Blackmail Saga


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"Oh. Well, at least it wasn't another all nighter." Jimmy said.

Jimmy was about to roll over and go to sleep when I had an inspiration. I reached over and slipped my hand under the waist band of Jimmy's boxers – he always slept in a t-shirt and boxers.

"Oh, what's this?" Jimmy said, as my fingers wrapped around his flaccid cock.

"I'm not sleepy." I lied; I was exhausted. "Too keyed up from work and after."

I stroked my favorite cock and felt it rise rapidly to the challenge. Jimmy, never one to leave a maid in distress, put his hand on my thigh and moved it up to my panties and slipped his fingers underneath.

"My, we're very wet, aren't we?"

I knew Jimmy was likely feeling a mixture of old cum and my juices, but it was dark and I didn't think he'd be able to tell the difference, unless he decided to go down on me, which he loves to do.

"Yes, baby, I am. And it's all for you, sugar." I whispered as I threw my leg over him and shifted my weight onto his hips. I felt his cock pressing against my clit and it felt so good to have the right cock, Jimmy's cock, where it belonged.

"Oh baby, fuck me and made me cum so I can get to sleep, OK?"

"Oh yeah, honey, hey, maybe you should work late more often." He said, followed by a naughty little snicker. Then, I bent down and let Jimmy put his arms around my back as he slowly started thrusting into my rather sore pussy. I kissed Jimmy long and passionately, and then placed my head next to his ear so I could whisper directly into it and hopefully not have my voice picked up by hidden microphones. That's what the late night fuck was all about.

"Jimmy, listen to me and do not say a single word. I was not a work the last two nights. I am being blackmailed by someone and they said the have bugged our apartment with cameras and microphones. So please don't say anything, just groan twice if you understand."

"Uh! Uh! God baby, you feel so good." Jimmy said.

"Good, I can't explain it all like this, so tomorrow at lunch - exactly noon - meet me across the street from your office; I'll be in the park by the big statue. Again, two grunts if you understand and remember never say anything here in the apartment."

"Uh, uh, I'm gonna cum soon, how 'bout you baby?" He said.

I pushed up and rode Jimmy, and said, "me too." And, then, for the first time in my life, I faked an orgasm. Jimmy didn't, he came inside me; I felt his cock spasm and his warm cum fill me. When we were finished, I went to the bathroom and cleaned up; then returned to bed and snuggled with my Jimmy.

The next morning we acted like it was a normal morning getting ready for work. I was distracted all morning at work waiting for lunch time to roll around; frankly, I was terrified how Jimmy would react. When I met Jimmy at the park, he was rather agitated, as one might expect. We found a bench and sat down.

"OK, let me tell you everything before you ask questions, that will be the easiest and fastest way to get through this; and prepare yourself, its going to be very ugly." I told him; then I revealed everything to him. He sat stunned through the whole story.

"So, last night, I wasn't at work, he made me go to his apartment again. I thought from what he'd said that it was just going to be him having sex with me, but we went out to dinner and he found three other guys - total strangers - and he invited them back to his apartment and he made me have sex with all of them. It's been so horrible these past two days and I don't know what to do; how to stop it." And I broke down and sobbed while Jimmy held me.

"You do believe me don't you? You know I'd never steal anyone's money, tell me you believe me." I said tearfully.

"Of course, I do. We've just got to think of something, someway to make the fucking bastard pay, too." Jimmy said; I could tell he was mad. We talked and tried to figure out some solution, but didn't really come up with anything.

"Listen, we've both got to get back to work. He'll call me late today, I'm sure of it, and I'll have to call you with some excuse. You're going to have to play along."

"God, I just want to kill the scum bag." Jimmy said, steaming.

"I do too, but remember, he said he's got it set up that if he dies, I go immediately to jail." I pleaded with Jimmy to remain calm. "For murder."

"Without passing go." He said.


"Monoply – go directly to jail without passing 'Go' and without collecting two hundred dollars." Jimmy said. Neither of us laughed

"Listen, we need to be able to communicate. Ted bought a throw away phone and gave it to me and that's the only way he communicates with me now is through that phone. Hell, he was a spy; he must know that those cell phones can't be traced or overheard. You need to go out this afternoon and get us two phones like that; so we can talk. We'll still need to use our regular cells; I'm assuming he can listen in on those, so we can't just stop using them or he'll get suspicious. But after you buy the secret phones, everyday I'll go out for lunch and call you, OK? That's the best thing I can think of right now, honey." I said.

