Biology Lessons

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She came to tutor but ended up being filled with cum instead.
4.4k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/27/2021
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She had been surprised when Hannah approached her after class and asked her for some help with studying the Bio midterm coming up next week. Until that moment she had been fairly certain that the popular blonde girl had no idea that she existed. This wasn't the first class they had together, or even the first year they'd had classes together, but it was the first time that she'd ever said a word to Amber directly. For her part, Amber had more than a little trouble responding, and mostly just nodded, with the occasional "yeah" or "okay," thrown in at the right moments until it was all settled. Amber would swing by Hannah's apartment after class on Thursday night for a cram session, Hannah would make them dinner, and then they would study until everything clicked.

Then Hannah left for her next class, leaving Amber in her wake with nothing but a scrap of paper with her address and phone number as evidence that the meeting had ever happened. Later, as she walked home she wasn't entirely sure that it had, honestly. She'd had a crush on Hannah since they were in English last year and even though Amber knew that Hannah was straight, and she also knew that she'd never have the guts to say so much as 'hello' to the tall athletic girl, but it never quite went away. Amber was between girlfriends since things with Sarah had gotten complicated, and wasn't really looking for anything new just yet.

Besides, she thought as she walked home practically invisible to the men and women that passed her by. She was small and plain by most anyone's standards; her narrow hips and small breasts gave her all the femininity of her iPhone. None of her girlfriends had complained of course, but more often than not she was told how they were attracted to her for her dirty mind as much or more as for her pale and slender body. Amber was sure she wouldn't be single right now if she'd been born with a generous ass or a lovely pair of tits like Hannah.

But she didn't let it bother her. There were plenty of lesbians and queer girls to choose from at school these days - two thirds of the students were female afterall. Being a straight girl had to be kinda difficult these days, she reflected, but it wasn't her problem, Amber chided herself. The only reason she was thinking about such things was that Amber FUCKING Philips had asked her to come study with her later this week. Alone. In a room. Just the two of them. That was her problem. Just thinking about it made her blush; even if nothing happened, and she was sure nothing was going to happen, the scenario was something she was going to cum to countless times while she played with her vibrator between now and when she finished her Master's Degree in a few years.

The next few days dragged for Amber as she both looked forward to and dreaded the study date. She attended her classes, but didn't pay a lot of attention, not that she needed to. Her grades, much like her tits, were A's, and neither required much care to stand proud. School was as easy as emotions were hard for her, it turned out. Eventually the day came though, and Amber tried not to hyperventilate as she rode the elevator up the third floor of Hannah's apartment in a black top and some tight jeans. The building, like everything else in her life, was nicer than Amber's, and was probably close to double her rent. She knocked cautiously on 318, and then moments later it opened to the smiling face of her crush, wearing an apron.

"Amber," she said smiling as she reached out and hugged her like they were old friends. "It's so nice to see you. Did you have any trouble finding the place?" Amber froze at the unexpected closeness, acutely aware of how much bigger Hannah's D cup tits were as they pressed against her nearly flat chest.

"N-no" She stammered finally trying and failing to act naturally, just as Hannah was starting to pull away. "No problem at all."

Hannah studied her briefly, her happy veneer cracking to show a trace of concern on her lips.

"Something smells delicious," Amber said after a moment, mentally flailing for anything to deflect from her own awkwardness. "What are you making?"

"Nothing fancy," Hanna said, turning to head to the kitchen where the chicken that she'd smelled was sauteing. Chicken caesar wraps with iced tea and side off..." she let the word linger a moment while she grabbed a big bag of tortilla chips off the counter, and flourished it "Nachos! but only after we start studying of course. We can't get too crazy."

"Of course," Amber agreed. Hannah had really gone all out. If she was having an all night study session a few slices of pizza and a couple sodas would be more than enough she reflected, not this. It was very sweet of her to go to such trouble just for a little tutoring.

"You want a beer," Hannah asked, popping one open and pressing it into her hand. Amber didn't really drink, but it would be rude to refuse. Maybe a tiny bit of alcohol would take the edge off, she thought hopefully.

