Blood Moon: Lucian's Story Ch. 06

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Kiryn started down the staircase doing her best to avoid looking for too long on anyone she passed. She wasn't sure what to think or even how to act; even now that she had heard the entire story. After Lucian had come around from his passing out, he explained the whole story, going back to two hundred years ago when he had first encountered Darthax. Lucian had explained that at the time he had wanted to try and stop all the fighting that was going on between the two lands, but Darthax had other plans. Lucian had said that he could fight him off at first, but finally he could not resist the warlock vampire's power.

From what Lucian had said, Darthax could slip in and out of his mind at any moment. He had tried apologizing to her, but to Kiryn a simple 'I am sorry' was not going to cut it. Not after what she had gone through and not with the ones responsible still alive. Even after learning the story and the truth, Kiryn could not forgive Lucian yet, he would have to grovel and beg.

Running a hand through her hair, Kiryn entered the central meeting room for the second time since she had been here. Everyone was here; all siblings and those who sat on the Council filled the room, more than there had been before. Keeping her eyes forward she went to stand beside Malachi, trying not to see Lucian whose entire appearance had gone downhill from last night. Kiryn wanted to feel sorry for him, even if it was so that she could say that she still had emotion, but at this moment she couldn't feel bad.

"Are you sure you can go through with this?" Malachi asked her as he took one of her hands in his own.

Kiryn looked over at Malachi her eyes blank as she looked back at him. She gave a brief nod of her head before turning her eyes to the men lined up against the far wall in handcuffs, the guards that had hurt her. A blast of fury ripped through her and a strong wind tore through the room at the same moment causing everyone to turn in her direction. One set of eyes held such hatred that Kiryn immediately felt she understood what was really going on.

Tilting her head slightly Kiryn pulled away from Malachi and walked up to Lita who continued to stare at her with anger. The tall red head didn't back away but seemed to come forward as Kiryn approached her. When she was a foot away Kiryn stopped and gazed into Lita's eyes a faint smirk on her face.

"I would think that you would be smarter than to help Darthax in his blood quests." Kiryn said softly yet her voice seemed to ring throughout the room.

Lita snarled her fangs bared as she shifted her footing. This woman who was shorter and smaller in stature scared her more than Malachi did. She was different from the last time Lita saw her, colder and the power that rolled off of her had Lita shivering.

"I would be careful who you accuse of treason Kiryn." Lita growled

"I am being careful, you have Darthax's stench all over you and inside you. You are the one that has been helping him in bringing discord into this place. You are the true enemy here, what did you promise Darthax for his help. He might be deranged but he is not stupid nor does he have a death wish, he would not attack this court of his own will, nor would he dare come after me in such a fashion."

Every eye was now focused on the two women looked in a silent combat of wills, the words Kiryn spoke causing several people to shift in discomfort. In a matter of minutes since she had stepped into this room, she had said exactly what everyone had been thinking. Malachi was more than interested in what was happening, he himself knew the truth in her words when she spoke of Darthax. The vampiric warlock had power that most people would die for, but even he knew that to go against the LeSabor Court was nothing short of suicide, someone would have to have given him false confidence.

Lita snarled as she saw everyone staring at her before turning back to Kiryn who was patiently waiting. Kiryn wasn't sure why she was so sure that this was the true person behind these schemes, but she knew that Darthax could only consume someone's mind by using someone close to them. Lita had been Lucian's partner for hundreds of years and Lita was the one who seemed to see Kiryn as a threat above all others, the timing of Darthax's attack was to convenient.

"I must say that you make a good theory Kiryn, but you have no solid proof of your words, but only a need to divert attention from what is truly going on. How can any of us be sure that you are not the one allowing Darthax to do all that he is, you have already admitted that you know him and have been in his company before?" Lita said

For the first time Kiryn broke into a full smile and she reached into her pocket and pulled out a small piece of folded paper. At the sight of the yellowed page Lita's face became paler than before.

