Boys and Their Toys


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I thought we were getting back to how we were before she told me about Celia. I still cooked at least twice a week and took her out to dinner every fortnight. She still had her reading and palates evenings and I had my bowls. We were even spending more time in bed together. Perhaps she liked the more energetic sex I was giving her.

I had been at the health centre for three months and my trainer was encouraging me to take up proper weight training. I wanted to try it, but did I want to become a muscle-bound hulk.

That evening I was going to ask Vivian what she thought about me taking up weight training but she got her word in first.

"Darling, Celia has invited me to party at her place with some of her friends. One of them has a birthday."

This was the first mention of Celia for some time and I immediately wondered just how much time my wife had been spending with her. "When?" I asked.

"Next Saturday. You wouldn't mind if I went, would you, Darling?"

"I thought you weren't seeing much of Celia?"

"Well, I'm not seeing her quite as much as I want to because of what you said."

I wondered how often she was seeing her but didn't ask. "Why is the party at her house and not at a club or restaurant?"

"I didn't ask," she told me.

I wondered if my wife already knew any of these friends of Celia. Were they like her, with big cocks or were they just lesbians. The thought then struck me that there was now a part of my wife's life that I was no longer privy to. I didn't like it. Was that my fault because I had refused to talk about Celia, or was it my favourite toy syndrome again?

When Vivian told me she was going to get ready for the party I wanted to ask her not to go. Something about this party scared me because I was certain my wife wasn't telling me everything.

Also, I couldn't understand why she was so set on doing something she knew I was unhappy about. That had never happened before and was one of the reasons why our marriage had worked so well. I was starting to get the feeling that someone was not just playing with my favourite toy but was trying to take it away from me.

The words of one of my recent divorce clients came back to me. "I feel so helpless because there seems to be nothing I can do to stop my wife from leaving me." That terrified me, especially because as in so many cases like his, there really was nothing he could do.

It was only six when I kissed my wife on the cheek and mumbled something about enjoying the party. I don't really even notice what she was wearing, except that it was some shade of grey.

"I hope I'm not too late back and you've gone to bed," she told me before she got in her car.

There was food in the fridge and frozen meals in the freezer but I didn't want any of it. Instead, I went to the local pub where they did a decent bar meal and served a really nice pint. A couple of blokes I knew came in later and they managed to cheer me up a bit with a game of darts. It was closing time when I left so it was nearly eleven when I got home to an empty house.

The first thing I noticed was that there was a message on the phone. Why had someone rung the house phone and not my mobile, I wondered as I pressed play.

"Mathew, this is Celia. Sorry, but your wife is a bit drunk so I am giving her a bed for the night. I expect she will call in the morning to tell you when she's leaving. By."

Drunk on wine or drunk on sex. I didn't even know where Celia lived so there was nothing I could do about it. I had a rotten night with little sleep.

It was ten-fifteen when Vivian sent a text to my mobile. *I'm on my way home, Darling. Love you*

I always replied to her texts, but not this time. I was beginning to appreciate how helpless my client felt and was sitting in my favourite lounger when half an hour later my wife bounced into the room just like she had just been shopping for a couple of hours. "Sorry about last night," she said. "Are you all right, Darling," she added after looking at me for a moment.

I know I shouldn't have said it. "Were you drunk on wine or were you intoxicated on lesbian sex when Celia phoned to tell me you were staying for the night?"

The flash of guilt then anger, told me I was very near the mark. "I'm going to change and you had better alter your attitude by the time I'm done," she told me.

As she turned I was on my feet and grabbed her arm. "No, you don't," I told her. "You are going to sit right down now and tell me what is going on between you and that woman."

"Get your hand off me." It was a tone of voice I had never heard before. She tried to pull her arm from my grip but I refused to let go.

Then I knew I needed to ease the situation. "Vivian, please, just sit down and talk to me. I'm terrified that Celia is going to take you away from me." Slowly I released my grip and dropped my arm to my side. It was up to my wife now. There was nothing left for me to do.

I saw her anger subside. "Let me go and change first, then I'll tell you about last night."

