Bimbo or Billionaire - The Gospels of B


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When it was over Loraine could see the drastic change that had occurred, previously her 28 inch waist had been close to her 32 inch hips and 34 inch chest. Now, while her hips and chest looked the same as before, her waist was impossibly small. She brought her hands up to her waist and wrapped them around it, it had to be under 20 inches now.

"Yes folks, Loraine's waist is now 19 inches around. With a good tight corset on she might get a couple more inches out of it as well! And she's going to be wearing a corset quite a bit now that as it will be required for the support."

"Ok Loraine, we still have two more cases to open this round, what is your next case number going to be?"

Still with her hands around her waist trying to steady herself, she replied "4!"

"Your 7th cash case! You have $5000!

Ok, last case of the round, what is it going to be?"

"6 Jack."

"That's bad luck to end the round Loraine, your fifth Bimbo case!

The category this time is ... Breasts!"

The crowd was on its feet their favorite category always got a standing ovation. It was even more energetic then the one she had received earlier.

"Ok folks, the choices this time are... Man Handled, Bedazzeled, The Cleavage Show and Slap Happy!"

Loraine's naturally small A-cups seemed to only lead to one likely option.

"And the result is... well this is quite a surprise and our second tie of the night! First is Bedazzeled and the second is The Cleavage Show!"

Loraine still had her hands on her waist as the collar came to life, her chest felt like someone was inflating balloons inside of her breasts as they expanded outward. Not only did they inflate, but they seemed to stick together, holding fast to each other. When they were complete, her tiny white top had expanded to capacity and a deep line of cleavage greeted her.

"Well Loraine we can see the second part of the change quite easily! But Bedazzeled will have to wait until we're done the show to be completed. In the meantime, let me tell you about it. Each of your nipples now has two piercings in it. One runs up and down and the other side to side. From now on you will always have two bar style studs in each one. On each end of the studs will be a colorful piece of colored glass!"

Loraine was mortified, but at least no one would see them.

"Ok Loraine, we've finished the first round, it's time for The Accountant to do his work and make you an offer."

I looked over to Justin, he was shaking his head and making the sign of the devil. He clearly didn't want me to make a deal with The Accountant.

"Ok, The Accountant's offer is in... he's not very happy with your progress so far. You're up two cash cases on him so he's offering to move you up two rungs on the cash board if you quit the game right now.

That's fifty thousand dollars to call it a day!"

"Well Jack, That's not enough to get my record out there nor help very many people. I'm sure God is still with me so I'm to turn down his offer and keep going!"

Chapter 4 - Round 2

"Ok Loraine, what's your first case of the second round going to be?"

"Case number 2 Jack!"

That's your 8th cash case! That's fantastic! $10,000!

Next case Loraine..."

"Number 3 Jack."

"Oh, Loraine, that's your 6th Bimbo case!"

The crowd cheered again, she was still two cases ahead but the crowd was rooting for bimbo cases now.

"This time we have the category of... Face! The audience has the option of... Expressionless, Blue Sky, Dark Like the Night, Limited Expressions!

I don't know if we have to wait for the audience on this one to know what their choice is going to be Loraine..."

Loraine knew what was coming, the audience had her fate fixed in their mind now.

"And... Dark Like the Night!"

The light of the collar reflected off her new cleavage as it did it's work to her face, looking in the off stage monitor at what had changed, Loraine saw the deep purples and black of her new makeup and eye liner. It made her whole face look even more enclosed than before.

"Ok Loraine, what's your next case..."

"20 please Jack."

"Your 9th cash case! You've matched The Accountant's offer of $50,000!"

Loraine smiled broadly, even though it now looked more menacing than happy now with her hair and makeup. She was three cases ahead of the game and needed only three more to win it all. God's plan was working!

"Ok Loraine, just three more cases this round, what's your next one going to be?"

"Case number 1 Jack!"

"Your 7th Bimbo case! And your first mental change as well!"

The crowd jumped to its feet to applaud. They were excited to see another change and for her to start on the mental changes as well.

"The category is... Clothing Style! The audience options are... Gothic Splendor, Leather and Lace, Rock Goddess and Fancy Dresses!

