Better with Age Ch. 03


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Dave meanwhile, made no such move. He continued by rinsing the soap from her body, bit by bit until he was satisfied. Walking back to the wall, he turned the knobs once more, and the water stopped flowing. Stepping out of the shower, he took a large, fluffy white towel from a hook, and brought it back to Amber. Wrapping her in it, Dave dried her skin, working as methodically as he had while washing, until she was nice and dry.

"Come, step out here,"

She stepped quickly, as he handed her a different towel, "Dry me, please."

Amber worked the towel, doing her best to dry him off as well as he had done to her. She stepped back, happy with her work, and placed the towel back onto the hook.

"Thank you," Dave said, "Come, it's time to get you dressed."

Amber looked back towards her clothes on the bench, as Dave guided her out of the bathroom and towards the bedroom.

She had seen earlier, from afar and without the time to see that the bed was large, and now she noticed a number of things had been laid out. Before Amber could take a good look at anything, Dave turned her around, and had her sit on the edge of the bed. He picked up the first item from the bed, a navy-blue, silk garter belt. Bending down, he wrapped the belt around Amber's waist, sliding the four clasps into place.

"How does that feel?"

Amber moved slightly, testing the tightness of the belt, "It feels fine, I think. I've never worn one of these."

Dave nodded, happy with the response. Now, he neared Amber, his lips next to her ears, and whispered softly, "Lie back."

Amber shook at his voice, so sure, so confident, and yet all but silent. She lay back on the bed, and Dave took one of the stockings that lay on the bed. He prepared the stocking, and said, "lift your left leg," which she did. As if he had done this a thousand times before, Dave rolled the stocking onto her foot, down her leg, pausing to admire her lovely body as she lay on the bed, until again he was satisfied with his work. Clipping in the first stocking, he moved onto the second, repeating the steps. When he was finished, Dave stepped back, "Stand up, please,"

Amber sat up, and then stood, a little too quickly once again, the wine making her almost stumble, but not quite this time. Dave bent down, inspecting the clips, the stockings, and the belt.

"Perfect," he said, mostly to himself.

He picked up the final thing from the bed. It was a simple, black tank-top with spaghetti straps. Amber thought it seemed out of place, but said nothing. Dave had her put it on, and it was barely the right size. Her breasts squeezed at the top, and strained against the fabric.

"Almost finished," he said. Gesturing now to the side of the bed, he said, "There are four pairs of shoes there. Look at them all, choose whichever you like most, and join me out on the balcony once you've put them on."

Amber looked over, having not noticed the four boxes, but seeing they were obscured by the bed. She sat at the bed and began to open each box, while Dave put on a fresh pair of black boxer briefs, and left her alone to choose.

Amber sat at the edge of the bed on the other side now, and opened each of the boxes. Her breath caught at the sight of each pair. Though Dave did not know, Amber was a massive fan of footwear. Although they were all nice, one pair stood out at once, and there was no hesitation in her choice; A pair of of dark blue stilettos with a tall heel. She secured the thin straps and stood up, masterfully navigating the high-heel despite the drinks, feeling empowered, and unstoppable.

She strode with the utmost confidence out of the bedroom, and towards the balcony, where Dave stood with another bottle of wine, pouring two fresh glasses. Opening the door to the balcony, a rush of fresh, cool summer air enveloped her body. It was refreshing, and only added to her saunter towards Dave. He meanwhile watched, a smile ever so slowly stretching across his face. It was working better than he had planned.

Passing her the new glass of wine, Dave asked, "How do you like the shoes?"

Saying nothing, Amber took the glass and walked slowly away from Dave, modelling the shoes and her outfit. She took six or seven steps, and turned at the waist to look back at him. Then she turned and walked back, ever so slowly. "How do you like them on me?"

Dave smiled, "You make them look quite good."

Standing next to Dave, the pair said nothing in the last moments of twilight. The glow of the sun was lessening and the electric lights were taking over for the evening. They sipped at the glasses as the night arrived.

With their glasses empty, Amber reached for the bottle to top them both off, but Dave stopped her, "It's time," he began, "let's step inside. Follow me."

She walked close behind as he crossed the balcony. In the living room again, Dave took one of the tall-backed chairs from the dining table, placing it in front of the large window, facing the darkened city and all its lights.

"Have a seat," he said. When they had first arrived, Amber had not taken notice to the case that sat on the table. It was larger than a briefcase, and seemed out of place. Sitting down, Dave snapped open the two clasps on the side, and opened the case. It was filled with ropes, restraints, and other things that she could not see past the surface.

Dave began removing pieces from the case and placing them on the table. "As I said before, I am looking forward to seeing how much you enjoy all of this," he said, looking at Amber. "Are you ready to begin?"

Amber found her breathing had deepend, only a bit, as she took in what lay ahead. She nodded, saying nothing at all.

