Big Bang Theory Gang Bang Orgy Ch. 06


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Raj finished shooting in her ass and slowly slipped out of her ass. His cum flowed out of her ass and ran down her thighs.

She fell to the bed between Raj and Wyatt and the three of them just lay there trying to regain their normal breathing. Slowly all three of them drifted off to sleep.

After Bernadette and Sandy came once again, Bernie slipped into a tiny sundress and went back on top and pulling up anchor, started the boat and headed back to the marina.

One by one they all came back on top and Penny handed out drinks as Bernadette slowed the boat and they casually returned to shore all giggling and gossiping about one thing or another. All in all they had a great time unwinding and giving Amy the needed sun for her upcoming nuptials.

There was an uneasy quiet at the dining table as Leonard sat across from his mother and Sheldon across from his. Leonard called the waiter over and ordered a bottle of red wine. Mary and Beverly protested but Leonard stopped them; "Oh come on, how often do your sons get married. We have to celebrate, I ordered wine over mixed drinks, that way we can enjoy our special moment without the chance of drinking too much and getting drunk.

Mary still protested and Leonard put it to rest; "Mary didn't Jesus drink wine at the last supper, didn't he turn water into wine for a wedding. It's in the bible; wine was a staple in his time, so I can't see why you can't have some too!"

She smiled; "Oh you are a sly one Leonard, okay I'll have wine to toast and celebrate the two men in our lives, right Beverly?"

"I can do this, last time here I got snockered when Penny took me out and fed me tequila and Del Tacos, bad combination, bad Penny!"

They all laughed and toasted to Sheldon and Leonard's upcoming wedding. Sheldon spoke up; "Do you know why they call it a toast? The Romans used to put spiced toast in their wine!'

Leonard groaned; "Why do you have to tell us that every time we toast something?"

I just wanted to let everyone know, is that bad?"

"It is when you tell the same people over and over again! Well Mary, you seemed to like the wine, here let me fill your glass."

By the time the appetizers arrived they were already on the second bottle and as the main course was set before them they were killing off the third bottle.

Mary and Sheldon were feeling no pain and Beverly wasn't too far behind. Leonard was doing fine seeing Penny got him used to drinking wine on nearly a daily basis and his system was accustomed to the alcohol.

When they ordered dessert, the buzz was wearing off, so Leonard ordered a round of after dinner drinks and Mary loved the Baileys while Sheldon and Beverly sucked down the Godiva Chocolate liqueur. As a matter of fact they all liked the liqueurs so much, they ordered a second round, Leonard begged off saying he had to drive.

When they got up to leave, all but Leonard stumbled a little and he steadied Mary; "Maybe we should skip the dancing, at least for tonight and head back to the hotel, you both did have a long flight in today."

Beverly looked at Leonard; "Do you think we could stop at a liquor store and pick up some of that Godiva Chocolate Liqueur, it was delightful."

Mary giggled; "Well if you're going to get some of that, could we get some more of that Baileys, oh and maybe some of that tasty wine we had at dinner?"

"Mother don't you think you had enough tonight?"

"What's the matter Shelly didn't you like the Godiva?"

"Oh yes mother, but I didn't say anything about what Beverly wanted, just what you want!"

Leonard scoffed; "Now be nice Sheldon, if you and my mother can have something, why can't Mary and I have something we like also?"

"Oh alright Leonard, I wasn't sure you liked that stuff, but being with Penny and you driving, who knows what you would like!"

Beverly playfully pushed at Sheldon who was seated next to her in the back seat; "Now Sheldon, stop talking like that about my home girl, she's also my future daughter-in-law and although she has no occupational prospects before her, she is delightful!"

Mary, who was in the front with Leonard turned to Sheldon; "That's right Shelly, she may not have many prospects, but from what I've seen she is fun to be around, not like that Amy you're about to marry!"

Leonard stepped in; "Alright, alright enough about our brides and just to let you know Mary, Amy is a completely changed woman, Penny sort of rubbed off on her and is now a lot more fun, sort of like Sheldon is now."

Mary laughed; "My lord, if that's a change, she has to do a lot of rubbing to change her that much."

Leonard stopped at the liquor store and picked up several bottles and headed back to the car. He drove back to the hotel and just then Leonard pulled into the parking garage and parked. Hopping out of the car, he ran around and opened the door for Mary.

