Blow Your Mind Pt. 07

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Brandi studies her abilities and discovers a new one.
9.5k words

Part 7 of the 18 part series

Updated 04/19/2024
Created 03/14/2021
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First, thanks to everyone who has commented, either positive or negative on the story. Everyone has been polite about it and I really appreciate that versus the nameless "You suck, quit" comments I sometimes get. Brandi's sage continues as she works with her powers and finds new abilities.



Brandi chewed on a pencil as she reviewed the file on her desk. It was a doctor's report on Brad and Brandi was having mixed thoughts.

The client had been ecstatic over the information she had given him. They had fired the mole and their lawyers had ripped the case apart in court. Brandi had been paid $25 million plus a $1 million bonus. The bonus had been for Brad's court appearance Monday. He had been dopey, sleepy, had his nose bandaged, and was completely off his game. The client's lawyer had shredded him and since she had destroyed the documents he had been ready to present a major keystone of his case was now gone.

Brad though was having some real problems due to Brandi's powers. Brandi had read his evaluation and he was about ready to commit himself for full treatment. The memories she had shoved into his head had melded with his and he was suffering from a mental breakdown. He had memories of doing several things as different people on the same day in three different locations across the country, he had memories of being dozens of other people and doing everything from waitressing to washing cars to being an airline attendant to dating a college football player. He was to the point he was no longer sure who exactly he was and he was responding to being called Heather, Bob, Susan, and Joyce aside from Brad.

"Well, looks like shoving all of that into his head did have some bad side effects. Now we know." Brandi muttered as she leaned back. She felt a bit guilty, but after a bit she shrugged. "It's not like he ended up as Brenda did. Maybe they can get him fixed eventually. But I guess I need to be more careful how I dump my junk." Brandi said as she sipped from a water bottle.

Brandi spun in her chair and stretched. She was wearing a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt without a bra and was being a bit of a slug. She had worked out already and was waiting for the next job. After the last one, Mr. Case had put her on ice while they did some testing on her and waited to see how Brad worked out. He had let her enjoy the social scene of Miami but no vacations out of state while they worked on her "memory".

Brandi and Mr. Case had figured out that that her brain seemed to have several types of "memory", she thought of it as having different "drives". Her own personal memory was one drive, and seemed to have no issues, but she could not "store" anything other than her own experiences in it. This made for some odd situations where Brandi could remember taking a memory about something, but not the memory itself. A "hole" basically. Brandi didn't feel really bothered about it, but she knew why she had the hole and could fill in the blanks. She did see how this could be an issue for someone else though, especially if it was a big hole. And in the process, they had discovered that she could not download her own personal memory into someone else. Her memories were hers alone apparently.

She had another one for skills. This one was interesting. She had her own personal skills, which ranged from college classes to her work in chemistry, to stuff she had read and then practiced on, like lock-picking. It also included the skills she absorbed from others which sometimes overlapped. She had found that those skills would be kept in a temporary "file" until she either used them or were slowly transferred over. If she practiced them right away, even a little bit, they seemed to be absorbed fully at a much faster rate. Brandi felt that it was different as these things were skills, stuff she "knew", and not just a memory which while helpful, wasn't exactly the same as "knowing" it.

Her "Junk" file was the one that they were really concerned with. Brandi had discovered that there was a set limit of space in this file. Organizing it and being careful when she copied or fed would stretch the space available. But she eventually would need to download it if she wanted to keep being able to absorb new memories or information. Since she hadn't even been tracking this concept when she had started they really had no idea how fast she could fill up. And with Brad's mental breakdown, Brandi wasn't sure she wanted to go until full.

With Mr. Case's permission, Brandi had started experimenting. She would feed for a week and then download on someone they could watch. Not any of Mr. Case's employees, but Miami locals who Mr. Case could keep tabs on. So far it seemed to be working. Other than a couple of complaints about "strange dreams" to a close friend or a therapist, most of her test subjects seemed to be able to handle a week's worth of feed being shoved into their head.

