All Comments on 'Best Served Cold'

by Hooked1957

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CHUCK2468CHUCK24685 months ago

Definitely wouldn't read again. The revenge was very weak, the aftermath was non exisitant, the MC was kinda pathetic and it was about 3 pages to long considering the lazy ending. Just my opinion.


InfosaugerInfosauger5 months ago

Nedds a second chapter, where Devon realise he is a cuck himself! Otherwise the revenge is useless.

LechemanLecheman5 months ago

Ouch, well done on MCs behalf but story would have climaxed better with Devon finally realizing he had been cucked well 'n' truly.

devtekdevtek5 months ago


A second chapter is needed, set many years later. After Stephen's death, Devon receives a package containing DNA evidence that the son he raised was actually Stephen's son.

Baldy74Baldy745 months ago

Definitely not one of your best. Weak ending and revenge that was very unsatisfying.

Be nice to know what happened to them next.

Jetcrash747Jetcrash7475 months ago

The cheater Devon needs to realize after eighteen years of raising someone else’s child, that his plowing the fields of desirable women.

slowhand21slowhand215 months ago

Another chapter, please. Would love to see the fallout for Tally and Devon.

AardieAardie5 months ago

Yes, not quite complete revenge because Devon doesn't know. Why would she marry a man she was willing to betray that badly? I guess she can't let it be revealed while she still wants to be with him.

TajfaTajfa5 months ago

So this was good but seems unfinished. What happened to his ex wife? Did Devon find out?

Not sure if there is enough for a full follow up but an extended epilogue would be appreciated.

Impo_64Impo_645 months ago

"Yes, indeed, a dish best served cold... ice cold."...If he doesn't know, it's not revenge! Why stop at one child? Make him raise at least 3!

MightyheartMightyheart5 months ago

Weak Ending.

The MC and Devon had to have a final talk after a few years.

Why would Ava want to marry Devon unless he was stinking rich and she planned to take half of his money in a divorce.

MaxiMilfMaxiMilf5 months ago

Awesome story, but unfinished. What happened to the wife? I gave u 5 stars and saved it to my favorites, but FINISH THE DAMNED STORY!!!!!!!!!

sdc97230sdc972305 months ago

Is it really revenge if it's kept secret? Wouldn't be for me.

Tx77TumbleweedTx77Tumbleweed5 months ago

That type of revenge is weak since Devin has no clue. It might have been better if the MC had gotten a promise that he could father ALL of Devon's kids. However, once Devon's fiancee had seen and heard the video, the ultimate revenge would have been if she had left him at the altar on the day of the wedding and played an audio only version of the tryst with Tally where Devon said she was his best sex ever and left him while she joined the MC to use the supposed to be honeymoon trip.

DSolomonDDSolomonD5 months ago

Complete for the tale that it is.

Revenge is also a life well lived. It is sufficient that the hero knows he is avenged.

(Others would have sent the video to the villain's new place of work or filed a suit for alienation of affection and whether that would have succeeded in court, it would have ruined his opportunity for future employment.)

The story leaves outlets for additions if the author so chooses.

Just fine.


StubbyoneStubbyone5 months ago

Too unbelievable. I can’t believe any woman would be that turned on to eventually put a tattoo above her pussy like that. Her craziness was way over the top and Stephen’s revenge was too subtle and unsatisfying.

Having an open marriage Devon’s fiancé knows that during sex one says things that are titillating to one’s partner simply for that reason. You are the hottest, you are the best, you are the biggest, etc. such superlatives serve to further turn on and stroke your partner’s ego. Her anger at Devon was misplaced. The writing was top notch, but believability was lacking. Only a 3.

jasonnhjasonnh5 months ago

Very good story. The principle piece, ice cold revenge, was well crafted, that Devon has been screwed and doesn't even know it. Devon is walking around with an ice pick in his back and is unaware.

It's great that Stephen seems to be well recovered but that could have been further explored as well, "A life lived well", ...