A few minutes later they were eating, while Hanna dominated the conversation. They started off talking about the areas that she was struggling with, which was mostly genes, transcription and telling apart DNA and RNA. While they ate though, the conversation wandered. They stopped talking so much about the topic of the class as the people in the class. Hannah as it turned out was a bit of a gossip, who seemed to know, or at least know about everyone. Between bites of the wraps which turned out great, they talked about who was dating who, who had just broken up with who, and eventually how things were with her boyfriend. Hannah tried to probe Amber's dating life, but without much success. When the meal was finally done and they were clearing out plates, Hannah brought out the nachos and replaced Amber's beer with a new one. She hadn't remembered finishing it, and was starting to feel a bit tipsy, but one more couldn't hurt too much though, she thought.

"You're a lesbian, right?" Hannah asked casually, as she sat down next to Amber. Making Amber flush bright red as she almost spit a bite of nachos out across their assembled notes and textbooks. Hannah noticed Amber shutting down as her shyness ratcheted up to a whole new level. She put her hand on Amber's arm in a friendly reassuring way adding, "Which is totally fine by the way. I'm not judging, that's just what I hear."

"I'm Bi actually," Amber said finally after a long pause.

"Really," Hannah asked, "I've never seen you date any guys."

"I haven't," Amber confessed, "not since high school, but that didn't work out. I still fantasize about them though, sometimes."

"Ah," Hannah said, sensing how uncomfortable Amber was at these personal details she let the subject drop. "Let's start on this study guide then."

The material was dry, and perfectly straightforward for Amber, and she started to answer all of her study partner's questions without the slightest issue. She really only seemed to have issues with the boring parts, like remembering which set of nucleotides had Uracil and which one had Thymine, so it made the perfect palette cleanser after the awkward moments earlier. After all, why would Amber, who had a crush on Hannah for over a year, ever read too much into a question like 'so you like girls?' She might as well have asked, 'will you eat my pussy?' The answer to that question was not in doubt even a little bit. Yes she definitely would eat her pussy. Not that she would ever have the nerve to say that, even if she had been asked. No, like most everything in life, Hannah was not for her, and the sooner she got used to that, the better.

They were just about wrapping up, and Amber could tell she'd done a world of good with her new friend, if that's what she was now. She even hoped that maybe she'd get a call to come help her with the final in a few weeks, when she heard the door open and close. "Hey babe," a voice called out, "I picked up that bud and thought we could... oh, sorry I didn't know you had a friend over."

"It's fine," Amber said, starting to put her notes away a little more quickly, "I was just leaving so..."

"Nonsense," Hanna interrupted her, "Stay, hang out with us for a while. We were just going to have a quiet night in. Brian doesn't mind if you join us for a bowl, do you Brian."

Amber let herself be pulled into the living room with only the slightest effort, averting her gaze from Hannah's man. Like everything else in her life, he was hot, from his obvious muscles to his dazzling smile; not her type of course, but definitely hot all the same. "I've never really tried marajuna," Amber offered up lamely as she followed them both to the living room where Hannah sat down on the couch and started packing a bowl in a colorful glass pipe while Brian turned on whatever episode of the new vampire show that was streaming, letting it play in the background.

"Well, then I can finally teach a brainiac like you a thing or two," Hannah said, smiling mischievously before passing the bowl to her boyfriend and narrating what he did with it. "You see how he holds the lighter so he can light the pot without burning himself. While he does that he's inhaling it the whole time, and then he holds his breath for a few seconds before exhaling it."

When he was done he handed the pipe and the lighter to Amber who looked at them like they were dangerous weapons before passing them to Hannah unused. "I don't know, it looks awfully confusing to me. Maybe another time," she added, trying to be polite.

Hannah shrugged, "It's okay, the first time can be tough. There are other ways though," she said, before lighting up the pipe and hitting it herself. When she was done she set down her drug paraphernalia on the coffee table but didn't exhale, instead she leaned in to Amber, uncomfortably close and then kissed her hard, prying her surprised lips open with her tongue without any resistance before blowing the smoke into the mouth of the stunned and unsuspecting girl. Amber didn't fight it. How could she? She'd fantasized about kissing her plenty of times and now that it was happening, it was heavenly. It was forceful, but soft and perfect in all the ways she expected. And then all too soon it was over, and a moment after that, Amber started to cough hard, unused to smoke in her lungs.

