Big Love Samoa Ch. 05


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Again, there was a moment of tense silence. It was John who broke it. "Hilda," he said quietly, "I don't think that's appropriate. Think of our guests."

Hilda was standing, clutching the bowl to her chest like it was a teddy bear. I could see her eyes glisten with a tear. "The rules are that a dare is allowed if it is something that a person already does. I've seen Ted and Annie together on Cave Beach when I've walked around the headland at low tide. As for our guests, I'm sorry, but I already told them. I know I shouldn't have, but I was upset. And John, I'm guessing from your reaction that this isn't a surprise to you either."

John sighed. "It's true. I know about it."

"And the three of you all do it together sometimes?" challenged Hilda.

"Yes," said John.

"Well, Queen Hilda wants a show!"

Ted turned to look at Annie, and I saw Annie give her a small nod before lying back against the arm of the sofa. She stretched one leg along the sofa while the other dangled over the side, giving us a completely open view before Ted moved in to obscure it. I could only see the back of Ted's head, so I was reliant on Annie's face to confirm that Ted was doing what was asked of her. Annie's legs tensed briefly, but then she relaxed them further and let them spread further apart. The scene was unbearable erotic, the first time I had ever witnessed the like of it in person. The view was enhanced by the way Ted was kneeling. I couldn't see her face, but I could certainly see her bottom sticking up in front of me and her pussy lips peeking out from beneath.

Although Hilda had ordered the show, she didn't move to get a better look. Instead, she grabbed the die out of the bowl. "Annie, how about I do your roll for you?"

"Mmm," replied Annie.

"It's a two," said Hilda. She didn't even pause to give Annie a chance to give Helen a dare. Instead, she just went ahead and set one herself. "Helen, how about we let Kat stop rubbing your shoulders and let her receive a massage this time. Kat can take her turn on the coffee table." What followed was a truly sensual view. My wife has known Kat for years, first as colleagues, then as friends. Seeing them naked together should have been really weird, but instead it just seemed lovely watching Helen's hands gliding over Kat's back. I did notice that Kat was lying in position to get the best view of the Annie and Ted show, so I guess it wasn't just men who liked watching that sort of thing.

Hilda didn't even bother getting Ted's permission before taking her roll for her. "Three! Kat! I dare you to roll over onto your back and let Finn help Helen."

Kat had a nervous smile on her face as she rolled over. I looked at Helen, and I noticed that her smile was more confident. She purposefully moved herself down to Kat's legs, leaving me Kat's upper half. This seemed to give Kat some more confidence, and she responded by picking up the bottle of oil and squirting some on her own tits. A man can't expect for a clearer invitation than that. Not for the first time, I found myself in the astonishing situation of touching our friend's breasts, kneading them softly in my hands as Kat looked up into my eyes. Strangely, instead of feeling awkward about the eye contact, I felt the connection between us grow.

Hilda looked like she was going to take Helen's roll as well, but Helen grabbed it off her. Helen then stepped back so that Hilda couldn't see what she got. "Oh look, a four."

"Really?" said Hilda with a suspicious look followed by an accepting smile. "What do I have to do?"

"I think it's time to give your husband a treat. Let's see your blowjob skills."

"I don't know," said Hilda with a frown. "I don't think I'm very good at it."

"I'm sure he will appreciate the effort," replied Helen. "I don't mind admitting that Kat gives Finn better blowjobs than me."

"That's not true," I said instinctively.

"That's sweet of you to lie like that," she responded.

Helen kept holding the bowl while Hilda kneeled in front of John. She seemed intent on following through on her threat to watch the poor girl. To begin with, John seemed delighted with her efforts to get him hard, and I could see it grow as she licked and kissed it. It was only when he was fully erect and she started bobbing up and down that John's face betrayed some discomfort. From her position lying face up on the coffee table, Kat was able to diagnose the problem.

"Try stretching your lips over your teeth," she suggested gently. "Otherwise you have no way of knowing if your teeth are accidentally scratching him."

Hilda paused to readjust her mouth, and a short time later John was smiling. "That feels wonderful love," he said.

Helen showed no signs of passing me the bowl, meaning that I continued with the not unpleasant task of playing with Kat's boobs. Helen reached into the bowl and I heard the clatter of the die. "That was my roll," I said. "What's the number?"

Helen looked right at me. "It was a one," she said. "Is there anything that you would like Kat to do for you?"

I had no doubt about what Helen was suggesting. This was my chance -- possibly my last chance -- to get another blowjob from Kat. I still had fresh memories from the morning and the feeling of my tip entering her throat, and the temptation nearly overwhelmed me. However, there was another idea competing with it, an idea clearly inspired by Ted and Annie on the sofa opposite. I figured that if Helen was prepared to allow Kat to blow me as part of this whole charade, what more might she be prepared to experience in this fantasy escape from reality?

