Body Swap with Sister's Boyfriend Ch. 06


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"Sorry," the shame-faced Troy offered.

Ashley glowered at Troy, turned around and bent over to pick up her toilet paper. With her bum high in the air, Troy could see Ashley's panty lines through her pajamas and the shape of her perfect bottom toned by so much ballet. Even the indentation of her fanny could be seen between her legs. All in all, Dakota and Richie's red-haired cousin was hot with a capital H.

Again worried that Ashley would catch him checking out her arse, Troy suspiciously stared at the ceiling as the barefoot Ashley strode past him and into the toilet, the teenager shutting the door behind herself and locking it.

Standing in front of the toilet, Ashley put the new toilet roll onto the cistern so she would have it handy to change when she used the last of the paper from this roll. Pulling down her pajama bottoms, Ashley then pulled down the white bikini brief panties with blue leg and waist elastic and cartoon cats she wore underneath and the teenager sat down on the toilet.

Ashley's urethra released a stream of yellow pee that tinkled in the toilet bowl, Troy hearing the sound of her urinating in the quiet of the house. Finishing peeing, Ashley unwound toilet paper from the roll, and wiped her wet pussy. Outside the toilet door Troy could hear Ashley having her piss then wiping her box, and hearing her pissing and the sound made him need to pee even more. The young man hoped Ashley would flush the toilet and emerge so he could piss too.

Troy was not in luck, as inside the toilet the young girl looked down at her lowered pajama bottoms, panties and bare feet as she relaxed the muscles in her bowels. Unlike her mother, Ashley had no trouble pooing, and her rectum immediately responded. She farted hard and her poo came out of her anus and went into the toilet with a massive rush. Ashley needed to have a healthy diet for her ballet commitments and training -- lots of green vegetables and the like -- which was nice enough on the way into Ashley's digestive system but not so pleasant on the way out.

With the smell of her shit rising out of the toilet bowl, Ashley unwound more toilet paper, folded it up and wiped her bottom front to back, getting more toilet paper and repeating the process a second later, using the last of the toilet tissue from the roll on the holder. Ashley reached behind herself and got the new roll of toilet paper and changed it over, the pretty redhead's bare toes clenching on the floor as she did so and more poo coming out of her bottom.

Outside the toilet, Troy was hopping from one leg to the other, and he could hear Ashley changing the toilet roll and the faint splashing sounds of her pooing. Again, he heard Ashley unwinding more loo paper and wondered how long she was going to be.

Troy went near to the washing machine, trying to distract himself by reading the brands of washing powder and detergent on the shelf as the sound of Ashley farting on the toilet was audible from the lavatory. Normally the immature Troy would have laughed at the sounds of the young woman passing wind, but today he was so desperate he did not find any humor in this.

Turning around hoping that pacing back and forth would relieve his bladder, Troy's hand caught a metal bowl filled with clothes pegs which fell onto the floor with an almighty clatter. It scared not only Troy and the two cats which were passing by and ran off hissing, but Ashley too, the teenager nearly jumping off the toilet seat. She had just pooped again and was wiping her bottom when the sound of her cousin causing an almighty racket scared the shit out of her, which was lucky it happened now as she was obviously already on the toilet.

"Richie, what is going on out there?" Ashley snapped.

"I knocked something over," Troy called back as he picked up the pegs. "Sorry, did I scare you?"

"Yes, just a bit," said the peeved Ashley. The teenager reached for more toilet tissue, then paused. With the way Richie had been acting this weekend, not least that he had attempted to climb into bed with her during the night, she was not all that comfortable with him in such close proximity to her while she was sitting on the toilet with her pajamas and knickers around her ankles having a poo. Had he heard anything he shouldn't, like her peeing, pooing, farting and wiping her bottom? And when she finished, even though she had the exhaust fan going and would spray toilet freshener around, her cousin would be able to smell things that the embarrassed Ashley would not want him to smell.

"Richie, you know that there's another toilet in Mum and Dad's ensuite bathroom, don't you?" Ashley called out.

"There is?" Troy was delighted.

"Yes of course. Now and go and ask Mum if you can use their toilet, because I'm going to be in the loo for a while longer."

"Thanks Ashley!" Troy was delighted that his pee problem would soon be gone and took off towards Gary and Cheryl's bedroom. Continuing to sit on the toilet, Ashley shook her head, the red-haired teenager unable to believe that her cousin had forgotten that this house had more than one toilet. It was just one other weird thing this weird weekend.