As she left the room I sat down with a big sigh of relief, knowing that that could have turned nasty. I hadn't asked her about last night, but it might explain her relationship with Celia.

She came back in her usual morning dress of slacks and a jumper and turned to me as she walked straight into the kitchen. "I'll make us some coffee," she stated.

Vivian always made a better coffee than me and I have never figured out why as I took my mug from her. She'd said she would tell me about last night so I waited for her to start and my coffee to cool down.

"Where do you want me to start?" she asked.

"Anywhere," I told her, before taking my first sip.

"Last night really was a birthday party for one of Celia's clients."

The way my wife looked at me I knew she was expecting me to ask her questions. Oh, I had so many, but I'd decided to let her tell it her way.

"No questions?" she asked, confirming my suspicions.

I just shook my head and took another long sip of my cooling coffee and watching her as she did the same. When she looked up I could see that my lack of communication was confusing her.

"As it was such a nice evening everything was set out on the patio. There was a buffet and a table with drinks and glasses and some music playing on the stereo. There were a birthday cake and some birthday balloons and other stuff around."

Again, Vivian looked confused. "Well," I prompted her

"Well, it was a party, albeit there were only ladies there so some of them started dancing and Celia wanted me to dance with me."

I could see she wanted me to help her out so I asked her to tell me about the other guests.

"Apart from Celia, the one I knew was Denise, she is about forty, forty-five. A lovely lady, about my height and very elegant. I only knew her because I met her in Celia's studio. Another was Beth, she's married and the birthday girl was Ursula. She is an underwear model probably in her late twenties or early thirties. Oh, and there was also Marjory, a big girl, if you know what I mean, quite lovely and about my age."

That said, Vivian just stared at me. Again, I knew she was waiting for me to ask her questions.

So, how many of them fucked you, was the most controversial question that came into my head, but dare I ask it, I wondered. "Apart from drinking and dancing what else did you do?"

My wife just stared at me, then she looked down for a moment then at me again. "All right, if you really want to know? There were two other young women there like Celia, with big cocks and they fucked me when I wasn't making out with one of the other guests."

I think I expected Vivian to tell me something like that, but it was still very shocking to actually hear her telling me that she had spent the evening getting fucked and 'making out,' as she put it, with four other women.

"So, it was more a lesbian orgy that a birthday party?" I asked.

"Yes," she hesitatingly admitted. "But I didn't know that when Celia invited me," my wife added as an excuse.

She might not have known about the other two girls but I had my suspicions. "Did you already know the other guests at the party?

I got a very slight nod as confirmation. "So where does that leave us?" I asked my wife.

Why she looked so indignant at such an obvious question, I don't know. "What do you mean, where does that leave us?"

"Well my dear wife, sex with other women seems to have become a much more important part of your life than I am." Before she could get her thought together I asked another question. "Who did you sleep with last night? I'm just curious," I added.

Now I could see some real concern on her face. "Beth," she whispered.

Standing up, "I need another drink," I stated and poured myself a half glass of my best malt whisky. Instead of sitting down, I prowled the room. I was seething and all the time I knew my wife's eyes were following me.

Finally, I sat down and stared at my wife. "'I can't let this continue," I told her. "You have a decision to make or we are in serious trouble."

"What decision?" she huffed angrily.

"It's no good getting all huffy," I told her. "You have to work something out that is agreeable to both of us. I may not have my problem for much longer now that I'm getting fitter at the health centre. My trainer wants me to start weight training and I was going to ask you about it the other day but you got in first telling me about Celia's party, so I am telling you now."

"Ask me about what?" Vivian butted in.

"Well, if I do weight training would you mind if I ended up a muscle-bound hunk?"

"You're a hunk anyway," she stated, with the first smile I had seen all day.

"But I'm not muscle-bound, am I? Seriously though, Vivian. What is the attraction of Celia and sex with other women?"

My wife put on a very serious face. "I didn't know that sex with Celie would be so different than it is with you," she told me. "When Celia is massaging me and she used her hands on my pussy she can make me come almost continuously and when her cocks in my cunt and she fucks me the orgasms are mind-blowing.