"Who all here knows what Darthax truly is?" Kiryn asked addressing everyone within the room

"He is a vampiric warlock, but his status is closer to that of a mid-level demon. He can act of his own accord however he is more often doing things at the command of whoever summons him."Neka said as she stood from her chair

Kiryn nodded her head and began to unfold the paper that she held in her hands, Lita's face looking almost as white as a sheets as the paper was fully opened. Kiryn held the paper up saw everyone could see what she held and looked over them all before she focused her gaze back on Lita.

"I just happened to find this summoning spell among Lita's possessions, a summoning spell specifically for Darthax. Not only that but I found her vow written in blood of both what Darthax would receive if he did as she wanted him to."

Kiryn had barely finished her last word when Lita threw herself at her, causing both women to fall backwards. Pure unadulterated fury swept through Kiryn at Lita's actions, every tightly bound emotion she had felt since she had been placed in that cell swamped over her and out. Lita was sent flying backwards as Kiryn shoved all of her pain and memories into the woman. Lita landed on a heap on the floor whimpering softly as Kiryn stood up her eyes glowing a bright blue.

Kiryn walked over to the now cowering woman and stood in front of her, an almost sadistic pleasure coursing through her veins knowing that Lita was experiencing what she had. She would have continued the stream of memories if a hand had not fallen on her shoulder at that moment and diverted her attention away from Lita. Lucian stood behind her, his big hand resting lightly on her shoulder which Kiryn shrugged off.

"Do not touch me Lucian; you have lost that right since you allowed yourself to be fooled by a piece of tail." Kiryn snapped

Lucian looked down at Kiryn his face twisted in pain.

"I am sorry for what happened to you and I admit that it was my fault. Will you not forgive me or at least try to?" Lucian asked his voice hoarse with his emotions

Kiryn tilted her head and looked into Lucian's eyes and knew he meant every word that he said; still she could not bring herself to forgive him yet. He had promised to protect her and he had failed her, even if he had been possessed long before she came here it was because of him that she had been tortured.

"I don't think I can do that yet, or if that will ever be an option." Kiryn said before turning away

Looking down again at Lita, Kiryn picked up the fallen piece of paper and walked over to Malachi handing it to him and staying by his side. Her mind was in chaos as people helped Lita to her feet holding her in place as Malachi looked over the yellowed parchment. Lucian had moved away from Lita and kept looking over at her, anger burning in his eyes. Kiryn knew that Lucian felt terrible for what he had done, what he had allowed to happen, but to simply forgive him was beyond her. She wasn't sure she could ever fully trust him again, but maybe one day he could earn some of it back.

Kiryn was startled when Malachi stood up quickly his eyes blazing as he looked at the struggling red head. His anger was almost strong enough to truly burn a person's flesh and Kiryn laid her hand on his arm, hoping to calm him. A low growl rumbled from Lucian as he saw the contact but he held himself from coming towards them. He hated that his mate was touching another man, but he could see in her eyes that she wasn't ready to let go of what happened and he couldn't blame her.

Malachi laid his hand over Kiryn's and took a deep breath ignoring his brother whose growl intensified at his action.

"Do you not see what is happening here? That woman is causing you all to lose your minds!" Lita cried out

"You will be silent now; else I will not be able to hold myself under control enough for us to hold a proper meeting over your actions." Malachi warned

Lita fell silent and even stopped struggling but what was more disturbing was the smug smile that crossed her face. Before anyone had a chance to react, she had jerked her arm free from one of the men holding her and threw a dagger at Kiryn. A scream sounded in the room and Kiryn felt blood splatter over her but it was not hers. Lucian had moved in front of her quicker than anyone could have seen, only the hilt of the dagger showing from right over his heart.

