Bikini And A Badge Ch. 10


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Karen had her Glock .45 pressed against the face of Carmen’s lover, forcing him down on the bed. He was trembling, scared that Karen was going to assassinate him.

“Shoot his dick off!” Brittany exclaimed. “This bitch isn’t talking!”

Karen grinned as she took a firm grasp on the young man’s cock, pulling on it hard.

“NO! NO!” The man screamed. “My pants. Get keys!”

Brittany, with her hand still grasping Carmen Alverez’s long black hair, trained her gun on the man while Karen searched his pants pockets. Finding them, she jingled them at Brittany.

“Use the straps to tie him to the bed.” Brittany commanded. “Use one on his mouth too.”

Karen used plastic tie straps to quickly tie the man’s arms and legs to the bed. Forcing his mouth open with the barrel of her handgun, she used one of the plastic ties to keep him from crying out for help.

Brittany dragged the bleeding woman by her long black hair out of the bedroom. After checking the rooms on the top level and finding none of the women, Brittany pulled Carmen down the stairway. All of the rooms on the second floor had deadbolt locks on the doors. Karen’s hands shook uncontrollably as she started trying the keys.

Brittany tried to look at her watch, but the darkness kept her from reading the dials. She was sure time was getting away from them, valuable time. After opening several of the locked bedroom doors, Karen found two women; both blondes but they weren’t the twin sisters.

“We’ve got two of the women!” Brittany spoke into her headset microphone. ”I’m sending them down to you.”

“Go downstairs!” Brittany commanded to the women. “There’s two guys who’ll take care of you.”

The two women, both in their mid-twenties, wasted no time in getting down the stairs to the first level.

Carmen Alverez tried to break loose from Brittany’s grasp. Brittany thumped her lightly on the head with the butt of her handgun to get her to quit resisting. The woman angrily mumbled something incoherently.

Unlocking the door to the last bedroom on the floor, Karen found the twin sisters, crouching terrified in the corner of the room. She had to pull the two women to their feet to get them to move.

“We’ got em.” Brittany exclaimed, into her microphone. “We got the twins!”

Brittany and Karen were both relieved to have found the women but their mission was far from over. Descending the stairs to the main level, Carmen Alverez attempted to break free from Brittany’s grasp. Striking Brittany in the face with her fist, she succeeded in breaking loose. Turning to run back up the stairs, Brittany squeezed off two quick shots. Both rounds hit their target, one striking the woman in the back of the head, the other between the shoulders. Alverez’s body fell forward on the stairway, blood streaming from her fatal wounds.

“Come on!” Come on!” Karen shouted at Brittany. “We’ve gotta get the hell outta here!”

Brittany was the last to run out of the building. Jake was behind the wheel of the Landcruiser with Karen next to him. The four women were packed into the back seat. Richard opened the rear doors for him and Brittany. In the darkness and confusion, Brittany tripped over one of the dead men lying next to the vehicle, striking her head on the tailgate. Richard grabbed her arm, helping her into the back of the vehicle.

Jake sped down the alley towards the street. Driving with his lights off, he didn’t see the wooden cart partially blocking the intersection. The Landcruiser struck the rear of the cart, splintering it to pieces. Jake kept his foot down on the accelerator as he made a wide sweeping turn heading towards the airplane‘s location. With her head resting in Richard’s lap, Brittany looked out the rear of the vehicle as the edge of the city slowly faded from view.

“We made it Babe.” Richard murmured to Brittany. “We made it.”

Brittany didn’t respond to his comment. Her head was hurting and she couldn’t see out of her left eye. She feared she was about to lose consciousness.

Approaching the landing strip, Jake turned on the Landcruiser’s headlights, flashing them on and off. Brittany could faintly hear the plane’s twin engines turning over, trying to start. Jake pulled alongside the aircraft. The women jumped out of the vehicle and ran towards the plane without being told.

With Richard’s assistance and strong arms, Brittany managed to climb on board the cargo plane. She barely remembered the door being secured with the steel bar before passing out.

The plane lumbered down the dirt runway and lifted into the air just clearing some trees. Richard stretched Brittany out on her back, placing her backpack beneath her head. Her face was swollen and badly bruised. One of the rescued women crouched down beside Brittany, examining her face.

“She’s got a blood clot next to her eye.” The blonde-haired woman stated. “It’s putting pressure on it.”

“We need to relieve the pressure or she could lose her vision.” The woman added.

“Are you sure?” Richard asked. “Are you a doctor?”

“No.” The woman answered. “I’m a nurse.”

“What can we do?” Karen asked, kneeling at Brittany’s feet.

“Has any of you got a small knife?” The woman asked, looking at the men.

“I’ve got a pocketknife.” Karen quickly replied, taking the object out of her backpack.

“Someone’s going to have to hold her head steady.” The nurse stated. “And her arms and legs in case she comes to.”

Richard held Brittany’s head while Karen pinned her arms down while sitting on her legs. Jake held his flashlight over Brittany’s face as the woman delicately made a small incision next to Brittany’s swollen eye. Dark red blood spurted from the incision onto the plane’s floor, splashing on the woman. Jake handed the woman a packet of wet wipes to clear away the blood. The woman daintily brushed the wipes over the wound, gently squeezing out the excess blood.