I had to interrupt her when she said that. "I used to make you come like that," I stated in my defence.

"It's not as simple as that, women aren't like men, Darling. A woman can orgasm without stopping for hours, that is why a woman can have continuous sex with umpteen men and still want more."

My wife was on a roll when she made her next statement. "Other woman can now make me come so much more than you can."

When she stopped her face looked horrified as if she'd revealed the world's greatest secret.

Perhaps she had, I thought. "Without including Celia, how often have you had sex with the other women?"

It took my wife several moments to answer. "Over a dozen times,"

"How many women, Vivian?"

It took her a moment to answer. "Five, that includes Celia and Denise," she added hurriedly.

"You told me you only met Denise at Celia's studio?"

"Sorry, Darling. Denise is Celia's assistant," she said as if that explained everything.

"And the other three," I asked, almost certain they were also at the party.

"Beth, Ursula and Marjory."

"And they are just ordinary lesbians?"


"No cocks?"

"No cocks," she repeated.

"Do they all make you come like Celia?"

"Do you really want to know?"

"Let's not stop being honest with each other now," I told her.

"We always make each other come."

"You knew who would be at this party and what everyone would end up doing. Didn't you?" I almost shouted.

All she did was nod without looking at me as I let that sink in for a moment. Then I threw this at her. "I wonder what you would say if it were me telling you the names of five men I had been having sex with a couple of dozen times."

"You wouldn't dare," she sputtered. "You're not like that."

"I used to think you were not like that," I stated. Then waited to hear if she would start quoting from the adulterer's handbook. As a divorce lawyer, I almost had a copy on my bookshelf.

When Vivian looked up at me there was a totally despondent look in her eyes. "I don't think I can give them up," my wife finally admitted.

The one thing I had learnt from everything my wife had told me; Celia was not the threat I had thought she was. It was the lesbian sex she needed, regardless of whether the woman had a cock or not.

"Would you let me watch?" I asked after a few moments of silence.

The look of shock at my request was quite startling. "Why would you want to watch?"

"To see what other lesbians can do for my wife that I can't do for her."

She picked up on it immediately. "I'm not a lesbian."

"Then you must be bi-sexual because you still let me put my cock in your cunt."

"Don't be crude," she admonished me.

"I was no cruder than you were when telling me what Celia does to you."

This time it was Vivian who got up and told me she was going to make a cup of tea.

I followed her into the kitchen and watched her get everything prepared. When she was waiting for the kettle to boil, I put my arms around her waist and hugged her to me. "I love you, Vivian," I told her. "Let's not let this spoil everything."

She turned in my embrace and put her arms around my shoulders. For a moment she stared deep into my eyes. "Perhaps I have always been bi-sexual," she quietly suggested. "Because I now need my lesbian lovers just as much as I need my wonderful heterosexual husband. I suppose that's what bi-sexual really means, doesn't it, Darling."

While she was kissing me, I tried to understand everything she had just said. During all the years I had been married to my wife, had she always been bi-sexual. For some reason that seemed more unreasonable than the idea of her being a lesbian.

I think we both just wanted the time to think while our tea cooled enough to be drinkable. We were again sitting opposite each other. Which was not that unusual and allowed me to glance at my wife occasionally.

The longer the silence lasted the more conflicted I became as I tried to come up with a compromise that would allow me to live with a bi-sexually active wife and somehow curb my favourite toy syndrome.

Finally, I gave up. "You come up with something," I told Vivian. "Because I can't."

"Because you can't what?" Vivian asked with a look of total surprise on her face.

"Find a way to live with a woman I want to keep to myself while allowing her to be sexually activity with other women," I told her.

Vivian looked at me for a long time before she said anything. "What would you do if I was being sexually active, as you put it, with men?"

"I'd divorce you," I replied without hesitation.

"So, why don't you want to divorce me because I'm being sexually active with women?"

It took me a few moments to think about that. "Because it's not the same," was the best answer I could come up with.

"Why isn't it the same, I'm still being sexually active with someone other than you?"

