Big Mistake

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Husband tries his wife's fidelity and loses.
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I'm Portuguese and this is my first english story. If you find any errors please forgive me. Any comments will be welcome.


It's now all over. Now that I think of it, I realize that it was all my fault. I started it, I feed it, I played with fire and I was whom got burned. I don't think I'm worst than I was a few weeks back, but I'm a lot worse than I was a year ago.

It all started a few months ago, my wife was to go to a rock concert, a concert I didn't want to go, and I decided it was the perfect opportunity to test her fidelity. I don't know why I wanted to test it. I didn't even had any reason to be suspicious, but I think it's a guys thing to know that she has been tested and she passed. I planned it all really well, maybe a little too well. I knew her, I knew her tastes, I knew what would be the ultimate test and the correct approach. I knew her too well, so it didn't took long to establish what would be needed. After a search on the net I found what I was looking for. I was even surprised that was not that uncommon a husband did what I was doing. I know it's awful, well I know it now, but it's much more common than one could think of.

Another mistake was not to tell anyone. Someone who could have warned me of the consequences, someone who could have stopped, make me realize it was wrong, it was stupid. But I was in for myself so no warning, working without a net.

So I set up the cards. I contracted a man on the net used to this kind of job. He was little taller than me, he had large shoulders looking like a very strong man, without having too much muscle. He had curly long hair, to the shoulders, the kind of a grunge singer, but with a tern smile. I know this is the kind of man she liked, not that she have married one, I was short haired, Skinny and I looked like I didn't had shoulders, but I got her. Something he had like me was sense of humour, a quality she appreciates a lot.

With this I was approaching two bases, a man with the physical qualities she wished I have and the mental qualities she liked in me. So the approach was simple, me with a different body.

She was to meet a friend at door 4 of the precinct, so I gave him a picture of her and told to wait until she got there. She always arrives earlier and so he could make eye contact with her before she had company. Than he was to back of, not to scare her. Than when they were getting in he should follow them at distance not to loose track and wait until the hormones started to do their job inside her with the excitation of the music. Than he was to approach her and stand staring waiting for her to stair back. This was what I had for granted. Than was the tricky part. He was to come closer and make conversation, see where it would lead. From here he was to use his experience, and improvise, take her as far as he could.

I had rented a series of devices to be on the scene from the beginning. I rented some very expensive microphones that he was wearing so I could listen to what was said, I had rented two rooms at a pension. One so he could take her if it got to it. This room was all wired up. It had mics all over the place so I could ear even the whispering if needed. I also installed cameras, one at each corner, one at the top, hidden in the lamp and one in the bathroom. In my room I had a complete set of devices that make able to see everything that happened and record it to later use if needed. I was feeling like in a soopks movie. I was the head of the operation and the guy was my field operation, my James Bond.

I live a good life, earning good money, but I wouldn't have money to buy 10% of this all stuff. Even renting it was very expensive. Thinking now, with all that money, I could have taken her on a cruise, in a second honeymoon. It would probably have been better spent.

The big day arrived, it was a Friday and we both left our jobs early. The concert was only at 10pm but she was supposed to meet the other girl at 8pm. When I arrived she was already dressing. She was wearing some old jeans and a white t-shirt that tanned her body, looking awesome. Usually she didn't wear make up, but she was putting eyeliner and eye brush. I could sense she was excited and, maybe, because of that she didn't realize how excited I was to. As she was ready to go she grabbed her leather jacket and gave a deep kiss, one to remind me how much she loved me. She looked like a teenager going to her first concert, and think she felt like one to.

After she left, I waited nearly 2 hours to leave. I knew nothing would happen in between so I tried to occupy myself not to get crazy waiting. I checked the e-mail, I played minesweeper, I did lots of stuff but time refused to pass. Then I left and headed to the pension. When I got there I started to turn on all the equipment. I could really see all around the next room and I was sure I would hear everything, if anything was to happen. I turned on the header set and I started to listen to the music of the concert. It was very loud, but I could listen clearly to the voices of people around the guy. It took a while before I heard something from the guy, and it was only a complaint about someone who had stepped on him. But it served as a test to the system, I could hear everything loud and clear.

