Bound by Moonlight Ch. 04

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Werewolves rutting under the moonlight like intended.
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Anders walked Danny to the gate where the other werewolves were in the process of taking off their clothes. Caleb was in his boxers when Danny noticed him. The young man knelt over and slipped his boxers off, he looked over and noticed Danny, responding by cupping his crotch.

"Sorry Danny," he said in an awkward tone.

Anders chuckled, "You've got nothing to be ashamed of Caleb, we're all as nature made us tonight."

Anders pulled his sweater off and folded it in a neat pile along with his pants and boots. Danny looked around to see that everyone else was already undressing before joining them. She pulled her sweater off and made a hasty pile along the gate with the other piles of clothing. It was just her in the buff along with the other werewolves. The moonlight shined on them through a lone cloud hanging in the sky.

Danny felt her skin burn like it did in the shower. She saw that other werewolves were wincing and twitching with discomfort from the initial phases of the transformation. Her fingers ached as the bones cracked and reknit themselves, she slowly fell to her knees and elbows with pain from the process.

Fur grew along her arms and legs, spreading to her torso and face. Then came the part that Danny hated, the breaking of her face to form a snout. Her ears pulled themselves up and formed into wolf's ears. She looked down and saw that her paws were finished forming, her back ached as it expanded her tail-bone into a fuzzy tail that hung between her legs.

She looked around, where there used to be humans were now werewolves in their true forms. All sable black and with glowing golden eyes. Danny panted and sniffed at the air, it smelled like home, like family.

Anders walked to the front of the group, his lupine figure illuminated in the moon light.

"Night Watchers, tonight we welcome a new clanmate to our fold." he said. Danny stepped forward and felt all eyes on her.

"We welcome Danny to our clan with open arms," continued Anders. "We are all united by the curse that runs through our blood, a bond of shared grief."

The night watcher clan members walked around Danny and reached out their paws, resting them on her shoulders until she was encircled by werewolves. Another ring was formed and all of them howled at the moon rising in the sky. Danny felt her tail wag uncontrollably as she leaned back and howled at the moon.

The clan howled for minutes on end until the circle broke apart, she tried to speak but the words caught in her throat, letting out a garbled whine.

"Don't worry Danny," assured Anders, putting a paw on her shoulder, "Speaking with a muzzle takes practice."

Danny barked, she could manage that much. The animal urges were flowing around and Anders smelled like a *man*. Feeling confused she focused on listening to Anders speak.

"The rabbit run unites us as a clan, it is as much a game as a right of passage." He continued. Danny was imagining being a little rabbit and Anders catching her in his mouth. With tail firmly wrapped around her leg she nodded along and listened.

"Young Danny, your journey with us has just begun, we will run many hunts together, but tonight you are honorary prey. Be swift, be silent, be all that a Night Watcher is. It is in your blood." He continued. Danny looked down at her new form and smelled the air, she could hear the others sniffing her, picking up her scent.

"At the sound of the horn, the hunt will begin, at its second blowing the hunt is over and the rabbit may return if she has not already been caught." Danny looked around as the other werewolves kicked at the dirt, excited to get started.

Danny eyed the forest line and thought that she could make a run for the woods as soon as the horn sounded. She noticed movement from the gate and saw werewolves bringing something from the clan hall.

Pots of coloured powder were dragged to the gate house were the werewolves dipped their paws in. They were all looking at her. Anders was standing with his paws covered in red powder

"I believe it is time for you to run little rabbit." he said playfully. "The rabbit's five minutes begin now." he shouted to the others.

Danny's heart pounded and she felt herself lean forward to run on all fours. She dug her claws into the earth and pushed herself as fast as she could toward the tree line. Danny kicked her legs back and sent dirt flying behind her. The tree line was honing into view she ran at top speed. She could hear howling behind her.

She crossed the tree line and felt sticks break under her paws. The darkness enveloped her and the other werewolves were pleased to see her disappear into the shadows. Danny ran between the trees and felt the wind through her fur. She kept running until she heard the hunting horn blow and werewolves howl in excitement.

In the darkness of the night, with the trees obscuring even the stars, Danny felt her other senses heighten. She could hear a stream gurgling nearby, she could smell animals running away from her, and she could taste the other werewolves on the air. Remembering what she'd seen in TV she ran for the stream and walked through the middle of it. She believed she could clear her scent by running up stream. Her fur caked to her skin as she ran through the shin deep water.

