Black Rainforest's Chronicles Ch. 01

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2615, Dark Ages. Ethan helps his husband after a long day.
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"I swore loyalty to the protectors, Guild of Black Rainforest City in the Kingdom of Jundoest.

I swore I will protect citizens against any form of violence. I will protect the weaks, poors, widows and orphans."

Serment of the protectors, 2615.

I love the old french word of serment. As an historian, I could tell this guild had done a good work, a small miracle in those dark ages. A kind of brotherhood, with its symbols: a cape, embroidered with a dragon, and a bamboo stick. They were known for their martial art practise. You must know the old world had nearly came back to medieval period, even taking old medieval codes: vassalage, guilds, free cities... Technologies had regressed, and when they progressed, it was more for the worse than for the best... Death was everywhere. Orphanages were full of children. And the climate didn't help. It was glacial in winter, rainy and misty in summer.

I just found one of those protector's diary. This is a translation. I tried to stay faithful to the text with his faults, strange turn of phrase and awkwardness. He was a swordsman, not a novelist.

I warn you: it's sometimes difficult to read, in the violent context I described before, but most of all, what led those men and women, was love, kindness, and tolerance. Sometimes, as I was deciphering the manuscript, it went to my mind I would have loved being one of them, and loved by one of them.


Chapter 1

It was late when I finished martial art training, but I knew my protectors loved it as much as me. It was the moment they were all together, those who worked during the day were leaving after, and the others were beginning their shift. Nights and days, they were working to secure the town. That night, I had stayed in the dojo to practise a little more before coming back to civilisation. When I went out, I met Ann with Alex downstairs and greeted them casually.

"You should hurry if you don't want to be caught in the storm," Ann smiled showing me small snow flakes flitting in the wind.

"I'll call you if I find a polar bear," I smirked...

"It will be worse in an hour. It's cold tonight. Hope it will be quiet."

Alex hadn't said a word. Last training came to my mind. It was as if he was completely absent, not doing what I asked, or like a robot.

"Everything's ok, Alex," I asked him more seriously? "I watched you tonight, and I never saw you like that. I was about to tell you to sit down."

"Yeah, he answered," tightening his cape against him. "See you tomorrow, James."

"Alexander," I frowned. "Do you want a coffee?"

He nodded. I had seen the tears in his eyes. I knew he lied to me, and he knew I knew. I was his godfather, and it meant a lot for me. He was also one of my youngest agent, only twenty, and I would have to sort this out. Ann went out for her round, and I followed him in the kitchen and began to prepare coffee for both of us. He sat at the table. He was shaking, pale, lost.

"Alex, what's wrong?"

"I failed you and all the protectors. I am a criminal, James. You should arrest me."

He dropped his head and gave me his hands.

"Come in my office," I told him sternly.

I took the cups and closed the door behind us. It was worse than I thought at first. I made him sit on a chair and stood against the desk.

"Drink your coffee. You'll speak after."

He obeyed, but it was difficult for him. I drank mine, watching him, trying to guess what could have happened.

"What did you do, Alex," I asked him quietly after he finished?

"I killed a man last night..."


"At the end of my shift, I was drunk. When I left the bar, there was a guy who was waiting for me. He tried to... I hit him with my bamboo stick in a back alley. He fell. I killed him," he said panicked...

"Where? Which bar?"

"I can't remember," he said.

He looked so ashamed I could have felt pity, if I hadn't been so angry.

"Come on, Alex! Take your cape and your stick! We'll do each bar in town if needed to. Look at me! You sure don't remember?"

"James, I don't know where's my stick. I think I threw it in the lake..."

"Think a little more. Where in the lake?"

"I remember the lighthouse. Wood. Maybe the pontoon?"

I called the protectors who were present that night to tell them I was taking Alex with me and went outside without any comment.

"Who patrolled with you last night," I asked him?


"And he has let you alone in the streets?"

"No. He tried to follow me, but I'm faster. He wanted me to come back."

