Bonding with My Father

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How the relationship of a Father and Son changes forever.
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Editor's note: this fictional work contains scenes of fictional incest or fictional incest content.


This story begins one weekend when he and I were alone when I was eighteen. My mother and sister had gone on a trip and we stayed at home. He and I didn't used to talk much, since we don't have much in common, so I just took the weekend as another normal one. He, for his part, did the same. On Saturday morning he went to work while I stayed at home studying. When he arrived, we ate and I went to rest in my room; he stayed in the living room watching TV.

My father and I are thirty years apart: he is now 52 and I am 22. He is a fairly tall man with a robust build. He has dark hair, somewhat gray, and short. Since he works as a laborer, he has gotten darker over the years, but it has also helped him gain strong arms and legs and a ripped torso. He also has a lot of hair on his arms, armpits, chest, belly, legs... and also on his pubis. He was never shy with me about this, so I've been seeing him naked for as long as I can remember.

As for me, I have inherited my mother body: I ​​am skinny but always trying to work out my arms. Brown hair, average heaight, glasses... image of a young adult.

At about half past six in the evening I went to the kitchen for a glass of water and went through the living room, where my father was sleeping, stretched out in his chair, with the TV on. Since it was summer, we were both comfortable at home: I was wearing shorts and a T-shirt and he was without a shirt, but with sweatpants. When I passed through the living room, my father woke up and asked me how my afternoon was, to which I replied that it was fine. After a few words, he got up and went to the shower.

After fifteen minutes I heard his voice calling me from the bathroom; I went and his voice spoke to me from the other side of the shower screen. He asked me for his towel, he had forgotten to take it. When I had it, he came out of the shower and stood before me totally naked, like other times. I had my father's chest at eye level, so I looked up and handed him the towel. While he was drying his face and head, I took the opportunity to look down at his penis, since, in addition, the steam from the hot water hid my gaze. I had always been very curious about penises and I had always mentally compare sizes with him and he always beat me. Having finished my peek, I left the bathroom.

At dinner time, my father went out to buy something to eat while I set the table. Since it was just him and me, I decided that we would have dinner on the sofa and not in the kitchen, since that way we could watch TV while we ate. After a few minutes, he began to ask me about my life. The conversation was intermittent: we talked and stopped talking almost immediately. Since the TV was on, we were both more aware of the TV than anything else.

There was a moment when he asked me about my love life, which I found strange...

-- Well, you will have a partner, I suppose...

-- No, dad. I Don't have a partner.

-- It will come, won't it? - Awkward silence. -- If one day you want to bring a girl home, you know that your mother and I will not cause problems... or even if you want to bring a boy you know?

I was not expecting that! Since I was a teenager I knew that I liked men, but I hadn't said it at home because I was afraid of the reaction. I was so surprised that my father had said it for me... I turned red, I felt the blood rush to my head and I looked down at my knees, hiding from my father's gaze.

- Yes I know... And for a long time. You and I, well... we don't usually talk much. It's my fault, you know how I am. But that doesn't mean that I don't care about you or that I'm not interested in what you do. You are my son and I would do anything for you.

I felt my father's voice crack and thanked him for his words. The truth is, I don't know what changed in my father's head to open up like that. As the TV was still on, after a placid look, I snuggled up to him and he put his arm around my shoulders. I placed my hand on his leg. I felt closer to him.

We continue to watch the movie; I don't even remember the title or what it was about. What I remember perfectly is how I felt with my father. He was sitting on the sofa, on the right side, in short sweatpants, with his legs spread and leaning forward a little. While with his right hand he held the drink he was having and with his left arm he wrapped around my shoulders gripping my arm tightly. Still wearing my T-shirt and pajama bottoms, I had settled between my father's hand and his chest. The room was dark, the only thing illuminating us was the dim light from the television. From time to time, I would run my fingers over my father's skin and caress him.

