Bound Friends Pt. 16

Story Info
Andrea and Megan try things in different ways.
20.7k words

Part 16 of the 19 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/15/2014
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Part 16 - Megan and the Benefits of Trust

By JessBaby

January 10

It had been a long day by the time Megan returned to her dorm. She had been out all day, swinging between classes, the library and occasional rest for food. Andrea and Zainab sat up in Zainab's bed as she opened the door. They were both under the covers, but were still visibly dressed at least, watching some show on TV.

"Hey there, how's it going?" Andrea asked leaning back on her hands as she sat up.

"Oh.. fine. Just been a long day," Megan said as she dropped her books and collapsed on her bed. "Is that.. is that the new season?" she asked pointing to the TV.

"Sorry," Andrea said, quickly pausing the show. "We.. I.. Zee made me! She said she wanted to watch it now rather than wait for you, her fault!"

"Liar.." Zainab mumbled under her breath.

"No it's fine. Would you.. would you mind starting over so I can see it too?" Megan asked.

"I got an idea, this is the perfect time for you to try the home cinema set I got you. Well, try it for watching something on at least. So how 'bout it? We'll watch something else, you catch up to the two episodes we've already watched, then we'll watch the third one together again," Zainab suggested.

"Yeah.. sure that could work.." Megan said as she lethargically slid over towards her end table to retrieve the headset. She strapped it on and lay down on the bed, navigating by touching the side of the visor with her fingers. Then, silently, she put her hand down by her side and smiled.

"You know technically I think it's spilled over to the fourth episode by now," Andrea whispered gently in Zainab's ear.

"Yes, but only because somebody started distracting me," Zainab replied, clutching Andrea's collar .

"You know, she can't hear you. Might as well finish what we started," Andrea teased.

Zainab pinched the collar on one side, turning Andrea's already active NESIC up two more settings. She then placed her thumb gently but quickly on the small black glass gem which read her fingerprint. A small red light emanated from it briefly, indicating that it had locked the settings as they were.

"Zee, I was kidding," Andrea said with slightly worried eyes.

"Who's kidding?" Zaineb replied with a smile.

Andrea groaned, running one hand back under the covers and cupping Zainab's uncovered ass to pull her closer. The two fell back down onto the bed, interlocking their bare legs and returning to the embrace they had been in just as Megan had returned.

Zainab ran her hands down to begin to remove Andrea's top. Andrea began breathing deeply through her mouth, nervously thinking through what if Megan looked over. As Zainab brought the shirt up to the lower reaches of Andrea's bra she leaned in and kissed her. Andrea let out another groan, closing her eyes and sliding her hip ever so lightly, rubbing her crotch against Zainab's leg. Zainab took it as a sign to continue, unclasping Andrea's bra and beginning to slide it off with the shirt. She got it up to Andrea's neck, as far as she could easily go without Andrea raising her arms a bit more.

"With her right there? Are you sure?" Andrea whispered timidly.

"With the headset on she can't see, she can't hear," Zainab said as she finally began to make progress removing the last of Andrea's clothes. She flipped Andrea over forcefully, laying her on her stomach and placing her hands behind her back. As Zainab got up from the bed she ripped the covers away, leaving Andrea bare and exposed. Andrea moved her hand to her head to clear the hair blocking her vision but then quickly moved her arm back behind her before Zainab could notice.

She saw Zainab grab an armbinder before returning. The soft leather slid up her arm easily, and left a hole in the bottom large enough for her two hands to fit through. The sheath stopped just above the elbow with another series of straps to fasten it around each shoulder. It did have laces, but as she often did, Zainab didn't bother with them. With the shoulder straps it could never come off, and that was often all Zainab needed. Andrea was a little flexible, but if Zainab tightened the sheath as much as she might like to at times, getting her elbows to touch, it would need to come off pretty quick.

Zainab got up and straddled Andrea, her crotch resting just beside Andrea's ass and fingers. She leaned forward and brushed Andrea's cheek with one finger. "Besides, we both know you started it."

"All I did was grab your ass under the covers," Andrea teased in protestation.

"And look at where your little action has taken us. You should really think things through more before you do them, take some responsibility for your actions."