I called him immediately. Alex had punched him and run away, near the fishmarket. John had decided to let him go. He wasn't his babysitter, he said. There was only three bars between the fishmarket and the pontoon. With a little chance, it would be one of those. Alex took me suddenly by the sleeve.

"The man. With the black eye, and bandaged hand. He's here."

It was obvious this man had been beaten up last night. His face was bruised, and he had a few cuts. He had difficulties to walk, but he wasn't dead.

"Ok. We don't need to go further," I said dryly. "I'm happy for you he's alive. Now, we come back to the castle."

When we crossed the bridge, I tightened my grip on him. He shuddered, seeing where I wanted to go.

"You're going to put me in jail," he asked?


I went in the prisoners quarters and choose a whip in front of stunned guards. Alex had understood. He shook his head.

"No, please, James," he begged in the stairs. "I am a protector. It's wrong..."

"A protector, who threw his stick in the lake because he was too frightened to face reality. That's wrong. You'll face it now. Not only you were drunk during your service, but you hit two persons, John and the man you showed me. You could have killed him. You wear the protector's cape, you know that. You know what it means? Now, will you face your punishment, protector?"

"Yes, James," he muttered.

"Follow me."

Everyone shut up when we arrived in the protectors' quarters. They certainly could feel my determination, my anger. I opened a little room we usually used when we had to interview a suspect. But it was the first time I had to use it for one of my protectors. There was a big window, so everybody could see what was coming.

"Do you have something to say, protector," I asked?

"Protectors, I have dishonored our name. I accept this punishment of my own free will. Please, forgive me."

There was nothing in the room, except a bed, toilets, and a bottle of water. I asked him to grasp his ankles. It took less than a few seconds to restrain him strictly. I didn't wanted him to be injured if he moved.

"I'll give you twenty."

He gritted his teeth not to cry. I didn't want to do it, but I had to. I braced myself and gave him the first blow.

Alex was a mess when I finished, and so do I. I wiped my eyes before leaving him on the bed. I had promised his father to look after him when he died three years ago, and it's what I would do. I locked the door and threw the whip in the big fireplace.

"Watch him closely," I told the protectors. "I'll be in my office. Mike, take the keys."

He caught them, as he gave me a worried look.

"James, are you ok, began my second in command?"

I cut him shortly.

"No, but I want to be alone, in my office."

I closed the door and looked out of the window. Snow was falling heavily now, and it was too late to come back home. I felt drained, and the road would be dangerous. I sat on my chair, a big lump in my throat. I thought about phoning Ethan, but he certainly was with a patient, and I didn't want to disturb him at work. I closed my eyes, reliving Alex's father death. Dan was a close friend. We had been caught in a gunfire between two gangs. He had died in my arms.

A soft knock made me jump on my chair.

"I'm sorry to wake you, James," said Mike, but we called a doc for Alex. "He was convulsing."

"Who's coming?"

"Ethan. He's here. I called Marie too."

As I didn't answer, he continued. It was clear he was thinking I had messed up.

"He wants to see you."


"Want a coffee?"

"Yes, please. A strong one. Thank you, Mike."

He nodded knowingly. For the first time in my life, I was a bit anxious to face my best friend, husband and lover.

When I arrived in the room, Ethan was just injecting meds in Alex's arm. I knew his expression. He was focused on his work, and worried.

"James, what the hell happened tonight? Your guys told me it was you... They don't understand, me neither."

"Yes, it was me."

"I don't know what he's taken, but it's strong. What I gave him will kick that shit out of his system, but he was close to overdose. I took a blood sample for analysis."

I was taken aback by what he was telling me. Alex, some drugs, I hadn't seen it.

"He'll be very sick this morning. He can't stay alone. Now, I want you to explain this," he said, showing the bruises on his body.

"I'll explain, to everyone."

Mike had made a big coffee pot, and gave me a cup before sitting at the big wooden table. I looked at my protectors: Ann, Sophie, Mike, Ian, Ilian, Carolina, Chris, Paul, Markus and Lea. They all waited with a straight face, not allowing themselves to judge. And Marie arrived. I was relieved she was there. She hugged me tightly and sat at the table.