It's a bit puzzling why Ava would want to marry Devon after finding out about his comments. Revenge is fine, short term, but living with an arrogant man that you despise for 20 years while he raises a child who is not his seems self destructive to Ava. Maybe she plans to take him to the cleaners before too long?

Further, while releasing the video to Tally's family has the potential to ruin her life, we never see the impact on her. While the revenge on Devon is ice cold, the revenge on Tally could be red hot and we never get to see it. We only get to assume it. Further, given her arrogant and giddy reaction to being divorced, it seems like Tally is mostly immune to any responsibility and guilt for what happened. The counselor said she was "delusional". A good revenge against Tally would shatter her delusions and we should be able to witness it, vicariously.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

That was really some cold revenge, but I can't imagine that Ava would marry a known cheater while getting pregnant by Stephen. It just seems over-the-top stupid on her part. And why wouldn't Stephen just go to the school and ruin Devon's life and career all in one swoop? And while we're at it, what happened to the sex maniac ex-wife? So many questions, so few answers.

servant111servant1115 months ago

Definately needs a follow on

5 stars

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Decent story but when the husband accuses the wife of getting hit by a Martian Slut Ray and she doesn't vehemently deny it, well, the story tends to use credibility to me.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

well if you cant avoid divorce then an amazingly hard revenge is the best next option. 5/5

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

How is that revenge if Devon never knows the kid isn't his? Sounds like Devon won......

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Finished too soon unless a second chapter is on the way. Need to know the fallout for Tally and if Devon ever finds out. Revenge doesn't work unless the person whom you have committed it on knows.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Sexy, with a good bit of drama, just what the doctor ordered!

I miss Traci, but Talli will do, lol!

Good story, but the eroticism involved in the revenge with our hero and Ava would have been a nice bonus, as Stephen reclaims himself.

Wifey really slutted it up, hard, and got stupid, wow, her assumptions about Devon and that tattoo!

Too bad Talli did not make another attempt at Stephen after Devon booted her, or we don't hear about correcting her tattoo mistake. Her ending lacked a little something, but we did get enough.

It is hard to believe that Stephen found out about Ava, hearing how would have been good.

Way better than a 4 deserves, so,

Five for you

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Lecheman said:

"... well done... but story would have climaxed better with Devon finally realizing he had been cucked well 'n' truly."

Infosauger said:

"'Needs' a second chapter, where Devon realise he is a cuck himself! Otherwise the revenge is useless."

Agreed. Devon continues to revel in his "victory" over Stephen having had his butt kicked by him. But the point of revenge is to dish out punitive damage as retaliation for injury. There was nothing punitive in Stephen's fathering of Devon's "son" as he is blissfully unaware.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The ending was very weak. Devon basically got away with it. Terrible

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

You left out what happened to Tally? Did she become other TA's fuck buddies? How many more kids did Ava have that weren't Devon's?

silentsoundsilentsound5 months ago

Hmm. Felt kind of flat.

I guess Tally seemed kind of unreal and truly insane toward the end.

Her cavalier attitude didn't seem to fit.

lujon2019lujon20195 months ago

what the point of a revenge if it is unknown?

Pappy7Pappy75 months ago

Evidently Devon is an idiot. That rubbing shit in another man's face will get you killed, very painfully so. Hubby might or might not go to jail, but it won't matter to what's left of Devon. As far as the story goes, not bad. A little over the top but isn't that what we like in LW Land? Just the taunting to the husbands face tainted the story for me but then, I guess I'm old school or maybe just old school yard.

SunnyU2SunnyU25 months ago

Reminded me of "An Honest Question" by Ohio, but since you don't right reconciliation when the story got the confrontation you went in a different direction.

DessertmanDessertman5 months ago

An interesting ending!

One of the better cheating wife stories.

I spotted one error early one where Talli acquired a different name.

What happened to her, did she end up alone and full of regrets or did she become totally promiscuous, searching for what she had lost?