"Yeah, great idea. And I'll rack my brains and see what I can come up with. We'll lick this asshole, yet." Jimmy assured me. "Hold on, how do I get the phone to you? If he's got video cameras in the apartment he'll know it when I give it to you."

"Send it to me at my office via courier. You can get same day delivery, it's expensive, but I get courier deliveries just about every day at my office from my clients. Just don't put you name on it. Use 'Beaumont Industries' as the 'from' party and I'll know it's from you. I'll take it to the ladies room and open it; surely he hasn't bugged the ladies room." I said.

"OK, sounds like a good idea."

"Jimmy, I love you so much! I was so afraid you were going to leave me when I told you how he'd made me have sex with all those other people." And I kissed him and hugged him; and then I had to get back to work, and so did Jimmy.

I got my late afternoon call with instructions to show up at the apartment again that evening.

"Wear the same get up with the five inch heels and garter belt thing you wore the other night and just a coat over it. I've got some guys coming over to play poker tonight and you're going to serve us; or is that 'service' us?" He laughed at his own sick joke.

"Damn it! Why do you wait until the last minute to tell me all this. All those clothes are at home and its too late to go home and get them because Jimmy might be home and then what do I tell him? Now I have to go out and buy all new stuff again, this is costing me a fortune!" I told him.

"Temper, temper now; and remember who you're talking to. Just be there at eight and plan on staying very very late."

I called Jimmy and told him a really close girlfriend, Jill, was having a crisis and I promised to meet her after work. The girlfriend was a total fabrication and I knew Jimmy was aware that I had no such close friend. I'd earlier told Jimmy to expect a call with some sort of excuse, so he was ready.

The courier came before I left work and I took the package to the ladies room, but on different floor of the building. Maybe I was being paranoid; but hell, I had every reason to be.

At five, I went to the mall and bought another coat and more makeup; then I went to the same lingerie store and asked for another pair of the same shoes, and as luck would have it, from the same store clerk. She gave me a funny look.

"The first pair got ruined at a wild party." I explained, before she even had a chance to ask what happened to the first pair.

"Want to try them on ... again?" She asked.

"No, I'm sure they'll fit." I told her.

Then I described the type of thing I needed for Ted's degenerate poker party and she helped me find something close, and the stockings, too. I took everything into the changing rooms. While I was there; I stripped naked, put on the stockings, the bustier with garters, the shoes and I used the mirrors in the dressing room to apply 'street whore' makeup again. I put my coat on over the lingerie, put all my old clothes in the shopping bags and walked out and handed the girl all the tags from the purchases I was wearing under coat.

"Quite a transformation, miss." The girl said.

"Another wild party tonight." Was all I said; I paid and left.

I endured the stares once again as I walked back to the parking garage. On the way, I passed the food court. I stopped, looked at my watch; then walked back and headed into the noisy courtyard and ordered bourbon chicken over rice.

How ionic. I thought as I took my 'bourbon' chicken to a table.

"But, I'll be damned if I'm going to miss dinner again for that piece o' shit." I mumbled to myself.

While I was eating my dinner from a styrofoam plate and drank my iced tea from a paper cup, a guy come up to my table and offered me money to spent some 'quality time' with him. I filed the idea in the eventuality I lost my job and needed work. Though, a security guard kept a really close eye on me the whole time.

I got to Ted's place on time and hung my coat by the door like I did for the previous 'party.' When I made my grand entrance, seven guys cheered and jeered and applauded me.

I started serving drinks and was instructed by Ted once more to drink the requisite four myself. I had just finished handing out the last drink while having my breasts groped, when the door bell rang. Another poker player, I figured. Ted was still full of surprises as he led a beautiful redhead into the room; she was dressed pretty much the same way I was.

"Everyone, this is Cindy. Cindy will be helping out along with Laura this evening. So, if everyone's ready why don't we get started?" Ted said. Before the card game started Ted came to the kitchen where Cindy and I were putting snacks into bowls for the guys.