"I went there as quickly as I could. Mike told me the minimum, but it sounded weird, more than weird. Who fucked up," she asked?

She always had a way for words.

"Me," I sighed.

"And Alex. Did you know he was taking drugs," Markus asked? "Is it why you treated him as a criminal?"

"No, I didn't know. I should have searched him before locking him in the cell, but no."

I spoke slowly, as if it was difficult tell the truth. I was overwhelmed by contradictory emotions. What seemed right in the moment felt wrong now I was telling my story. He needed help, not my wrath. Ethan, close to me, was squeezing my thigh to give me the strength I didn't have.

"I know I shouldn't have reacted like that," I said shamefully.

Lea shook her head. She was our elder, to all of us.

"Don't feel guilty. His dad would have done the same thing. You were so close sometimes I see him in you. Now, what is done is done. I don't even think you should excuse yourself. But we must know what's eating him. It's a call for help."

"I totally agree," Marie said.

"I can provide the medical help," Ethan answered. "I know you're like a big family. I'm sure he'll be in better care than in any rehab center. I'm taking Alex to hospital for a few days, and you, Mr Jons," he said pointing a finger on my nose, "I want you home, and in bed, as soon as you've spoken to Marie."

"Don't worry, Ethan," Marie answered. "I'll take care of him myself."

"Thank you, Marie."

"Oh boys, which one is the most domineering, Lea sighed."

"Him," Marie smiled.

"Her, him," I suggested. "Me?"

We all laughed, as I fought my tears.

Chapter 2

We arrived home with the first sunbeam. I jumped from the snowmobile and opened the door.

"It's so beautiful, here, so peaceful," Marie said. "I had never seen your house in the snow before. Where's Luca?"

"At Erin's house, with his cousins. My sister decided it was time to learn them skiing."

I smiled, thinking of my little boy.

"How old is he?"


"Come on. I have a promise to keep."

We took our winter equipment off, and went in the kitchen.

"Do you want a coffee, or something to eat," I asked? "I'm starving."

She frowned.

"Don't tell me you didn't eat since..."

"Yesterday morning. I skipped lunch, and that night, you know..."

"Ok. Let me make your breakfast. Where do you hide your eggs?"

"I'll take bread and cheese, Marie. Bread's in the cupboard, and cheese's in the fridge."

She quickly put a plate in front of me and watched me as I ate.

"That's better," she smiled. "Now, go to bed. Take two days to rest. I don't want to see you at work before."


"Do I need to warn Ethan?"

I sighed, shaking my head.

"No, you don't have to do that. You know how he is. A little overreacting. My doctor," I smiled.

She smiled, and left me with my pillow. I was sound asleep when Ethan came back. I didn't even felt him going to bed with me. A wonderful smell woke me up, and I looked at the old clock in our room. It was six. Night had fallen again on the mountains. I stopped at the kitchen door to look at him. I could tell he was preoccupied. By me?

"Hello, sleepyhead," he said, watching his saucepan.

"Hello, my love," I said, circling his waist with my arms. "What are you cooking?"

"Stew and potatoes."

"Hmm. You know, I think I'm going to keep you here."

He laughed and kissed me.

"It'll be ready in a few minutes," he said. "Why don't you rest a little?"

"I slept all day."

"You needed it."

"Did you speak to Alex?"

"No. Not really. As I told you, he was really sick this morning. Except sobbing "I failed" and throwing up, it was all he could do. I'll see him tonight. But I expect him to be in withdrawal. I may need to sedate him. We found what he took. It's a new drug. Some brown flower pistils, very powerful if mixed with a chemical product. It induces a strange feeling of happiness, but it's to fall even lower after. He said he was afraid you could find it, so he took the four pills he had with him."

After what I did to him, he could have been afraid. I nodded silently.

"James, he would have done this, one day, without your punishment. The state of despair that follow happiness is unbearable. You may have saved him. If he had done this alone in his apartment, he would be dead."