After soaking the incision with astringent, she took some clean gauze from Jake’s first aid kit, applying it to the wound

“Hold the gauze gently.” She said to Richard, placing his hand over the bandage.

The woman took a vial of morphine and a syringe from the first aid kit. She gave Brittany an injection to ease the pain and make her rest comfortably.

Four hours later the plane approached Arauca. Hank Ingram ordered his copilot to lower the landing gear. The plane hit the dirt landing strip hard, bouncing on its balloon tires several times. The sudden jolts briefly woke Brittany from her drug-induced state.

“It’s ok.” Richard spoke, noticing Brittany was awake. “We’re just landing for fuel.”

Ingram taxied up to one of the fuel sheds. He and the copilot jumped out of the plane, running for the fuel hoses. They noticed no one else was around, which was highly unusual. There were always three or four men at the fuel depot. It was never deserted unless DEA were in the area. After quickly topping off the fuel tanks, Ingram and his partner climbed back into the aircraft. The copilot jammed the door latch with the steel bar, while Hank turned over the engines. Within minutes the Curtiss C-46 was speeding down the runway, its engines running at full throttle. The aircraft lifted into the air, almost colliding with a DEA spotter plane.

“We’ve got company!” Ingram exclaimed.

Jake rushed to the cockpit. Looking out the window to the right of the copilot, he saw a DEA spotter plane banking a steep turn to follow their aircraft.

“Will they shoot us down?” Jake asked.

“Nah. They’ll track us into Venezuela for awhile.” Hank replied. “Probably radio ahead and alert their buddies once they figure out our course.”

“They’ll be waiting for us in Caracas then.” Jake surmised, staring out at the Raytheon twin-engine aircraft following just off the right wing.

“I’m not flying towards Caracas.” Ingram responded. “I’m heading towards Los Lianos. We’ll turn north towards Caracas after they get off our tail.”

The DEA spotter plane tracked the Curtiss C-46 for almost sixty miles before falling back, eventually turning away. Ingram continued on his course till the city of Los Lianos was barely visible on the horizon. Turning the aircraft to the north, Ingram set course for Caracas.

Jake returned to the cargo area. Noticing Brittany was awake, he knelt down next to her.

“Hey Hon. We should be in landing in Caracas in about four hours.” He stated, keeping his voice low.

“How’s everyone doing?” Brittany mumbled.

“Everyone’s fine.” Jake responded. “Lucky for you, one of these women is a nurse.”

Brittany raised her hand lazily to her injured eye. Richard’s hand was still holding the bandage in place. Closing her eyes, she allowed herself to drift off to sleep.

After a long flight, the airport at Caracas loomed just ahead. Its ribbons of concrete runways were clearly visible through the cockpit windows. The copilot lowered the landing gear as Hank Ingram made his descent for a landing. Once on the ground, Ingram quickly turned off the runway, taxiing towards a group of planes parked near a service hanger. Only Ingram and the copilot got off the plane, leaving the rescue team and the four women onboard.

“What’s going on?” One of the women asked.

“We’re waiting on another plane to pick us up.” Richard replied. “It’ll take us to Jamaica.”

“Really!” A couple of the women exclaimed all at once. “Jamaica!”

“Yep.” Richard responded. “Then you four will go on to Miami.”

It was difficult for the women to accept the good news after having gone through the terror and horrors they’d experienced at the hands of Carmen Alverez.

Evelyn’s private jet landed at the airport. Spotting the Curtiss C-46, the pilots taxied to their position. Ingram opened the door to the cargo plane, motioning for everyone to get out. With Karen’s assistance, Richard carried Brittany to the aircraft, placing her on the leather sofa. Jake gathered up all the equipment, leaving the cargo area empty. The four women anxiously buckled their seatbelts, preparing for takeoff.

The pilots wasted no time taking off from the airport. The jet quickly climbed to an altitude of twenty-five thousand feet before leveling off. It was the first time in nearly twenty-four hours the team could breathe a sigh of relief. The blonde-haired nurse checked on Brittany. Taking some wet wipes, she washed her face and applied more of the astringent. Taking the last packet of gauze bandages from the first-aid kit, she gently applied them to Brittany’s wound.

“We need to get her to a hospital as soon as we get to Jamaica.” The nurse stated to Richard. “She may have a slight concussion.”

Two hours later, the private jet landed at the Kingston airport. Evelyn, Trace and Wayne were anxiously waiting outside one of the hangers. An ambulance and fuel truck were parked near the entrance to the building. The pilots guided the aircraft towards the building.

Evelyn entered the aircraft first with Trace right behind her. Seeing Brittany with her face bandaged, she panicked. The blonde nurse consoled the woman, telling her that Brittany would be alright once they got her to the hospital.

While Trace and Richard carried Brittany off the aircraft to the waiting ambulance, Karen and Jake unloaded the weapons and gear. The four women stayed in their seats while the plane was being refueled.

“I’ll be back sometime tomorrow morning.” Evelyn informed Trace and Richard. “You make sure Britt gets all the medical care she needs.”

Stepping onboard her private jet, Evelyn took a seat amongst the four women. After introducing herself, she informed the group as to what was going on. The women asked numerous questions about their rescuers. Evelyn filled them in during the one-hour flight to Miami, her thoughts more concerned about her closest friend.

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