While that took care of her random feeding, she was more concerned with the critical stuff. The key information she had been pulling. Not huge amounts so far, but that information was something that she just couldn't dump anywhere. Someone might be smart enough to use it or, worse, maybe try to track down some of the memories. Computer code, some business secrets, legal information, and some very kinky blackmail stuff; she had to be careful on that.

Brandi had some ideas on that but had not yet voiced them with Mr. Case as she was still wondering herself about it. As she saw it, they had two options based on her current abilities. One, she could go somewhere and get someone who could not possibly figure or use what she dumped in them. Her mental example would be some distant tribesman in the Amazon who wouldn't even know what a computer was much less coding for it, but it could easily be some inbred redneck in West Virginia too.

Two, they could dump the data in someone and then "neutralize" them. That was bit too cold blooded for Brandi and she was not sure she wanted to present that option to Mr. Case. She was not sure she really wanted to find out his feelings on that.

Aside from these concerns, Brandi was having a personal issue. She was concerned about her boyfriend, and she was curious about something she had found while delving into her own mind.

Brandi had been "seeing" a guy from her social club several times a week. He was a real estate shark, young, handsome, and fun in bed. Brandi had made it clear early on it was just for fun and the guy had been more than happy to agree. Brandi's social skills and her continually growing skills in being a hot and sexy woman had made her one of the most popular members of the after-hours club Brenda had introduced her too. Brandi had been very careful not to tread on anyone else's toes in-regards to significant others or potential others and had made it a point to be friendly with all the girls if she could.

While the social aspect of having a hot and rich boyfriend was fun, Brandi's main concern was using him to get to the level or excitement and arousal that let her work on her own mind. She would usually feed right before they met up and then she could easily get him into the bedroom and then "plug in". On the few times he had wanted to resist (very few), she had simply put a lot of milk into his drink and then kissed him and that was that.

She had not needed to wipe his memory. Being plugged into her was a non-stop orgasm and pleasure train for whomever she was using. Any memories of what had happened were so mixed up and confused by the level of pleasure that it didn't matter what she said or did, the person couldn't make heads or tails of it and usually drifted off into a haze of pleasant memory. Her boyfriend had early on tried to figure out what had happened, but after trying very hard with her help (she wanted to know if he could get his memory clear enough to be a possible issue), he simply gave up and said that all he knew was that it was the most intense and wonderful sex he had ever had.

Even though it was an "open" relationship and Brandi continually reminded him that this was all just for fun, Brandi could tell she was wrapping him around her finger easily. He was calling her and texting her daily, always wanting to take her to lunch or dinner, or go for a walk, or something. Brandi didn't want to hurt him, but she was worried about this being an issue. But right now, he was too useful to let go.

Due to his great shape, Brandi was able to use him for extended periods of time, even if he was doped beyond rational thought. This was enabling her to really look into her own mind and see exactly what was going on. Dr. Caines, for all his nastiness, was a brilliant doctor and geneticist and since Brandi had his skills she was finding some things out. How different parts of the brain worked, what they did normally, and what hers did now.

The other item Brandi was concerned about was the "other" desk she had found. While delving through her mind last weekend she had found something. Another desk so to speak, but it was much harder to get to and the things on it where VERY interesting. The files were labeled by name, but the material in them was very weird. The names were her own and then a file on everyone she had sex with. She had opened a couple and what was in there was a strange kind of code that at the time had been nothing but babble. It seemed very familiar though, but before she could delve deeper she had been roughly kicked out by a huge orgasm that had knocked her out cold. She woke up several hours later with Steve (her shark boyfriend) lying under her with a look of sheer rapture on his face. He had been a loss for the rest of the day, not even waking up until nearly eight hours after they had started and then being pretty much a mindless zombie all night and into the next day. He still hadn't quite fully recovered when she had left his beachfront condo that evening. He had kissed her passionately and looked like a smitten schoolboy.

"Lord, there is something about that weird code in those files, but I just can't place it. It seems so familiar. And that weird aura around my file. It felt really odd when I touched it. Almost like it was alive. No, not alive. Active. Like it was active and running."

Brandi pondered this a bit and drank some more water. She checked out the clock and sighed. "I've been at this all day and still can't figure it out. Maybe I need to plug back in?" Brandi thought about it and smiled. She had fed on a jogger earlier and was fully sated, so control shouldn't be an issue.

