Book of Flames Ch. 04

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Keira faces her fears and finds more love.
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Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/20/2016
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They broke off the kiss at the sound of knocking at the door. Keira rushed to put on clothes and Samuel greeted them, urgency in his voice as he spoke, "I have gathered the Council, we meet at once."

They followed him up to the docking levels, giant ships bigger than anything Keira had ever seen were docked. Smaller ones darting between the giants at a speed Keira thought unsafe. Some coming in for a landing and others leaving. As they walked, a doctor escorted them as Samuel listened to the vision they saw of Drackon-El. His face grew more grim as Keira quietly told him what visions he had sent to her head, quietly enough so that Greyson couldn't hear.

They entered into a craft. It was sleek looking and reminded Keira of an airplane. They got strapped into seats as the doctor worked on Keira. He looked human, kind face, he wore glasses which he kept pushing up his nose. Keira studied his hands, which were webbed and he shyly licked his lips, his tongue darting out, it looked as if it was a snakes.

He injected her with a substance, it looked like mercury and then turned her head, moving her hair, she felt a weird sensation, pressure at her temple and the doctor checked her pupils and response time and then he nervously cleared his voice and spoke, "Can you understand me?"

"Why yes I can," She responded, pleasantly surprised. "I have a language implant now?"

The doctor nodded looking relieved. "I wasn't sure if your body would accept it. You are the first Terran Elemental that we have had. Terran's generally can accept all implants, but I wasn't sure if your powers would reject it." He continued on adding enhancements that were needed as Keira looked around the ship. It was a sleek gray color, the seats were molded black that seem to conform around her body as she sat in it. There was screens along the front wall, glowing with information, charts and graphs of the ship and the course it was taking. She strained her eyes to read the neon writing but gave up. Samuel sat across from her and Greyson sat off to the side, as Keira felt a pang of sadness in her gut, wondering if she did something wrong.

Soon she felt the ship move, a dull roar and a screeching metal noise as it was raised off the ground. It was smooth as if they weren't moving, only being able to tell from the viewing ports on the sides of the ship that showed them going up high above the station and through the protection field. Then in the blink of an eye she was in space.

Her nose was pressed to the portal next her as she looked out into the sea of stars, much to the enjoyment of everyone on board. The doctor finished his job, checking her vitals once again. He smiled warmly at her, and for a moment, she missed Pop.

"Everything seems to be in working order. I installed all the necessary implants, think of them as modern day preventive shots. You now have an AMK, Language Translator, your vitals are logged into the UHS, err, Universal Heath System, The nan-tech cleaned out any and all diseases and upgraded your immune system. You should be able to understand almost all languages and able to read most scripture from the most common races. Your body should be able to adjust to gravity fluctuations with the GBP, and your eyes are protected from most extreme light rays, just don't go looking directly into any stars, okay?"

Keira nodded turning to the doctor to thank him. He sat back down still recording things into clear plastic looking sheet, moving different things around with the flick of his fingertips. Samuel cleared his throat bringing her attention back to him, he handed her the book, it felt like an old friend coming back to her, a piece of her life brought into this crazy world.

"I retrieved this from the rubble in the doctors office. You are going to need it. You must learn from it, quickly I'm afraid. And you must not let Drackon-El get his hands on it. You see, we were only able to take him down because he did not have the books. To truly own the gift of an Elemental you need to have bonded with the book. He was so consumed with power he had over looked that and that was his downfall. This time though, he knows of this, and will not stop until he has the power and the books."

Keira swallowed hard and ran her fingers over the symbol on the cover. "I don't know if I'll be able to stop him. I don't even know what's going on with myself." She frowned tears forming in her eyes, "I wish I just left this stupid thing alone."

Samuel shush her, "It was destined to happen. It is a miracle really, that the book had found its next champion, seeing as that it hadn't been open in a century. Out of all the humans in the world, it chose you. I know its a burden to take on, but at the same time, you should feel pride. You are the only Terran Elemental."

"All I feel is scared," Keira bit on her lip nervously. "I have all this power, and this huge threat now. I went from a bookstore owner to something out of a comic book."