Andrea squirmed slightly as she gave out a frustrated sigh. Her NESIC had been teasing her now for some time, and with her hands restrained and Zainab on top of her she was feeling quite tormented. She bit her lower lip, looking up at Zainab with pleading eyes. Zainab allowed herself to smirk as she leaned in and gave Andrea a light kiss.

Zainab then shot up quickly, grabbing Andrea by the hips and scooting her down. She looked over and saw Megan was still very much enthralled in her show. She moved herself around, situating herself in front of Andrea with her back against the wall. She still wore a plain red t-shirt, but was naked beyond that. She spread her legs and slid further down, bringing her pussy right up to Andrea's face.

Andrea placed her lips around Zainab's wet slit, licking up and down tenderly before eventually making her way to her clit. Zainab moaned and grabbed the back of Andrea's head, running her hands through Andrea's now nearly shoulder length hair that Andrea had continued to dye black. She bit her lip, trying not to make too much noise and tempt fate. But Andrea had gotten practiced at knowing how she liked it, and it wasn't long before Zainab was breathing very heavy and approaching orgasm.

She began to arch her back, staring up at the ceiling. She grabbed Andrea with both hands, holding her close and tight. She gaped her mouth and began to cum, crossing her eyes in silent ecstasy. When she finally exhaled she let go of Andrea's head and slid up slightly, pulling herself away from any more stimulation.

She caught her breath and looked down to see Andrea writhing around, trying to look up and plead for her turn. Zainab smiled and moved one leg over Andrea, allowing Zainab to slide down to lay next to her. She moved in and kissed Andrea deeply, flipping Andrea onto her side. Slowly, she moved her hand up Andrea's wet inner thigh.

Zainab's thumb rested at Andrea's clit with the rest of her hand gently pressing against the rest of her pussy. "You want it slave? You wanna cum?" Zainab asked after finally pulling back from the kiss.

Andrea began to vigorously nod her head.

"Show me," Zainab whispered. Right away she could feel Andrea quickly begin to move and gyrate her hips. Andrea's pierced clit ran smoothly up and down Zainab's outstretched thumb, The motions began to become more jerky, more choppy, but no less desperate. Andrea squinted quietly, pleading with her eyes that she be allowed to cum.

Zainab smoothly repositioned her hand, slipping three fingers inside Andrea. After no more than a few pumps, Andrea's leg began to twitch and her muscles tightened up around Zainab's fingers. She suppressed any loud sound, but still felt horse and out of breath by the end.

Zainab wiped her fingers off on Andrea's leg before pulling herself in close again. She moved her arm under Andrea's head, allowing Andrea to fall forward and rest herself against Zainab's body. At the same time, she ran her other hand up and down Andrea's side from shoulder to ass.

"Mmm Mistress?" Andrea asked quietly.

"Yes that was my way of giving you permission," Zainab said, bending her head down to kiss the top of Andrea's head.

"No, um.. could you turn my chip off now?"

Zainab chuckled "Oh right.. of course."


January 23

Andrea looked up from her book as she heard the door open. Megan came in and then leaned herself against the door, closing her eyes and letting her head rest against the wood. Andrea marked her place before gingerly setting the book down and sitting up.

"No Zainab?" Megan asked finally.

"No, she said she just had to run to go get something. Should be back any second.. just thought I'd get some of my readings done. You.. you alright?" Andrea replied.

Megan put out her hand, it nervously quivered and fidgeted for a moment. She sat down on the bed leaning up against the wall and stashing her hands behind her. She opened her mouth briefly before once again closing it without saying a word.

Andrea got up and moved over to Megan's bed and sat down next to her. She draped her arm around her, an arm Megan began to lean her head against. "I.. I'm just really raw right now.." Megan said as she began to tear up. "I'm sorry," she said as she turned her body around, burying her head in Andrea's shoulder and hugging Andrea tightly. "I had.. that woman Zee found.. I just had a session."

"Something bad happen?" Andrea asked sympathetically.

"No.. not bad.. just so.. no it's just a lot. Say it all out loud.." Megan sobbed, holding Andrea tightly. Andrea didn't know what to say, so she said nothing. Megan seemed to her like she just needed a shoulder, not an earful. The two sat silently for some time before Megan began to recompose herself. She pulled back and gave Andrea a smile. "Thank you."

By the time Zainab returned a little over an hour later, everything seemed to have gone back to normal. Megan was hard at work typing something, and Andrea had gone back to reading. Still, Zainab seemed to enter cautiously, closing the door quietly behind her before walking over to her bed and sitting down next to Andrea.