Troy could see no sign of either Cheryl or Gary Mitchell, so he could not ask them for permission to use their bathroom but he was so desperate he decided to head in there anyway. The door was unlocked, Cheryl in her discomfort had forgotten to do this and had this occurred two minutes earlier, Troy would have walked on Richie and Dakota's aunt lying on her bed with her legs wide apart, her panties around her thighs and her fingers inserted in her vagina desperately trying to get her bum working properly again and have a bowel movement.

This would have been extremely embarrassing for Cheryl, but finally the laxatives, prune juice and manual stimulation of her bowels had worked. With a mouse-like squeak of alarm, Cheryl had removed her fingers from her pussy, pulled up her knickers and raced for the toilet, being good at athletics when younger a major factor that saw her get to the toilet, pull her knickers down to her ankles and sit down before she soiled her panties.

Bound up for three days, Cheryl's feces had turned from having the consistency of granite to liquid. As soon as Chery's bare bottom touched the toilet seat she farted and her diarrhea came out of her anus with an almighty rush, going everywhere in the toilet bowl. Like her teenage daughter, Cheryl had a very healthy diet filled with green vegetables which caused her poo to smell at the best of times, but with three days of constipation, her toilet smell was absolutely terrible this morning.

Getting toilet paper Cheryl had wiped her bottom and looked down at her bare feet and knickers, before wiping her dirty bottom a second time. The soft toilet tissue stimulated Cheryl's bowels more, once again she passed gas loudly and another avalanche of smelly shit poured out of her rectum and splashed into the toilet water and the sides of the bowl, increasing the atrocious smell in the bathroom and leaving poor Cheryl in an absolute mess.

Cheryl got more toilet paper to clean the messy and smelly diarrhea from her bum, obviously not wanting it to get anywhere near her vagina. Troy should have heard Richie's aunt advancing the toilet roll and getting herself more loo paper, but he did not -- he was so desperate to piss that the sound through the closed door did not register with him and tell him that the bathroom was occupied.

When Cheryl had ran for the toilet, she had obviously shut and locked the bathroom door. But Cheryl and Gary were unaware that there was a problem with the lock on their bathroom door, and intermittently it would fail to lock correctly which had happened this morning.

Troy's attempts to turn the door handle should have resulted in the handle not turning, but of course it did not and Troy stepped into the ensuite and what smelled like an open sewer. Right in front of his was the toilet, and sitting on the toilet was the petite form of Cheryl Mitchell.

His eyes going wide, Troy looked in disbelief at the sight of Cheryl's white knickers down around her bare feet and her open knees, her blonde pubic hair and pink oval-shaped vagina. Troy also could not avoid seeing that Richie's aunt was wiping her bottom at this very moment, and while he did not want to see it, he could not prevent himself from seeing Cheryl's toilet paper covered in her poo.

Cheryl looked at her nephew in horror and hastily dropped her diarrhea-covered toilet tissue into the bowl, slammed her knees closed and covered her vulva with her hands. "Richie, what are you doing in here for fuck's sake!" she screeched, her blue eyes wide, horror on her pretty face now turning red with humiliation.

"Sorry!" yelled the absolutely horrified Troy. He turned to run away but was in such a panic that he tripped and instead went sprawling forward, landing at Cheryl's bare feet, his face close to her knickers and able to see the creamy stains of Cheryl's cunt on her panty saddle.

Cheryl did not want further humiliation, but having taken laxatives and prune juice which had obviously turned her constipation to diarrhea, she was unable to stop herself from farting and more diarrhea pouring from her bottom, the smell getting even worse.

"Richie get out of here, get out, get out, get out!" the enraged Cheryl yelled, trying to get some dignity even as she sat farting on the toilet, her nephew sprawling at her bare feet his face close to her panties.

Troy stumbled to his feet. "I'm really sorry, Aunt Cheryl ..." he offered as he looked directly at the petite blonde, which of course angered her even more.

"Richie do not look at me, just get out of here -- now!" Cheryl screeched. She pointed at the door as more diarrhea came out of her rectum.

Troy, feeling absolute panic like he had never felt before, did as Cheryl told him, hearing her fart as he closed the bathroom door. She was not the only person who had been doing a lot of farting while sitting on a toilet this morning.