Mac_LapuMac_Lapu5 months ago

Even tho Stephen got his revenge at the end still @Hooked1957 it was a hard and painful story to read the sex part altho erotically done was just too much pain for me I skipped all the sex parts thereafter and I had to check again who the writer is to make sure I wasn't reading a known cuckold writer. Maybe 'll read it again sometime later. If this was real I think Devon would one day beckon Tally for a romp again behind Ava's back him knowing he owns Tally's body and the stupid Tally will just rush back to Devon. I think Tally wasn't punished enough she probably won more with the assests she got from the divorce and getting snashed by Devon for a year. Man I hate cheaters' as the winners.

Mac_LapuMac_Lapu5 months ago

As a continuation to my commebt I don't understand why Ava nèds to marry Devon?? I mean she is a 10 in the beauty scale she can have any of that 1% alpha males well unless she wants to destroy Devon financially in the divorce. Yes I do agree that this needs a closure part 2. More punishment for Tally @Hooked1967.

MountainMan1336MountainMan13365 months ago

Well, the ending made me laugh, 5 stars from me. I do agree though that Devon needs to be told that the child is not his but in fact it is Stephen's son. And we also have not heard from the first son. I would think he would at least disown his mother and she never meets her grandchildren. Especially since Grandpa Stephen is highly involved in his grandchildren's lives. And how about Stephen and Tally's son doing a number on Devon to? Nothing too severe just put him in the hospital for a month or two. Let Tally die alone in a cheap trailer along with her 27 cats.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Wife got exactly what she wanted. She didn't even seem that pissed off that her plans went sour. She just enjoys sex. But even she understands those hot milf years are drying up. She hoped that someone would marry her despite having no morals, no eggs, and no teetering on the brink of menopause.

Husband got the ultimate revenge on the young man. He won't have to lift a finger to upset his ex wife. All he has to do is continue to ignore her. Live his life and be happy.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Excellent story. The ending is the best ever. There should be a sequel to destroy Devon and the whore.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I liked thr story, only wish the wife would have gotten her comeuppance.

SystemShockSystemShock5 months ago

Again, the real culprit basically gets off scot-free, having lost nothing she actually valued. Devon, piece of shit though he is, was not the villain here; he merely took what was readily offered. Even after narrowly avoiding total disaster, Tally didn't hesitate for a moment to jump into Devon's bed, and didn't look back once the consequences of those actions came. Even had the nerve to get an attitude when she was confronted.

She will get over this, get the tattoo removed/covered, find a replacement husband and/or lover and land on her back just fine. She's still hot and a fantastic fuck when she wants to be, so she won't be alone for long. There will be no lesson learned, aside from maybe date in her own age range and make sure she's not the side chick, no reflecting on what she had and gave up. I'm sorry, but if there is a loser here, it's really the MC: the only one here who actually lost something he really wanted.

miket0422miket04225 months ago

Literally laughed out loud when the paternity of Ava's baby was revealed

HarddaysknightHarddaysknight5 months ago

That was a surprise ending! The only problem is that it isn't real revenge until Devon knows it is not his child. Nice job with this plot twist.

someoneothersomeoneother5 months ago

Every character is a sick puppy, except Stephen and Ava's baby who will become the innocent victim of the parents' turpitude.

ReedRichardsReedRichards5 months ago

"From their lunchtime conversation, Devon knew Traci was on the pill." -- on page one. :) So good to see Traci return, even if by accident.

Omart57Omart575 months ago

Awesome story, H! Thanks for sharing.

ReedRichardsReedRichards5 months ago

In my story, Our Very Last Time, the MC's revenge had been to knock up his ex-wife, which he found out about five years later, when he saw his ex and her new husband having breakfast at the Bob Evans restaurant on Richmond Road in Lexington, and noticed that their four-year-old daughter had the same cornflower blue eyes as his mother and sister. Some of the commenters liked it, but many also said that he'd gotten revenge on himself, because his daughter was being reared by another man. In this one, Stephen finds out right away.