After a hundred meters of running through the water she stepped out and resumed running. She cocked her head up to listen and heard the sound of werewolves howling. They were still far away, she could keep running. And so she did. As she ran onto the banks of the stream she felt her feet sink into soft mud.

Danny's feet squelched through the mud and she pulled herself through what felt like a bog. Using her paws to pull herself through the now waist deep mud. She heard herself panting and snarling as she pulled through the mud. Danny heard the sound of werewolves closing in and she couldn't outrun them in this crap. She looked above herself and saw overlapping branches forming a canopy to obscure the stars.

She reached for a tree and dug her claws and pulled herself up. She then dug her hind claws into the bark and climbed up the tree. Drops of mud dribbled off of her as she climbed up to the thickest branches of the tree. Balancing on the branch Danny cautiously walked on it and jumped to the next tree's branches. She dug in her claws for stability and kept moving, she could hear her pack mates gaining behind her.

From one tree to the next she jumped and ran, amazed that she could perform such a feat of athletics. Her tail wagged from side to side, helping her keep balance. Behind her she heard the sound of splashing, somewhere a werewolf was tracking her up the stream. Danny kept running on the branches but felt her lungs starting to burn. How long had she been running for? How many steps had she taken? She got winded walking the laundry up two flights of stairs, how was she able to do all this?

She heard something running behind her, risking a look behind Danny peeked and saw three sets of golden eyes looking at her from the ground.

"Come're rabbit!" teased one of the werewolves as they climbed up the tree. Danny's body went into survival mode and she sprinted down the branch to the next tree. She heard the tree behind her creak and the werewolves jump after her.

Danny knew she couldn't run forever. And it occurred to her that she may be the rabbit but she was still a beast of the night. She stopped on the branch and turned around. One werewolf jumped to the next tree while the others moved to other branches. Danny raised her arms like she'd learned in karate and kept her claws in the branch for stability. The first werewolf lunged forward to mark her with his yellow powder covered paws. Danny leaned back and kicked the jumping werewolf with her front leg.

"Fuck," yelped the werewolf as he fell from the branch and landed below in the soft mud.

The other werewolves barked in amusement at their comrade's misfortune. Danny was worried she'd hurt them until she heard him groaning and fighting to get up in the mud. The other werewolves jumped across the gap to the tree Danny was on and attempted to grab her. Danny jumped back and ran around the trunk to the other side of the tree.

Other werewolves gathered around the tree and howled as more tried to get their paws on her. Danny's heart was pounding in her chest, she felt invincible. The werewolves up top both tried to grab her, Danny stepped back again and heard a snap. The branch snapped and Danny reached out blindly for something to grab onto.

Danny fell like the werewolf she'd kicked and hit the soft ground with a groan. The wind was knocked out of her and she felt paws run through her fur, spreading their coloured powder to her. It felt like petting, it was...lovely.

The werewolves around her howled in unison to announce that the rabbit was caught. She was helped to her feet as was the werewolf she'd kicked. She felt so excited and bursting with joy that she licked the face of the first wolf that was close, a lick was returned. Danny opened her mouth to pant and let her tongue out. She realized how tired she was when she had a chance to be still.

After being brought to her feet Danny could see in the darkness that she was covered in yellow, purple, and blue powder. The clan had gotten their rabbit and marked her. Danny walked through the pack to where the werewolf had landed, she checked and he was on his feet. As she looked into his eyes she recognized the careful look in their eyes. It was Caleb. Danny licked his face as an apology for kicking him in the stomach. Caleb returned the lick, both of them were too inexperienced in speaking in wolf form to do anything but animal noises.

Caleb reached out his paw and ran his fingers through Danny's fur, leaving a trail of yellow powder. Danny barked playfully as he did so.

The rest of the back smelled out the gathering and each pack mate took turns marking Danny until she was every colour but black. They placed their paws on her shoulders like they'd done before and howled at the moon, Danny joined in and howled as loudly as she could. She felt tears of relief well in her eyes, all of her fears about this community were melting away. they truly cared and were making the best of their situation.

