Beyond Hell and Back Ch. 05


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Holly came, narrated by the most dynamic banshee howl of the evening. In this one climactic split-second, she became superhuman, went beyond her physical ability, and broke the band holding her right wrist. It audibly tore off, prompting an amazed "Whoa!" out of Rachel. Holly's brain was gone for the time, so her paw took matters into itself. With a mind of its own, her now free right hand made a beeline under Rachel's dick, straight for her cunt, and forced access. To the empress' astonishment, her slave girl was now jilling her off. It took Rachel completely by surprise. Her own orgasm abruptly rampaged her, just as Holly's began to settle down.

"Oh! OH! OH! OHHH!! OOOHHHHHHHH!! FFFFFFFFUCK!!" cried Empress Rachel, mind still blown. Before either of them knew it, Rachel's cock and inner thighs were covered in Holly's cum; Holly's hand, wrist cuff and a patch of mattress splattered in Rachel's. Rachel couldn't fathom it. This had never happened before. Apparently, Holly possessed a secret strength that only came out in such extreme situations. Maybe being a domme to her sub would be more challenging than she thought. For Holly's part, she was so deep and lost in the throes of orgasm, severing the restraint didn't surprise her so much. By that point, it had all begun to seem like a surreal dream. Right then for Holly, anything could've happened. And apparently, did.

Rachel made herself locate the energy to get up, and undo Holly's other three bonds before she went to the bathroom. She came back to give Holly her turn, and like many nights before, it was time to catch some 'z's. So the Greentrees huggled up, let all sound fade except the soothing ticking of the clock...and let their still semi-moist eyes drop shut.


Silent Night...

Saturday, December 16th, 2017, 11:47 p.m.

Just after sex but before their nap, Holly plugged in the Christmas tree, the house lights, and her carol-singing carousel. Rachel activated the next branch on her electronic menorah, which, with an ever-curious cat about, was preferable to real candles. Though in December, Hobbie spent the disproportionate percent of his time under the tree. Outside, as it began to get dark, the light dancer in the yard sensed and flashed on the house. They left the nondenominational log on TV to simulate a crackly fireplace ambience. The girls' holiday bonuses allowed them to be spirited and festive, at the price of an inflated electric bill.

Halfway through their nap, it quietly and beautifully began to snow. The girls slept a good five hours before getting up one by one to void their bladders, still able to faintly hear Holly's carousel. Again, Rachel went first. After Holly flushed and returned, the bedroom light was on. She peeked in to see Rachel under the covers, but awake. Her face looked troubled.


Rachel didn't move or answer. Holly approached and crawled in beside.

"Everything okay?"

Her wife let her mouth open, but emitted only a sigh. Her reply came not but a minute later.

"Holly...lemme ask you something."


"...You believe in heaven and hell?"

Holly's eyebrows arched. She'd never shared this part of her life with Rachel, for reasons of both peace of mind and protection. But she readily answered the question.

"Yes, I very much so do."

Rachel gave a small nod.

"As a rule, most of us Jews usually don't," she told Holly. "At least not in the conventional Christian sense. But...I-I just can't help wondering, if I could talk to Carla...where she'd tell me she was right now."

Holly snuggled closer. "Well..." she mused, "This is hardly my level of expertise...and not the kinda thing I could teach in public school anyway. But, there're lots of theories. Most of 'em are based on the premise that if we're measurably 'good' in this life—subjective though 'good' may be—we're blessed to an eternity of bounty and nirvana. Or if you've got stock in karma futures, they say you'll come back in your next life in a more elevated state. Like...Colorado."

Rache gave a tiny chortle at her joke.

"And, Carla was a really nice person, right? And popular. I was there; there were a lotta people at that funeral that said a lotta nice things about her. 'Course, that is kinda what you do at a funeral..."

"Yeah...when someone in our family died, we buried 'em and then basically sat shiva for a week."


"Had a wake."


"Well, not exactly, but close enough. Point is...I just hope Carla's in...what we could call a better place now."

"I wouldn't doubt it. She had a bunch of cool qualities. Before she got real sick, she was altruistic, she was generous...oh, she did volunteer work. Subjective, like I said, but I think most would agree, that'd score ya some afterlife points."