As she got out her shapely, slim legs peaked out from under her dress and Leonard's eyes darted at the view. He looked up and she smiled at him; "Oh you dirty little man, I saw what you were looking at. I guess that's okay, at least until you say I do!"

Sheldon and Beverly Hofstadter were already at the elevator what Leonard and Mary Cooper joined them. The door opened and Leonard pushed the button for the sixteenth floor and the elevator shot upward and soon they were at their floor.

Leonard had a tough time holding all the bottles and when they reached the two adjoining doors, Sheldon took both cards and opened his mother's door first so Leonard could set the bottles down in her room. He opened Beverly's door and once in closed the door and opened the door to the adjoining room and knocking on it, his mother opened it. She had already kicked off her heels and went back to the table where Leonard was unpacking the liquor bottles; "Shelly go get Beverly's ice bucket and take mine too and go get ice."

"Oh mom, why do I have to do everything?"


"Oh all right, but it isn't fair!"

Leonard shook his head; "I go into the store, I buy the liquor and BRING it up here without his help and he's complaining about getting the ice, he's unbelievable!"

"Oh Leonard, give him break, he's always been that way and there is no use trying to change him, that's why I call him one of Jesus' special little people. Now why don't you lighten up take off that stuffy suit jacket and lose the tie and relax. Come join me by the window and just look at the beautiful view."

He cleared his throat as he removed his jacket and tie; "Oh Mary, the view is just perfect from where I'm standing!"

"Oh aren't you sweet, now stop it and come over here and look at THIS view."

Leonard came up behind her and although she was a bit taller than he was, he slipped his arms around her waist and placing his chin on her shoulder whispered; "Oh yes, yes you are right Mary, the view is perfect from where I'm standing!"

Just then Sheldon came back in with the ice and Leonard put a bottle of wine on one of the buckets to chill the wine. Tossing a few cubes in the glasses he gathered, he poured Baileys in two for himself and Mary and the Godiva Chocolate in the other two for Sheldon and Beverly.

"Here you go Sheldon, one for you and one for my mother, now take the bottle and go take her the drink, close the door behind you."

"What happens if I need more ice?"

"Then go to the ice machine and get more!"

"Oh alright, I guess I can do that, bye for now."

Leonard picked up the two glasses of Bailey's and handed one to Mary; "To us, may this evening never end!"

"Oh how sweet!" She clinked glasses and as she raised the glass to her lips, she looked over the rim of the glass and kept an eye on Leonard. He took a sip and did exactly the same thing and as they lowered their glasses, Mary licked her lips; "Mmmm that sure is tasty, you'll have to give me the name of that so I can pick some up when I get back to East Texas."

Putting his glass down he came up behind her as she looked over the skyline and whispered in her ear; "I will Mary, but I don't need Bailey's, you're intoxicating enough for me!" Before she could react he lowered his lips to the nape of her neck and left a line of saliva from her lower neck, up to her earlobe. He swept her short glossy auburn hair from her ear and nipped at it and stabbed at her sensitive ear canal.

She let out a slight shutter and placed her hand tightly upon his forearm that encircled her waist; "Oh lord, what are you doing Leonard?" She turned her head to confront him and when she did, he placed his warm, wet lips on hers and stabbing his tongue at her opening, he heard her let out a tiny moan and met his tongue with her own.

Leonard combed his fingers through her silky hair and slowly turning her in his arms, used his other hand to slip down to her petite tight ass and pull her tight against his growing bulge.

Mary let out a gasp and tried to pull away, but Leonard held her firm in his grasp and kissed her harder as his one hand held her head in place and the other roamed all over her tight ass.

She let out a little whimper and relaxed a bit. Her lips began to move more urgently around his and her tongue now followed his into his mouth and they dueled back and forth. Her hand on his chest stopped pushing him away and now slipped down to his crotch and palming his cock, let out another moan, this time louder and her other hand traveled up and down his tight back and down to his ass.

Leonard broke the kiss and now traveled to her other side and attacking her ear, he moved lower to the sensitive flesh below her ear and down her neck.

She let out a shiver and gripped his cock even harder as she began sliding her hand up and down the thick shaft. She stiffened and wiggled her hips when she felt his hand find the zipper on the back of her dress and slowly began to lower it inch by inch down its track till it reached the bottom of the track.

