Big Loss, Big Gain Pt. 02


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Sarah reached into the woman's bag and pulled out an Iphone and then stooped down to talk to Jenny.

"Jenny, is this your Mom's phone?"

"Yes. It has leopard spots on the back."

"Do you know your Mom's phone password?

"No. I just know that when she starts using it she always says her name, 'Holly'."

Sarah thought for a minute and then pressed some numbers and the icons appeared.

"Got it!. We're in! Holly. H-O-L-L-Y is 4-6-5-5-9."

Wow. I did raise a smart kid.

She added, "There is a contact for 'Mom'."

Sarah handed me the phone and I pressed the 'mom' contact. A woman promptly answered and it was indeed Holly's mother. I explained what had happened and indicated that she would meet us at the hospital as soon as she could. The policeman was able to get one the local teenagers to give us a ride over to the hospital.

Jenny and I waited at the hospital for quite a while waiting for her grandmother. During this time I tried to keep her mind occupied with

questions and stories to make the time go by.

"Jenny, is there anyone else we should be calling about you're mom? What about your daddy?"

"I don't have a daddy. Not any more. He was mean."

I knew there was a story behind that, but I really didn't want to pursue that at this time, so I quickly asked another question.

"What does your Mom like to do for fun?"

"She paints."

"Paints? Like houses?"

"No silly. Like pictures of houses or grassy fields and flowers. And some "

She stopped mid-sentence.

"There's Grammy!"

The woman heard Jenny and came directly come over to us.

"Hi Jenny. Are you Mr. Martin? I'm Marilyn Richards."

"Yes. I'm Jim Martin. Nice to meet you, I just wish it was under better circumstances. I'm sorry. I don't know anything more since we talked earlier. I'm not anyone of standing to anyone around here, not a husband, boyfriend or blood relative. So they won't tell me a damn thing. Right now they only see me as a baby-sitter."

"Thank you so much for taking care of Jenny."

"Of course, Mrs. Richards. I'm glad was I able to help. Now that you're here, I'm sure you'll be able to get some answers."

"I sure will!"

"Mrs. Richards, here is my cell phone number. Will you call or text me and tell me what happens? I'm going to head back to the beach to be with my daughter."

"Yes. Of course."

"Ok then. I look forward to hearing from you. Bye. Bye Jenny."

"Bye Mr. Martin."

I thumbed a ride back to the beach and plunked my ass back in the beach chair. It was about 1 o'clock. What a day so far! I really needed a nap now.

What seemed like 5 minutes later, Sarah was nudging me.

"Hey Dad. Dad. Dad."

My eyes opened.

"Dad, it's almost five. Maybe we should think about packing up?"

"Sure. Let's do that."

We got everything packed up, including the stuff belonging to Holly and Jenny, and headed out. Then I could hear the sound of an incoming message from my cell phone. I handed the phone to Sarah.

"Sarah. I'm driving, why don't you read it?"

"OK. It reads: Jim, we're hoping that you haven't left the beach yet. Is there any way you could stop at the hospital for a couple of minutes on the way out? Holly is in room 327. It would mean a great deal to us. Marilyn Richards."

"Girls. Are any of you hungry?"

"Dad. We're starving."

"Ok. Let me stop at the hospital for a couple of minutes, then I'll buy us us all a big fat dinner."

The girls were psyched about that. I was psyched that Holly was in the hospital and not the morgue.


Traffic wasn't so bad on the way out, so we got to the hospital in about 10 minutes. The girls waited in the car while I ran in. As I was approaching room 327 I received a rather warm welcome as Jenny ran and hugged me.

"You saved Mom. You saved her."

A teary-eyed Mrs. Richards walked over and hugged me as well.

I said, "Gee, I should save people more often."

A man who I assumed to be Mr. Richards spoke, "Hello, I'm Steve Richards, Holly's Dad. I talked to the emergency room doctor. The EMTs told him flat out that if 'that guy hadn't carried her over to us', she never would have made it. The doctor agreed with that assessment. Young man, you've saved our family and for that we'll be forever grateful."

"Wow. It's been a long time since anyone has called me 'young man'."

We all laughed.