"And Steve is always asking to see more of me..." Brandi murmured and then she nodded.

She texted him and he responded fast.

"Hey handsome! Wanna come over for a movie and some pizza? I have an urge to be lazy tonight."

She didn't have to wait more than a about 15 seconds when she got a response.

"I'd love to baby! I will pick up the pizza and beer and be there by 5:30!"

Brandi giggled. "I remember when he would work till ten every night, and now he comes running when I call. Such a good boy for his Brandi."

Brandi yawned and read a book for a bit (she read voraciously now, nearly four books a week) and then went out of her special office into her regular living room. She had purchased a nice condo on the beach (thanks to a "special bonus" she had earned last year) and it had been secretly redone to her exacting specs. Soundproofing, extra thick mirror glass, security system, cameras, thick floors and ceilings, special door locks and her "special office" hidden in the dead center of her condo which she swept for bugs daily.

Brandi smiled as she wrapped herself in a nice silk Chinese robe. While she made sure her "official" self never appeared to be over the top like Brenda had, she had plenty of designer dresses and a special custom order sports car in storage that she would sometimes sneak out and drive on a road trip around the coast. The car was not in her name, and the clothes were always paid in cash and she never wore anything that someone of her level couldn't afford. But in her house, she spoiled herself a bit. And Steve being a typical guy didn't know anything about how much a designer silk Chinese robe would cost.

Brandi waited and soon Steve was buzzing at her door. He was still in his business suit and was carrying two large pizzas and a six pack of beer. Brandi giggled again when she checked the clock.

She buzzed him in the gate and then met him at the door. She gave him a mock stern look.

"Barely past 4? You know, I date you because you are a hard-working guy. But I am beginning to think you are really just a slacker."

Steve grinned and held up the pizza. "Hey now, I do work hard, I just like my girl to be happy is all. Besides, do you want a workaholic boyfriend? Or one that comes running to dote on his girlfriend?"

Brandi took the pizza from him and let him in. She made sure the door shut and locked before giving him a little kiss on his cheek. "I don't know. I guess I need to do more research."

They both laughed at that and Steve pulled her in for a proper kiss. Brandi was careful not to read him or scramble him, but he was dazed when they broke the kiss. His eyes had a glassy buzzed look to them and his smile was soft and dreamy.

"I LOVE kissing you Brandi. It's like all my cares just fade away."

Brandi laughed and led him into her condo. She took him into her kitchen and pulled out some plates. They sat down and started eating and drinking beer. Brandi smiled as Steve just ate pizza and looked at her with an adoring look. He didn't talk and she didn't either. After a while Steve's eyes began to come back into focus a bit and he blinked a couple times and then he grinned.

"Sorry about that. Kind of spaced out there."

"It's okay. Sometimes it's just nice to eat in silence."

"Yeah. You are so beautiful I could just look at you all day."

"Flatterer. But thank you. How was work?"

"Same old. That downtown deal is coming along. It looks like I have all the buy in I need from the bank and a couple of investors. Just waiting on the final legal look, once we have the okay we go public."

"Great news baby. So what then?"

Steve took a long pull from his beer and looked at her intently. "Brandi, if this deal goes through, I'm going to make millions. I took a huge risk here, if this fails I'm done, but it looks good. I'll be able to buy out the senior partner in the firm and take it over."

Brandi let out a low whistle. "Damn. That's great news. I didn't realize this was that big. I mean, why would you be hanging out at the After Work Party if you are such a big-time shooter?"

Steve smiled. Brandi let out an internal sigh because when he smiled, really smiled, not his fake business smiles that she could see right through, she just went all soft and happy. Which annoyed her because she didn't want to develop an attachment at this time.

"Well, I was going to start cutting down on going and try to focus on some of the older groups. But a certain lady started coming to the party and I just couldn't bear not to see her."

"Wow, she must be something. Introduce me next time."

Steve blinked and then they both laughed. Steve took a swig of his beer and said "I swear you are something else Brandi. I don't think I have ever met a girl like you ever."