Leaving the dress on, his hands slid into the parted material and his harm hands caressed the hot silky flesh of her back and she let out a gasp when he popped open her tiny bra and it went slack about her body. He slid his hands up and down her tapered back, raking his nails along her flesh and she was now moaning constantly as he raised her temperature several degrees as his mouth now moved along her shoulder as he slid the material of her dress and bra off of it.

Leonard turned Mary around in his grasp and had her looking out over the skyline of the city. He slid his hands in the back of her dress and tugging it forward, slid it completely off her shoulders and down her arms. It settled about her waist and he raked his nails upward until he cupped her margarita glasses size and shaped tits. He palmed them and pulled her back against his.

Once again he lowered his head and began to ravish her shoulder, neck and the side of her face.

Mary was quivering in his embrace and raising and lowering her ass against his stiff bulge. She turned her head and covered his mouth with her own. Her tongue ran around his lips and her teeth nipped at his lower lip and then finding his tongue, fought with it until she pulled her mouth away to gasp for breath.

Leonard attacked her ear and whispered in it; "I'm going to fuck you all night and in the morning Sheldon and I are going to switch off and he's going to fuck you with his huge cock. You may like mine, but you will love his, if you love big cocks. I'm the king of foreplay and before I fuck you, I will have you so fucking hot, you'll be begging me to fuck you and put out the fire in your sweet little pussy!"

In the other room things were heating up also. Beverly was sitting on the sofa and Sheldon handed her a glass of Godiva and she sipped it, allowing the cool chocolate liqueur to roll off her tongue and down her sleek throat.

As she took another sip, Sheldon sat up on the edge of the sofa and placing one hand on her bare knee looked at her and licking his lips said; "So tell me Beverly, last Christmas when you and Penny woke me from a dead sleep and yelled at me to come out into the livingroom. You kissed me really hard, what was that all about?"

She nearly sprayed her drink out of her mouth and began to cough. When she regained her composure she looked at him; "Well I always wondered what it would be like to kiss you and seeing Penny got me intoxicated, I thought I'd give it a try, why do you ask?"

"Well I was caught off guard and over the past few months I've become very proficient to my oral skills of kissing!"

"Oh you have, so what are you saying Sheldon?"

"Well I would propose an experiment to try it again, but this time with both of us prepared and both slightly intoxicated?"

"So it would be totally an experiment to study our behavior and breathing patterns?"

"No not really, but let's go with that, if it makes you more comfortable!"


They both slid to the edge of the sofa and Beverly leaned forward and Sheldon placed his hands on her shoulders and pulling her to him, placed his lips on her wet lips. The kiss slowly increased and the kiss became more heated.

Beverly's lips parted and his tongue swept slowly along her lips and she tried sucking on it.

As they parted she swept a stray lock of her hair back and smiled at him; "Well Sheldon I'll say you are a lot better than the last time we kissed. Now I'd have to say I'd choose you over the busboy from the Cheesecake Factory, how did you get so much better in such a short time?"

Sheldon scoffed; "Beverly, Beverly you should know me better than that! I'm a very fast learned and watching Leonard and Penny and also practicing with Amy, Bernadette and Penny, I believe I've become proficient in kissing."

"You say you've watched Leonard and Penny and you've learned from him?"

"Oh yes, I've heard that he is a very, very good kisser and he's considered the king of foreplay."

"Mmmmm very interesting, who would have thought?"

"Yes Beverly if you could only hear Penny cry out constantly to a deity. Not only Penny, but Amy told me he's very, very good during foreplay, Bernadette and Missy also said he was exceptional in that area."

"Enough about Leonard, come on Sheldon, kiss me again so I can decide if it was a lucky kiss, or if you really are that good!"

Their lips met and when Beverly parted her lips her tongue slipped out and Sheldon captured it in his lips and sucked gently at it at first. He increased his sucking and at the same time flicked his tongue around her tongue. He released her tongue and as it retreated, he followed it into her mouth with his tongue.

While the two of them played tonsil hockey, Sheldon's hands came up and finding the two tiny clips holding her hair back, pulled them free and began stroking his long slim fingers through her thick blonde hair.

Beverly moaned into his mouth and worked her lips around on his. Her one hand slid through his short hair as her other hand slipped to his thigh. Sliding it up and down, she went higher each time she moved it upward. Her fingers came in contact with his growing cock and her fingertips danced along its length. Breaking the kiss her eyes opened wide; "Oh my god Sheldon, what the hell do you have in there, a club?"