Loraine, the audience has chosen... Rock Goddess!"

A fog rolled in to her mind as it went numb as the collar started its work. Once it had finished, things didn't seem much different but Jack was describing her new wardrobe.

"Yes, Loraine will be wearing a lot of leather, vinyl and spandex as she follows the fashion trends of the 80 rock and roll queens!

Ok Loraine, what's you second last case of the round going to be?"

"Case 5 Jack."

"Another Bimbo case! You're only one cash case ahead after this one!"

The crowd cheered, Jack smiled and waved at them to settle down.

"Our second category of the mental changes is vocabulary! With the random options being... Speaking Your Mind, Proper English, Rhyming all the Time and Cock-ney English!

Well Loraine there are two options here the audience might like!

And the result is... Speaking Your Mind!"

The fog descended once more on Loraine's mind, leaving behind a feeling of light headedness.

"Wow Jack that felt really strange, I don't know what it did but I'm sure glad it's over! Hey what number do you think I should pick for my next case? I kind of think Justin is cute, do you think I should ask him out or wait for him to ask me?"

"Ah, Loraine, you can hear what's changed already! You'll be talking about everything that you're thinking about from now on!"

Loraine clamped her mouth shut, horrified at what had come out let alone the implications of the change.

"One last case Loraine, what's it going to be?"

"Oh Jack, I just don't know which one to pick so I guess I'll just guess and pick number 7!"

"Good news Loraine! You picked your final Bimbo case for the round!" Jack said sarcastically and show a smirked.

The audience cheered, she was no longer ahead of the game but tied at 9 cases each.

"Well it's time for a new career Loraine, I guess your singing career is going to take a back seat to something new! The options are... Trophy Wife, Public Service, 'Personal' Assistant and Temporary Help!"

Loraine couldn't believe she was going to lose her singing career, she had worked so hard for it, but now there was no choice, the collar would take it away in just a few moments.

"And the audience has chosen... Trophy Wife!"

The fog rolled in for the third time to Loraine's mind, burning away her ambition to sing and replacing it with something new and different.

"You know Loraine with your new look and new life aspirations it might be time to think about your name."

Loraine felt the bottom of her stomach hit the floor, what was Jack talking about her name for?

"Have you thought of shortening it to say... Rain?"

The crowd cheered and parts of her brain she didn't know she had came to life, making connections.

"Rain? Yes my name is Rain! I can't wait to tell everyone!"

"Ok that's great Rain. We're done round two!

You're doing very well Rain, it's a dead heat between the cash and bimbo cases! Now we need to find out what The Accountant has to say!

I have his offer, he thinks God has left the building and he is just offering to double your money with a single jump up the cash side. However it will cost you an additional bimbo change if you quit right now."

Rain looked at Justin, he was shaking his head no. Justin was single she knew and he had an important job at the show, maybe if she did what he wanted he'd ask her out and show her off to all his friends. But she really didn't want to go on either. She was so confused, Jack was waiting for an answer and he was single too she had heard.

"Let's keep going Jack, for Justin!"

"Alright Rain, that means round three!"

Chapter 5 - Round 3

"Ok, in round 3 you need to open 3 cases, what is your first one going to be?"

Rain looked over to Justin, he was holding up nine fingers.

"9 Jack because Justin wants it!"

"Your 10th cash case! $100,000!"

Justin had both thumbs up when Rain looked over at him.

"Ok Rain, your next case?"

"I don't know why but I think 14 is a good number, in any case it's what I'm going to pick!"

"Your 11th cash case! You've got $500,000!

And your just one case away from the billion!"

The crowd was roaring and stamping its feet. She was so close and Justin was clapping along with them.

"Ok Rain, one last cast this round, what's it going to be?"

"23 Jack because it's how old I am!"

"Your 10th Bimbo case, that's too bad!

We have a new category for you Rain, Compulsion! The options are... Small Things in Tight Places, Public Displays of Attention, The Final Word and All Lined Up."

And the audience has chosen... Public Displays of Attention!"

The collar lit up and the fog took her mind. Once it had cleared she seemed much more at ease in front of the cameras. In fact a stirring in her pussy was making it a very pleasurable place to be.