"But isn't that how all heroes are born?" Keira looked at Greyson surprised. He offered her a small smile as he turned to look out of his own port. "We're almost there."

Keira looked out and saw them hovering around a planet. It looked orange and green, swirling clouds in the atmosphere. The ship began its decent, passing through the clouds they broke into a clear orange sky, lush green and purple ground greeted them as the ship traveled toward a city.

It was golden, tall statues greeted them, they looked regal, pointing out of the city. Keira could see tall golden spirals, and ivory looking buildings. Ships buzzed around and she could faintly see people, the city felt alive and busy. A knot formed in her throat as they entered into the docking bay, she was nervous as to just what awaited her.

They gathered out of the ship, the doctor giving her a warm good bye as they were escorted by tall golden soldiers through the building and out into the city streets. The soldiers carried a weird staff looking object, blue light crackling from the tip. They wore full plated armor with helmets that had wings attached to the side.

There were all kinds of beings in the city, most stopping to stare at them passing by. Some children waved and Keira smiled at them, much to their excitement. She could hear them whisper, she caught words like, counsel, elemental, terran, war, and hope. Samuel patted her arm gently as they reached a tall looking structure. It had golden spirals piercing the orange sky and Keira gasped as she stepped inside.

The main opening was huge, statues ran along alcoves in the walls, they looked to be made of some sort of marble. Long intricate patterned rugs met with rich red looking furniture. A fountain stood in the middle. Three headed lions rested in the middle of it as Samuel stopped to rub their heads.

"It is a custom here," he whispered to her, "These animals, know as the Jargan, represent the city and its people, you will see many scattered about. Guardians, they must be shown respect to be accepted in."

Keira gently rubbed the mane of one of the statues heads and jerked back when she saw it blink. Samuel just offered her a sly smile as they headed into an oval room. It was big with marble pillars in the middle. Creatures of all kinds were situated around the center, seats going higher up almost like an arena.

And Keira was the show. As soon as they stepped in the room went quiet and all eyes were on her. Samuel motioned for her and Greyson to sit. Keira did but Greyson leaned against one of the pillars, looking as if he didn't want to be there at the moment. Keira looked away from him with a pang of hurt in her chest.

Samuel spoke, addressing the many beings there. "High Council, I have called this meeting to order in the utmost urgency. Drackon-El has been awoken and we have a war on our hands. This young Elemental has a burden to carry now, one so heavy many of us would not be able to lift it. I beseech you to look for the other missing books and their possible Elementals. Our lives, our worlds, and that galaxy as a whole its at risk. We know he will not stop until all power is his again, and if he achieves it, it will mean our deaths."

The council broke out into an uproar. Another blue blob looking creature spoke above the rest. Gathering himself up he asked, "And what proof do you really have that he is back, I thought you elders had stripped him of all powers? What proof of it is that this girl is really an Elemental or that there are others? How do you think we can find the books, years after they've been lost! This is your doing, and not of the Councils."

Samuel went to speak when Keira stood up. "I didn't ask for this, this book chose me," she raised the book above her head for the Council to see. "I was happy with my simple life, it was quiet, predictable, a bit lonely at times but I could not complain. Now I am some sort of conduit to some old power and I'm expected to save a galaxy and fight a being that's older than my great grandmother!" She let the anger sweep over her as she looked upon the masses, her skin glowing, feeling hot. She felt Greyson get closer to her, she could feel all the heart beats in the room, smell the fear on there skin, it felt amazing, but she restrained herself, not wanting to go over the edge.

"You need to find the books, you need to protect your people, and you need to hope I learn what I need to fast enough so maybe, just maybe we will all see tomorrow!"

A burst of flames came off of her as Samuel jumped back. Greyson threw his arms around her but it was too late. The book opened suddenly and swirling ropes of flame coated Keira and threw Greyson, Samuel and the Council all back. In a flash Keira was gone, the book falling to the floor.

The Council slowly recovering, started talking over one another. At the middle in the bottom row sat an old looking purple creature. It had a long neck and long ears. It banged its hand against the walls edge, an echoing boom silencing the room.