Dave continued placing the contents of the case on the table. Asides from what she had seen at first, there were also handcuffs, blindfolds, and what surprised Amber most, was the inclusion of a large massager. It was a Hitachi wand massager, exactly like that one she had seen online that week, but had not purchased.

"Well then, let's begin." Dave took one of the bundles of rope from the table, undoing the careful binding he had made when last he put it away in the case, years ago. Kneeling down, he laid the rope down, and ran his hands down Amber's legs, covered in stocking, from knees to calf. His soft touch made Amber want more and more. Taking the rope in hand, Dave moved deftly, looping the rope around and around, until Amber's feet were bound together.

Standing, Dave nodded at his handiwork. "Seperate your feet from each other," he said, to which Amber found that she could not.

"Good," he said, again mainly to himself. He took another bundle of rope, long than the first, and undid its ties. "I'm going to tie your arms now, is that alright with you?"

Amber nodded quickly, excited and wanting to be bound as soon as possible.

Dave nodded, "place your hands together, as if you were praying." Amber did as she was told, and again Dave moved the rope in and around her wrists, passing the rope between loops made a moment ago. She lost herself in his movements, and in what felt like no time at all, her arms were bound at the wrist, with firm, but not uncomfortable loops halfway up her forearms.

"This," Dave began, "is called an arm corset tie."

Amber looked at the detail of all the loops, realizing that she could not recall exactly how it was that he moved the rope around to do this, and that she could not reproduce it if she tried. More importantly, she realized that in his seamless movements, Dave had done this many times before.

Next, Dave took a thick, oversized belt from the case. Stepping behind Amber, he looped the belt around her waist and the outside back of the chair. He tightened it, making sure that Amber was still comfortable, but quite unable to move.

Standing once more, Dave observed his work. He moved around, looking at the positioning of the belt, the binding of her arms and feet, finding it satisfactory. Lastly, he removed a wound extension cord from the case, and unravelled it as he walked to the outlet on the wall. Back at the table, he plugged it into the massager.

Amber watched with wide eyes as Dave placed another of the chairs at an angle to hers. He took the massager, and parted her knees. She felt Dave move the plastic shaft between her legs, until it was right up against her naked sex. Without a word, he flipped the switch to the low setting, filling the air with the sound of its motor, and sending shockwaves through her body.

"OH!" she cried out, startled by the force, surprised by the intensity. Her eyes shut tight as she felt her clit against the head of the massager. Dave sat down, and moved his chair as close as he could to hers. He leaned in, and whispered into her ear, "How do you like that?"

Amber found her breathing difficult to control now, but she answered nonetheless, "I love it, all of it."

Dave nodded, his hands on her abdomen, feeling the rise and fall of her breath. He leaned in and kissed at her neck, softly, as her moans became more intense. His hands moved upwards, cupping her breasts through the tank top, feeling for the nipples through the tight fabric against her skin.

Amber wiggled in her seat, trying to move only a bit, and unable to do so, continued to moan. David moved his hand down to the massager, pushing it further between Amber's legs, causing her to inhale deeply until she adjusted to the new sensation. Her orgasm was building quickly, and she knew that it would only be a few moments until it was upon her. Dave felt too that she was close, and stood behind her. Bending down, he kissed at the nape her of neck, running both of his hands along her shoulders, and down her arms.

"I'm getting close..." she said, her breath ragged and quick, "I'm going to-"

But her words became muffled as Dave placed his hand over her mouth, whispering into her ear, "Scream. Scream into my hand."

It was unexpected, and unknown feeling to have such a strong hand blocking her voice, and it was more than enough. Amber stiffened, her body ridgid as her orgasm went through her. She cried out, moaning as loudly as she could, only for the sound to be muffled into Dave's hand. She writhed and twisted as best she could, moving the head of the massager off of her clit, which was necessary as the sensation was overwhelming. Her breathing was hard and her head was light.

Dave meanwhile had undone the buckles that restrained Amber to the chair. He let them drop to the floor and stepped in front of the chair. He took hold of Amber's arms and helped her to her feet, still bound by the rope. With little effort, he hoisted Amber overtop of his shoulder, much to her surprise, and headed towards the bedroom.

Amber was still coming down from the high of her orgasm. From one moment to the next, she felt herself placed roughly on the bed, watching Dave as he turned her around onto her front. He straddled her legs from behind, running his fingers up and down her wet lips. A moment later she felt him, just the tip at first, and then -

"Oh!" she exclaimed, as he pushed inside of her, bit by bit, until he was all the way inside. He gripped onto her hips, holding her firmly down and thrusting hard. He said nothing now, lost in his own thoughts. Amber moaned as he pumped in and out, his hands strongly holding onto her. He had been so worked up for days now. Thinking about what would go on this evening.

Bringing her here as a surprise. Undressing one another. Showering and washing each other's body. He had become rock hard while she had sat in the chair, the vibrator between her legs, and now he was lost in her trance. As he continued to thrust, Amber could not get enough of the sensation of it all; her feet were bound, her hands were as well, and Dave was pumping harder and harder with each thrust. Her moans became louder, more pronounced with each passing moment. Her second orgasm came hard and fast, as she had been so worked up from the first.

