Black Supremecy


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The other members of the frat swooped in on me, and I couldn't contain my revulsion as I desperately tried to strain away from the hands and mouths that were touching and groping and pinching and twisting, suckling and biting and licking my creamy white skin. The sensations assualting me were overwhelming. I heard one inhale deeply as he smelled my long curly hair, I heard the snuffle of various lips and noses as they made their way up and down my curvy body. I heard heavy breathing as arousal increased exponentially, and I heard murmers between them all that I tried to ignore; whether they approved or disapproved, I didn't to care, I just wanted to get this over with. I could smell the arousal, smell the sweat and cock, smell the youth and enthusiasm of eager, supple young bodies, smell their excitement... and FEEL! Oh god!

"Get away from me!" I screamed, terror threatening to close my throat as I felt a hard cock brush against my thigh.

"What's the matter, never felt a man before?" I was taunted.

"That's exactly the problem. Compared to the men I've had, you're all boys!" I retorted, automatically wincing as I expected brutal retaliation. It wasn't long in coming, but it wasn't what I expected. Rather than a hand, various cocks were pressed against my body, as if to say that it didn't matter what I'd had before, by the end of my time, I wouldn't remember anything from before this anyways. I mentally shook myself away from the dismal thoughts. I tried reciting poetry, tried to sing my favorite songs, attempted to begin a story. Nothing worked. I could still feel their rigid staffs pressed against my soft flesh, and I whimpered, feeling cornered and vulnerable. I shrank back against my platform, but I couldn't escape.

I screamed in fear as I felt fingers roughly penetrate my pussy lips. My hips jerked involuntarily, as I tried to twitch them to get away from the digits. But when I swung them left, they encountered yet another hard cock, while when I twisted them away from that and towards the right, they encountered a firm hand gripping my smooth thigh. I threw my head back and screamed again in frustration; there was no escape! Everywhere I fucking turned, there was another fucking nigger waitig to touch me in some way or another. And of course, it's not lot screaming did much good, since as soon as I opened my mouth, Joe's thumb swooped in, hooking me in the jaw much like a fisherman would grab his catch by the mouth. Angrily, I tried to bite him, but the harsh pressure of the knuckle of his index finger on my lower jaw was painful, and tears flooded my eyes as I tried to fight the pain and bite anyways. It was futile. His grip successfully kept my from closing my jaws enough to touch tooth to skin.

I almost swallowed my tongue as a butt plug was forced into my asshole. A gurgled cry emitted from my mouth instead as my body flew away from the platform, and I screamed as the action impaled me deep on the fingers that were already pressed into my pussy. I could feel wetness starting to leak from my traitorous pussy, and I almost wept. My knees buckled, and I grabbed the straps coming from my wrists reflexively to help me stay standing. My cheeks flared in embaressment, although why that embarassed me more than my fingered cunt, the butt plug, and the 2 dozen naked pricks in the room, I have no idea.

The men, of course, were ecstatic at their treat. My young body with its ivory skin seemed to be a source of delight as they pressed their ebony flesh against me, and I closed my eyes so that I might not witness my own torture, but it didn't keep me from feeling and hearing every single thing that happened. The fingers in my pussy were curled up against my g-spot, rubbing it deliciously. I ground my teeth in horror as I felt my body respond, and I cried out once more as a nigger latched onto each breast, suckling and rolling the nipple roughly between their teeth. Fingers gripped my flanks before slapping me viciously, and I sagged against my restraints as I lost the strength to continue writhing in a futile attempt to keep them from touching me.

With a jerking motion and a quiet whine, the platform began to swing backwards again. I looked around apprehensively at the blackies surrounding me, who all simply backed up and amused themselves watching me and stroking their cocks as the hydraulics moved the table back parallel to the floor. Suddenly, I grew angry again. Who did these fuckers think they were? How dare they use me like this? I opened my mouth to tell them off, but before a breath could even leave my lips, a cock was shoved deep into my mouth. I gagged hard as I felt the tip stab into the back of my throat. Opening my eyes, I stared into the grinning visage of the perpetrator.

"Open wide, bitch," Craig snickered down at me as he placed his hand on my neck, pulling my chin back to open up my throat for his cock. He pushed further in, this time past my uvula, and I gagged hard, tears running out of my eyes to drip unnoticed to the floor. Craig laughed. "Man enough for you now, you stupid cunt?" he teased me, withdrawing, only to slam his hardness back into my throat. I choked this time, my throat contracting as it tried to accept the alien feature. "Ohhhh, yeah, that's right," Craig grunted as he began to face-fuck me. "Open wider, bitch," he growled at me as he plugged my nose. I gasped for air, my jaw opening wide, tears streaming freely from my burning eyes. His eyes lit up and I felt disgusted, used in a way I never wanted or even thought about.

But this wasn't even the start of the evening. As soon as my nose was plugged, my ass was relieved of the butt-plug.... only to have a large cock slam its way home in replacement. I screamed against the cock in my throat, pulling relentlessly at the ropes tied to my wrists, my back arching violently as I was impaled from both ends. More tears flowed from my green eyes, and I stared up at Craig, hating him for what he and his cronies were doing to me, what they were turning me into.. a fucktoy for a bunch of fucking niggers.