Kiryn stared wide eyed as Lucian smiled at her, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth before he pulled the dagger from his chest and tossed it to the side, before collapsing on the stone floor. It was obvious from his lack of healing that the blade had been coated in something and something deep inside Kiryn broke free. A wild hidden heat spread through her as she looked at Lita who was suddenly pale and staring at the spot where Lucian had been.

Kiryn walked around the table, her steps measured even as the blood cooled on her skin while Lita's gaze remained fixed where Lucian had gone down. The woman did not look up until Kiryn was right in front of her.

"Why did he protect you?" Lit asked truly confused

"He protected me because I am his mate no matter the current circumstances." Kiryn said

Without giving a second thought to her actions, Kiryn pulled the sword from the guard's belt standing next to her and ran it through Lita's heart, jerking the blade upwards. Blood arched over her even as Lita's eyes went wide.

"You cannot win this Kiryn; Darthax will obey my orders even in my death." Lita said

"Then he too will die, just as you are."

After the last softly spoken word left Kiryn's mouth, she jerked the sword up again and brought the blade through Lita's neck sending blood arching over the meeting table. Kiryn watched the woman's head roll away before she went back to the group that had crowded around Lucian. It was obvious that he was not healing and the worried look on Malachi's face did not bode well.

"What is happening? Why isn't he healing?" Kiryn asked suddenly worried herself

"The dagger was laced with some sort of poison, not only is it making it impossible for him to is spreading through his system. If this keeps up then he is going to die. Malachi said softly

Despite everything that had happened Kiryn felt a strange twisting in her heart as she looked down at Lucian's bleeding body, his eyes closed tightly against the pain. It was then she caught a slight hint of his blood, but there was something else in it, something she had smelled before but was unable to place a name to. She stood there unable to do anything as Lucian was lifted by two of his brothers as they quickly took him to his room and called for the healer.

She stayed in place long after everyone had left the chamber doing her best to search her memory for the name to the smell. She could only remember that it was a deadly posion, something that had not been used in centuries by any race. Something that was old, yet she knew the scent almost as if she had been trained to identify it, the smell something akin to roses and sweet wine. All the sudden a thought flooded her mind and she rushed to Malachi's study where she had found book weeks ago that might be of some use.

Sitting down at the desk she flipped through it looking for a name, the name that she hoped it wouldn't be, but once she found it her hope was dashed. Locanis Poison, the most potent and the rarest form of poison that had ever been created, it was also the most deadly and no true cure was known. It stopped all increased healing, making whomever it was used against heal like an aged human. It would then spread throughout the body slowly eating away at the organs and the person would die.

Kiryn leaned back in the chair and went over a mental list in her head that she hadn't known was there before. If she could summon Darthax she was sure that she could give him something that would entice him to save Lucian, if he even could. The other alternative was to use her knowledge of herbs and healing and try to save him herself before she had to fight Darthax. Heaving a sigh she stood and made her way to the garden's looking over the various flowers and herbs that grew there.

She knew that her blood held healing properties and it could be used in whatever she made, though she would have to use a great deal of it for it to be able to work. She remember that Moons Breath was an herb that was used to slow if not stop the flow of poison, and that Grangerroot was used to forcefully purge the body of anything that would be harmful but it would be painful.

Bending down she stared picking herbs as she found them necessary and wondered why she was doing this. She knew that she hadn't forgiven Lucian yet and in a big way he was to blame for what happened to her. Yet the thought of him never being there seemed to rube her the wrong way, it was as if her heart was tearing as the thoughts went through her head. Maybe it was because he was her mate even if she wasn't pleased with him and even if she no longer trusted him completely. Whatever it was, she knew she couldn't let him die, he was too important to her.

Kiryn stopped near the Night Roses that at the moment were closed and seemed to be sleeping. Their black petals seemed to shine slightly, almost as if they were crying for some reason, their scent was still strong and it made her sway towards them slightly. It was then that she knew what the last ingredient she would need and somehow she knew that it would work.