The first time I know he spoke to her, he told her something like "feeling happy, hã?" I recognized her voice in the answer, but I didn't understand what she said. Some time followed with some flirting from his side and some laughs from her. The concert was coming to the end and he asked the dirty question, if they would like to go for some drinks after. I didn't understand the answers, but I realized by the talking that they accepted, but were to choose the bar, since he didn't know anything around.

After the concert, on the way to the bar, the flirting continued, and I could tell she was enjoying. Up to this point everything was going according to the plans. He had made contact, he had managed to take her to a bar, this sound promising.

Most people must be thinking, why on earth was I happy with my girl falling for this guy? I wasn't happy, I was excited. I wanted to know how far this would go, how far would she let it go. Until then nothing had really happened.

The conversation was now focused on them both, and Gina, her girl friend, was getting bored. At some time later the bar was closing, and he made the next move, he invited her to continue the conversation in his pension room. Gina wanted to go home, my wife didn't, but she didn't want to go with him alone. She made now very clear that she was married and she loved me and she didn't want to do anything stupid tonight. He was very cleaver, telling her that if she went there it was only to continue the conversation. She fell for it and accepted. So they put Gina on a cab and walked to the room. On the way the flirting was now more intense without Gina's presence and I was afraid he was getting it to lose. But to my surprise she was enjoying it all with good spirits. Of course all the flirting was not obvious, it wasn't obscene in any way, just some fancy words and some jokes about her looking and all that silly stuff. But he was getting her to let loose and that could be dangerous for her.

When they arrived at the room I started to saw everything that happened, so I was more aware of her feelings knowing her faces as I do. The talking continued, but started going to the direction of her, her and me and some intimate/private talking about pleasure and the ability to give and take pleasure. I could sense in her voice and could see in her face that she was getting very loose with this guy. He was managing her in the direction he wanted without letting her understand where she was going. She now talked like she knew this guy all her life, he managed to make her trust him almost her soul. I was starting to get anxious. I wasn't liking the way things were going and was starting to have second thoughts about all of it. But it was impossible to go there and interrupt everything. If she understood what I had done she would never talk to me again. So I waited and watched silently and relentlessly.

At some point she must have understood where everything was going and she got up and started saying she had to leave before anything stupid happened. I got proud of her in that moment. It was like a dream come true. He then gave her a last call and she said "maybe next time!", and went for the door. He responded "you know there's not going to be a next time. And you will regret it!" She continued and opened the door, but then stopped. I was already up and ready to go to him, pay him and leave quickly to wait for her at home, but when she stopped, I realized the mistake I had done.

She closed the door and headed back. She left the jacket on the chair and thought for a while. He said nothing, she said nothing. Then she lifted her head and said:

- I don't know how long I will regret this, but I know that if I don't do it I will regret it for the rest of my life!

He just nodded, without saying a word. She continued:

- There are some rules. First, nothing ever happened, we came here we talked I left, end of story. - He nodded - Second, you don't know me, I don't know you, so, no calls, no meetings. Tonight and never again, ok? - He nodded again. - Last, this is my first time and only time, so, make it worth.

He smiled and joked:

- What a pressure you put on me!

- You have everything I want in a guy before I met him. The looks, the mind, so, I don't want to meet you. Just sex and nothing else.

- Thank you. You are very beautiful also. But you have to be more specific about your fantasies or I won't be worth of tonight.

- You have to understand that I love my husband. But there are lots of things I would like to try and I'm ashamed of asking him. I know it's silly but I love him and I'm afraid he gets to think of me as some cheap woman.

- You shouldn't be ashamed. I will see that you try a lot of things tonight, but tell me if I get too far.

- I don't think tonight anything can be too far, as much as this already is.

Well I don't know how expectable this could be, I don't even know what I expected, except that I expected her not to come to this point. But even so I have rented the room, and wired it, so I must have been expecting something, I just couldn't know what. My mouth was open even, she had just asked him to fuck her in every way he knew so she could try new things. What the hell was that? Yes I was starting to think she was a cheap woman.

They came close and he putted a hand in her neck pulling her to him to a kiss. It was a passionate kiss, not of love but of lust. He grabbed her ass with the other hand pulling her on his cock witch I bet was hard as rock.

- So, anything is on tonight? - he asked.

- Anything, as long as I get pleasure.

- I will give you a night of pleasure you will never forget.

- I hope so.

