Black Forest


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Once they were out of earshot mum said, "It's so sad about Mr Yamamoto but they seem to be handling it well."

"It's all for the best actually. You wouldn't believe how badly he treated her."

"So he just up and left with some woman he met at the hotel?" dad asked.

I nodded and didn't mention that he'd actually met her when we were all naked at the waterpark.

"Some people are just unbelievable," Dad muttered.

We watched TV in silence for a while before mum brought up the topic I knew must be at the forefront of her mind.

"So Patrick, were you really naked in public with Sakura and Hiroshi at that waterpark?"

I nodded and looked her in the eye. "Yes, it's an incredible place. There are loads of different mineral pools as well as countless saunas."

My parents exchanged a look and then dad said, "weren't you embarrassed?"

I shrugged, "I was nervous at first but then realised I had nothing to be ashamed of."

Mum was blushing as she said, "Your father and I once visited a local spa here and when we went to the sauna we realized you had to be naked!"

I was surprised to hear this, "what did you do?"

"I'm afraid we chickened out but we regretted it later."

"Yes, looking back we should have been as courageous as you," Dad said wistfully.

"Well it's never too late to give it a try and if you enjoy it I strongly recommend you make the trip to the Black Forrest and try out the place we visited."

Mum was looking flushed as she said she was also going to bed. I wished her goodnight and remained watching TV with dad.

"Um, Patrick, can I ask you something a bit personal?"

"Sure dad, fire away."

"Your mother was quite keen to give that sauna a try but I was afraid of how I would um, respond to seeing a bunch of naked women."

I could tell he was struggling to formulate his question and waited until he continued.

"Um, Sakura is an attractive woman, um, weren't you worried about embarrassing yourself?"

I smiled, "of course I was and it did happen but she assured me it was a natural reaction and that she didn't mind. Of course, you can't walk around these places with an erection but if it happens you can just use a towel to cover up until it fades."

Dad stared at me open-mouthed and I laughed at his expression, "What?"

"Sorry, it's just that I never thought you had it in you! You've always been so shy, especially around females and now you're sitting here telling me how you got an erection in front of your best friend's mother as if it was nothing unusual!"

What he said was true and I nodded in acknowledgement. I was tempted to tell him a lot more happened between Sakura and me but I didn't want to reveal our relationship yet so instead, I just said, "It was the best decision I've ever made and I don't regret any of it."

Dad nodded, "it's definitely changed you, Patrick, you seem much more confident and I'm proud of you!"

I never expected my dad to tell me he was proud of me for getting naked in public and I felt quite moved.

"Thanks, dad, all I can say is that you and mum should give it a try! I'm going to hit the sack now, I'll see you at breakfast tomorrow."

"Thanks, son, goodnight"

I used the bathroom and then went to my room. I stripped off my clothes and lay on the bed, impatiently waiting for Sakura to join me.

I heard dad walk past a short time later and then the house fell silent. About fifteen minutes later my door opened and Sakura stepped in inside. In the dim light of the room, I could just make out that she was wrapped in a towel. She stepped closer to the bed and with a flick of her wrist, the towel dropped revealing her gloriously naked body.

My cock was already erect as I reached for her and pulled her into bed. What followed was a night of unbridled passion. We did our best to keep the volume down but I don't know how successful we were. It actually made things even more exciting trying to be quiet.

My room didn't share a wall with my parents' bedroom but they were quite close by. Just before 7 am, after I'd emptied my balls into Sakura once again, she got out of bed and used the towel to cover herself before sneaking back to the guest room. I wished we didn't have to hide our relationship but we had agreed it was too soon to tell my parents.

My bed was a mess and the room reeked of sex. I opened the window and did my best to hide the clues. Everything seemed normal at breakfast and my parents gave no indication they suspected anything. Mum was the one that suggested I accompany them to the airport and I readily agreed. It would give me some more time with Sakura.

Goodbyes and promises to visit each other were exchanged before we finally set off.

The train journey was quite emotional and Sakura seemed overjoyed when I revealed my plans to study in Japan. The train was busy and we had few opportunities to be intimate. It was hard (forgive the pun) but the prospect of being together again in the future made it more bearable.

At the airport, things became more intense and with tears flowing we kissed and touched each other without holding back. We got quite a few looks but didn't care. When the time came for them to depart I felt like a part of me was missing.