Taking her cutters she cut four blooms from the bush and hurried back to her room closing the door tightly and then went about setting up her equipment. She made sure that all light was kept from the room; the only exception was the candles that she had spread around. She changed out of her clothing, leaving on only a thin nightgown knowing it was going to get dirty.

She spent the next three hours grinding and mixing the herbs, boiling them and extracting their juices. Finally the only things left to do were to add the night roses and her own blood. Carefully she pulled the petals off, making sure she didn't tear any of them as she stripped each bud and added them to a pot of inch deep boiling water. Finally it was done and she dumped in the night rose extract and grabbed the knife that she had sitting next to her. Taking a deep breath she sliced her arm open over the boiling mix and let it flow into it as it hissed and steamed. She could feel her energy draining away but she didn't allow herself to heal yet, not until she was sure that enough of her blood had been added.

Finally she healed herself and dipped a spoon into the mix and lifted some into the clear quartz vile, one of thirteen that were lined up along the edge of the table. Once every vile was full, Kiryn wrapped them in a white silk cloth before placing them in a cedar case. Grabbing the case she left her room and made her way to Lucian's room, ignoring the startled looked she received from those who worked here.

She entered without knocking, uncaring of everything but to give Lucian the first dose of the remedy. Malachi saw her and shot to his feet, his eyes wide as he racked them over her, making her finally look into the mirror to her left. Her once pristine nightgown was now covered in different colored liquids and blood from her work. Her hair was in disarray falling down her shoulders in a wild curtain. She had dark circle under her eyes, a hint at how much she was drained from giving her blood.

"What happened to you?" Malachi asked as he hurried over to her side his eyes looking for injuries.

"I found the cure for his poison; it just was a messy process. I made extra as well, but she should only need one full vile, but only a fourth at a time." Kiryn said as she shoved the box towards Malachi turning to leave.

"Where are you going?" Malachi asked

Kiryn turned, a smile that gave even Malachi the chills flashing across her lips.

"I have someone I have to kill."

Without waiting for a response, Kiryn turned and left the room, a burning determination flaring to life inside her. She would kill Darthax not only for being the cause of her abuse within the castle, but also for everything he had ever done to anyone inside this family. With her silent vow, Kiryn went to change into a set of clothing that for all she knew might be the last that she ever wore

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ushergalushergalover 13 years ago

you showed sense at least but even if she wins the battle with the warlock vampire she should still not forgive or forget for at least a 100+ years

missvixxen08missvixxen08over 13 years ago
Great plot, great characterization. Horrible spelling.

You have talent, but you really need a good editor. Vial- holds medicine. Vile- adjective meaning disgusting and gross. Thrown-verb past tense of throw. Throne- a chair for a king. There are several switches of gender: he instead of she, hers for his,etc. This has tons of promise, but the spelling and grammar are holding you back.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
i love this story

please write more soon

EroticPrincessEDEroticPrincessEDover 13 years ago

I am loving your series. It has me on the edge of my seat waiting for the next chapter. Please don't keep us waiting long.

jazz13jazz13almost 14 years ago

when is the next one coming out??? awesome work!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Waiting in suspence here...great read. Ready for more

lildragonlildragonalmost 14 years ago

That was the best chapter yet. Wow!

canndcanndalmost 14 years ago

First, I loved Blood Moon and I am enjoying Lucian's story very much. It is a great plot! I think that you answered many questions that we were left with at the end of the last chapter. I like what you did with dragging Lita into the mix and showing she had been the reason Darthax attacked them and also how he got into Lucian's head.

I can't wait to see where you take this next in terms of her facing Darthax and of course how you resolve things between her and Lucian. Great story!!! Thanks for writing it. Can't wait for the rest!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

I love this story. What a great chapter. I really like how you didn't have her forgiving Lucian right away. Too many writers do and I hate it. My only complaint is having to wait for the next chapter. Please post it soon.

willieonewillieonealmost 14 years ago

Excellent!!!!!! Nuff said!

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