"You have no idea." Brandi thought to herself.

Steve looked at the pizza and then blinked. "Wow. Did we eat all of that?"

Brandi looked down and realized that the two large pizzas were gone. "Wow, I must have been a lot more-hungry than I thought. Well, I get like that sometimes. When I think I use a lot of energy."

"No kidding. Wow, and it does not stick to you at all. There are women out there who would kill for your body and ability to burn off food."

"Oh, I am sure that there are plenty of people out there who would kill for what I can do." Brandi said with a laugh and she took his hand.

"You busy tomorrow?"

Steve's eyes got a glint to them and he grinned. Unlike his smile, Brandi knew he grinned like this when he was getting turned on. "A couple of meetings. The lawyers won't be done until Monday with the final review. Why?"

Brandi moved over and ran a finger down his tie and then pulled him up by it. She leaned in and gave him a buzzing kiss and said "Because I want to back to my room and fuck your brains out. And when I mean fuck your brains out, I mean that you won't be able to go to work tomorrow level of brains fucked out."

Steve didn't need to be told twice. He swept up Brandi in his arms and hustled her into the bedroom and laid her down. Brandi gave him another buzzing kiss and then helped him get naked. She joined him and gave him a full-on will breaker kiss and then pushed him flat. She straddled his face and eased her shaved pussy over his face.

"Okay baby, you know what to do. Make your Brandi a happy girl."

Steve was pretty conditioned by now and began to kiss her clit and then swirl his tongue over it. Brandi sighed and then moaned. "Mmmmm, good baby! That's it, that's IT! You have learned so well baby!"

Brandi braced her arms on the headboard and let Steve cup her ass cheeks as his pulled her down onto his face. Steve had not been into eating her out when they had started fucking, but her scrambling kisses and plug ins had conditioned him into her perfect sex toy and partner. He was now an excellent pussy eater and responded to her commands without any hesitation when doped up.

Brandi moaned and let her head spin around as Steve worked her clitty and then his tongue slid up into her. Brandi tensed and she came hard. Steve automatically sucked her squirt and licked and licked to make sure he had it all.

"Sooooo good baby. Now, time for your reward." Brandi said in a sultry voice. She eased down and gently took his cock and began to stroke it. Steve's eyes were now glazed over and that dopey smile was plastered across his face. Brandi giggled.

"You like baby?"


"Is it good?"

"Sooo goooodddd."

"Do you like being my sex toy Stevie? Do you like just doing what you are told?"

"Yessss, so good. Mind is just floating, body is floating, Steve is floating..." Steve mumbled as his head sank into the pillow and his eyes rolled up.

Brandi licked his cock and then kissed it and felt the jolts start to run through her. "This will be fun Steve, now you just lay back and let Brandi take it from here."

Brandi gave his cock one last long suck and then mounted him. The plug in sent a huge jolt of pleasure through her body and she gasped and then let out a moan as she reached out and felt out his mind. Brandi checked him out to see if there was anything she needed to worry about, such as him talking about her to people he shouldn't be. While she didn't find anything about that, she did note that Steve was becoming very serious about her. To the point of turning down a couple of dates from some pretty hot women because "he was in a relationship".

"Ssssssss, mmmm, shit, that could beeeeee, uhhhhh, a problem. Need to talk to him about that." Brandi muttered. She let the pleasure coarse through her a bit and then focused on herself.

"'Kay, there is myyyyyy, ughhhhhh, desktop. There, move it overrrrrr, uuuuuuuuuu, mmmmmm! Oh God! Concentrate! Sss, okay, there is the other desktop."

Brandi focused her thoughts and was able to get a fairly clear picture. "Alright. My file. Got a weird look to it. It's like, ggggggg, it's like it active." She touched it in her mind and got a very strange sensation. "Wow! It's like I'm seeing my whole body working as a system! Everything running, everything going okay! Oh damn! I am de-hydrating! From the sex! This is a like physiological readout!"

Brandi was amazed by this. "Damn, it's like I am seeing me in computer code that I can read. How can I...DNA! That weird code is DNA coding! Son of a Bitch! I'm reading my personal operating system code and status!"