"Who makes the call, though? Your deity?...Whoever that is? And how do they count or split the criteria? We all try our best, most of the time...but everyone has their not so great characteristics too."

"Well...I mean, sweetie, those're all good questions, that...we as smoking hot yet mere mortal girls just don't have the answers to. It's one of those mysterious things everyone's got their own opinion about. But I think it's the mystery that makes life worth living, and...not always being afraid, but rather giving each day everything we can jam in. ...Hm. On an unrelated note, I don't teach English, but I better not let 'em hear me in school, ending all these sentences with prepositions."

Rachel giggled again, rolling over on her back, rubbing against Holly like Hobbie did them.

"Thanks, Hols. Dunno what I'd do without you."

"Well, don't start wondering now. I'm not sure I'd approve."

"Mmm...well, everything else aside...I'm a little afraid of my own mortality. And what's gonna happen to me."

Holly caressed her cheeks. "Try not to think about it, honey. Keep loving Carla, keep her memory alive. And in the meantime, focus on us. And all the wonderful years we'll have sharing our lives in the future. And me, of course. It's all about me, ol' H.L.G.," she kidded. "I am of course the most important and fantastic thing in your life. You did get the memo, right?"

"Heh! Indeed."

"So...ready to go back to sleep? We can keep the lights on if you want. But I'll always be right here next to you."

Rachel's eyes almost welled up. She blinked them into check. She pulled Holly close, and they settled down to cuddle for the night.

"I love you so damn much."

"What a coincidence," said Holly, as Rachel shut her eyes. "I love me so damn much as well. Oh, yeah, and you, too."

Rachel chuckled one more time. She uttered six little words before they fell back to sleep.

"You little devil. Devil, devil, devil."


...Holy Fright

date and time undefined

A hot wind silently howled through the bedroom. She materialized, through metamorphosis from fire dragon form, before the portrait of her lovely young disciple and her wife, asleep in bed. She raised one quasihuman claw and transformed the bedroom surroundings. The walls and furniture eroded away, revealing a chamber of underworld, teeming with brimstone. It was a spot in the dark queendom specially reserved for the Greentrees on this occasion. Only the bed remained constant. They were ready to be greeted by their diabolical hostess. Farrah's ice-blue eyes glowed as bright as the flames around them. The comforter was stripped from the bed by the force of her dark magic. The two luscious, ripe naked bodies lay beneath, sound asleep.

Miss Farrah smiled. Animalistic morph completed, she stood in smoky human form at the foot of the bed. Ah, such pure, innocent subjects. Their unconscious, defenseless nudity charmed her. Now it was time to get things underway before the girls woke up.

Curling her jagged-nailed fingers inward, miming the act of seizing the wifeys' limbs, she cast the next spell. Blistering, thorny vines hissed and twisted around their ankles one by one, drawing their feet together. Naturally, the girls began to uncomfortably awaken. Farrah rapidly snaked the wicked vines under and around the bed. They collected the brides' wrists as well, bringing them to the headboard, similar to the way Rachel had bound Holly earlier. Finally, she uncurled her digits.

By a difference of mere seconds, Rachel was the first to wake. Her reaction was foreseeable.

"—..." She abruptly whipped her head from side to side as her mate came to as well.

"Wh—...WHAT THE...FUCK?!!"

"Nrgghh...huh?" said Holly.

Farrah raised her voice to a looming bellow.

"WELCOME." She connected her thumbs and index fingers. The vines tightened around the girls' limbs, digging the singeing thorns into their skin. The first unisonous screams of horror followed. Farrah waited for the dual shriek to fade, and chuckled. She clasped her paws to her torso. Plumes of flame shot from the floor on each side, cuing scream number two.

"I'd like to take this moment to thank you ever so much for inviting me to terrorize you!"

Rachel, logically, was freaking out of her skull. Finally able to focus, Holly looked up to see their captress.

"Miss F-Farrah??"

"WHAT?!" demanded Rachel, finally viewing Farrah in full. "What the hell?!"

"Precisely. Greetings, lovely Rachel. Holly-doll, always a pleasure."