"So you took your sweet time," Andrea said quietly as she set her book down.

"Sorry, everything good here?" Zainab asked, sitting up against the pillow-lined wall so she could still see Megan.

"Yeah.. She seemed nice I guess," Megan replied as she rubbed her eyes and shut the lid on her computer. "I think things'll.. I don't know. Still kinda new I guess ya know?"


February 6

Andrea strained and pulled at the soft leather sleeve encasing her arms. Extra straps pinned it tightly to her torso. Her legs were bent into a frog tie, with straps forcing her to keep her legs wide. A partial hood blinded her while leaving her mouth free to take a large spider gag. Her drool dripped onto the bed uncontrollably as she helplessly lay there, feeling the warmth of Zainab's legs on either side of her. She wore nothing else beside the collar she had yet to ever take off.

Zainab leaned forward, running her hands again along Andrea's red ass, adding another line of scratch marks. Andrea shuddered and clenched her cheeks. Zainab slid her finger around, teasing Andrea's already well teased cunt. Andrea's NESIC, like Zainab's had been on a medium hum now for nearly an hour as the two had played.

Zainab still wore her plain black v-neck, but had long ago abandoned anything below the waist. Her smooth leg rubbed itself along Andrea's side and along Andrea's exposed cheek. The prongs of the spider gag rubbed against her leg as it passed by, and she could feel the heavy warm breaths against her thigh.

Zainab began to scoot herself a little more forward when she heard a key enter the lock at the door. She very quickly grabbed the covers that she had pushed to the bottom of the bed and pulled them over herself and Andrea just as Megan was entering the door. Zainab grabbed her phone and sat up so her knees created a kind of tent under the covers to conceal Andrea. She suddenly remembered why she thought earlier she should probably set an alarm.

"Hey, how's it goin?" Zainab asked, pretending she had just been reading something on her phone.

"Oh, you know, usual stuff I guess. Always feel.. worse-better I guess whenever I have a session with her. But the reading ain't gonna do itself!" Megan said as she collapsed onto her bed.

The height of the desks meant that even sitting up it was a little hard to see over, but with Zainab bent forward to keep her legs where they are she could barely see over at all. Quietly, Zainab looked over, as she slowly went into her phone to try to turn their chips off. She managed to turn hers off, but when she tried to do the same for Andrea it ran into a problem. It set off an alarm sound, loudly warning her that the necklace overrides the phone so long as the settings are locked on the necklace. It required her thumb print at the black oval glass in the center of the necklace to unlock controls.

"What's that?" Megan asked, still unseen as she lay flat in her bed.

"Oh.. it's nothing.. just forgot to turn the ads off on the.. ad thing.. startup." Zainab fumbled clumsily. She could hear ever so lightly the sound of Andrea chuckling at the whole situation from under the covers.

Zainab looked over and saw the ends of a book standing up on Megan's chest as she read. Carefully, slowly, Zainab began moving one hand under the covers while holding up her phone with the other. She surfed through, looking really at nothing at all as her hand blindly began to search for the collar around Andrea's neck. She followed along the bottom of Andrea's cheek, reaching for the black button that would unlock controls and allow her to finally turn off Andrea's NESIC.

"Ugh," Megan grunted as she sat back up. Zainab quickly pulled her hand back up having not yet reached Andrea's collar. "These words are all.. blurring together. I need a break before I can be of any good with this shit. Wanna go grab something sweet, maybe the cupcake place?"

"Oh.. maybe. Kinda not very hungry," Zainab lied.

"Well, wanna maybe just come with me anyway? I don't wanna go on my own," Megan said as she reached for her phone.

"Hey.. how about.. how about you just sit back and relax, watch something on your headset? I'll maybe be more up to joining you after about an episode or two of something," Zainab suggested.

Megan set down the book and looked at Zainab skeptically. She stood up and sighed. "Hey Andrea."

"Herho" came the gargled and muffled cry from under the blanket.

"Do you two need a little time to finish up?" Megan asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Ah Har" Andrea replied while Zainab closed her eyes in embarrassment.