This one's a bit different, because Traci, er, sorry, Tally doesn't really seem to care that much that she's losing her husband, even though any idiot could see that there's not really that much chance that she wasn't likely to have that much of a future with a guy twenty years her junior. Getting the "Dev" tattoo above her pussy was something a 19-year-old might do, but not a mid-forties MILF, unless she's just completely stupid. Of course, a lot of unfaithful wives are written in LW as being dumb as a box of rocks.


Very first time in Tally's house? Yeah, that one's different, because most cheating doesn't occur in the wife's home, at least not at first. Another instance of the wife being utterly stupid.

CriosCrios5 months ago

Another hit! Well-done!

I see other commenters have a similar question: Is it really revenge if the victim doesn't know he's been screwed?

ReedRichardsReedRichards5 months ago

Aardie wrote, "Yes, not quite complete revenge because Devon doesn't know. Why would she marry a man she was willing to betray that badly? I guess she can't let it be revealed while she still wants to be with him."


It was on Kentucky Derby Day of 2028 that Ava found out that her husband Devon was cheating on her, but this time with a younger bi-guy in the same department. Ava hadn't been that thrilled with her marriage to Devon anyway. The sex had been great, sure enough, but though they still loved each other, they were both discovering that they didn't really have that much in common outside the bedroom, and their time together contained an awful lot of silence. Ava filed for divorce quickly enough, as she had a teaching opportunity at the University of Miami: hot weather, hot guys, and she loved laying out naked on Haulover Beach!


And that was when she got her ultimate revenge, because Devon was now on the hook for fourteen years of child support, for the son that was actually Stephen's.

PostScriptorPostScriptor5 months ago

I wonder how often, for either men or women, someone is struck senseless when they meet another person? It sure didn’t pay off in this story! LOL And the ending was a surprise; but I would want to have contact with my son as he was growing up. Maybe Steven appears later on with DNA tests, and gets some parental rights. Would that hurt or not…

CagivagurlCagivagurl5 months ago

5 stars for a well written tale


JH4FunJH4Fun5 months ago
Outstanding Read ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

As usual a tale worth its weight in great comments, thanks for sharing your creations.

It earned a rating much better than the Outstanding Read ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ rating we gave it.

My wife and I are looking forward to your future creations.

Keep Writing


6King6King5 months ago

It's not served at any temp if Devon doesn't find out he's raising Stephen's son.

Busman19639Busman196395 months ago

Not sure about the reality of Stephen and Ava getting together but it’s not my story. A good read otherwise.

numbnutz49numbnutz495 months ago

It was a bit slow moving but blasted through to the finish. I always peek at the comments that followed and it was the usual 'it's a terrible story', 'not finished', 'it's not revenge if Devon doesn't know'. Remember Rickie Nelson? His song 'I Went to a Garden Party'? Lyrics follow (it's all about 'author's rights). . . But it's all right now, I learned my lesson well, You see, you can't please everyone, So you got to please yourself. I hope you're pleased Hooked1957!

mainer42mainer425 months ago

good read from you as always

irinmikeirinmike5 months ago

My understanding of a Hall Pass is that the husband grants the wife's wish to have sex with another man. The bi line of your story states that, "she takes a hall pass". I thought the story was weak by your writing standards. A woman happily married 23 years all of a sudden is knocked off her pins and becomes a slut to a man half her age. Even to the extent of having a tattoo with her lover's name on it above her pussy? Wife says she does not want to lose her husband, but when she is discovered, goes right back to her young lover. The most descriptive part of those five pages is the sex, which got old soon after reading about their first tryst. I rated this story a three, and well below your usual output. One last thing, since Devon's fiancé walks into his apartment with Devon's slut naked you would have thought she would have noticed her husband soon to be, name tattooed on the slut.

Slick742Slick7425 months ago

LW has been weak lately so I'm in great appreciation for a reading that kept building suspense. The husband shock at the affair and the suits wife non-concern for her husband were troubling. Loved the bartender's conversations with the husband. Gave it a 5* because it deserved it.