"Now, girls, all my guests have been here before and know what to expect. So, whatever they want, they get. If someone wants a blow job but still wants dealt in the game, you just get on your hands and knees and crawl under the table. Otherwise, the bedroom is available for other requests. Oh, one last thing, if anyone wants a girl-girl show, and someone usually does, you both know what to do, right? Use the sofa for that so we can all watch." Ted instructed us; then he left.

Girl-girl? What the fuck? I thought.

"You being blackmailed, too?" I asked Cindy.

"What the fuck you talkin' about, girl? I'm gettin' paid a thousand bucks for the night; I figured you were, too." She explained. "I don't know nothin' about no blackmail, honey." Then, she took a tray of goodies out to the guys.

We both gave several blow jobs under the table as the night progressed; of course, we had to swallow. Then the dreaded girl-girl request came and Cindy took me over to the sofa and had me lie on my back and she rather unemotionally ate my pussy until I had a mind bending orgasm. I'd never been with another girl; ever. I was surprised how much I liked it. Though, when I thought about it, it really wasn't much different than having Jimmy eat my pussy and making me cum.

"Now you eat the redhead's cunt." One of the guys shouted. Oh shit, I thought; this was the part I'd been dreading.

Cindy switched places with me and spread her legs for me. I slowly moved my head up and hovered over her pussy; and then I did to her what I enjoy having done to me. I found the fragrance of her pussy very exciting to me and she tasted marvelous. When I inserted two fingers in her pussy – because that's what I like – she came in seconds. After our 'show' one of the guys told his buddies to deal him out of the next hand. He got up and came over to me and grabbed me by the arm; then he pulled me into the bedroom. No 'hi,' no 'hey, wanna fuck?,' nothing. He just pushed me back on the bed, took out his cock and stroked it a few times; and then he just fucked me until he came. After the last spurt of his cum entered me, he pulled out and returned to the game and never said a word to me. Talk about feeling 'used!'

The evening pretty much went on like that. At eleven, I got my cell phone and locked myself in the bathroom and called Jimmy and told him I was 'spending the night at Jill's.' I knew, that he knew, Jill didn't exist. Ted caught me on the way out of the bathroom and wanted to know what I was doing, so I told him.

"I gave him a story about a girlfriend in trouble and I just called and said I was spending the night with her. OK?"

"Alright, just get back to party. No, wait. I'm gonna fuck you first." And he took me to the bedroom and fucked me. No big deal, happens all the time; but it just irked the shit out of me that I kept cumming each time these slime balls put it inside me so they thought I enjoyed it.

"The 'boys' left around four, as did Cindy. Ted fucked me once more and fell asleep. I got up after Ted drifted off and went to the living room and slept on the couch; another insignificant declaration of defiance.

Ted got up and got ready for work without even waking me. I woke at nine and went ballistic that the creep hadn't thought about me needing to get to work on time. I called the office and lied about car trouble; then rushed home to shower and change and I got to work at quarter after ten.

I called Jimmy at noon from a coffee shop several miles from the office; I was taking no chances. I kept looking to see if anyone was following me; though I doubted if I would be able to tell if anyone who knew what they doing was tailing me.

"Jimmy, oh god I miss you." I said as soon as he answered.

"He sent me that video you said he made from the first night." His voice sounded funny; no wonder, he'd just watched his wife being fucked for hours by three total strangers.

"Oh god damn him! Jimmy I'm so sorry I never wanted you to see anything like that. God I feel so horrible!"

"That's alright, sweetheart, you warned me he might send it; it came from an anonymous email account. I called the IT guys and they said there's no way to trace it. Uh, honey, there's just one thing." Jimmy said, still sounding weird.

"What, baby?"

"In the video, uh, you looked, well, liked you really enjoyed it. God, you came so many times, it's hard to believe ..."

"Oh god, baby, no, no! I hated it! And I was so pissed off at my own body because I kept having orgasms with wanting to. Honey, I've always been that way, even before I met you. When I have sex; I cum. There's nothing I can do to stop it, so, please, please believe me; I hated every minute of it and wanted to kill that fucking son of a bitch Ted for making me do it!"

"Oh, OK honey." But he still sounded skeptical, or so I feared. "So, I guess the question is; why send it now? Did you piss him off?"

"No, I don't think I did, but I do think I know why he sent it." I told Jimmy about complaining to Ted about having to buy new stuff since he always called so late in the day to tell me what I was supposed to do.