Rachel pulled against the vines holding her in place, and winced as the thorns pricked her again. She laid back for relative relief.

"...Will someone tell me what, the actual, FUCK, is going on here??"

The Greentrees cringed again as the vines circled up their limbs, branching further out along the bed.

"Holly, my sweet...would you care to do the honors and enlighten our dear Rachel?"

Holly couldn't believe what was happening. She knew Miss Farrah was literally The Devil, but legitimately could not swallow the realization that she'd capture even one of them—much less both—and spirit them to her horrific nether-realm. She had never shared her first Farrah encounter with Rachel. In point of fact, she had all but swept it under the proverbial rug. She'd had the occasional dalliance with Miss Farrah since, but had each time been teaming up on The Devil's side. It had been Farrah and she together, chastising another untoward soul, ultimately for the greater justice. Why... How... What, indeed. She shared Rachel's question. What was Farrah up to?? Holly peered at her. She spoke, slow and ominous.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

There was something in her tone that made Rachel disbelieve her. Farrah's mischievous smile faded.

"Is that a fact?"

Farrah raised her hands. The chamber flashed blinding white, as innumerable branches of an immense bolt of lightning crashed over the bed. Holly and Rachel shut their petrified eyes tight, and screeched once more. The boom thundered their eardrums, but the lightning itself did no harm. It was merely a scare tactic. An extremely effective scare tactic. Farrah glared.

"...Very well." She sauntered around the bed, to Rachel's side. Rachel tensed up, struggling to move away. The agony of the searing thorns carried less impact as her mind was consumed with fright.

"As my darling Holly-doll seems unwilling, I'll explain myself."

Holly attempted to speak up. Farrah gestured for silence. A residual spark of lightning shocked Holly mid-sentence.

"Don't you fucking d—AAHHH!"

The consternated Rachel gasped. "STOP it!" she commanded. "What the fuck?! What are you doing?!"

"I'm so pleased you asked. As thou hast summoned me, I've arranged to spend some, shall we say...quality time with you."

"'S—...summoned' you??"

"But of course, dear Rachel. If you recall, your last words to Holly before sleepy-time were—quote—

"'You little devil...devil, devil, devil.'"

With that explanation, Farrah went into one fluid motion, rising in a rapid arc over the bed and touching down on their other end.

"Welcome, once again, to hell," she intoned, specifically to Rachel. "My name is Farrah, and I'll be your hostess."

The look on Rachel's face was beyond indescribable. Now that she'd introduced herself, Holly thought she'd use some familiarity.

"Okay, Miss Farrah, I dunno what you think you're doing, but Rachel clearly did not summon you. She doesn't even believe in you! This is not okay, and not what she meant at all! Please, just let us go and leave us alone!!"

"Oh, I'm well aware. That was quite the conversation between you and the 'empress' post-fuck. Speaking of which, I very much enjoyed your 'empress versus slave girl' roleplay. Nicely done, ladies."

Rachel's face went beet-red.

"HOW TH—...WHAT T—...Y—...MOTHE—..."

Holly jumped back in. "Farrah, that is not cool! You can't spy on us just 'cause you...y-y—..."

She suddenly realized she couldn't finish without spilling it all. Farrah smiled sadistically at her.

"Just because I..."

Holly desperately shook her head.

"No. NO. Please. Don't say it."

"...Own a piece of your soul for eternity?"

Rachel turned incredulous again. "Excuse me??!"

Holly shut her eyes in a wince. "Fucking bitch."

"Why, but yes," Farrah went on, again addressing Rachel. "Surely your betrothed wife told you?...Your committed bride, till death do you part, from whom you've of course no secrets?"

"Shut, UP, Farrah," Holly growled through clenched teeth.

"Now, now, Holly-doll. You see, sweet Rachel, I took the liberty of kidnapping, and bewitching your darling Holly when she was but a lass of twenty-one. It was her birthday, as a matter of fact."

"SHUT, your, m—AAHHH!"