"Here, drink this, it will help," Brian offered, passing her another beer which she gratefully accepted while Hannah merely laughed. "That was called a shotgun," she said only a little patronizingly, "and it's a way that you can share the high a little more intimately." Brian and Hannah each hit the pipe once more before it was reduced to ashes, but mercifully didn't force Amber to try it again, which was good, because she was already feeling a little weird. So her hosts curled up on the couch next to each other and started to watch the show leaving Amber free to explore the rush of euphoria consuming her that was probably equal parts drugs and arousal.

After about 15 minutes though, Amber had trouble moving, and even more trouble thinking. Lost in her own thoughts she didn't even notice that there was some kind of lesbian vampire sex scene on TV until Hannah leaned over and whispered in her ear, "You know, I haven't kissed a girl in years, and I forgot how much fun it could be. I know you came over here to help with the test, but do you suppose there are any other biology lessons a lesbian like you could teach a poor confused straight girl like me?"

Amber felt herself smiling as she sat up and leaned closer to her crush. Without the aid of the pot and booze she would have just crawled into a corner and died, but with all her inhibitions temporarily out of order, she instead reached up and grabbed the back of Hannah's neck and whispered, "Maybe I can." before kissing her ear and biting her earlobe, slowly working her way back to that pretty little mouth. They made out for almost five minute before Anna came up for air. Her hands acted like they had a will of their own, and her left played with the pretty blonds's hair at the nape of her neck while her right drifted down to play with those big tits that drew the eyes of all the men she passed in the halls. But tonight those sexy tits weren't for boys; tonight they were all hers.

When they finally broke the kiss, Hannah stripped off her sweater and then reached for Amber's shirt. Amber let her, only noticing once her shirt was almost already off that Brian had long since switched from watching lesbians on TV to watching them in his living room. "Don't mind him," Hannah said as Amber started to reach up to cover her tits. "He's a perv, but being watched just makes it hotter, don't you think?" Reassured, Amber couldn't help but agree and turned her attention instead to those big beautiful breasts, running her fingertips along the sensitive undersides of Hannah's pendulous globes while her lips and tongue devoured and teased her prominent areola.

"See how she's not just squeezing them like a stress ball and groping them while... mmmmmmm biting the nipples baby? You should be taking notes, because I'm going to test you on this later." Hannah said, between breathy sighs and little moans, obviously enjoying herself. Eventually she stopped Amber, and got up, dragging her lover from the couch to the bedroom. "Now that you've gotten me all worked up Amber, I need to show you everything I learned so you can tell me if I pass your test..."

Amber didn't put up a fight as Hannah pushed her down onto her bed, and started tugging off her shoes and then her pants. She only offered the slightest hesitation when she pulled off her panties, tossing them on the floor. Then Hannah stripped herself until they were both entirely naked. She was even more beautiful naked than Amber thought she would be, and when this lusty angel started to kiss her way up her inner thighs, slowly approaching her aching pussy with its cute little landing strip, she thought she had died and gone to heaven. Hannah attacked her clit first, making her buck her hips involuntarily from the pleasure while she used her fingernails to drag them lightly along her crotch and inner thigh before sliding first one, then two fingers inside her shy young lover.

Hannah obviously hadn't had many female lovers, because her movements were unpracticed and her technique was crude but what she lacked in practice, she made up for in enthusiasm. It didn't matter. All that mattered is that Hannah was fucking her with two fingers going in and out of her pussy while she licked her clit, and Amber was moaning as loudly as she ever had in her life, completely lost in this fantasy that had come to life so unexpectedly.