"Rain, from now on you'll find that when in public you'll be doing things to attract attention to yourself and you're going to be sexually aroused by the attention you get!"

She fidgeted before shifting her skirt up a bit and pulling her top down to show off even more of her cleavage. It felt better this way and when she cocked her hips to one side and pushed out her chest even farther it was the most comfortable she'd been since stepping on stage.

"I think The Accountant is going to have a serious offer for you now. You're just one case away from the billion dollars!"

"We haven't seen anyone this close to the big prize in quite a while, especially with two bimbo cases remaining. I know the audience would love to see you keep going!"

Jack's statement sent a shiver through Rain, everyone was looking at her and all she had to do was continue playing to keep their attention. She looked over at Justin, he was urging her on as well.

"Ok Rain, the offer is $5 million to end it here and now."

She knew it was more than she needed, but Justin and the pull of the audience was too much.

"God Jack, I want to keep going for Justin and because I want everyone to pay attention to me, I just can't say no now!"

Chapter 6 - Finals

"Ok Rain, this is round 4, you only have to open a single case, which one is it going to be?"

"15 Jack! I can't wait to win the billion and get together with Justin, I want to be his girlfriend so badly!"

"I'm sure Justin is quite anxious to see you as well after the show! He's going to be one very lucky guy I think.

But I'm afraid that's you're 11th Bimbo case Rain. We're down to the wire, just cash case and one bimbo case left!

The last category is Fetish and the options are... Rope Around the Rosie, Fit to be Pierced, First Time Fantasy and Suspended Sentence.

Audience, this is your last chance to participate, what's it going to be?

And the audience says... Fit to be Pierced!"

The fog consumed her again, this time leaving behind a distinct feeling that something was missing from her body.

"Rain you'll be visited by our in house piercing technician backstage after the show to get a few piercings to complement those in your nipples. You wil also always will be looking for what you can pierce next!"

"Ok Rain, we're down to the home stretch, there are just two cases remaining. One wins you the billion dollars the other completes your Bimbo transformation.

There's no offer from The Accountant this time, your only choice is if you want to continue or not. I'm rooting for you to go all the way and I know you'll do the right thing. Are you going to continue?"

A part of her brain was screaming no, but Justin was still saying yes and her desire for the attention of the audience overcame the small voice that tried to reason with her.

"Let's do it Jack, I'm here until there's nothing left to do!"

"All right then give me your final case number!"

"I don't know Jack, give me case number 15!"

"It's the final cash case!"

Balloons and ribbons fell from the ceiling as Jack continued.

"You've won the billion dollars!"

The audience was going crazy and stormed stage, Rain basked in the attention.

Chapter 7 - Epilogue

After security had cleared the stage, Rain had been taken back to her dressing room. Waiting for her were Justin, two technicians which had installed the collar of fate around her neck a week ago and another gentleman she didn't recognize who was carrying a black bag.

"That was amazing Rain, congratulations!"

"Thanks Justin I couldn't have done it without you! I'm really looking forward to getting to know you better, what do you think about my new look?"

She moved in close to Justin and rubbed her body up against his.

"It's great Rain, but these three people are here to get a few things settled up.

This is Rick, he's here to do a couple of piercings for you. Once he's done the technicians will heal them up and then remove the collar of fate.

What piercings do you want done to start?"

Rain felt her body react to the news he would be piercing her by sending a jolt of pleasure to her pussy which ran up her spine to her head. She so badly wanted his approval, wanted to be the perfect trophy wife for him. The collar's programming overwhelming her desire to say none.

"Well Justin, what do you want me to get pierced?"

"Oh, I think definitely your belly button..."

Rain's pussy shot another jolt of pleasure up her spine.


She moaned out load.


Her hand touched her face and found her warm lips.

"...and definitely your clit."

"Oh god yes!" She said and had a small orgasm.


She walked in to the party on Justin's arm and felt a rush of pleasure as everyone turned to look at them. She was wearing 5 inch stiletto heels with big buckles on them that took her well over 6 feet tall and she towered over Justin. Her legs were covered in black fishnet stockings that led to a small set of black vinyl hot pants. Her corset had taken her waist down to a tiny 17 inches and had a built in black lace push up bra that presented her tits to everyone. On top of that she had on a leather jacket that came down only a few inches below her arm pits and had a single button that did up just under her tits. The collar of the jack had a buckle on it and was closed around her neck.