For some reason, I felt very comfortable with my father. When I thought about what he had told me, I would look up a little to look at his face, but his eyes were on the movie. After a while I got tired of watching TV and began to observe my father: his belly, somewhat inflated by his taste for beer and fast food, his toned legs, the hair that covered his entire body, the bulge of his penis resting on his right leg...

I took the opportunity to take a deep breath and an aroma of sweat produced by being so attached to me flooded my lungs. My father smelled really good.

I started to feel weird: my father was making me horny. How could it be? I had never seen my father like that. I didn't know what was happening, but I started to feel my heart beating fast and my hands were shaking enough for me to think my father would notice. My body couldn't control itself and I got a boner; It had been a long time since I had one like this.

In the midst of all those thoughts, my father told me to get out of the way, that he had to go to the bathroom. As soon as he was in the corridor that led to the bathroom, I couldn't resist and followed him there. I approached carefully, so that he wouldn't discover me, while I thought about what I was doing. I got to the bathroom door, which was slightly open, and I heard how my father was peeing, so I peeked out as much as I could. Through the small opening in the door I could see the mirror, located in front of the toilet where my father pissed. Just as I thought, I couldn't see anything other than my father's half-naked body on his back with his hands holding his penis while the stream fell hard against the water.

Spying on my father while he was in the bathroom caused my heart to start pounding so hard that I felt blood being pumped from my heart to my whole body.

As a reflex action, I put my hand inside my pants and squeezed my cock, hard for a few minutes, while emitting short breaths through my mouth.

No longer hearing my father's spurt, I hurried to take my hand out of my pants and carefully go to the living room again. I sat back in the chair, with my legs drawn up a bit so my erection wouldn't show. My father came back, sat down and hugged me again. It seemed like nothing had happened, except that I was keeping my erection hidden.

He kept holding me by the shoulder and I kept leaning on him, but a little more tense. I was looking at my father, who was paying more attention to stroking my arm than to the movie, while I tried to concentrate among all that I had discovered about my father. It was impossible: my eyes did nothing but look at him from top to bottom, trying to find a neutral point, until I decided to close my eyes and rest on his chest, hoping that by stopping looking at him, it would calm me down.

For a few minutes I focused on my breathing and little by little I stopped being so nervous, although the man's smell of my father reminded me where he was. My father finished his drink and moved his hand, I opened my eyes to find my father's hand in his package. He was putting his balls and penis on, they must have bothered him. But he kept stroking himself for a while, thinking I was sleeping (I had been quiet for a long time and was breathing very lightly), which made me very nervous. All the work to calm myself down was useless, my cock was hard again and my heart was racing again, now seeing how my father was rubbing his cock while I was leaning on his chest. It was just amazing.

Time passed and my father kept stroking his package, now a little bigger due to the touch. My father was getting a hard-on, right in front of me, and I too, with a harder cock than ever. My father's voice cut through the sound of the TV saying that he was going to bed. When he got up I took the opportunity to look at his bulge and it had grown almost to the maximum and I thought that my father was probably going to jerk off in his room. The idea stuck in my head and I couldn't get it out; After a few minutes I turned off the TV and walked down the hall to my room, with the intention of jerking off myself to clear my mind.

Before entering my room I thought that my father would also be doing the same thing just two doors away. I couldn't resist and made my way quietly into my father's room, where the door was open and the lights were off. I leaned against the wall next to the door and strained my ears. In his bedroom he had a digital alarm clock with luminous numbers, but it couldn't light anything. I could hear the soft movement of the bed, accompanied by sighs from my father and a few weak jerking off noises. Almost without thinking, I put my hand inside my pants, grabbed it, resigning myself because I couldn't do anything but listen, and began to jerk off gently. My father, in his bed, was picking up the pace, which indicated to me that I could do the same. As he sighed harder and harder, I bit my lip and held my breath so he wouldn't hear me. I thought about the freedom he had to masturbate with the door open, almost without caring about the sounds he made, and I had to hold myself behind a wall practically without breathing and without even having taken it out of my pants.