I cried out again as the cock in my ass and the one in my mouth began to move in sync; as one pushed its way in, the other pulled out. The steady rhythym had my body moving in earnest on the table, back and forth, back and forth, and I could feel my rolls and breasts rock back and forth with my voluptuous body. Apparently, someone didn't like it, because of a sudden, a mouth latched onto my right nipple, sucking the tip of my breast deep into his mouth, and biting down hard. I cried out helplessly, and a hand fell in a rough slap on my other breast. Another hand began rubbing my thigh, while another shoved fingers deep into my weeping cunt. Back arching, I cried out, but it was muffled as Craig suddenly stiffened. My eyes widened in horror, but it was too late. His load shot directly down my open throat, and straight to my stomach before I even could taste it. I looked up at him in disbelief as he disengaged his cock from my throat. He had the nerve to grin at me.

"Tasty?" he quipped, patting my cheek condescendingly.

"Asshole," I ground out bitterly, my tears drying on my face.

"Tut, tut," he admonished, waving a finger in front of my face. "There'll be punishment for your vulgarity." He stepped back, and in his place, another nigger stepped up. Before I could gather a breath to protest, he'd shoved his cock down my used throat so deep that his pubic hair tickled my nostrils. I gagged again, tears streaming down my face once more, but this time a mixture of self-pity, disgust, and hatred. 'How low the mighty,' I thought to myself, my tongue pressed tightly against the new fucker's rigid cock. The shaft in my ass began to spasm, and I groaned in abject misery. No sooner had he moved away from my used ass then another took his place, and I cried out as his cock stretched my asshole to its limits; much thicker and longer than the previous, it felt as though he were ripping me in half.

I closed my eyes as tears flowed in earnest, and not just from my gag reflex. My body rocked violently with the thrusts from the new male between my legs, and the fingers in my pussy sped their motions, while a thumb began to stimulate my clit. To my shame, a heat began to pool in my belly. My eyes flew open and I stared at the undercarriage of the nigger fucking my throat. I was aroused! How?! This couldn't possibly be happening! Ohhhh, but it was. I felt my skin begin to cool on the inside and heat on the outside, and trembles ran up and down my spine. I desperately tried to quell the sensation, but with the ruthlessness of the fuckers who were manipulating my body, I couldn't withold myelf. In complete and miserable disgust, my orgasm powerfully washed over my body in heavy waves, my body spasming like a top rated porn star, and in misery my eyes closed again as I withdrew into myself so that I could ignore the crude comments already being made.


My first day was absolutely the most degrading experience I'd ever had up to that point. By the time they were done for the evening, every guy there had had a shot at at least 2 out of my 3 holes, and each one had cum at least 3 times. If they couldn't cum in me, they came on me. I was sticky, gross, and stinky with sweat and cum, lying there on the crude table, bound and helpless. Whereas my attitude at the beginning had been hateful, intolerant, and determined to best them, by the end of the night I was but a hollow shell of my former self. I didn't speak, didn't move. I was broken. I refused to rise even to go to the bathroom. One of the participants had to carry me there; even had to hold me upright on the toilet as I sat there, leaking cum from my used holes. I was too lethargic to care what they did with me.

It was an odd twist of fate that I was carried upstairs to a beautifully appointed bedroom with it's own attached bathroom. Snacks were on the nightstand, and a fluffy comforter was thrown back, ready for me to sleep. I was carried past it to the bathroom, where I was handed a bar of soap and washcloth, then told to bathe. Mechanically, I did so, and when I finished, I dragged myself to the bed and passed out.


I awoke to a hard cock sliding deep into my pussy. Still gripped within Morpheus' arms, I unthinkingly wrapped my legs around the man's waist, pulling him in, while my hands went to his sides, running down the length as he drove himself deep into me over and over again. Moaning in pleasure, I rocked my hips against him, driving myself to the pinnacle of pleasure on his cock. My orgasm came fast and hard, and I spasmed deliciously around his shaft, shuddering and keening in delight. He didn't pause, but drove faster and harder into me, until he, too came. Smiling, I opened my eyes. Harsh reality came rushing back with a vengeance, and I saw another nigger enter the room, followed by two more. The darkie clambered off the bed with a satisfied grin.

"Morning, fucktoy," He laughed at my crestfallen expression as the three newcomers surrounded the bed.

"Started off early, didja, Tyler?" One said, dropping his drawers.

"Mmmmmm, mmm she lookin' mighty fine this mo'nin, Nate," Tyler responded, "And she makes some even finer music!"

Nate chuckled as he sat on the edge of the bed. "C'mere slut," he motioned to me imperiously. "Come climb on Daddy."

I stared at him in disbelief. He thought I was just going to become his bitch, just like that? I had my pride, after all... I think. I looked down at my hands. They looked no different than they had yesterday. In fact, nothing had changed.... except I was sore. But it was in a good way. I'd been used last night.... used as if I were a bitch in heat. And I.... I'd come out none the worse for wear. I'd survived intact. But I'd learned a few things. For a start, if I didn't do something when told, it didn't matter. It was going to happen anyways, I was only prolonging the ineveitable.