Buster2UBuster2U5 months ago

10 Big Blazing Stars for another Great story by Hooked! It always amazes me how so many commenters like to stab a writer in the back. Even such superior writers as Hooked. I guess people just like to complain because they can. I on the other hand enjoyed your story. This was a perfect burn for Devon, raising another man's child, and Tally just got hit by the Martian slut Ray. There was no common sense in her pretty little head and though she was a Hottie all her life, she as we all do, will get older until her looks fade. Tally lost her hubby and all her future security for the rest of her life. As horny as she is she is going to have to hunting for more cock the rest of her life. Sorting through the single scene until she can get laid again. How many STIs she catches along the way is limitless. Especially with her lack of common sense. I remember years ago, me and my buddy were sipping some beer at my favorite bar and this grey haired woman with big firm breasts was sitting on my buddies bar stool when we finished our pool game. LOL She was just like Tally. We took her back to my place and both fucked her 'granny' pussy. LOL Us men are dogs! Those we the days. Thanks for all the effort Hooked, you are one of the 'Great Ones'. BTW I really liked that Stephen yanked Devon out of his wife by breaking his nose and stomping his nuts. Just because I have always been a much more violent guy, it was a Great Start! LOL Thanks, Buster2U

WellplayedsirWellplayedsir5 months ago

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

LNRAstroLNRAstro5 months ago

Nah, not enough. For what Devon did he needs to hurt way worse than this. Scumbag is the lowest form of life on the planet.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJ5 months ago

It would be a great revenge except that it is an awful thing to play games with a child. Stephen will never get to hold his son or teach him to be a good man. The scumbag will teach the boy to be a scumbag just like him. That's F'd up. When it all comes out years in the future Jeff will hate his father for doing such a disgusting thing to his brother that he never got to know.

gatorhermitgatorhermit5 months ago
I did not see that revenge coming - good twist!

Martian Slut Ray sure worked on this wife. I didn’t see the revenge twist coming - that was poetic. IRL if ex wife is as attractive as portrayed, she’ll find another chump. Good story!

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bc5 months ago

Well written and well played. 5.0*

MormonJackMormonJack5 months ago

Loved the story and was surprised with the twisty ending! 5 stars. Awesome, as always!

Still, Stephen now has a baby son and it makes me wonder: is he really leaving him to the asshole Devon and revenge-cheater Ava to raise? I'm chalking up Steven's decision here to being consumed by want for revenge, and once he settles down he might take an interest in the tyke.

Cracker270Cracker2705 months ago

As a story it is well crafted and very entertaining. If it were real life then it would be a despicable thing to do to a baby

Karn9Karn95 months ago

Wow didn’t see that ending! Great story 5*

KoxokKoxok5 months ago

Poor kid will have Devon as his dad. Ava is a fool if she thinks he will be faithful after marriage.

pugetmanpugetman5 months ago

So this should be flagged as BTB&B :)

Well done.

JustOneMansOpinionJustOneMansOpinion5 months ago

I liked the story even with the mistakes. Of course, revenge isn't really revenge if the offended party doesn't know it happened. The real revenge would have been too fast forward 18 years from where you stopped your story and after Ava divorced DeVon, "you know he will cheat again" and tell Devon he needed to do a DNA test with his son. Karma is a close cousin to Daja Vu, you steal my wife and ruined my marriage, I'll ruin your marriage and let you pay to raise my child, how is that for payback with interest.

DrtywrdsmithDrtywrdsmith5 months ago

Serious payback! Great story. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

laptopwriterlaptopwriter5 months ago

I loved it. Great twist at the end. 5 big stars.

sdc97230sdc972305 months ago

I don't think I would view it as a positive thing, knowing that a child bearing my DNA was going to grow up having a pair of cheaters as parents and role models (because Ava thought cheating was a suitable revenge for cheating), and will in all likelihood grow up to be someone who thinks cheating is an acceptable life choice. Not to mention that in order to carry out this plan, I would have to become a participant in someone else's cheating myself.

JRandyJJRandyJ5 months ago

Good read, but 10 years later Devon the prick needs to learn the kid's real father. Ignorance of the fact is not revenge.