"As I was saying before I was so inconsiderately interrupted," Farrah cheerily resumed, "I possessed our friend Holly that night. I restrained her, tortured her, took her virginity, and the aforementioned part of her soul to boot. And I have watched over her ever since. I too have been there when she needed me. It may interest you to know that more than once has she sought my counsel, to help her gain vengeance on those who've done the two of you wrong. Holly, you see, is my disciple. An apprentice, you might say."

Holly dropped her head in the pillow and shook it. "I fucking hate you," she whispered. Beside her in bed, Rachel began shaking her own head as well.

"...I don't believe you," she defiantly told Farrah. "I refuse to believe a word you're saying. I don't believe in you, and I don't believe this is happening. You're not real, and neither is hell. This is a nightmare. That's it, and that's all."

"Oh, is that quite so?" Farrah calmly asked. "Then pinch yourself."

Rachel tried, but could not do so. Her hands were isolated too far apart. She could neither pinch Holly nor vice versa. The pain from the burning thorns stung her eyes as well, forcing tears. She whimpered.

"Would you like me to pinch you instead?"

"NO!" Rachel tried to collect breath and pull herself together. Farrah smiled impishly at her.

"You don't think I'm real?"

Rachel refused to allow herself to be overwhelmed.

"I know you're not...bitch."

Farrah paused.

"First of all, shall address me as Farrah. 'Far-rah.' It's easy; say it with me. 'Far-rah.' Or, Holly-doll likes 'Miss Farrah.' Which is nice. She's always been a respectful sort.

"But secondly..."

She raised her hands and clapped one fist into her other palm. Directly behind the head of the bed, a volcano erupted. Blazing fragments of magma and ash flew over the girls' bodies, as a river of lava flowed beneath. Once more, both captives hollered their lungs out. Farrah chuckled, again addressing Rachel.

"Does that seem real?...Rather hot in here for an illusion, wouldn't you say?"

Rachel panted until again catching her breath.

"I don't believe you," she repeated, glowering at Miss Farrah. "Whatever kind of sick monster you are, whatever you do to me, I won't believe your fucked-up story. My Holly would never keep something like that from me."

Her Holly lay beside, head turned away from Rachel, a pained expression on her face. Farrah's smile broadened.

"Why don't we just ask her?"

Rachel suddenly noticed Holly's sullen silence. A chill crept through her—no easy feat in hell—as she sensed something wrong.


Holly remained unresponsive, eyes shut in a grimace of guilt.

"...That...that's not it?"

A moist shimmer pooled in the corner of Holly's left eye.

"Holly...tell me that's not true."

The Hellmistress rubbed her palms together, quite enjoying what was happening. Holly finally turned her solemn gaze back in her bride's direction. She opened her teary brown eyes and sniffled. Her voice came out in a tiny, contrite murmur.

"I'm sorry, Rachel."

Locked on Holly's face, Rachel's own sapphire-blue eyes grew as big as saucers.


Holly nodded. "It's true."

"A—" Rachel began shaking her head, more and more vehemently. Farrah's viny thorns in her joints abruptly stung much less.

"...Are you motherfucking KIDDING ME?!!"


"You...I—th-this...fucking horrible thing happens to you, j—god knows how goddamn long ago...and this-this...'Jeze-bitch' says part of you belongs to her?? And-and it's you're part devil, or whatever the fuck now?! And then you meet me, you make me fall in love with you, we get married, for god's sake...and in all that time, it...what, it never once occurs to you to tell your wife??...The most important person in your life, and you don't breathe a word?!"

Miss Farrah perched on the bed beside Holly's legs, greatly relishing the friction she'd caused. Holly replied.

"I...I-I was trying to protect you, Rache!"

"Pr—...protect me?! From fucking what?!"

" case something like this happened again! In case she showed up to kidnap you! I didn't want anything to happen to you!"

"Oh, well, that worked out just friggin' perfect, didn't it!"

Farrah couldn't help but be amused by the girls still immobilized to the bed, only faces turned each other's way.

"Rachel, please!"

"Don't you 'Rachel, please' me! How fucking dare you, Holly?! If...if that is even your real name?! How dare you keep a secret this size from me?! What is wrong with you?!"

Holly let her head drop back in the pillow and began to sob. Farrah had heard that before. She popped back up from the mattress.