eyes and telling her, "Please fuck my ass. Please Liv, I want you to fuck me in the ass. Please ass fuck me, please AH FUCK!"

Roughly yanking her friend's hair again Liv yelled in Peyton's face, "WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?"

It took a few long seconds for Peyton's lust clouded mind to realise what Liv meant, then she quickly whimpered, "I'm sorry Mistress! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to forget your proper title, I was just so horny that I wasn't thinking clearly."

"Horny because of the idea of little old me, your best friend, bending you over your own desk so I can spank you and then take your anal cherry?" Liv clarified.

"YES! Yes Mistress, I can barely think straight thinking about you bending me over my own desk so you can spank my naughty little ass and then fuck it!" Peyton blurted out, "It's all I can think about right now, and I've been thinking about it for days. No, I'm sorry Mistress, that's not true. I've been thinking about it for years. Mmmmm, every so often I would think about you either spanking me, or fucking me up the butt, or both, but ever since you came into my office it's all I've been able to think about. And it's all I want right now. Please Mistress Liv, spank and fuck my ass. I want it to be you, my best friend, who does those things to me. Only you."

"Awww, so sweet. But for now, just call me Mistress, not Mistress Liv." Liv ordered, then waited expectantly.

"Yes Mistress." Peyton replied after a brief hesitation.

"I'm not sure you deserve everything you want though, not after being so slutty and disobedient." Liv said thoughtfully, pretending to think it over in her head before grinning, "I know... we'll see just how well you take your spanking. Then I'll see if I'm feeling generous enough to do anything to that nasty little butt hole of yours!"

After the words 'I know' there was a brief pause as Liv stood up and walked over to Peyton's desk, dragging her best friend with her by the hair. Peyton cried out in pain at this, but didn't resist. Not even when Liv shoved her face down over the desk. Then, after finishing her speech, Liv moved back to admire the sight in front of her.

She wasn't sure of Peyton replied 'yes Mistress' like a good little sub, and she wasn't sure it mattered. All that really mattered to Liv at that moment was staring at Peyton's butt, and then after a few long seconds having the ability to reach out and touch it. And more importantly, squeeze and grope it, all while Peyton did nothing but whimper with obvious delight and anticipation.

Peyton had to dig her fingers into her own desk to stop herself from trembling with anticipation, and admittedly nervousness. After all, she just admitted her dirtiest fantasies to her best friend, and now they were about to do them on their first date. So this was either going to be super hot, or it was going to totally blow up in her face and cost her the chance to actually be with Liv. And maybe even just Liv.

God, Peyton couldn't imagine anything worse than completely losing the most important relationship in her life. The most important person in her life. Really it was stupid to take the risk, but she couldn't help it. She had taken the gamble she thought she never would, and now she could only wait to see what the consequences would be.

One of those consequences was waiting for what felt like an eternity as Liv groped her ass, which was frustrating, but it was also humiliating, and Peyton couldn't help enjoying it now she had tapped into this incredibly submissive side of herself. To add to the frustration Liv suddenly let go of her butt, took a few steps back, and then slowly walked over to her bag.

Just as Peyton was about to complain Liv turned back around, pulling what looked like a riding crop out of her little bag. Which in turn made Peyton gulp and blush, and then remind herself she had literally asked for this. Which again, she may soon regret, just maybe not in the way she thought she might.

"What? Didn't think I was going to spank you with my hand, did you?" Liv smirked, slowly returning to her place behind her best friend, "I'd never do that to you Peyton. I mean, I want to satisfy your filthy little fantasies, but not if it means turning you into a zombie. Now, just relax baby. I'm going to make your naughty little dreams come true."

With that Liv slammed the riding crop down onto Peyton's butt, causing her to cry out. This process was then repeated over and over again, and even though the following blows were nowhere near as hard as the first Peyton still found herself crying out, mostly at the shock that this was actually happening to her.

That her best friend was actually spanking her on their first date, while she was bent over her own desk no less, that fact echoing in her head to the point where she couldn't think of anything else for a few minutes. Well, that and how much it hurt. Then she became aware of something else, something embarrassing, and the worst part of it was that Liv's enhanced instincts made her aware of it almost at the exact same time.

"Take off your pants!" Liv suddenly ordered, stopping the spanking momentarily, minus one hard strike when Peyton didn't reply while trying to do as she was told, "What do you say?"

"Yes Mistress, sorry Mistress!" Peyton whimpered, before slowly undoing her pants and pulled them down, slowly revealing her ass before letting the fabric drop down around her ankles.

It was a risk Peyton was sure she was going to be punished for, but it seemed Liv liked this teasing, and was happy to return the favour by sliding her right hand over Peyton's sore and still pantie covered cheeks, before reaching in between her legs and discovering the embarrassing truth, which made Liv laugh, "Wow, you really are enjoying this, aren't you?"