After a few minutes Amber tried to move so they could 69. She wanted to return the delicious favors she was receiving, but Hannah wouldn't be dislodged. "Be patient, slut," she murmured, lifting her mouth from the other woman's cunt. "You'll have your turn soon. For now just lay back and enjoy..." And then she returned to her oral attack, switching from licking the girl's prominent clit to gently sucking it like a tiny little cock. At the same time she stopped fingerfucking her and switched to attacking her gspot in delicate twisting motions deep inside her sensitive cunt. Soon enough the moans started to increase in volume, and then before she knew it Amber managed to gasp "I'm cumming '' before her entire body seized up and her back arched like she had been exposed to an electric current. She had never believed she'd ever see Hannah Philips naked, but now here she was cumming in the girl's mouth. Maybe none of this was real, she thought. Maybe it was just the pot and she'd passed out, making this nothing but an exceptionally crazy dream. If it was a dream though, she never wanted to wake up.

When Amber started to come back to earth twenty seconds later, Hannah had crawled up her body and was holding her. "That good, huh? They laid like that for a few minutes, until Amber had finally recovered enough that she started moving to try to get after Hannah's pussy. Now that she'd had one of the biggest fantasies of her life come true, sh wanted to show Hannah just what advantages dating a girl had over a guy, even one as handsome as Brian. Hannah still fought her though. "You want to show me what you've got?" Hanna said playfully, rising to her knees, "Don't you know that I like to be on top?" She twisted Amber's small nipples hard for emphasis, making her body light up from the intense sensation before straddling the submissive woman.

Then, one small movement at a time, Hannah moved up until her waxed cunt was looming above Amber's face, practically dripping on the girl, while Hannah's legs pinned the girl's arms at her side's making her helpless and handless. This wasn't a position she'd tried before with any of her lovers, but it was pretty hot, she had to admit. She couldn't control anything, and she loved it. It was that moment that she felt someone prying her legs apart, and she looked up at Hannah in panic and confusion.

"Shhhh," she said soothingly, stopping Amber from telling her lover about what her boyfriend was doing before she could even get the words out, "Brian just wants to play too. You don't mind right? I mean, I am his girlfriend and you did say you were bi..." Amber wanted to tell him to fuck off, but she knew deep down that if she made a big deal about this, then her time with Hannah would be at an end, and she couldn't imagine a fate worse than that.. Not on an evening this magical. Plus, now the guy's tongue was attacking her clit while his hands pulled her hood out of the way to better get at the over-sensitized nub, and if she was honest with herself it felt pretty amazing to be being used by two people like this. Maybe it would be okay for him to eat her out if she just pretended this was a lesbian threeway...

"No, it's okay," Amber stammered, "It's just that I'm a virgin."

"And I'm sure that Brian will be gentle," Hannah said, lowering her pussy to the mouth of her captive lover. "He's popped the cherry of plenty of girls and never had a complaint."

Gentle? Cherry? Amber had thought that he was just going to explore her body a little.. Maybe try to make her cum while she made his girlfriend cum. She didn't expect that he was going to try to fuck her. But it was too late to complain now, as Hannah ground her dripping cunt against the face of her lesbian lover. She could barely breathe, and she definitely couldn't talk. All she could do was lick, suck, and writhe as Brian did the same to her. And honestly, that was pretty hot, she could handle that. But she suddenly pulled his mouth away and replaced it with something large and thick pressing against her hot little hole, she started to panic. Amber started to buck and squirm hard, trying to get free. Letting them play with her body was one thing, but fucking a guy she hadn't even said ten words to? That wasn't something she'd ever consider doing.

"Mmmmm," Hannah moaned, still riding Amber's face, "Don't stop now baby you were doing so good. You know I'm not letting you up. Not until you make me cum as hard as I made you. I'm sure my boyfriend is making that difficult... but you'll like what he's doing to you, I promise baby." That was the moment that she knew this was really happening. Not the feeling of a strange cock about to force itself inside her, no - the fact that Hannah knew, and wasn't going to let her up or make him stop. He really was about to fuck her pussy. All that time spent with girlfriends and their toys trying to stay away from men that might take advantage of her and now she was.. Amber grunted, feeling the head pop inside her tiny pussy, and then she felt the rest of his shaft start to follow an inch at a time.

"Careful" Hannah chided, "If you're too rough with her, then she stops tongue fucking my hole Baby."

"You got it babe," Brian said from somewhere a million miles away. "One nice slow fuck so I don't cum anytime soon, comming right up. We'll see if we can make this slut switch teams."