AmbulAmbul5 months ago

Terrific story of a hot MILF cheating on her husband of 23 years with absolutely no regrets. The very stupid cock-craving slut got off easy with a straightforward divorce, but she also has a “DEV” tattoo above her pussy for any future lover to see until she gets it painfully removed. I thought the revenge on Devon was imaginative but a bit contrived. He got off easy so long as he does not know that Ava’s baby was fathered by Stephen. We also don’t know what happened to Tally, who could become a slut for young cock or wither and withdraw into herself, regretting the life she threw away. I suspect that now fully aware of how sexy she is and with her very big tits and needy pussy, Tally will go the slut route. She could end up as a very horny bar whore, fucking as many men in all of her eager holes as she can. STDs may be in her future. The biggest loser may have been Stephen, as other commenters have noted. He lost the love of his wife and his ‘revenge” on Devon is small satisfaction. He is a catch, though, and will eventually recover and likely remarry.

tangledweedtangledweed5 months ago

The ending makes this a more authentic cuckold tale than most, for he left his offspring to be raised unknowingly (for him) by another. Just like the cuckoo bird inspiration for the term.

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19695 months ago

that was really good, five star as is with a ton of great drama featuring two narcissists.

Could it have been better? Yes, all stories can be if you look hard enough. Thoughts below what I'd torture myself over if I wrote this story.

I would have liked to have found out how devastated Tally (and her stupid 'DEV' tattoo) was before the story ended. Depending on her strength of her character, the resulting heartbreak and depression over everything she lost should cause a breakdown with self-harm being a possibility. She threw her marriage, shamed herself at work and lost the respect of everyone she knows for a months of sex and fake love affair. Her not being more of a focus at the end didn't feel right. She was treated as a side character.

The revenge on Dev was a little hallow as he didn't know it. Seemed a little overboard too. Why would Ava go along with that and stay married to him right? Still, it would have been awesome if Dev's part of the story ended with Stephen pressing send on an email to him titled "Best Served Cold." Then once that is known, end the story by wrapping up Tilly's fate.

Surprised Stephen didn't go after her work to get at Dev too. Could have been explained away with a sentence

"I thought about sending the video to Tilly's work to get her and Dev fired for fraternization or having an affair during work hours, but I have bigger plans for him. Besides, if she has a job, I won't have to pay give her any support payments."

NegateGivityNegateGivity5 months ago

Definitely needs a 20 years later sequel.

dgfergiedgfergie5 months ago

It was an ok story but what good is revenge if the wifes paramore doesn't know about. I was sort of waiting for someone to pick up the gun and shoot somebody. Well at least he had a faithful wife for 26 years, that's pretty much the only positive thing in this story. Just remember Divorce is the screwing you get for the screwing you got and that happens over 50% of the time according to statistics. The there's that Eagles song, Peaceful Easy Feeling as a singer tells us "I found out a long time ago

What a woman can do to your soul", a woman can really mess you up, I speak from experience. 4 stars

Hardday1953Hardday19535 months ago

Wow is all I can say! five stars

OOAAOOAA5 months ago


stev2244stev22445 months ago

Good story, as always from Hooked, with a surprise ending.

JoeBetterBNiceJoeBetterBNice5 months ago

Hooked is probably my favorite writer on this site. However, this story didn't do it for me, but probably more a reflection of my taste rather than a problem with the writing. I am never a fan of husbands that blame the infidelity partners that are not married to the husband. A random male has no contract w/ the husband and owes nothing but common decency. Involving one's self in another person's marriage is a dick move (pun intended), but the main recipient of wrath should be the person that broke the contract. The second part that unsettles me, and way more, is using a child as a means of revenge. I know this is just a story, but Stephen is truly a huge asshole for purposely setting a child up to either live in a broken home, or never know their real parent. Sorry, I just can't get on board w/ kids being used as revenge devices. This ended up being just 2 stars for me and I will need to read something else immediately to get the foul feeling out of my brain. Very disturbing.