"Yes Mistress." Peyton croaked with a furious blush, and then moan softly as for a few long seconds Liv began rubbing her embarrassingly wet pussy through her panties.

Then Liv pulled her hand away, grabbed onto Peyton's panties and slowly pull them down, mentioning as she dropped them down to her ankles, "Sorry Peyton, but you really have been a bad girl. So I think this is definitely going to have to be a bare bottom spanking."

Again Peyton blushed, and then after a little hesitation said, "What ever you think is best Mistress."

"Good answer." Liv chuckled, straightening up and restarting the spanking.

Initially it was just like before, slow and methodical, but not too rough, giving Peyton plenty of time to wallow in the humiliation of it. Then instead of covering the whole butt Liv started concentrating on just one spot at a time, which intensified the pain. Then after that she would suddenly give an extra hard strike to the other cheek, making Peyton cry out extra loudly.

Finally Liv started increasing the force of the blows, eventually using what had to be every ounce of her strength, or at least her human strength, to beat Peyton's butt. Then it became inhumanly hard, and somehow Peyton was enjoying it, even though at that point she was crying and yelping hysterically.

Liv felt guilty throughout the spanking, especially because she was enjoying it just as much as Peyton was. No, she was enjoying it more. She had to be. After all, it wasn't her butt getting savagely beaten. Yet somehow she could still smell Peyton's arousal, and it was driving her crazy. Like, literally.

She could feel the urge to go Full Zombie rising, and while she fought it off for as long as she could she became increasingly worried she was going to lose control and really hurt her best friend. Or worse, make her like her, or end up eating her brain, and Liv wasn't sure she could live with herself if she did either of those things, especially the latter.

So as she began to really get going Liv growled in an inhuman voice, "Remember your safe word!"

Had they even discussed that? Liv had meant too, but she couldn't remember now. It didn't really matter, Peyton could always tell her to stop, and she would. She would! Although Peyton didn't show her the respect of replying, and use her proper title, and she hadn't used it on a few occasions, which was all the excuse that Liv needed at that moment to deliver some serious damage to her friend's derriere.

Also there was the fact that Peyton's butt was just so God damn perfect, annoyingly so, and even more now it was beautifully jiggling with every strike, and turning first a cute pink and then a beautiful red, Liv's mouth literally watering with lust. Or was that from something else?

Pretty much losing complete control Liv could feel her eyes glazing over red as she started using her enhanced strength to brutalise her best friend's bottom. Somehow Peyton still didn't beg for mercy, but she did scream in pain, so loudly that if there had been anyone in the building they would have definitely heard her, and Liv wouldn't be surprised if the whole state could hear her.

Yet still, Liv spanked Peyton's ass. She told herself it was because she sensed her friends arousal, and because Peyton hadn't asked her to stop, both of which were true, but Liv was worried that the main reason was more primal and evil than that, and that she wouldn't stop when asked. Luckily she was wrong.

"STOP! STOP! PLEASE STOP!" Peyton screamed at the top of her lungs, and then whimpered when she got her wish, "Thank you Mistress."

Feeling her eyes returned to normal and her body relax Liv was overcome with relief that when it came down to it she managed to stop herself. That was quickly replaced by guilt as she watched her best friend collapsed down onto the desk in a whimpering mess, her butt a dark, bruised red.

Yet still, Liv could smell, and practically taste, how wet Peyton was, although at this point she was wondering whether that was a justifiable excuse for what she had just done. Trying to make up for it Liv lent down so she could wrap her arms around Peyton and hug her from behind, just holding her for a little while as she cooing softly in her ear.

"It's okay, I got you." Liv whispered that and other things like it over and over again for a few minutes, before finally asking, "Still want me to butt fuck you?"

"Yes Mistress." Peyton replied without hesitation.

Liv wasn't sure that was a good idea, especially given what she had just done to Peyton's ass, but she was too horny not to, so she got into the practicality of it, "You know I didn't bring any lube, so we're going to have to use natural lubricant."

"Natural?" Peyton murmured, before blaming her fuzzy brain for what she'd just said as Liv guided a hand down between her legs, "Oh."

"I can't be the one to do it." Liv said softly, "It has to be you. Like with your sweet little cunt, the risk would just be too great. Even with gloves. So it has to be you. You have to, you know... finger your virgin butt hole and get it nice and ready for my big cock."

Most of that was pure Liv, but the last part was so dirty and confident it made Peyton whimper before she hesitantly replied, "Okay."

"And make it good for me." Liv demanded softly, "Seduce me with your ass. Make me want to fuck it."

After a brief hesitation Peyton rushed to reply, "Yes Mistress."