What Danny could also sense was the scent of her pack mates. They all smelled like a hunt, mud and grime worked into their fur, it smelled oddly comforting. Caleb was howling next to her and she could smell that he'd been running hard to find her. Something about him in his wolf form made Danny feel eager. For what she wasn't sure yet.

The hunting horn sounded from the clan hall. The werewolves ceased howling together and ran as a pack toward the settlement. A huge pack of creatures of the night running on all fours was a sight to behold, and being in the middle of it awoke the beast within her. Her body followed its instincts and ran with her pack mates.

When they reached the settlement the moon was hanging high in the sky illuminating the field around it. Danny stood out from the pack with her multicoloured fur. Anders placed his paws on her shoulders and rubbed in some red powder. Danny looked into his piercing golden eyes and felt a burning in herself as he finished.

"The rabbit is caught," announced Anders, "And so she is welcomed as a hound to our clan" He proudly put a paw on her shoulder and squeezed approvingly.

"I can tell by the mud in your fur that you ran hard and fought well," he whispered "Well done."

Danny grinned proudly as Anders continued, "We dance under the moon tonight," said Anders "Those who wish to hunt, we spotted a pack of deer while looking for Danny, for everyone else, enjoy the night" Anders gestured for Danny to rejoin the clan as groups broke off to dance or hunt as their desires demanded.

Caleb approached her with his head low. She cocked her head at him as he stepped closer to brush past her. She felt his fur rub against hers and tail pass along her leg. The bashful young man she'd met was now a powerful animal seeking her approval. He came for another pass and nuzzled her face. He felt soft on her fur.

Seeing Danny remain still Caleb became boulders and sniffed at her neck. Danny's heart was beating quickly, she was anxious but enticed. He playfully nipped at her ear. Danny felt she could get the hint and nipped him back, they both whined readily at each other.

From his place at the front of the pack Anders watched Danny and Caleb court each other. He grinned and looked back at Jill who'd relaxed on a rock and splayed herself, her snatch winking at him in the moonlight. The elder licked his chops and took his place at the foot of the rock, he knelt and licked at Jill's cunny obediently. She yipped and bucked her hips as he continued.

Danny watched Anders worship Jill's body and returned her attention to Caleb. She looked around and saw other clanmates coupling up under the moon light. Was this what they meant by dancing under the moonlight? She was relieved because Danny had no idea how to dance. Caleb licked the back of Danny's neck and she shuddered. She whined needily and with some experimentation lifted her tail to the side.

Caleb got to his knees and sniffed at her slit. Danny's heart pounded, she'd never had sex in this form, could she get pregnant? No, wolf mating season was in the winter not summer. She felt a tongue lap at the full lips of her pussy. Danny turned around, knocking Caleb off balance, the young werewolf stumbled onto his rear and watched Danny straddle him.

The two werewolves intertwined tails and Danny ran her paws through the fur over his belly. She rubbed his belly eliciting a pant and kick of the leg. His crotch was at full attention, Danny never saw a wolf cock before and was surprised by how pointed it was. She rested her pussy on Caleb's shaft and rubbed herself against him. She felt her pussy gush with fluids, covering Caleb in her juices. The scent of sex was in the air and panting could be heard all around them.

Being careful with her claws she lifted herself up and guided Caleb into her. The warmth, the fullness, she'd never experienced anything like it. Her tail was wagging without control and ears folded back in bliss. She looked down at Caleb's golden eyes and lithe figure and bounced up and down, at the bottom of each bounce he thrusted into her, lifting her up and hitting deep into her passage.

They continued to rut like animals, Danny panted hot breathes as Caleb held her by her hips and thrusted into her. While riding Caleb, Danny had a commanding view of the other werewolves. Everyone had paired off or were engaged in a rutting pile in the centre of the pack. Caleb squirmed and pulled Danny down on his shaft. She let out a low howl as caleb's head got close to her cervix.

Leaning down over Caleb, Danny grinded her crotch against his, letting his shaft hit every spot she had. She licked at Caleb's face and panted yearningly. Caleb obliged and held himself with his arms and legs and thrusted his core up and down. Danny squeezed around Caleb's shaft and let out a long howl as she felt her whole body seize up. She lost focus and time slowed down as Caleb's cock gave her a claw-curling orgasm.

The two werewolves pushed their muzzles together and licked at each other. Caleb wasn't far behind and held Danny by her back, his claws dug into her hide as cum started to spurt from his cock head. He was firmly inside of her when he came, watery jets of cum blasted into Danny's deepest crevices, coating her insides.