I then proceeded into the room where I could see Holly, but when she looked at me for that first time it froze me in my tracks. The attractive, formerly unconscious woman had transformed into a very much alive, stunning beauty. There was something familiar about her, but I couldn't quite place her. Then it occurred to me that perhaps it was because she looked a lot like the soap actress Rena Sofer. In any case, she looked like she was a model or at least a former model. I guessed she was about 30 years old. She had the most beautiful blue byes I'd ever seen.

"So, you're my hero. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Holly Richards."

"And I'm Jim Martin. Well, you certainly look better than you did this morning."

Jenny interrupted, "Are you married, Mr. Martin?"

"Jenny! You shouldn't ask Mr. Martin a personal question that that!"

Holly turned to me, "I'm sorry."

"It's OK. No Jenny. I'm not married. I used to be, but not anymore."

Jenny smiled, "My mom's not married either."

"Jenny!", Holly exclaimed.

We all laughed again.

"So, you're going to be OK?", I asked.

"Yes, I'm OK, but my pharmacy is in a whole heap of trouble, they screwed up my prescription refill."

"Wow, my daughter will be interested in hearing about this. She's studying to become a pharmacist. And that reminds me that her and her two friends are waiting out in the car for me. I really should be going. It was nice meeting all of you. Goodbye."

Holly's view

I was thinking about how nice it was to meet Jim when Mom spoke.

"Are you feeling OK?"



"Well what?"

Dad interjected, "Gee honey, it looked like fate gave you a slow one right over the plate and you didn't even swing."

Mom added, "You should have at least invited him to dinner."

I felt like a fool. They were right.

Mom said, "Don't worry. I have his cell phone number."

Jim's view

On Sunday morning I noticed that I had an unread cell message. It read: I was wondering if you and Sarah could come over for dinner tonight. I checked and found 3 Jim Martin's in the area. I'm hoping that you're the one from Plainville, meaning your only about 20 minutes away. Jenny and I would love it if you could make it. Holly.

I sent a acceptance reply back to Holly, but indicated that Sarah was already traveling back to school and would be unable to attend.

Holly prepared a wonderful dinner and I had a nice visit. As I anticipated, Jenny was highly entertaining. So innocent and so full of curiosity. She minded so much of Sarah when she was her age. A lot of the initial conversations revolved around her activities.

After Jenny went to bed, Holly and I were able to talk a little more freely about adult subjects. I found out that she had taken over an 'event planner' business from a woman who had retired and moved to Florida. It was a perfect business for her, whereas she could manage her own hours and be there for Jenny when she got off the school bus. Eventually, the topic of our marriages came up and that's when I heard her story. Apparently, the first few years of her marriage were good, but when her husband Vince lost his job in the recession, things went sour. He began to resent Holly's business success and then started to drink a lot more. As it turned out he was not a very happy drinker and became physically and psychologically abusive. One day he slapped Jenny and that was the end. Holly called the police and he was history. She admitted that for quite a while she hated men, but eventually she softened and started to date now and then. I was a little surprised at the fact that she currently had no 'significant other' in her life. She was so beautiful I was thinking that there should have been a line of guys from here to Canada just dying for the chance to date her.

This first invite led to many more and as we spent more time together, our friendship grew. I really loved spending time with her and Jenny. It seemed rude to not reciprocate, so I wound up inviting them to the house a few times as well. There was a lot to like about Holly. For one thing, whenever I visited she always turned off her cell phone and gave me 100% of her attention. She was an excellent conversationalist.

Eventually I learned that Holly was 34 years old. To bad she was too young for me. Eventually I knew she'd meet the right guy and what a lucky bastard he'd be. I thought that Laura was very pretty and if she hadn't strayed I would've been happy to grow old with her, but I'm sure if I was to poll a group of guys, 9 out of 10 would say that Holly was more attractive.

I was convinced that the string of invitations were completely fueled by a feeling of obligation to me for saving her life and as I thought about it more, I realized that at some point it was going to end. However, Holly rarely let me leave without having us schedule our next meeting. Whenever I left, we hugged and gave each other kisses on the cheek. I felt that this was nothing more than what 'good friends' would do. This changed during one of my last visits. She did not ask about scheduling the 'next time', but there was no hug either. It was a full kiss, on the lips, with her arms wrapped around me.