"I SAID, come here," Nate's voice was harder now as he pointed to the floor beside his feet.

"And ..." I cleared my throat nervously, "And if I don't?

"Then I'll call all the boys up here now, instead of waiting 'til I'm done with you," he said sternly. "Now..." he stood, grabbed my hips, and yanked me off the bed. I gasped in surprise, but cried out loudly when his cock slammed into my ass. After a few thrusts, he sat down, then lay back, bringing me with him. I sensed the other guys moving, and felt a hand at my knees, forcing them apart. I clenched them together, still very hesistant about my evolving emotions. All it got me was a harsh slap to my tits. Immediately I spread my legs wide.

"That's what I fuckin' thought, bitch," a growl sounded. "Just cuz you don't think so now, you're gonna like this shit!"

Finally grasping his intent, I started to scream. "No!! God, no!! Please, don't -!" But I was too late. His cock has already slammed home. I swear I felt his head graze my cervix. My entire body jerked in pain, and he laughed.

"Relax, you cunt, you'll enjoy the ride." So saying, he began to vigorously thrust back and forth, gripping my tits tightly in his large hands. Like a piston, his hips thrust his cock inside me quickly, over and over again, and I grunted with each painful entry. Before I grew accustomed to the two cocks inside me, the man beneath me began to buck his hips, and together, the two began a rhythym. As top boy thrust in, bottom boy got in two thrusts. As top boy pulled out, bottom boy got another two thrusts. Together, they worked at stretching me out. My tits were already sore, but with a death grip on them, I soon realized that they could hurt worse, and I swallowed hard, trying to hide my pain. It wasn't to be. Tyler had climbed onto the bed, and was busily flicking his fingers on my swollen clit. Meanwhile, the final man had stripped his clothing and made himself comfortable at my head, stroking himself as he watched me being DP'd. Apparently, this wasn't enough for him.

Rising to his knees, he straddled my face, and grabbing my hair roughly in his palm, he pulled my head back to open my mouth, and forced his erection deep. I gagged again, throwing my head to the side in an attempt at respite. "Fucking bitch," he swore, "suck my fucking cock!"

"Hey Max," Tyler spoke from his place at my side, "Let's have her trade positions. It'll be easier for her to blow you that way."

"Good idea, Ty," Max responded, moving. Before I knew it, I was on my hands and knees on the plush mattress, stradding one of them. Max had taken up a position behind me.

"Thought you wanted her mouth, Max?" One asked with a laugh from beneath me.

"Changed my mind," Max spoke from behind me as he forced his way into my tight asshole. I screamed as he did so; he was the one from the night before. His cock was the biggest, and it hurt like hell. I regretted I'd opened my mouth, though. No sooner had I done so than Nate shoved his filthy cock into my mouth. I gagged hard; he grabbed my hair and pulled, opening my passage so that I could take him all in. I rolled my eyes back to watch him. I couldn't even move. With two cocks pounding my cunt and my asshole, and another in my mouth, it was difficult enough for me just to hold my position.

And that's how the other frat members found us 20 minutes later. I had a cock in my ass, one in my pussy, and another in my mouth. They were all eager to replace anyone who was weary, and I was fucked for more hours than I can possibly recount, in more positions than I had in my imagination. At some point during that time, I changed. I became a woman who exists only to please others. I became a woman who desired to pleasure men. And I learned how to crave these black men. I craved the touch from their hands, lips, and cock. I craved the scent of their arousal. I craved the feel of their body rubbing against mine. I craved the feeling of their seed emptying into my womb and my belly and my tight little ass. Somehow, in the time after I was kidnapped and repeatedly "used and abused", I had gone from an arrogant racist woman to an insatiable, cock-hungry cum dump.

And that's what got me to where I am today. Lying on a table at the tattoo parlor, Aiden lounging negligently in the chair beside me, my lower back stinging as the black tattoo artist pauses in his work. His tool is poised delicately above my flesh as he stares down perceptively, gauging the design of the Ace of Spades that I chose, and determining if he needs to make any improvements. I look at Aiden and smile secretively. My tattoo is the perfect way to begin my new life. A reminder of just who I now am.... black owned.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Yeah, no…

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Sounds like an ANTIFA story

Where the ends justify the means. Rape is OK if a minority does it — pure bullshit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
2015 Your Story Is Amazing!

I've never read racist stories. Never considered it. I'm a black guy, 23, and it was a really nice read. I hope you keep writing more like this.


fungetterfungetterabout 12 years agoAuthor

Please note that I do not in any way condone racism. I wrote this at a request from a friend, and it is purely in my imagination. I personally hate the "n" word, but that was one of the things my friend was adamament about there being. It was very difficult to put myself in the mindset to write this, but I feel that the mark of a good writer is to move forward even if you're uncomfortable with something. If nothing else, at least you tried something new. I apologize for offending anyone, and thank you both for compliments and criticism, as I do my best to learn from both.

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