His lips went to her neck and began nipping at it and at the same time, slipped her jacket off her shoulders; "Why don't you pull it out and see for yourself?"

She bit her bottom lip and moaned as his lips continued to attack her neck. She tugged at his belt and popping it open his pants, she unzipped him and pulled with urgency to see if it was real or not. Her slim warm hand dropped into the open pants and she sucked in her breath as her fingers wound around its girth; "Yikes, this can't be real, where the fuck did you get that monster from?"

He snickered; "Remember Beverly I come from Texas and like they say, everything is bigger in Texas. Why don't you take it out and let it breathe, it gets bigger when that happens. I bet it will grow even bigger if you give it a nice big wet kiss!"

Her eyes were wide as he lifted his hips and she pulled his pants off; "Yikes, there is no way I can get that monster in my mouth Sheldon!"

He scoffed again; "Do you remember Priya, Leonard's old girlfriend? Well she had a tiny, tiny mouth and she managed it, I know with your knowledge of anatomy, you'll find a way to do it! How about you get a little comfortable first? Please stand in front of me and take off your blouse and skirt, you'll really see it grow then!"

She smiled at Sheldon and stood up. Her fingers went to her silky blouse, her large breasts pushed against the material and as she buttons popped open, the material slid faster because of the tightness of the blouse. She tugged the blouse out if her snug black skirt and now totally open, she shrugged it off her shoulders and her large firm breasts strained against her lacy black bra.

Sheldon kicked off his shoes and pulled his pants and shorts off. Sitting back he kept his eyes focused on Leonard's mother as she watched him stroke his gigantic cock.

She licked her parched lips and swayed her hips as she reached back and tugged at the zipper on her skirt. She hooked her fingers in the tight skirt and pushing down, it slipped off her ample hips and she kicked it away. She pulled up her matching lace black panties and placed her hands on her hips; "Well Sheldon, do I meet with your approval?"

He stroked his cock faster and nodded; raising one hand he crooked his finger at her "Why don't come on down here and try and fit it in your mouth!"

She had a sly smile on her face as she slowly knelt down before Sheldon. Placing her hands on his knees, she slowly spread them and slid her hands up his thighs. She followed her hands with her lips and tongue. When her cheek bumped into the head of his cock, she knew he was excited because the tip was leaking his pre-cum along her cheek.

Turning her cheek her lips came in contact with his cock she slipped down till her lips hit the base of his cock. She gripped his cock with one hand and her lips and tongue slowly slipped up the huge thick shaft. When she reached the head she rolled her tongue around and around and around the head covering it with her saliva. She paused and looked up at him; he had a "Joker-like" smile on his face she hovered over the head and whispered out; "Yikes!" and enveloped the head with her wide spread lips.

Sheldon threw his head back and closed his eyes as he felt her lips and tongue consume his pulsating head.

In the other room Leonard stood behind Mary Cooper. His hands were traveling up and down her half naked body. Leaning forward he nibbled at her neck and whispered into her ear; "Mary I'm going to rock your world! Now lean over and pour yourself a glass of Bailey's and drink it!"

She did as he instructed; "Now lean forward and place your hands on the windowsill and hold on. I want you to stay as still as possible. I want you to close your eyes and concentrate on my lips, tongue and hands. When I'm done you'll be begging me to let you suck my cock and fuck me!"

Mary bolted upright, but Leonard held her firmly in place and began his magic on her body.

His hands traveled up and down her sides, using his nails to excite and make her squirm. His mouth moved along her neck to her shoulder, his tongue traced a wet line along it and back to her neck. Sweeping her hair off the back of her neck, his mouth followed his hands and when he reached the other side, he attacked her other ear and along her neck to her shoulder again.

He felt Mary shiver and moan quietly and slightly wiggle her dress covered ass against his stiff cock. She turned her head and briefly caught his mouth with her own and their tongues dueled until he broke away and resumed his painting of her body with his tongue.

He moved to her collarbone as his hands wrapped around her and ran his hands up and down her ribcage and down her flat belly. He moved his lips to her spine and traveled up and down it and back to her other collarbone as his hands cupped her perfectly formed tits and capturing her nipples he rolled and tweaked them between his thumbs and index fingers.