"I have seen enough. we shall search for the missing books. All major worlds will be informed of the situation, their armies at the ready. I will not sit by and watch as he devours worlds and kills our family and friends. The elders sacrificed themselves to cage that monster away." He looked at Samuel, "Your wife died to protect all of us. Her death and the lives of others will not be in vain. We will help your Elemental, once shes back from the Plains Trials, if she makes it back. We will fight. And we will die with honor."

Agreement broke out from most of the Council as others objected to deaf ears. Samuel picked up the book, looking at Greyson. "It is settled. As for Keira, I did not want her to take her journey without some guidance, I did not think her outburst would have triggered the book. We will see if she is able to master her powers."

Greyson glanced at the chaos of the Council then back at Samuel, "For the galaxy, and the fate of everyone, I hope so."


Keira felt herself being pulled and landed with a thud. She got up slowly, a figure in front of her.

"Pop?" She asked, looking at him. She could see through him, like he was ethereal, just made of flames. He smiled that old familiar smile as Keira held back tears. He looked young, like in the pictures.

"No, my child, I am not Richard," he spoke with many voices echoing as one. "I am the spirit of the Flame, I hold all past Elements, their essence, imprints of what they were. I chose this form because it is the most comforting to you."

"What am I doing here?" She asked looking around. It was hard to make out anything, swirling orange mist and darkness met her gaze.

"Every Elemental goes through a trial. A test, to see if they are worthy of holding such a power. Think of it as a safety precaution. Even though the book chooses well, sometimes the person is not able to handle the power given."

"So what is the test?" She asked as Richard side stepped to reveal a wall of fire.

"A maze, as your people know it." The wall of fire opened and he motioned for her to enter. "In there you will face your power, your fears, and we will see if you are able to truly be an Elemental."

She started to walk forward but he stopped her. "If you do not wish to carry this gift, do not enter. We will send you back, your powers will be stripped and you will have no memory of any events after opening the book."

Keira paused, debating. She could just forget all of this and go back into her simple life. Unknowing of just how big the universe really was. Of the war taking place, the countless lives at stake.

Inhaling to calm her nerves she stepped forward into the maze, she couldn't look back. Not now. Walking along she touched the walls, they felt cold like ice and she yanked her hand away. She tried to pay attention to which way she was going, but she kept running into dead ends and having to turn around and back track. She felt like she was going in circles. She started feeling tired, her eyes kept closing shut and she stumbled into the wall, jerking awake, feeling like ice water was dumped on her. Turning around she was no longer in the maze, but a field. There was a figure in front of her, it was her mother.

She was on top of a John, straddling him. She was moaning, riding him up and down. Cooing into his ear and kissing him.

Keira was six again, peeking into her mother's bedroom. She watched as the guy threw her off and re-positioned her, taking her from behind while smacking her behind roughly. The bed creaked under their weight and Keira looked on in horror as tears ran down her mother's face as the John used her.

She burst into the room this time instead of running to her bedroom. She stopped when she saw the tripod, the drugs, the empty bottles. There was another man in there as well. Watching the small screen of the video camera attached to the tripod.

The man grunted loud and finished inside her mother as she rolled over, panting. The guy watching through the screen slapped his knee and said in a warped voice, "Hot damn Emma Jean! That's going to get us a pretty penny!" Cackling he popped out the cassette and pocketed it.

The John caught his breath and spat on her mom. He rubbed it into her face and wiped his hand, walking through Keria and walking out.

Her mother got up and kneeled in front of the man. She spoke, her raspy voice showing the years of chain smoking. "Frank, baby, how much am I going to get for it?" She smiled up at him rubbing the crotch of his pants. He unzipped them and pulled his fleshy cock out smacking her face with it before grabbing her hair.

"You'll get enough to feed that kid of yours, and maybe some blow to go with it."

She made slurping sounds as he forced more of himself into her mouth.