Whilst on the train back to Basel I received a text from Hiroshi saying they were about to take off. I was feeling low by the time I returned home and already missed Sakura. Dad was at work and the house was quiet. I initially thought mum was out but as I passed the living room she called to me, "Patrick, can I talk to you?"

This sounded ominous and I joined her fearing the worst.

"What's up mum?"

"Did everything go as planned?"

I nodded, "yeah."

She looked me in the eye and said "I know what happened between you and Sakura."

My heart missed a beat and I was about to respond when she raised her hand.

"Before you say anything let me just say that your father and I don't have a problem with it. Quite the opposite actually, we're glad she was able to get you out of your shell!"

I was stunned and a great weight was lifted from my shoulders.

"How did you know?"

Mum smiled, "I could tell from the way you acted together and then we heard you during the night."

I blushed, "um sorry, we thought we were being quiet."

Mum laughed, "well you weren't but don't let it worry you, your dad and I were rather impressed by your stamina!"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing but it was a huge relief they were taking it so well.

"If you don't mind my asking, when did this all start?" mum asked.

"Um, I've had a crush on her for ages but it only really began during the trip. Hiroshi's dad treated her so badly and we started spending more time with each other."

"Was she your first?"

I blushed and nodded.

Mum smiled, "that's good, it's like learning to drive a car, better not start with a new one!"

I looked confused for a moment and mum giggled, "not that I'm comparing Sakura to an old banger, of course, she's a beautiful woman."

"You and dad are really alright with it?"

"Yes dear, we've been worried about how shy you were around girls and you never seemed to have a girlfriend or show any interest. Of course, the age gap between you and Sakura is significant but at the moment it's not important."

We continued talking and I'd never felt closer to my mother. I told her all about Sakura and mentioned my plans to visit Japan and maybe even study there. She thought it was a great idea and would look good on my CV in the future. When I finally returned to my room I found the sheets had been changed and everything tidied up. I was really lucky to have parents like mine.

I wanted to share the news with Sakura and Hiroshi but they were somewhere at 10000 feet so I wrote them an email explaining everything. At lunch, mum and I spoke about general things until she surprised me again by saying that she and dad were planning to visit the local spa, this time with the intention of being naked in the sauna.

"Your dad told me he spoke to you about it yesterday and you put his mind at ease."

I nodded, "I'm sure you'll enjoy it as much as I did."

"I'm rather excited by it, it'll be a new experience for us."

She paused and then said, "if all goes well we might visit the place in the black forest."

"That's a great idea, I can only recommend you do it!"

"Would you consider joining us?"

I gulped at the thought of being naked with my parents but it wasn't as shocking as it would have been a few days ago.

"We understand if it makes you uncomfortable but Hiroshi didn't seem to have a problem being there with his parents."

I nodded, "yeah, no, it's fine I'd love to join you, I just wasn't expecting you to ask!"

Mum smiled and blushed, "I know, this must come as a surprise to you but we weren't always as prudish as we've been since you were born. Our lives are stuck in a bit of a rut and the experiences you described have made us realise it's time for a change."

I grinned at mum, "well I'm all for it!"


Sakura was overjoyed to hear how my parents felt and we began to make plans for my visit. Mum and dad visited the local spa a few days later and returned looking and feeling more relaxed than I'd ever seen them. They loved the experience and we planned to visit the black forest waterpark together soon.

My life had never been better. The trip to Germany with my parents and my move to Japan are worthy of their own stories!

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John_BostonJohn_Boston8 months ago

Well written story. The author's fascination with small breasts (and prominent nipples!) shines through and is presented in a graceful way, The whole experience of communal nudity is presented tastefully and he presents it as the wonderful experience it is in real life. Perhaps he has experience in that area? Great story: 5 Stars!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

One of the very best stories that I have read on Literotica. It is so refreshing to read erotica which is highly believable and finishes with a positive ending and with the reader wanting more. Excellent writing, thank you.

peeobsessionpeeobsessionabout 2 years ago

love the story , very very much great writing, please continue and/but, just like the other stories you wrote....,.it deserves a part 2 !

KumakunshuKumakunshuover 2 years ago

Rip storing good tale❕ 5🌟

forestbathinghermitforestbathinghermitover 2 years ago

Ooohhhh wish the story could have continued to you arriving into Japan and into her arms! Great story.....

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