The hot pants didn't hide her new clit piercing and the corset had a small window in it to show off her navel jewelry. The lace of the bra didn't hide the twin studs in each of her nipples and the nose ring on her right nostril was glittering in the light of the room due to the artificial diamond that hung from it.

She extended her tongue out of her mouth and use the stud in it to trace around her hot lips.

The next half hour was spent hanging off of Justin's arm, making sure she presented herself to best effect to all the people he was talking to. They were moving to the next group when Justin turned to her and said, "Ok Rain, now the next gentleman we're going to talk to is very important. He's a famous rock star and recently divorced as well."

Rain perked up, Justin was quite a catch, but to be the trophy wife of a rock star would be the best!

"Rain, this is Storm, Storm Slayer." He was dress all in black leather with an unruly crop of hair. He had to be at least 20 years older than her which made him even more attractive to her.

Rain quivered as he shook her hand, even with her high heels on he still stood a good six inches taller than her. Justin had already left her mind as he walked away.

"I enjoyed the show Rain, congratulations!"

"Oh, like thanks, but you're so tall? And famous... and um, do you want to take me somewhere more private?" She couldn't stop herself from saying what was on her mind, she wanted him and she couldn't hide it.

"I know just the place." He said extending his arm out, she slid in beside him and locked arms with him.

They left the room and walked down the hallway, he open one of the doors and they entered in a dressing room. It had a large couch in it.

"I think this will do nicely, you know I've been looking for a girlfriend that could keep me interested for a while. Do you want to audition for the role?"

She stepped in close and he grabbed her tightly, she tilted her head back so he could kiss her. His tongue found her tongue stud quickly and she pushed it in to his mouth.

He grabbed her ass and gave it a hard slap, she squealed in surprise and delight, pulling back a bit. With his hands still on her hips, he spun her around and then roamed them up to her tits, squeezing them tightly. She pushed her ass back in to his crotch and swayed it side to side.

He moved her over to the side of the couch and pushed her face first over the arm rest. He pulled down her hot pants and then dropped his own leather pants. Her hand worked its way under her body and found her clit ring, working it to make sure she would be ready for him to enter her.

She felt his cock run over her pussy lips and she moaned loudly, her enhanced voice making her sound like an animal in heat. She push back as much as she could to encourage him to enter her.

Instead she felt his cock move up to her rectum and start to push in.

"Oh my god, what are you doing? I've never been taken in the ass before, please..."

"I've fucked so many pussies in my career I find the best way to find out if a trophy wife is going to be any good is to take her in the ass first. So do you still want the audition or should I just kick you to the curb right now?"

"I... I..."

She was so confused, she knew it was wrong somewhere deep inside but she could be his trophy wife, all she had to do was say yes to the anal sex, yes to pleasure, yes to anything he wanted.

With his cock head pressed against her ass, she spasmed once and came hard.

"Yes! Fuck my ass Storm, take it, take me! Fuck me so hard you make it Rain!"

He pushed in deep and Rain continued to beg him to go harder and deeper until he spent his load in her virgin ass.


"So Mr. Slayer, everything is in order then?" Justin asked.

"She was a great fuck that's for sure, I'm going to enjoy her for quite a while I think."

"Yes well, we like to try and match our contestants up with the right placements after the show.

As a member in our VIP Bimbo Match Maker Club, you had the option to take the first contestant that matched your criteria.

Now as per our contract, you will have Rain sign over all of her assets to you, including the billion dollar prize. She'll gladly do it as long as you keep her a happy little trophy wife. Once that is complete you'll sign those assets back over to the show."

"If I'd known when I signed the contract I'd be taking home a winner I might have tried to get that clause removed! But what the fuck, I've got all the money I can use already. A hot rock and roll trophy wife is worth more to me than a couple of extra zero's in my bank account.

My lawyer will get the paperwork done, pleasure doing business with you Justin."

"And you as well Mr. Slayer."


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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I liked this story, keep up the great writing!

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