In the main lavatory, red-haired teen Ashley had been more relaxed since her male cousin was no longer close to the door. The petite girl had farted loudly on the toilet several times, before her anus expelled the last of her feces from her rectum. Ashley had unwound several lengths of toilet paper to wipe her bottom and clean herself up. When there were no smelly poo-poo stains on her last piece of toilet paper, Ashley knew she was finished and her visit to the loo was done.

Standing up off the toilet, Ashley had pulled up her knickers and was just adjusting them around her bum and her box when she heard her mother screaming and yelling, and Richie's voice too, although she was too far away to hear what they were saying.

"Oh what the fuck is happing now?" Ashley mumbled. She pulled up her pajama bottoms, put down the toilet lid, reached behind her and flushed the toilet and exited the bathroom, stopping only to wash her hands before running up the hallway on her bare feet to see what was wrong.

Ashley was not the only one who had heard Cheryl screaming and yelling. Outside, Doug and Gary Mitchell had returned from their morning run more relaxed, as few things beat an early morning run on the Gold Coast with so many beautiful sights to see from the beaches to the mountains of the Hinterland. On their way back along the running tracks along the Nerang River, several hot air balloons flew overhead with tourists in the baskets enjoying the panoramic views on a perfect day. And this Sunday morning had perfect blue skies and bright Queensland sunshine. However, out at sea formations of dark clouds indicated that another sub-tropical thunderstorm like the one that had struck on Thursday and night and early Friday morning would saturate South Queensland from Noosa to the Tweed Coast and inland to Toowoomba later in the day as per the weather forecast.

Laughing and joking, the Mitchell brothers had stretched down when they arrived back at Gary and Cheryl's Southport house and were joined by Jack, who had met several friends and they had rode at a fast pace all the way to Robina and back, hence Jack being very sweaty.

Jack and his father and uncle opened the front door -- and were immediately greeted by the sound of Cheryl screaming and yelling and Richie's panic-stricken voice. The three men looked at each other with expressions that clearly read, 'What now?'

Soon Troy came running along the hallway, looking like he was in a state of absolute panic. To the side, they heard the laundry toilet flushing and taps running, then Ashley burst onto the scene, barefoot and adjusting her knickers through her pajamas.

"Richie, what are you doing now?" the exasperated Doug demanded of his 'son'.

"Why was your aunt screaming?" Gary wanted to know, the judge regarding his 'nephew' like a defendant in his courtroom.

"Um, ah, Ashley told me to go into your bathroom," said the confused Troy, feeling increasing nausea in his stomach pit.

"I said for you to go and ask if you could use the bathroom," said Ashley. She glared accusingly at her 'cousin'. "Richie, did you walk in on Mum in the shower? Why didn't you knock?"

"Um ah, not exactly, well maybe, a little bit, possibly ..." Troy stammered, hoping to keep Cheryl's husband, son, daughter and brother-in-law from the truth as long as possible, and secondly to avoid throwing up everywhere.

"Well, what is that supposed to mean?" Gary stormed.

The real truth would soon emerge. In the ensuite bathroom, Cheryl finally finished having diarrhea -- although from the feelings in her intestines she suspected she would be back sitting on the toilet sooner rather than later -- and got lots of toilet paper to wipe her bottom clean. She stood up, pulled up her knickers, flushed the toilet and washed her hands, pausing only to spray toilet freshener around. The petite blonde stormed out of the bathroom on her bare feet absolutely furious and soon encountered her 'nephew' along with the rest of the family.

"Richie, what the hell were you thinking?" Cheryl yelled.

"Um, ah, dunno ..." Troy stammered.

"What did Richie do?" Doug asked.

"Richie walked in on me while I was sitting on the toilet," said Cheryl. She glared again at 'Richie'. "Do you have any idea how utterly humiliating that was for me, for you to see me in that position? The door was locked, how did you open it?"

"I am sorry, but it wasn't my fault," Troy protested. "Ashley was taking ages to go to the toilet, and she told me to use this bathroom and the door was unlocked."

"What were you doing outside the toilet door while Ashley was in there in the first place?" Gary asked, his face red with fury.

"Nothing, I just um ..." Troy suggested.