I held my eye contact with my wife. "There is something that I'd like Kat to do, but not to me. I'm going to dare her to go down on you."

Helen's eyebrows shot up, and her mouth opened in shock. I instantly realized that my request was way too much. When Helen had encouraged Kat to go down on me, that was at least consistent with our sexualities. I didn't know if Kat had ever experimented with another woman, but I certainly knew that she slept with men. As for Helen, she had never given any indication that she was anything but straight.

I was about to apologize when something happened. Kat sat up, and then got to her feet. Helen watched her, mesmerized, as her friend approached her and gently pushed her back onto the sofa behind her. She sat down looking stunned as she watched Kat kneel in front of her. As Kat gently coaxed her knees apart, she said "Stop me if you don't like it, but I've always presumed I would be very good at this."

As Helen closed her eyes and submitted, I picked the bowl up from beside her. As I looked around, everyone was occupied except me. I couldn't help stroking myself a few times as I watched Kat between my wife's legs, Hilda bobbing up and down on John's shaft, and Annie seemed on the verge of the first orgasm of the night, courtesy of Ted's tongue. Soon Annie cried out and started trembling, and I could tell that this produced a similar response from John. Given that Hilda's blowjob technique had apparently not been very good in the past, I wondered if this was the first time she had taken a load in her mouth. If it was, she handled it like an expert.

As I sat and watched all this, I marvelled that Hilda's game had gone so far. She really seemed to have lit the fuse on a huge bomb. When I reflected on what I knew about Hilda's motivation to do this, I realised that she still hadn't achieved anything that was really important to her. Sure, she had forced the others in her marriage to admit that they were more intimate as a threesome than they were letting on. But she was still on the outside looking in when what she actually wanted was to be a completely equal partner in the marriage.

Since I was holding the bowl and die in my hands, I felt a sense of responsibility. I tossed the die into the bowl. The sound got the attention of all four of our hosts. "That was Kat's roll," I said. It dawned on me that I probably didn't even need to justify this by coming up with a suitable number. I just told them what to do. "I think Hilda should lie down on the coffee table again and Annie and Ted should treat her like they treat each other."

Hilda again looked nervous. "You don't have to. I don't expect you to."

Annie stood up and approached her. "Hilda, it's okay. I'm sorry that you felt you had to do all this to get our attention, and we're sorry that we took so long to recognize that you're no longer an innocent teenager. I love you, and I'm happy to share this with you." She threw her arms around Hilda and kissed her passionately on the lips. During this kiss, Ted also joined them, putting her arms around the two of them. When Annie eventually broke off her kiss, Ted leaned forward to kiss Hilda too. They eased Hilda down onto the sofa across from Helen and Kat. Ted moved to kneel between Hilda's legs, but Annie gently nudged her aside. I guess she was asserting some kind of right as the first wife. As weird as that may seem, Ted didn't question it. She moved aside, and Annie moved in to give Hilda her first oral experience with another woman.

"Finn, come here. I need you." I turned to Helen and saw that she was patting the empty seat beside her. I had been avoiding looking too much at what Kat was doing to my wife as I didn't want to make them self-conscious, but there was no missing it as I sat down beside my wife. Kat's face showed concentration as her tongue busily lapped Helen's clitoris. Helen looked flushed, but she didn't seem close to cumming.

"Are you okay, darling?" I asked.

"I didn't want this to happen without you here beside me," she said. "We should be doing this together, all three of us." She reached out her hand and grabbed my thigh. Although my cock was only a few inches from her hand and aching to be touched, I didn't push it. Instead, I put an arm around her shoulders.

"Let yourself go," I whispered. "I love you!"

"I'm trying," she said. "It's so good, Kat. I'm sorry I'm taking so long."

Kat paused long enough to say "Don't be worried. Just relax."

Helen closed her eyes and seemed to be doing her best to allow her body to respond to the stimulation it was receiving. Apart from reaching out a hand and playing with one of her nipples, I just sat beside her giving her my silent support. Then I heard the die rolling in the bowl. I looked up to see John holding the bowl. I could see that he had become erect again watching his three wives. Ted was now taking her turn between Hilda's thighs, and Hilda was starting to make noises like a kitten.

"I figure this is the last roll of the game," said John while looking directly at me. "Finn, I suggest you follow my lead."