"I don't know why I hadn't seen this coming."

"He couldn't say "Hello, Uncle James, I'm taking drugs". I talked to Marie, this morning. She said she didn't want to fire him. He'll be ok with you. You'll keep a close watch on him."

"If he's not scared by me," I said bitterly.

Ethan put the stew in the oven, and gave me a look I knew perfectly. The one that said you're acting like a fool. Stop it or I'm going to give you what you need to behave. He and Marie were the only one who could do that: her, because she was my alter ego, and Ethan, because he was my husband, and my dom.

Outside, I was at the head, with Marie, of the most important guild of the town. I was Mr Jons, one of the most powerful leading figure in our community. No one would dare to contradict me. At home, I wanted someone who could have a hold on me. I was craving his direction. With him, I was able to relinquish my power, surrender... For now, it was his hands on my ass I was craving. Ethan was the most loving husband, but he never hesitated if I needed a spanking.

"Ethan, you don't know how I feel guilty."

"James," he said, opening his arms, "come here."

He hugged me and kiss me.

"I know why you reacted like that. I want you to stop with that nonsense."

"I'm not sure I can."

"And you want me to help you."

It wasn't a question. I nodded, staring at him blankly. My empty stomach was churning in anticipation. I knew it would hurt, but I had asked for it.

"Go to our bedroom. I'm coming."

He went behind me, and pulled my jeans and underwear just above my knees, letting my cock spring free from his restraints.

"Not now," he said, stroking it gently.

He led me to take place on his knees, and secured my legs with his, and cuffed my hands behind my back, with a set I had brought from work. I couldn't move anymore. My cuffs were very effective. My head was resting on a pillow on the bed, and my cock was tightly secured between his thighs. He pulled a small lace he twisted around my cock and my testicles.

"You won't come before I decide you can."

He stroked my back and my butt.

"Are you ready, James?"

"Yes Ethan."

"You know why I'm spanking you today."

"Yes Ethan."

"What's your safeword?"


"I'm going to warm your bottom during five minutes, and spank you during twenty minutes. If it's unbearable, tell your safeword."

It was unbearable after the first five minutes of real spanking. He had never been so hard with me before, I thought, but I was well-decided to take it in whole. I was shaking and struggling against my own cuffs, and against the hold he had on my cock, but I resisted. Tears were falling on my face when he finished. He freed me from my legs cuffs, and leaned against me.

"I'm proud of you, babe, really proud of you," he said kissing me, "but it's not finished. I'm going to fuck your ass, hard. Safeword, if you don't want it."

"No, fuck my ass, Ethan."

"It won't be for your pleasure, only mine."

"Please, Ethan, fuck me," I cried.

My ass was in fire, my cock was so painfully erected I wasn't able to think about it anymore. Ethan sure knew how to restrain my... Oh! I didn't even felt Ethan stroking my hole, but I felt his large cock penetrate me in one thrust! He began to pound me until he found his release, hitting my painful and highly pleasurable point. Not being able to come was a torture. I was breathing hard.

After he finished, he uncuffed me and took me against him in bed. He gently spread a soothing cream on my skin, telling me how much he loved me. He suddenly cut the lace, and rubbed my cock with his creamy hands.

"Come, baby," he said kissing my shoulder.

I came in his hands so hard I was lost for a few long seconds. I came back to hearth with Ethan kissing my nose gently. I smiled to him.

"You feel better," he asked, quite shyly?

"Yes, thank you Ethan. I love you so much."

A moment later, I asked:

"This spanking will sting a few days."

"Yeah, when you'll sit on a chair, at work or here, it will be a good reminder of why we did it. I'm really proud of you, you know," Ethan said, kissing me again. "Speaking of work, you can stay in bed, but I must be at hospital in two hours. I'd like to stay with you forever, but duty calls."

"No, I won't stay in bed. I want to taste your stew with you. Shower, now," I said sternly.

He hit my nose playfully with a finger, and disappeared in the bathroom.

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