Ashley looked at her mother. "Mum, I'm sorry. I did tell Richie that he should use your bathroom but I did tell him to ask for permission first, and I didn't mean for him to just to walk in on you like that."

"It's okay Ashley, it wasn't your fault," Cheryl assured her daughter. Her glare at Troy indicated who she clearly thought the guilty party was in this case, and the looks of all other members of the Mitchell family indicated this too.

"The door was unlocked ..." Troy protested ineffectively.

"I locked the door, and have you ever heard of knocking, Richie?" Cheryl stormed.

The stress was too much for Troy. Panic and nausea filled every part of his body, and he knew that vomiting was inevitable. He ran for the laundry toilet, scaring the cats on the way there which screeched loudly.

When Ashley had finished on the toilet this morning, she had done three essential functions properly -- wiping her bottom clean, flushing the toilet and washing her hands -- but given that she had heard her mother screaming just as she finished she had forgotten one thing -- to spray any toilet freshener around.

As soon as Troy entered into the lavatory the lingering odor of Ashley's feces hit his nostrils, her poo smelling nearly as bad as her mother's. It was too much for Troy's stomach and before he could stop himself he vomited violently -- not in the toilet as he should have but rather all over the toilet thanks to the lid being down, other vomit ending up on the walls and the floor.

The Mitchell family soon appeared in the laundry and looked at the bizarre sight of Richie appearing to be a human fountain, vomit cascading from his mouth and going everywhere. Finishing vomiting, sick all over his face as well as everywhere in the lavatory, Troy looked at the family and attempted to smile.

"Sorry about that, I'll clean it up," he said.

"Yes, you will be cleaning it up Richie," Doug said sternly.

"Yeah, I can't believe I did that," Troy continued. One of Troy's biggest problems in life was that he continued to talk when things went wrong and made it worse, a mistake he continued to make even when occupying Richie's body. "I meant to put the lid up, but the smell Ashley left behind herself was so bad I just got in here went blah!"

Already embarrassed, Ashley's fair skin blushed the color of her hair and the young girl stormed away indignantly on her bare feet. Jack also made a discrete departure. His cousin talking about how Ashley had left a smell behind herself in in the toilet and walking in on Cheryl while she was using the toilet was more than he could handle. The amount of information Jack wanted about his mother and his sister's toilet habits was zero, and not normal zero, absolute zero, zero degrees Kelvin, minus 273 degrees Celsius. The thing with the period pads was bad enough yesterday, this morning far worse.

"Um Doctor, I mean Dad, and Mr. -- I mean Uncle Gary, I'll clean it up but I need to do something first." Troy shambled from the house knowing that if he delayed urinating a minute more, he would piss his pants and he did not want that on top of everything else this morning.

Finding a secluded a spot near the garage that seemed private -- Troy pulled out his dick -- not his own impressive penis but Richie's most unimpressive penis and began to pee. He was not looking forward to cleaning up his own sick from the toilet floor, and wished that he was in his own body again and fucking Dakota in her parents' bed back in their house in Brisbane.

Troy was so absorbed in self-pity that he did not think that somebody else might be screwing Dakota in his stead, and he also did not notice the Mitchell's elderly male neighbor who was on a ladder inspecting his lemon trees that grew along the fence, and had a perfect view of the skinny young man with his penis out having a piss.

Still peeing, Troy became aware of movement beside him and turned to see the old man up his ladder looking up at him with complete disapproval. Troy waved at the man, hoping that this would dispel embarrassment as much as possible. "Hi, isn't it nice weather today?"

The man looked like he had sucked one of the unripe lemons, did not answer and Troy had to shake himself and return to the house, where Doug, Gary and Cheryl Mitchell were inspecting the ensuite bathroom door.

"Once again Cheryl, I can't apologize enough for what Richie did, walking in on you like that," the hugely embarrassed Doug said. "I can't imagine how embarrassing that must have been for you. I don't know what's with Richie these last few days."

"Yes, it was extremely embarrassing," said Cheryl. In all the years she and Gary had been first going out together, then engaged and married, the dignified Cheryl took pride in the fact that she had only farted in front of him once. And then she had a perfect excuse, she was in labor with their son and Gary was holding her hand in the delivery room at the maternity hospital. Cheryl was pushing hard as per the directions of the midwife and obstetrician, but her initial efforts resulted not in the baby's head coming out of her vagina but a massive rush of wind coming out of her anus.