I spoke first, "That was nice."

"If you come back, I have more."

"You must be going broke feeding me so often."

"If I had my way, I'd be feeding you every night."

"Ok. I'll call you when I get back from St. Louis."

My head was spinning. I drove home like a zombie, then hardly slept a wink all night. This couldn't be happening. Could it?


I got back from St. Louis a few days later. I signed the deals with DFG Corporation for both the subsidiary and parent company and Mr. Stanton was ecstatic. I was feeling on top of the world. Work was going great, and it appears that I was on the way to having a girlfriend, then the phone rang. It was Holly.


"Hi, It's Holly. Why didn't you call me?"

"Sorry. My flight was held up. I didn't get in til after 11:00."

"I need to see you. Can you come over tonight?"


So later in the afternoon I arrived at Holly's. Holly's neighbor had a big gathering so I had to park down the street a bit, so she did not hear my car pull in. As a walked past the kitchen window to approach the side door, I heard Holly in a rather heated conversation. It was impossible for me not to hear it and I was compelled to stop and listen for a moment. Of course I only heard her side of the words being spoken.



"No way."

"Look, there's no way I'm giving him up. I'm in love with him."

"Tonight. I'll know tonight."

"And don't call me back. I might be busy."

She hung up the phone, so I proceeded to the back door and knocked."

"Come in."

"Hi. Where's the welcoming committee?"

"Jenny's over at Mom's for the night. I wanted us to be able to talk freely."

"Oh oh. I'm not sure I like the sound of that."

"OK then, I'm going to get right to the point. Jim, your friendship means a great deal to me, but frankly I'm hoping for more. I see the way you look at me sometimes and I keep thinking something's about to happen, but it never does. I didn't get much of a reaction to the kiss I gave you the other day."

"Holly, I guess I was in a little state of shock. That kiss was quite unexpected. I really thought that a friendship is all you were looking for, at least from me. You're an incredibly attractive woman, but...well, you know... I'm nine years older than you are."

"DAMN IT! I KNEW IT! I KNEW THAT'S WHAT YOU'VE BEEN THINKING! Do you know what nine years is. Nothing. Jack shit. Nothing. Maybe it would have been a problem when you were twenty-one and I was twelve, but sure in hell not now. I'm a grown woman who knows exactly what she wants and what I want is you. I'll always be grateful that you saved my life, but its got nothing to with any type of obligation complex or anything like that. Just you. And I don't need your money either. I have my own. My parents adore you. My Jenny adores you, and you're a great father. And most important of all, I adore you. I might be wrong, but I don't think so. I think you love me, too. Please, just let it happen. We could have a wonderful life together."

"Holly, I'm sorry I've been slow on this with you. It's just the last time this happened to me I really got burned. I'm not sure my heart could handle another disappointment."

"Jim, I'll never, repeat NEVER, hurt you the way Laura did. Look, I'm showing all my cards here....face up. A long time ago I made the mistake of marrying the wrong man and for the longest time I didn't date at all, but that experience taught me that when another man came along I'd know what to look for. I know 'the goods' when I see it and you're 'the goods'. There's only one avenue about our relationship that we haven't explored yet and you know what I'm talking about. I want to travel down that avenue...tonight. I'm positive that you're the right guy for me. Now please excuse me, but I'm going to be blunt."

She paused for a moment, then continued.

"I need you to tell me that you love me....and mean it. I want you to kiss me and make out with me like you're a horny teenager. I want you to take me upstairs and take off every piece of my clothing. I don't want there to be one square inch of my body that you haven't kissed, touched or explored. I want you to play with my breasts and suck on my nipples. I want you to run your tongue along my slit. I want your cock to stretch my pussy open. I want to feel your cum shoot inside me. And when we're finished, I need you to tell me again that you love me and then tell me that while we're together you won't do these things with any other girl.

"Holly, I don't know when it happened, but sometime between looking into your eyes in the hospital that first day and sharing a bowl of popcorn while watching a movie, I fell in love with you. I can tell you without hesitation that I am totally in love with you. Please excuse me, but I'm going to be blunt."

I paused for a moment, then continued.