He turned her around and placed his hands on her boobs. He squeezed gently saying "nice" and smiling. His hands fell to her hips pulling her to him and making her bend obscenely and whispering in her ears "do you want to take me from behind?", than starting do drop down her jeans to her knees and followed by her panties. She was on a difficult balance and grabbed the end of the bed not to fall. He took is hard prick from his trousers and started trying to get in. He didn't have it bigger than me, not even thicker, so I thought that was not point for him at last. She helped him got in, and he started pounding her like there's no tomorrow. By her face I could see she was loving it, although she wasn't moaning nor anything. In this position she was very thigh so the pleasure was great, but she couldn't relax or she would fell down. One thing about her is that she likes to come quick, so most times I give her one quick pounding in the beginning so she has a small orgasm an then I start again and we make love like we have just started. Here she wasn't available to have this small orgasm, although she fight for it, so I could see she was starting to loose some of the control she always presents when she has sex. She was starting to moan and her balance was starting to be tricky. He understood that and started slowing down and finally withdrew from her.

She couldn't even walk, he practically carried her to the bed. The smile on her face was something I will never forget. I think I even have nightmares with it. She looked like a child that was getting to play with her new favourite toy. I could tell it was a very big fantasy of her coming true. And stupidly I was the one who made it available for her, and the one who was suffering from it. But the most curious thing was that I, besides being suffering, was excited with it all. Not completely excited sexually. Although I had an enormous hard on, I was excited with the development of it. Like we are when we are seeing a movie and want badly to see what will happen next.

He laid her down on the bed and started taking off her shoes, than her jeans followed by her panties. During this he kept liking her ass chicks and legs. He kneeled down between her legs and started liking her. She was already expecting it so she facilitated the job. She was so excited, she instantly started to moan, and he lifted his head and smiled at her, who smiled back. That smile was another of my nightmares smiles, it was like they knew each other forever and didn't need to say nothing. He kept licking her pussy lips, inserting his tongue in her pussy and licking her clitoris circles while his forefinger was coming and going inside her. I could see he was working her slowly to giant orgasm and her face showed it wasn't long to come. When she was already moaning loudly he suddenly moved his finger from her pussy to her ass. This was something she wasn't expecting and she jumped, but he grabbed her without even stopping licking her. I could now see his finger moving in and out of her until now virgin ass, and she was getting comfortable with it and enjoying and again started to moan loudly. Her need to come was now very big, her eyes were opening and closing, she looked at the ceiling and at him, and I knew then she was lost.

Then she started coming. This not a regular big orgasm, this was her biggest orgasm ever. She lifted her hips, moaned like almost screaming and started convulsing. He didn't even stop. He kept licking until she made him stop, so she could handle no more. He got up and inserted his cock in her. She protested that he didn't let her rest, he responded saying no rest until he said so. Again he started pounding her very heavily. Her pussy was now very sensitive, so she build up on an orgasm very quickly, but he withdrew before she came.

- Ever tasted your juices? - he asked.

- No.

- Want to?

- I don't know.

- Try it. - he grabbed it and presented it to her lips. She opened slowly and licked the tip of the head, tasted it and then opened again to lick more and taste more. She started sucking on him slowly and he closed his eyes in pleasure.

- So, liked it?

- I've tasted worst things.

- What about cum?

- No.

- No, never tried, or no, never want to?

- Tonight anything is on!

My chin almost fell from my face. She never even took me closer to coming let alone coming it self. It was almost a scene every time I asked her for a little sucking. It had to be in special occasions, she had to be very excited and I always had to make her come licking after. Now she was almost offering her self to let this guy come in her mouth and god knows at else.

She was now sucking deeply and the guy was enjoying it deeply too. How did I let this guy fuck my wife? This was a question I kept putting to myself. Although I had to recognize the guy was really good at what he did. He managed to do everything he thought I wanted, or wanted to test. He was now near the end and he told her that. She kept sucking preparing herself for the unload. He grabbed her head and pushed in a little too much so she gagged. When I thought that would finish the BJ she laughs at it and restarted. When he started coming she tried to swallow, but it was too much and she gagged again and cum started falling down her chin to her breasts. Tears appeared on her eyes from the gagging and her make up completely destroyed it self. She now looked like a porn star at a gag movie. But amazingly she had a happy face, she looked realized.