Damn my wife, she always could make a good argument. I knew there were reasons, all men were supposed to have them but they were never admitted to. Certainly not in a situation like this. "It's a male thing," I told her.

"Ah, yes. The famous male ego" Vivian moved off her chair and slid down beside me. She stroked one cheek and kissed the other. "I didn't think you suffered from that, Darling."

I turned toward her and had to smile. "Well I do, and I just don't like the idea of sharing my wife, even with other women. Anyway, when you first said you we going to find a solution to my expectations, you told me it would help us solve it. There doesn't seem to be much of us in your lesbian solution."

"Touché," she said and I got another kiss. "So how do we solve that problem?" Then she looked at the clock. "Come on, it's Sunday, how about a carvery? They do a very nice one at the Fallen Angel."

I nodded, The Fallen Angel sounded about right. Vivian was out of the chair and pulling me with her. "Perhaps we'll come up with an idea over lunch."

The idea that Vivian came up with was that we had a party and invited Celia and all her lesbian friends. "Beth and Denise are married so they can bring their husbands to keep you company." Then she saw the look on my face. "Sorry, Dear I'm not the only bi-sexual among them, but I've not met their husband."

When I agreed she refused to have a BBQ. "You are not going to spend the whole time hiding behind a pair of BBQ tongs. We will have caterers so we can circulate and you can get to know everyone."

It was three weeks before Vivian could book the caterers and everyone could come. I had very little to do with organising it. The caterers brought some extra tables and chairs and even added some lighting and a heater for the late evening. Vivian obviously intended to make a real go of it. "I've already told you, the girls know how to party," she told me as we watched them getting everything ready.

I nearly asked her if she was planning on our party turning into another lesbian orgy. Instead, I complimented her on all her preparations.

When our guests started to arrive, Vivian insisted I was with her to greet them. I don't know what I expected but my first impression was how nice and ordinary they all looked. She must have told them a lot about me because the women greeted me much as Celia had. I was kissed and admired and Vivian was congratulated on having such a handsome husband. They all seemed very much like our other friends.

I had been circulating both with my wife and also on my own when the caterers told us the buffet was open. As the host, I hung back a bit so all the ladies were well on their way when I started to make my choice from all the dishes the caterers had prepared and wondered how much of a hand Vivian had in choosing the menu.

Beth's husband Ralph was standing beside me with a beer in one hand trying to juggle his plastic plate. "Here," I said. "I'll take that," and offered to take his beer off him.

"That's the worst part of these affairs, getting the food and drink without dropping something," he jokingly replied. "My wife tells me you are a solicitor," he said.

"Yes, Hennings and Soames, we have a small office in the high street."

"Have you been there long?"

"Over fifteen years. What do you do?" I asked before he could say anything.

"Oh, I'm the production manager at Stephens, the printers."

"What, that big monolith on the industrial estate."

"Yes, that's it, but it's not that big, not as far as printers go," he told me. "I'll give you a tour, if you've never seen a printing press in action I think you will be quite impressed."

That sounded very interesting. "Yes, I'd like that. What do you print?"

"Technical stuff. Books mainly, short print runs usually no more than five-hundred-thousand. I think we've printed some legal books you may have in your office."

By now we were sitting at a table. "I have a look on Monday," I told him.

Then Ralph looked at me very seriously. "Your wife had a word with me earlier and told me why you are having this get-together. Would it be all right if we had a chat about it?"

I'd already decided I liked the bloke so I just nodded.

"I found out about Beth five years ago," he stated. "I was probably as confused as you are when I unexpectedly found out my wife liked sex with other women.

I now knew why Ralph had joined me at the buffet and it was a few seconds before I replied. "I still can't get my head around it," I told him.

"I know. The little boy syndrome," he said.

"I call it my favourite toy syndrome," I replied.

"And you don't want to share it," he immediately replied.

I nodded in agreement. "Definitely not."

"Let me tell you something. I have a very good friend, in fact, we first met at university. He is now a very successful psychiatrist and after Beth told me about her bi-sexuality I visited him for help."