I was aware of many things: jerking off, without being heard, while thinking about how unfair the situation was, careful not to jerk off too hard to cum, since it would have stained everything. It was inevitable that something would get out of hand; I sighed releasing all the air that was contained. All the noises stopped and there was absolutely nothing to be heard. My father's deep voice pronounced my name and I covered my mouth and nose, thinking that way he wouldn't notice. But he turned on the light of the night lamp and saw my shadow behind the door. He invited me in, I hesitated for a few seconds, but he called my name again and I went in. On the bed was my father, who had covered himself with the sheet up to his belly, leaving his naked torso uncovered. His face reflected the shock and shame he must have felt at that moment. I looked at the floor, to avoid looking at him, and found his underpants and pants lying there. Instinctively, I looked at his package, which was covered with both hands.

- What were you doing? -- My father asked me a very difficult question to answer. I answered with an agility that surprised me at myself.

-- I... I was going to go to the bathroom and... I heard some noises here and I thought something was wrong with you. -- My father was completely speechless.

-- Well... I... I don't think I need to tell you what I was doing.

He took his hands off his package, which had already begun to return to its normal size, but still felt a bit larger. He looked at me with a gesture of resignation; I caught him jerking it off and I couldn't help it. My efforts to try to hide my erection were in vain when my father, calmly, looked directly at what I was hiding in my pants. His face was surprised, but there was also something about it, as if he were calculating the possibilities of something.

While the silence continued and while he looked at me with that strange expression on his face, I remained motionless, held my breath again for a few seconds. It was like I was waiting for my father to ask me to leave any second now. My father, who seemed to have come to terms with himself, put a half smile on his face. To break that uncomfortable silence, my father announced that he wanted to continue with what he was doing and to do so, he was going to turn off the light.

It was all so sudden that when I wanted to realize it I found myself in the dark, standing next to my father while he rediscovered his body and continued jerking off. I didn't say anything either, I just breathed out and stayed still. He continued with the rhythm he had stayed with before; I, on the other hand, didn't dare to jerk off in front of him fearing that it would put a stop into this situation. I listened carefully to the sound of my father's balls bouncing, the swishing of his tail, and the little sighs he made; I did it without moving, tremendously horny. The clock said 23:19.

--Come. -- my father said.

He said it once, his tone soft and direct, so soft it seemed like he was saying it so only I could hear it. I took a step forward until my knees touched the edge of the mattress. My father, who was still giving it with one hand, put his hand on my leg and began to climb it, looking for my hand, which was resting at the height of my hip. When he had it in his grasp, he pulled it toward him, toward his cock; my whole body leaned towards my father, as if I was bowing to him. I was able to touch the shaft of his tail with my fingertips, but before I could put my hand on it he completely stopped.

-- Do not tell anyone about this, is that clear to you?

I affirmed with my voice, the lump in my throat had finally been undone. Finally, my father put my hand on his dick and I, determined, grabbed it. I took a few seconds to enjoy its touch and calculate its size: more than its length, which wasn't bad at all, its thickness surprised me; it was such that it hardly fit in my hand. I took a breath and began to move it, slowly, while I felt my heart beating non-stop. Since I knew that he had been doing it much faster than I was doing it to him for less than a minute, I kept going faster until it finally dawned on me that I was finally giving my father a handjob.

As I became aware of what I was doing, I felt much relieved and settled on my knees on the bed, aligning them with my father's hips. He, meanwhile, was panting slightly, as if afraid someone would hear what he was doing, trying to hide the fact that he was actually enjoying it. To try to ease it, I placed my other hand on his balls and began to massage them. I felt how those big, hairy eggs reacted to the touch of my hands. They were swollen, maybe my father hadn't let off steam for several days; I instinctively thought, "My father has an amazing cock."