The guy wasn't satisfied yet, and started licking her pussy and ass. His tongue was getting in her pussy and then in her ass and pussy again and so on. As she continued to be very excited, and her pussy was very sensitive from the previous orgasms, she quickly started building up on her pleasure and started moaning accordingly. When he thought she was ready he got up and turned her around on her arms and knees, and started fucking her madly doggie style. She was no longer moaning, she was now screaming. He kept fucking her while his thumb was getting in and out of her ass. At a certain point she lost it and started screaming "fuck me, fuck me". And he did it, she kept coming and he continued fucking her with his cock and his finger until she came again and finally he withdrew and started coming on her ass cheeks and pulling the cum in her ass with his finger.

After stopping they fell in the bad and looked completely overwhelmed. They stayed like that for a while until she got up and went to the bathroom shower. She showered and grabbed her things and just before she left she said "I guess will not forget this night, ever!" he smiled and then she opened the door and left.

I was completely amazed with all that, I even jerked off and came in the floor. I went to pay the guy and told me he was very sorry for me, and that this had been the job more fantastic he had ever done. I believed him. I ran home and managed to be in bed when she walked in. I pretended I was a sleep and she tried not to make a lot of noise. I could sense, since I couldn't sleep, that she wasn't available to catch sleep either.

Next morning I asked her how concert had been, and she told me it had been great and that they had gone to a bar after and met a Chicago guy who liked the same music as they did and so on. I was amazed she had the indecency to tell me those things. I asked at what time she had arrived and she told me the truth, so I confronted her with the fact that the bar closed very early and she said they had been to the hotel where he was staying and talk a lot. I asked in a funny way if they had fucked him, she joked they wanted to but didn't. For her it looked like everything was ok. I tried to look ok too, and I think I managed to succeed. But the problems were yet to arrive. From that night on she always found an excuse not to had sex with me. I tried my best to make her free to talk what had happened, but she always escaped with another excuse saying everything was ok.

One night, tired of not being able to reach inside her, I told her I knew everything about what happened in the concert night. She didn't even try to deny. She looked miserable and couldn't even cry. She told me she was going to leave me because she had made a big mistake and should pay for it. I then told her that it had been all programmed by me and I had contracted the guy and I had watched it all. She then started crying and said she didn't want to see me again and would contact a lawyer to contact me with the divorce papers. I tried my best to convince her to stay but I am now a single guy again. I had the best love of my life in my hand and threw it away. I also know she is now in shit trying to understand what had happened to her. I love her deeply and I know she loves me too, but I also know I will never have her again.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

As they say... Cuck fag shit.

You could of turned it around with a nice slap of a divorce on her for being an unfaithful twat. It was a fidelity test and she failed badly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I'm not trying to second guess , however what if she instead kept cheating with others .. so the husband has to deal with his decision often?

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Mesmo em ingles essa historia e uma merda.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
who cares

women play 'shit tests' on men constantly. they don't even feel bad when caught testing a man's fidelity. but when a man tests a woman, oooo noooo.

what's good for the goose is good for the gander. she's a lying cunt, and he was right to test her. period.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

He deserved it!

impo_58impo_58over 9 years ago
Agree with @tae352001...

This marriage was dead for a long time...But this story was well written...

tazz317tazz317over 9 years ago

when they invite the fox into the hen house, one thing for sure will be less eggs. TK U MLJ LV NV

tae352001tae352001over 9 years ago
Great story

Their so called happy marriage was already over, the husband in the center of this story already knew it, (the hiring of a sexual PI) The night in question was or should not have been a surprise, the wife was going to cheat and perhaps leave anyways, which is common for those that have never "partied" or lived the single life. She wanted sexual freedom and being married surely would not allow that. The husband should have kept quiet about the set up. The question is he responsible? No, the wife had several choices, leave with her friend and go home, or leave and go home remembering she is married and she loves her husband.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 10 years ago

You fucked up. You set the circumstances and you destroyed the marriage. She cheated but you paid the price. Stupid fuck.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
She's a fucking whore either way.

And everyone knows this, he does, she does, and every reader does. Being a set-up makes no difference. If it had been reversed she would not be fine with it. If you have the personality that allows you to be a low life selfish cheating scumbag that is willing to risk your marriage for an hour of mental ego boosting, then you're that type of pathetic loser and always will be. You pour a little acid on her face, take a torch to her pussy and then divorce her ass. She can spend the rest of her sexless life wondering if the selfish hour was worth it.

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