NicealloverNiceallover5 months ago

I think that the revenge was ingenious but it wasn’t satisfying to me. Devon deserved to be hurt again but bringing up another man’s son didn’t seem right. I would like to see Tally suffering from isolation and loneliness as a wanton slut. She deserves a better revenge than just losing Devon. I still had to give it 5 stars. Hook1957 is a very good writer.

Eveready1999Eveready19995 months ago

Great writer but not sure this ended well. You left us hanging really, using a child as revenge is interesting (it's just a story) but we didn't get any of the outcome/impact.... A second part showing what happened with Tally etc.. would help IMHO....

EastCoaster1EastCoaster15 months ago

Loved it !

He not only got to pound into the floor the kid that his wife was screwing, he found a VERY long-term revenge to use after his divorce.

Of course, there are unanswered questions if this was reality, like does he EVER want to know his second son, does Ava plan to EVER tell Devon, if so, what would the various legal issues do to affect them all, etc., but it's a STORY, as in fiction, or not real !

Keeping that thought in mind, of course the author could add more, or they could just leave it as it is, a completed story that ends with the title: revenge that was 'best served cold' !

Five stars for a fun read that was...

...very nicely done !

jblogsjblogs5 months ago

Great story - would have liked to hear what happened to Telly later

elling50elling505 months ago

Interesting and well written, but the revenge part was too stupid. What women would want her own child used as revenge against a man who she still wanted to marry? And what was the revenge in making him uknowingly raise another mans child? Just stupid!

LoejtcLoejtc5 months ago

No! The revenge came a year later when Devon received an anonymous text suggesting he have his son’s DNA rested against his. The text was signed “ I OWN YOU”!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

May I just say, Devon does not need to know, indeed, if he did Stephan would be up for a lot of cash in child support; sometimes, just sometimes revenge is not only the act but also how long it goes for. in this case a lifetime.

A lovely twist to the best served cold adage.

rockdoctor63rockdoctor635 months ago

Nice story, but revenge is not revenge unless the person knows about it. I would have liked to hear about the ex's life going to hell. She was so smig about the whole thing.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I would love a page or to of tally fallout and see what happens. And also maybe a 20 years later he decided to do a ancestry kit for his family and finds out his son isn't his son would be hilarious

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

That was meant to be a story?

About what??

And why 5 pages???

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

This in SPADES .... and the reason this story received a "generous" 2!!! "Same ole .. same ole" for this writer .... he REFUSES AGAIN to punish the one person that deserves to be burned .... the CHEATING CUNT wife!!

"Again, the real culprit basically gets off scot-free, having lost nothing she actually valued. Devon, piece of shit though he is, was not the villain here; he merely took what was readily offered. Even after narrowly avoiding total disaster, Tally didn't hesitate for a moment to jump into Devon's bed, and didn't look back once the consequences of those actions came. Even had the nerve to get an attitude when she was confronted.

She will get over this, get the tattoo removed/covered, find a replacement husband and/or lover and land on her back just fine. She's still hot and a fantastic fuck when she wants to be, so she won't be alone for long. There will be no lesson learned, aside from maybe date in her own age range and make sure she's not the side chick, no reflecting on what she had and gave up. I'm sorry, but if there is a loser here, it's really the MC: the only one here who actually lost something he really wanted."

JordanFullerJordanFuller5 months ago

Is her name Tally, Talley or Traci? She seemed to be all three at various points

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Martian Slut Ray stories are just not realistic in my view, it might be for a couple of times, but in reality guilt and concern over discovery is going to take the 'novelty' away fairly quickly. The guilty parties in this sad story don't even seem to have any sense of love with anyone except themselves and there was no real attempt to get even at the end. Getting even when no-one knows about it really doesn't count.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I agree with other comments that it's not revenge on Devon until he knows. Maybe that's an opportunity to get the ex wife a little revenge of her own against the little shit. Still a good story with the ultimate burn.

AngelRiderAngelRider5 months ago

It's alright I suppose.

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