Boston to Birmingham Ch. 04


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"I need to find a man. A man with a specific skill set. A dangerous man, who stays loyal to the job he contracts. He needs to be familiar with Mexico and comfortable working there. Can you help me?"

She rose and sat against the headboard.

"Are you looking for a killer?"

"Yes and no. I don't want anyone hurt, but I want him prepared to do whatever necessary to achieve the end I want. And I want the people I'm going to deal with to know he's prepared to kill if he has too."

"What are you into? No, don't tell me, I'm pretty sure I don't want to know. Somehow I see your wife tied up in this. Wait, I've changed my mind,

tell me a little more and I might help you."

He told her of the situation his wife was in, and how he intended to help her.

"You may not understand this, Anne, but until the divorce is final the family sees her as belonging to me. I can't let harm come to her, they may take things into their own hands and I won't be able to control them. It could get ugly, fast. Innocent people, people not even aware of what is going on, will be caught in the crossfire. I don't want that on my conscience."

"Can you help me? If not, I'll go down to Mexico and recruit people myself."

"Can you give me a few days? I could get into trouble helping you."

"Sure, and if there's the least bit of doubt, don't help me."

He gave her a big kiss and jumped into the shower. She sat on the bed, marveling again at his tight butt as it went through the door. She knew she would at least try to help, hoping she didn't help get him killed.


She was no fool, you didn't hold her job in military intelligence by being one. She had researched Hardy pretty hard after their first encounter. The information made her nervous, it was hard to reconcile the man on paper to the happy, smiling guy with the goofy sense of humor she slept with. But she had learned to trust her instincts, and her first assessment of him had been pretty much on the money.

Deciding to take a chance, she made some discreet overtures to the 'farm boys', telling them it was purely research.

That flimsy excuse got her called on the carpet of her commanding officer. Knowing better than to lie, she told him everything. He frowned, made a phone call, and she found herself in the office of Major Stein. She repeated the story.

He sat, rocking slightly in his office chair, as he considered the news. Sitting up, he was suddenly all business.

"Hypothetically, could you find someone who fits his parameters?"

"Of course, sir. Already have."

He eyed her sharply.

"Your relationship with Mr. Wilkes, define it."

"We're lovers, the new term is friends with benefits. I only see him when he is in town, I've never been to his home, met his friends and family, if that's what you're asking. There is a fondness between us, but we both know there's nothing long term for us. He's in the middle of a pretty interesting divorce, and I'm married to the Army for at least the next eight years."

"Do you know why he needs this man?"

"Not really, something to do with protecting his soon to be ex from some drug people I surmise."

He sat back again, tenting his fingers.

"Do it."

She almost didn't catch his words.

"I'm sorry sir, would you repeat that?"

"Do it. Put him in contact with your man. And monitor Mr. Wilkes, if he looks even remotely on the edge of doing something unwise, alert your commander."

Anne looked distressed.

"Sir, I don't know if I could spy on...."

He cut her off.

"Nonsense! You knew when you sent out feelers it was going to get back to your boss. You're too sharp to have been so sloppy, you wanted us to question you so the situation would be exposed.

You'll want to watch over him, this just gets you the means to do so through channels. We don't want details, just information that may be pertinent. Go on now, you have your orders."

He sat back, thinking.

"Hardy, Hardy, what are you up to now? Maybe Bill has some insight."

So it came to pass that "Wilkes War" was closely monitored by the army. It lead to a wealth of information on the Escobar cartel, particularly North American contacts, on the East and West Coast. Some of the hot line tips even came from them. The information was very helpful to various agencies.

Hardy never knew it, and Anne made sure the watchers didn't slip. Then, in a fluke chance of fate, while Hardy was in Mexico making contact with the man she had provided, she ended up drunk in a hotel room with his wife.

Anne didn't believe in coincidence, and decided fate had told her to end it with Hardy. She did the next weekend they were together, in her normal upfront manner. She knew he suspected something, but was too considerate to last. Instead, he did his utmost to make their last time together memorable. As she watched the jet fade into the distance, she sat in her car and cried, wondering what if.


The last session with Bill was brutal in intensity.

Gwen tried to be upbeat, but Bill stopped her.

"Gwen, Hardy has some things to say to you. Please listen and try not to interrupt. Could you do that?"

She nodded, felling the first tendrils of fear clutch her throat.

Hardy slid a chair over to the loveseat, so he could face her. He held her hand gently.

"When I was in Iraq the second time, I was tasked to meet and cultivate a local tribal leader. My interpreter and I happened onto a pre-marriage lecture to three couples. The cleric was speaking slowly, making sure the couples could hear and understand. We had to wait, so my interpreter explained what he was saying. I remember the words to this day."

"My children, marriage is a sacred temple, supported by three columns. Love. Trust. Respect.

Topple any one of those columns and the temple wobbles. Topple two, and the temple crashes to the ground Love is the strongest column, supported by respect and trust, for if either of those two weaken, love cannot be supported."