"Zainab, if you need more time.. just tell me. I'd rather that than have you hide it using that headset thing. I heard you last week in a pause between episodes. I didn't want to say anything cause I'm not good at conflict but.. comon! Not cool. I'm not just some potted plant. Could you just.. I don't know have a little more.. I guess respect or something? Don't try to just hide it like that like I'm an idiot or something." Megan said as she leaned forward, putting her elbows on her desk.

"I know I asked this once before.. but is it cause I'm with one of your childhood friends? Does it make you uncomfortable to think of her in a sexual context?" Zainab asked, being careful not to sound deflective.

"No, it's not about that. If that stuff bothered me I'd never be able to look at her again after last summer. No this is about me just trying to say it's my room too and trying to ask if you could just.. I don't know consider that I guess when planning this stuff?" Megan said defensively.

"Sahorhy, ihe wahas.." Andrea began to say before giving up trying to make intelligible words with the gag still in her mouth.

Zainab moved her right leg to Andrea's left side so her legs were no longer on both sides of Andera. It allowed her to scoot down and move the blanket enough to reveal Andrea's head. She quickly undid the gag and let it fall to the bed.

"As I was trying to say," Andrea said turned her head over towards Megan. "Sorry, that was my fault. I made some joke about you not being able to hear anything, and then.. she got how she got and.. then the risk kind of made it.. well sorry. I should have tried to stop it."

"Well maybe in the future just try to show a little restraint?" Megan said as she looked right at Zainab.

Zainab ripped the covers off Andrea, suddenly revealing to Megan the web of leather that held her in place. Andrea instinctively squirmed, but in honesty she didn't feel particularly embarrassed. "See? Restraint!"

"Sorry, you know what I mean.. a little moderation."

"Yeah, no for real though, I am sorry. I kind of don't do moderation, and I sometimes forget that just about everyone else does." Zainab said as she finally took the time to turn off Andrea's NESIC, who sighed in relief and collapsed her head down onto the bed, covering one cheek in the accumulated drool. "But I did hear mention of cupcakes? I totally do cupcakes."


February 14

"Ok, so.. I am.. off." Zainab said as she dashed around the room, checking to see if she had forgotten anything. Feeling confident she grabbed her messenger bag and headed over to Megan.

"So you're sure.. you've got everything, I don't have to worry about you coming back and me walking in on you two doin'.. anything?" Megan asked.

"Yep, not going to be back till at minimum tomorrow morning I promise. The peace and quiet is yours," Zainab said, raising her right hand like she was taking an oath.

"And don't worry, I haven't spilled anything to Andrea. She still thinks your thing is tomorrow," Megan said, standing up briefly to give Zainab a hug goodbye.

"Seriously, thanks for that. But she kept tonight free?" Zainab asked.

Megan nodded her head, causing Zainab to give her one more hug before she quickly left, causing a sudden silence to sink across the room. Megan didn't know what Zainab had planned, but she had no doubt Zainab knew what she was doing. In the meantime, she simply put her feet up on her bed and re-opened her textbook right where she had left off.


Andrea had just gotten back to her dorm room, barely had time to kick off her shoes and lay down before getting a message on her phone. She pulled it out of her pocket and her eyes went wide.

Zee: A white van with DC plate number D8R 2X1 will be parked out front of your building in 9 minutes with an unlocked door. In 10 minutes it will leave with or without you. If you are not showered and in that van you will spend the rest of the night receiving shocks from your collar. Clock starts as soon as this message is opened.

She bolted upright, removing her shirt as she stood. She wiggled out of her jeans, nearly tripping as she did trying to reach for her towel and shower basket. She stripped out of her front hook bra and bent over to remove her panties. As she grabbed the towel and turned around she noticed with a start that her roommate and her boyfriend had at some point opened the door and come in without her noticing. She gritted her teeth as her face turned a bright red.

"Sorry, in a rush," she whimpered as she pushed past the two of them out to the hallway and towards the shower. She walked quickly in her sandals and towel, trying not to dwell on what just happened.

It was perhaps one of the fastest paced showers she had ever remembered taking. She wanted to be properly washed for whatever Zainab clearly had waiting for her, but feared how long she would be just as much. She barely dried herself off, and only towel dried her hair before rushing back to the room.

When she walked in the two were sitting on their bed and both stopped their conversation as soon as she opened the door. "Sorry, something very short notice came up, I didn't see you come in I swear," Andrea said preemptively, presuming the complaints she was sure were at least on their mind.