"Oh God! Oh! Fuck me! Yes! Yes! Yes-" she cried in ecstacy, her arms stretched out as her body tensed. There was nothing else she could do. Dave continued to pump from behind, how pressing down on the small of her back, allowing him to thrust as hard and fast as he could manage. Amber continued to moan as her orgasm washed over her.

Dave was nearing his limit as well. As he knew he was close, he pushed himself a little further, and a little more, until he knew it was happening. Lifting himself up only his knees, he spun Amber around from beneath him. Taking hold of her hands, he stood up on the bed, forcing her to sit up as he did so. He placed her hands on his cock, and she eagerly stroked it with both of her hands. Dave felt himself tighten up as the first spurts landed on her face, and the second across the top of her breasts and onto the tank top.

Amber smiled as Dave breathed hard. She leaned forward and took the head of his shaft into her mouth, sucking gently, and causing Dave to buckle and pull back.

"Too much, too much!" he said, kneeling down in front of Amber. He held her hands as they sat there, panting and doing their best to simply breath, until finally he asked, "Did you enjoy it?"

Amber ginned harder than she had ever remembered, "I loved it!"

Dave smiled back. From beside the bed he took a towel to clean Amber off. Then he undid the rope that bound her feet together, and then her hands. Amber noticed that he did so quite slowly compared to when he was tying her up. She watched closely again as his hands undid his earlier work, and then formed the same bundle that the rope had when it had been taken from the case.

Placing both ropes on the side table next to the bed, he began to undress Amber. First he helped her take off the tank top, then her shoes, and finally the stockings and garter belt. When she was fully undressed again, Dave walked over to the lights near the entrance to the bedroom. With the push of a single button, all of the lights in the apartment dimmed, and then, went out.

With only the moonlight and the city lights through the window, Amber saw Dave's outline walking back towards the bed. He leaned close to her ear, and said, "One more thing, now that we've had our intense fun. It's time to slow down."

Amber felt his hands guide her back down on the bed. Dave moved overtop of her and let his lips find hers. He was much softer now, she thought, as he lightly kissed her, and she kissed him back. His hands moved, one sliding beneath her head, gently grasping it, and the other softly caressing her cheek.

Amber let her hands explore his body, running up and down his sides, finally letting them rest on his back, holding him as tight as he held her. They stayed in this way, kissing one another, lightly playing with their tongues in a dance. After a while, he rolled onto his side, and Amber followed, as they continued to meet with their lips. With a free hand now, Dave gently touched at her breasts. Amber loved this difference in mood. Only a short while ago she could swear she had never experienced such intense feeling all at once, and now, it was also unique, but so different.

He ran her fingers along his chest, around his abdomen, and finally moved down to his manhood. It had started to harden again, and she wrapped her hands around to stroke at it gently. He dropped a hand as well between her legs. Amber lifted a knee to give him access, and felt his fingers find her clit and begin to gently rub. As he became hard once again, and she felt his fingers move, their kissing became deeper, longer, and more passionate.

Before the tempo could increase, Dave moved overtop of her once more. He spread her legs, his arms supporting his weight on either side of her head, all the while never breaking away from their kiss. She brought her hands now up and around his neck, drawing him close. Shifting his hips, he slid his shaft up and down her wet lips, probing gently, finding the right spot, and pushing gently. This time it was all so different to Amber.

In mere moments, he was again sliding in and out of her, but there was no urgency this time in his thrusts, no increasing speed. He moved steadily, and ground his pubic bone into her, giving her clit the attention it needed with each thrust. All the while, their lips were locked.

As time went by, Amber felt again as though she were nearing the edge of her orgasm. His steady thrusts continued to drive her to the point of no return.

"I'm close..." she whispered, his face so close to hers.

"Look at me," he said in response.

She looked up, unsure of what he meant.

"Look into my eyes."

His thrusting became only slightly harder and faster, to bring her to the edge in that moment. As she felt her body tense, she kept her eyes locked on his, and now accustomed to the dark, watched him intensely as the orgasm shook her body. He picked up the pace, and before she had calmed down, he too felt himself getting close.

"Cum inside of me," she said, feeling his breathing increase.

Dave smiled, and kept his eyes locked on her now. As he felt the familiar build up in his loins, he took a sharp inhale of breath, thrust deep inside of Amber, and felt the orgasm force its way through him. Amber wrapped her legs tight around his back, pulling his face down again to kiss him, long and full of passion, as they collapsed onto the bed together.

Amber was not sure when they fell asleep, but it was not long before they were both in a deep slumber. They held each other through the night, safe and sound in that place together.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I have read all of your stories. Thank You. Please write more!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
don't leave it like this

More PLEASE. Don't leave us hanging

chytownchytownabout 5 years ago

For the read.

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