"Do you understand, Gwen? I still love you, heart and soul. But you destroyed the temple, honey. You've destroyed my trust with your lack of respect. I believe you when you say you realize your mistakes, that you're a stronger, more mature person."

"As such a person, you should know this marriage is over. But in this instance, because you want it so bad, you're still the spoiled little girl, saying 'I want'. I'm sorry, but this time it won't work."

"I'm not coming back to counseling. Bill knows and understands. This is it. I'm leaving the papers here, if you truly are the person you say you've become, sign them."

He leaned over and kissed her cheek before rising.

"Goodbye, Gwen."

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ducky3614ducky361425 days ago

When a story grabs you so hard that you can't put it down, you know you are reading a great author. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Qhml1 you can carry a tune well.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Thank you Q !

somewhere east of Omaha

PurplefizzPurplefizz11 months ago

Damn fine story, I first read this as an anon ages ago, but had forgotten the title until I started reading again and recognised it, many thanks to qhml1 for both writing and posting it here on Lit. Regards Ppfzz.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Most excellent story told by a top writer

Ravey19Ravey1911 months ago

Damn it, should be working in the garden. Now I have to read the next instalment. 5 again.

Xzy89c1Xzy89c112 months ago

The drug cartel parts are silly.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Simply the best series on here. I'm jealous wishing I could write something hard as good as this. BardnotBard

Medussa55Medussa55about 1 year ago

Hey Gwen you still have Annie's card, use it! That's female revenge. If Hardy finds out who cares he said it wasn't going anywhere and as Annie said 'almost as good as a woman ...'

Great story, shame we didn't see Gwen take down Hardy in the courtroom but 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

How can anyone be upset with Anne. If you are going through a divorce the relationship is over. The actual decree nisi is mere paperwork.

Often with these stories I feel like it's so much better if the people did just divorce and then think about having a new relationship together, fresh and free from the previous one.

You know that the majority of people that meet in later life 40-50s will have had relationships and will have cheated, especially the ones that are divorced. No one comes out of a divorce guilt free, it's a failure and both are responsible for it, from it's inception to its end.

Ocker53Ocker53over 1 year ago

Brilliant story teller ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I enjoyed it, but it can't end like that. No, he's supposed to take her back so they can start a new relationship, not rekindle the old one. I gave this one 4 stars. Yes it tied up the Escobar thing, but not much else.

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefover 1 year ago

NO! NO! NO! Can't end this way, there still has to be a chance, even if very slim. Well, guess we'll just have to see what the next chapter brings. Hoping for something better, but whatever, still a good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

For a long story I actually enjoyed it but why such an ending?......Hardy himself was like a spoiled brat that he called Gwen. He was a control freak...there was no leeway with him everything had to done his way or hit the road jack...........good story but not a good enough ending......

NevermyloveNevermyloveabout 2 years ago

Love. Trust. Respect

usaretusaretabout 2 years ago

Do not abide by his farewell. Hope springs eternall. On to the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Loved it. I prefer to focus on the plot instead of the numerous errors in grammar, spelling, words missing, etc. Get a good editor, please.



AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Every Time I read this, after her introduction, I hate this cow Anne.

Oh she was helpful all right but no matter how you put it she had no quarrels sleeping with an married man (no matter how shaken the marriage was).

Plot wise, It got a bit too much with all the Drug, SpecOp stuff but in an fun way.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

We are fortunate that Q is writing this and not annie from a month ago. This person confuses the hell out of me claiming 3/4 of the chapter needs to go but it is a good read otherwise. Anonymous has a VERY short writing history (limited to comments only). Yes, I write under anonymous as well but will never criticize a writer and certainly not one as talented as Q. I know my limitations, shame some others don't see theirs.

Thank you Q !

somewhere east of Omaha

Raleighman53Raleighman53over 2 years ago

Read the series again. This is one of the top stories on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The banal counseling trope detracts from the story. It's a lazy authorial way of telling a tale. The author also continues his "multicultural" virtue signaling. It's beginning to feel like he has an affirmative action check list of characters to include. The "Escobars" are an integral part of the story, but the NY rabbi, the bisexual woman, and "Marcus" come across as gratuitous gestures. Just the same, the chapter is a good read outside of those portions. 4

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Those saying Hardy is a sociopath don’t know enough people, or at least don’t know them well.

I have relatives that would make Don Vincent piss his pants. They literally have put a few of his type in prison. And 900 yards wouldn’t make the top 20 sniper shots . I know the guy who currently is in the top 20. The 20th place is 1367 yards. I know many that could hit 900 yards easily. And no one uses laser dot scopes at distance. They give away your position.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesalmost 3 years ago

Story is great, but going to suck if they do not get back together. Guess I need to read on.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

A few times through this tale, I still enjoy every word. Thank you Q .

somewhere east of Omaha

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Two! 1) Semper Fi not do or die. do and make them die!!!! 2) I see Anne as unnecessary addition. She is intelligence but do to Hardy's military background he would have met many intelligence personnel. Bringing her in to bang both of them! As you described Hardy's character he would find out and Anne would be in deep shit and Gwen would never be trusted again .End of story!!

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