As though things couldn't get any better she crossed her eyes in surprise as she felt something stretch out her cunt. Caleb's knot was filled and it kept his cock firmly in Danny's pussy. She couldn't care less and collapsed onto Caleb's chest to rest. They both breathed heavily and panted, her cunny glowed with warmth as Caleb's shaft rested within her. A cold breeze swept across the field but with the fur she was unbothered, feeling more like a cool breeze while in bed.

Danny rested on top of Caleb and licked Caleb's muzzle. There was nothing to do but enjoy each other's warmth. It was like snuggling with a furry body pillow and she couldn't help but rub her arms across Caleb's chest. He groaned happily as she rubbed him and ran her fingers through his fur. She felt her head move up and down in rythem with Caleb's chest. She closed her eyes for a moment and was soon snoozing on top of Caleb.

When Danny awoke Caleb was still beneath her and asleep as well. His cock slid out of her after its knot deflated. Feeling the need to stretch she stood up from Caleb and felt a stream of cum drip out of her cunt. She stepped over Caleb and dipped a clawed finger into her snatch, careful to not cut herself. Danny felt her claw drag across her slit and into it, she could feel the cum dripping out of her.

She looked around and considered her options. There was still time before the moon set and she couldn't go to bed like this. Danny thought about joining the rutting pile that had formed in the middle, a mass of furred bodies writhing against each other. Then she saw Anders still worshipping Jill who was now heaving and wrapping her legs around Anders' head.

Danny licked her lips and and felt invigorated by her conquest. Caleb was still snoozing, his wet nose breathing in and out, and Danny wanted more. She strode across the field, past couples and trios enjoying each other's bodies, and stood behind Anders. The elder alpha male sensed her scent and turned around. Jill wondered why her mate had stopped and looked up to see the new blood standing behind him.

Anders reached over and rubbed Danny's head, she lulled out her tongue at the affection. He smirked, "the beast's hunger is not just literal," he chuckled as she crossed her eyes at the rubbing.

Jill let out a growling bark, Anders had a devilish smile on his face, "Danny, my tongue aches quite fiercely. Could you care for Jill's needs? I'm sure I can find a way compensate you," he said with a quick squeeze of her rear. Danny's tail quickly shot up at the thought and she got to her knees before Jill. The pleased matriarch of the clan showed her snatch for Danny. She'd had bi curious moments before but never had the chance to before now. She sniffed and lapped at Jill's warm cunny as Anders got to his knees behind her.

With her tail wagging excitedly she welcomed the feeling of Ander's cock entering her. The alpha male's teased prick was throbbing and ready to breed her. She felt him plunge into her already sopping wet passage and thrusted repeatedly. Danny groaned into Jill's cunt as Anders claimed her pussy for himself. She tasted the inside of Jill's passage and licked her clean like a dog working on a jar of peanut butter.

She had half her muzzle in Jill's snatch when she felt Anders pull out, she backed away from Jill and looked behind her. He stepped forward and plunged himself into Jill as Danny watched from the side. She licked her chops and crawled between Ander's legs to rest her muzzle behind his sack. She leaned forward and licked Jill's tail hole, eliciting an excited yelp from the matriarch.

Danny's tail wagged as she tasted and smelled the scent of sex around her. She smelled something salty and felt Ander's cock's knot inflate inside of Jill. With the alpha couple knotted and not going anywhere a coy smile emerged on Danny's muzzle. She licked up some of the cum that dribbled out of Jills slit and backed away, there was something from yaoi comics that she wanted to try.

Anders was enjoying the embrace with Jill when he felt someone spread his rear. His tail swished curiously. A muzzle pressed between his cheeks and he felt someone tongue his tail hole. The old fashioned wolf twitched and grunted as he realized what Danny was doing. The new blood was eager for sure.

He lifted his tail and allowed Danny to continue her exploration. He breathed in and out and felt Danny tongue his tail hole repeatedly. Jill's tail wagged as she felt more cum spurt from Anders, Danny squeezed Ander's cheeks and lapped at his prostate until he was panting and whining needily. Jill joined in the over stimulation and squeezed around his still knotted cock. Anders groaned again and a final gush of hot cum sprayed into Jill.