"I want you to kiss me and make out with me like you're a horny teenager. I want to take you upstairs and have you remove every piece of my clothing. I don't want there to be one centimeter of my body that you haven't kissed, touched or explored. I want you to run you hands along my chest. I want you to gently kiss my balls. I want to see my cock disappear into the warmth of your mouth. I want you to spread your legs before me and offer yourself to me so we can become one. I want you to experience an orgasm to my touch. I want to fill you with my cum. And when we're finished, I need you to tell me again that you love me and then tell me that while we're together you won't do these things with any other man.

She extended her hand to me.

"Take me upstairs.....second door on the left."

I led her upstairs to where I experienced the greatest night of sex I've ever had. To say that Holly and I were sexually compatible would be an understatement. Her responsiveness, athleticism and enthusiasm set her high above any partner I'd ever been with. I've never met any girl who could move her hips with such speed and flexibility and she seemed to know instinctively what I would like. Towards the end of that first session, we had accomplished everything on each others 'want' list except for one thing, and she was bound to make sure it happened. She guessed a little 'hot talk' might do the trick. She was so right. We were in the missionary position when she spoke softly to me.

"Does my pussy feel good? Your cock feels so good inside me, but you've already made me cum twice. Now it's your turn now. Go ahead, fuck me faster. Cum in me. You know you want to. I bet those big balls of yours built a big load for me and I want it. Every drop. That's it, fuck me faster. OH YA, I CAN FEEL IT. I can feel your cock twitching...that's it, cum for me."

I erupted inside her, having a orgasm with an intensity that I hadn't felt in years. A few moments later, I looked down at her. She had her eyes closed, but a look of total contentment on her face. Then suddenly those big beautiful blue eyes were looking up at me and her face widened with a huge smile. The look she gave me made one thing very apparent. Laura would never be getting a call back.

John's view

I was having a cup of coffee at the mall food court when I noticed him sitting and talking with a young girl who I assumed to be around six years old. If he wasn't alone I'd have gone over and talked to him. Kind of ironic though, wanting to thank a man who nearly caused me a heart attack, but there was no denying it, what he said to me that night turned my life around. He told me I had a beautiful wife and family and that I was an asshole for not taking care of myself. He said I owed it them to be around for as long as possible in order to take care of them. He said if I wasn't so fat my wife would have more sex with me. He was right.

After my hospital visit, I took a long hard look at myself in the mirror, and frankly I didn't like what a saw. The reflection showed a selfish, fat pig of a man. No wonder my wife's interest in sex had diminished so much. How could I have let myself go for so long? I was ashamed. So I joined a gym, hired a fitness trainer and dedicated myself to get in the best physical condition of my life, as well as, to become the best husband and father I could be. More importantly, I'd have thanked this guy for not divulging my most darkest secret of all. To tell him that his silence, along with my significant weight loss and hair transplant, has allowed me to reconnect with my wife both physically and spiritually. I'd have shared the news that I was going to be a father again.

Just as I was about to finish my coffee, a stunningly beautiful women came over and kissed him. The little girl said 'Hi Mommy'. Wow. This guy really knew how to attract beautiful women. However, this was not the pretty blond I had been with on that fateful night and, in a way, this made me sad. Apparently, he wasn't kidding when he said 'ex-wife' and I felt bad being involved in the break-up of a marriage. Thinking back on that night at the motel, I remember feeling bad about getting dressed and leaving the room so quickly, so I turned around and looked for her. By the time I caught up with her she was totally despondent. As she got into her car, she said, "Please don't try to contact me in any way or talk to me ever again. I have a husband at home. A man I love more than anything in this world. A man that I can't live without. I'm sorry, but this was a big mistake." I started to wonder whatever happened to her.

Present day

Pamela's view

I really didn't want to work late tonight, especially alone, but I really needed to finish the trial prep. It was taking longer than it should have because I was distracted thinking about my husband. I had turned him down for sex last night and was feeling very guilty about it. I was determined to make it up to him in a big way when I got home.

With all this going on in my head, I never heard Laura come in. I must have jumped a foot in the air when I realized her presence. But then my worst fears were coming true when she reached into her handbag and pulled out a gun.

"It's all your fault. All your fault. Everything could have turned out OK if it wasn't for you. I just need to know why. Why would you do this? You were supposed to be on my side."