John pushed the coffee table away so that he had room to get behind Ted. Although my view was now obscured by his body, there was no doubt that he was entering her from behind. After a few slow thrusts, no doubt to ensure that everything was properly lubricated, he started pounding her surprisingly vigorously. I was surprised that Ted could possibly keep going with what she was doing with Hilda, but there was no sign that she was affected at all. I wondered if this was something that happened regularly during the week as he shared a bed with Ted and Annie.

Because John wasn't watching to see if I followed his lead or not, I was hopeful that he wouldn't notice if I stayed sitting beside Helen. I didn't want to spoil her moment by sticking my dick into her friend, especially since that friend would be entitled to call it rape. However, I was surprised by my wife, who immediately opened her eyes and said, "Go on, do it!"

"I don't want to interrupt," I said while giving her a warning look with my eyes, hoping that she would come to her senses.

"There's no need to be shy," she said in a teasing voice.

"Helen!" I whispered, hoping the sound wouldn't carry any further than Helen and Kat. "That's so inappropriate."

"Just do it," said Helen, not bothering to keep her voice down.

I turned to Kat, silently appealing to her for support. She paused from eating Helen out for only a second. "Just do it," she echoed. "I'm so fucking horny!"

Maybe I expected too much expecting any sense from Kat, since she was a single woman going through a relationship drought. Any reluctance she had shown this week to become involved in what was happening seemed to have melted away. My thoughts turned back to Helen, my real wife. I struggled to know what to think. She had spent the whole week pretty much teasing me, dangling Kat in front of me, pushing us into sexual contact, getting me tangled up with her. It was one thing to act out a sexy polygamy fantasy, but I knew that my connection with Kat was already far stronger than it should be. Surely actual sex was a step too far.

I gave myself a moment's credit for having some basic morals, but the reality was that my hesitation only lasted a few seconds. All it took was for Helen to moan, followed by a whispered "Please." Her eyes were no longer focussed on me, or anything really. She was looking at the ceiling. The 'please' might have been an encouragement to Kat to keep doing what she was doing, although there was more than a hint of frustration in her voice, as though she was imploring her own body to reach the climax that seemed to be eluding her. Just as importantly, this was enough for me to follow my aching cock off the sofa and around the back of Kat.

Kat left me in no doubt that her consent was still valid as she raised her bum up off her ankles and presented herself to me, giving her ass a brief shimmy. As I knelt behind her and started probing with my dick for her entrance, she moved slightly to help me line it up. She was so wet that I slid in easily, all the way to the hilt. She responded by moaning 'mmmm' directly into my wife's pussy. Helen's eyes regained their focus, and I was pleased to see her smile show nothing but joy.

As I savoured the feeling of Kat's pussy around my cock, I was momentarily disconcerted by the fact that Helen continued to watch me. However, I soon realised that her arousal was now increasing rapidly. She was actually getting off on watching me with Kat. Her smile started to contort as her muscles tensed. I had the prime position to watch an enormous orgasm flood over her. I eased off my thrusting into Kat as Helen climaxed. This was partly so that I didn't disturb Kat as she got Helen over the finish line, but also because I was worried that the sight would push me over the edge too soon. However, once Helen had gently pushed Kat's face away to signal she was done, I couldn't resist the instinctive urge to resume. Kat lay her head down on Helen's stomach and Helen started stroking her hair affectionately.

I was so keen to bring Kat to a climax, but I was so turned on that I had serious doubts that I would last much longer. Thankfully, Kat helped by literally taking matters into her own hands. She tucked one hand under her body, and I soon felt her fingers feeling around where my shaft entered her body. Her fingers soon settled on her clit, and I could feel the vibrations through my cock as she gave herself all the stimulation she needed to quickly get herself there. For all my hopes of outlasting Kat, I couldn't avoid cumming first. As my body tensed and jerked as I came inside her, I was worried that this lack of coordination would spoil her moment. I needn't have worried, as her own climax happened only a few seconds later. My cock was still inside her as I felt her tremors start, and I savoured the feeling even as some of my seed got pushed out past my softening cock and run over my balls and down her thighs.

Helen pulled Kat up into a hug, causing my physical connection to Kat to be broken. Remembering that we hadn't been alone in the room, I couldn't resist the urge to look around and see what was happening with our hosts. My attention had been focussed so much on Helen and Kat that I hadn't noticed that John and his wives had left the room sometime after I had started making love to Kat, leaving behind their clothes which were still scattered around the room. Along with the clothes, there was also the smell of sex and a couple of visible wet patches on the sofa to show that I hadn't been imagining things.

My attention was brought back by my hand being grabbed. I turned to see that it was Helen standing beside me holding my hand. Kat was standing behind us, and she gave each of us a push on our backs. "Come on you two, let's get to bed. It's late."

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AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Wow - amazing!

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