"You know in a couple years, that kid of yours is going to be a fine and legal piece of ass. Maybe we can do a mother daughter video. How would you like to see me stick it in her and make her squeal you little who-"

He screamed suddenly, trying to get her off of him, and finally succeeded, showing Keira a bloody mess where his dick was. Her mom spat blood on the floor and wiped her face. "Keira is off limits and you know it, asshole." She didn't flinch when he smacked her and stormed off.

"Ya ain't getting anything now, you bitch!"

Keira came closer to her and was startled when her mother looked up at her.

"Mom..." She said looking at her.

Her mom looked at her, and then back down to the floor. She got up and went through her, going to the dresser, getting out a line of coke.

"Oh mom, you never had a chance did you? I guess you did the best that you could. You kept those guys away from me at least. I'm sorry mom, I'm sorry I was such a brat to you. I should have helped you break your habits, get you out of this life. No wonder why you left."

Suddenly everything dissolved in a shimmer of fire and she was back in the maze. Trudging on she started to hear weird noises and began to think she was not alone. Panic over took her and she started running. Looking back she saw the maze closing, fire overtaking the path. She ran as fast as she could until she reached a dead end.

"No," she gasped turning around. The fire stopped in front of her, forming into a monster. She backed into the wall, ice chilling her back making her shiver.

It looked like a minotaur, but with long fangs and long nails. It breathed fire, staring at her. It lunged and she dodged, rolling. She ran past it, the maze appearing again, shrinking against her, chilling her arms as she ran on, trying to outrun the monster behind her.

Looking back she suddenly fell, it felt like a tunnel, or a well. She kept falling, her hair whipping into her eyes, not knowing when the end could come. She threw her arms out to the sides of the walls and suddenly she was in a room. It was dark, just the light of the moon through the window shone through, highlighting a bed, dresser, books and some toys. There was a figure in the corner, facing away from her. It was a little girl, she was wearing a night gown, her red hair shining in the moonlight.

As she came closer to the little girl, she turned around. She realized it was herself. She was holding a book.

Keira reached out to her and she smiled taking her hand. They starred at each other for a moment, matching smiles on their faces. Suddenly, the door behind them opened and hands snatched the younger Keira, dragging her into darkness.

Keira took off after her, running through the darkness, hearing her younger self scream. She burst through the darkness and into a room. It was blood red, limbs covering the walls, body parts, hands grabbing her, other limbs protruding in a writhing mass of flesh.

She ran through, twisting out of the grasp of the limbs and into a garden. It looked peaceful and serene, a waterfall gently flowing. She didn't trust it, her nerves frayed. A figure sat on the bench, she approached it slowly, coming around to face it, realizing it was Greyson. He smiled at her, holding out his hand. She slowly took it, and he pulled her to sit down. Looking into her eyes, he brushed her hair away, leaning in to kiss her. She couldn't help herself and leaned into the kiss, savoring the taste of him. All thoughts of danger went away as she kissed him back passionately. His hand reached into her hair as he deepened the kiss. She lost herself to his embrace just as he suddenly yanked her hair, biting her lip making her cry out. She opened her eyes to see Drackon-El. He licked the blood off of his lips as he plunged his hand into her chest pulling out her heart. She struggled against him in horror, as he bit into the still beating muscle. Darkness threatened to consume her and she suddenly felt the touch of heat. She grabbed onto it, feeling the anger, disappointment and fear in her build until it burst, and she was coated in flames.

Drackon-El screamed as the fire consumed him, and he disappeared into ash. Keira sank to her knees exhausted, wondering what would come next. She felt calm, just waiting for the next test.

A hand on her shoulder made her jump, Richard looked down at her smiling. Past him she could see shapes of others, standing behind him. Past Elementals accepting their new champion.

"Rise child," he said lovingly. "You have passed the test. The power now belongs to you. Use it wisely, protect the innocent, keep the balance. May you defeat those that wish to corrupt the balance."

She looked at him and suddenly he changed. He was the Pop she knew. He smiled at her and hugged her, she inhaled his familiar scent as he whispered to her, "I'm proud of you, daughter. I knew you were special from the moment you walked into my store looking for more than a book."

She pulled back and smiled at him and he kissed her forehead as everything went white.