A few minutes passed. I couldn't say how many, since it seemed to me no more than fifteen seconds. I was so turned on by the situation that time was ticking by at an incredibly fast speed. The time the alarm clock showed, 23:28., brought me back to reality. My father, who until then had kept perfectly still, sighed until he emptied his lungs of air and gently stroked my head. I closed my eyes and enjoyed his caresses; his large hands gripped me from my ear to the nape of my neck, his thumb stretching out toward my cheek. I imagined that those caresses had an intention that my father did not dare to ask me for. I swallowed saliva and lowered my head until my lips came into contact with my father's glans; I stopped waiting for him to react somehow. With his free hand he grabbed my hand that was holding his cock and moved it in such a way that the tip of his glans was inserted between my lips. It was the signal I was waiting for: I opened my mouth and inserted it.

This was my first ever blowjob and it was with my father no less. Having my father's cock inside my mouth was not what I had expected when I had stood behind the door to spy on my father. My plan was to listen to it for a while, get warm enough and go to my room to finish it off, but what was happening to me I hadn't even considered. It was hard for me to assimilate that the current situation was that I was having sex with my father. A lot of questions came to my head: why does he do it? was it premeditated? Am I the first man she's done it with? This is good? it is not?

But one thing I knew for sure was that his cock tasted amazing and I quickly got addicted to it. All those thoughts went around my head while my mouth slid from my father's head to his trunk; His hand, which was holding his powerful tail, prevented me from going down, so I went back and repeated. He, meanwhile, was limited to taking in air and letting it out in the form of sighs, gasps or snorts at the same time that he held his cock so that I didn't have to and he stroked my head from behind.

After a while of savoring what my father offered me, I took it out of my mouth. My father, who understood that I was somewhat exhausted, picked me up and laid me on top of him, being fully extended on his body. He took off my shirt and our skins finally made contact. As he moved one of his hands up my back, with the other he caressed my cheek and I relaxed into my father's hairy torso. The clock said 23:42.

-- How you've grown, son... You've become quite a man -- my father said in a broken way due to the excitement of the moment. - I love you.

-- I love you too, dad. -- I whispered to him, in a low voice, as if it were a secret.

-- Then I want you to show me

He laid me on the bed with a sudden movement, but delicate. He told me to take off my pants and I did. He knelt in front of my face, caressed my head and invited me to put his huge cock in my mouth again. Words were not needed, I perfectly understood what I wanted and I did it. I had it in my mouth again, although now it was still more inflated than before. As my father stroked my head, I opened my mouth and swallowed everything he gave me, without making a sound. All the noises were made by him, in the form of moans and sighs; he was certainly enjoying himself. I noticed that each time his hand pressed more on my head and that his moans were increasing. The situation made me so horny that I started jerking off. If he had made me take off my pants a few minutes ago, it would be because he wanted me to enjoy the moment too.

Feeling that I was jerking off must have turned my father on even more, because from that moment on he began to move. He grabbed my head, leaving it totally immobile, and tried to put his whole cock in my mouth. As I said, my father's cock stood out for its thickness, so it was difficult for me to swallow it whole, however, my father insisted that I could do it. Deep down, I wanted to do it too, so I helped my father by arching my head back and opening my mouth and throat for him. After a few tries, he managed to get all of his cock into my mouth, leaving me almost gasping for air. That definitely drove my father crazy, who moaned like a beast as he continued to press his glans against my throat. Instinctively and without taking a centimeter of my tail out of my mouth, he grabbed me by the throat and began to fuck my mouth saying "swallow it whole, damn it".

My head was still and I couldn't breathe, but I knew my dad was enjoying it so much it wouldn't do any good to tell him to stop (and I didn't want him to either), so I grabbed my dick and started jerking off while my dad choked on me with his cock. Between the sound of the bed and his moans, I thought that my father was a true macho willing to rip my throat out to enjoy himself. It was very brief, but the best mouth fucking I could imagine. My father confessed that he was going to cum shortly, so he gave the last jerks to my throat and, when he was ready, he took it out of my mouth and pointed it at my face. It didn't take long for him to come, as he pulled it out at just the right time, although I didn't know when it would be because I couldn't see anything. Accompanied by some intense moans, I felt how the first stream of cum fell on my face, practically going from my cheek to my forehead. My father kept moaning, almost grunting, and shooting cum all over my face.