"Remember I told you that he suggested that I pick a fight with you and then move out, presumably to move into his apartment. He said, at the time, it would make my life easier for the next two months, but I think he sent the video to you so we'd have that fight and you'd kick me out. And that would make his life easier for the next two months. Then I'd been in his apartment and at his beck and call, twenty-four/seven; and I wouldn't have to makeup excuses for you each night. I really think that's why he did it." I speculated.

"Yeah, I agree, sounds logical. But won't he call you and have you go to him tonight? He's done it every night so far." Jimmy asked.

"I'll bet my next pay check he doesn't call, or he calls and tells I don't have to go anywhere tonight. We have to have a fight tonight and you have to throw me out of the apartment and he has to see and hear it on his spy cameras. So, he has to let me go home tonight. And, he'll be waiting afterward at his apartment for me – remember, it's not where he lives he said, but he'll be there waiting. I know it."

"I bet you're right. God, I'm going to hate not seeing you for two months." Jimmy said sounding utterly dejected.

"Not going to happen. We'll get together, get a cheep hotel room, I'll go home from work sick or something, or go in late. We will be together, one way or the other." I assured him.

Jimmy also told me about someone who he thought might be able to help us get out of the situation, but, he didn't sound too hopeful; still, he wanted to follow up and keep me informed in case it might help to somehow get asshole Ted off my back; literally.

As I predicted Ted called and gave me 'the night off.' He said I deserved a rest, "get some sleep and be fresh for the week end," he told me.

When I got home, Jimmy was sitting at his computer desk, which shared the dinning area with our modest dinning room set in our smallish apartment. There were several empty beer bottles on his desk and I saw the video of me on his screen as I walked into the room. Empty beer bottles, nice touch, I thought, and then I thought, but what if he's really pissed with me; I cringed inside.

"Oh, there you are! You little slut! Thought you'd spend one night at home, did you? What? Too tired? Is your cunt too sore to fuck tonight?" He screamed at me and I knew that he was really angry and that he hated me for what wasn't even my fault.

"Jimmy? What are you talking about?" I thought all day I wouldn't be able to act natural trying to appear to fight with Jimmy, but I wasn't acting; Jimmy was really mad at me and I was devastated.

"This, you fucking slut; you whore!" He screamed as he pointed to the computer screen where Roy was happily fucked me, and I was having one of my non-stop orgasms. No wonder Jimmy had lost it. My tears started streaming down my cheeks, for real.

"Working late! All nighter you said; then you come home stinking of booze, but you were fucking these, these ... shit! You're a whore! And god, you actually fucked me the other night after you spent the night getting your god damned cunt filled with their cum and I put my cock in your ... in your slut hole where they'd cum just minutes before. Right? Tell me I'm wrong. You can't stand there and tell me you weren't fucking these three assholes; this video of you fucking them goes for hours. They even fucked you in the ass! And you drank glass after glass of their cum. How could you?! How could you?!"

"Oh Jimmy ... I ... I'm ... so ... sorry ... so sorry." I blathered and then collapsed on the floor sobbing.

"I want you out of here right now! I never what to see your whoring face again! Get out! Now!" He screamed.

"Oh Jimmy, please no ... please I beg you ... no, please don't ... where will I go ..." I said sniveling.

"I really don't give a shit! Move in with Roy, you really seemed to like his cock; he can fuck you from now on. I'm through with you; I wouldn't touch your sorry cunt with a ten foot pole. Now get out!"

"Jimmy no, no, please give me another chance ... I promise I ..."

"Shut your whoring mouth and leave before I bodily throw you out. I going to a bar and get smashed, if you're still here when I get back I will throw your filthy cunt out in the street, so get packing." And he stomped out of the apartment leaving me weeping on the floor.

After awhile I got the strength to get up and I started packing a suitcase. I was crying nonstop. I lugged it to my car and started driving to only place I knew to go, Ted's apartment. I hated the bastard so much for what he'd done to me; and to Jimmy. God how was I ever going to get Jimmy back after he'd seen that video? I knew he hated me so much.

My secret cell phone rang. I flipped it open and held it to my ear expecting a continuation of the tirade from Jimmy.

"Hope I didn't over do it back in the apartment." He said in a perfectly normal speaking voice.