Breaking the Family Ch. 03

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He who laughs last...
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 06/22/2009
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Michael LaCombe sat glumly in the office and waited as Tony Clark looked at the computer screen. Finally the tall man swiveled in his chair and looked at Michael.

"I am sorry, Mr. LaCombe," he said. "You've already refinanced the house four months ago, for..."

Tony Clark looked at the screen again.

"Sixty four thousand, nearly the full amount of the appraised value, even though you still owed forty eight thousand on the original mortgage?" he asked with some surprise.

"Yeah, well, Dan Scanduro's my father-in-law," Michael offered, as if that would explain everything.

In DeGarde, Louisiana, it did explain the special favors, the 'looking the other way' that most people did when it came to the Scanduro clan and those that the Scanduros smiled upon.

They'd not smiled on Tony Clark when nineteen-year-old Anna Scanduro had drunkenly followed him to his hotel room and given him her virginity. They'd not smiled on Tony Clark when he married the pregnant girl. They'd certainly not smiled on him when he took Anna out of DeGarde and moved her to Lake Charles, Louisiana. They did smile briefly when Lucille Ann Clark was born, but her death of SIDS wiped the smile from their lips.

Tony looked at Michael LaCombe and wondered why the Scanduro clan had approved of this whining, sniveling pathetic excuse of a man, but hadn't approved him him? When Anna had stood in front of him, the dried semen visible on her thighs and matted pubic hair, the teeth marks visible on her large breasts and nipples, she had said that she had a 'real man.' Surely she wasn't talking about Michael LaCombe.

"I'm sorry, Mr. LaCombe," Tony said again. "But without any assets or visible means to pay..."

"I got Danny Scanduro's word," Michael whined.

"And I'm sure that would have been good enough for Mr. Gimmeli, but he is no longer the CEO of DeGarde National Bank, I am," Tony said and stood, signifying that their meeting was over.

"But the lawyer says he needs fifty thousand or he won't help Anna," Michael whined, seemingly on the verge of tears.

"If Mr. Scanduro is billing to co-sign, then I will see what I can do, but other than that..." Tony said and opened the door to his office.

Danny wanted to spit on his former brother-in-law, but instead he scribbled his signature on the loan applications and seethed as Tony sat and entered the information. He looked at the neatly trimmed mustache and beard and long hair pulled back in a ponytail and radiated hatred. Tony's hazel eyes read the computer screen, ignoring the scowling man.

"How's Dan? I heard he had a heart attack after Robert's um, passing," Tony asked while staring at the screen.

"Um, he's fine, fine, thanks for asking," Danny said, a little surprised.

"Yeah, saw Barbara the other day, but didn't have time to ask her," Tony said and swiveled away from the computer screen and faced Danny.

"Yeah, yeah, Mom's kind of upset about the whole thing," Danny agreed.

"Well, glad you and Cindy are taking care of Bobby, at least he's in good hands," Tony, said and smiled as Terri, his administrative assistant brought in the check for his signature. "Thank you Terri."

Someone had delivered several photographs to Robert Scanduro's office. He looked at each photograph, showing his haughty wife acting like a complete slut with multiple men. Robert recognized two of the men; they were his salespeople at Scanduro Realtors. After carefully shredding and disposing of the photographs, he went home and shot Diane four times then blew his own brains out.

It had been their eleven-year-old son that had discovered the bodies. The boy suffered terrible nightmares, often waking Danny and Cindy and their nineteen-year-old daughter with his terrified screams.

"Thank you, Mr. Scanduro," Tony said as he scribbled out his signature and handed the fifty thousand dollar check to Anna's brother.

"Thank you," Danny mumbled. He was supposed to dislike this man, but so far, Tony had been nothing but polite and professional.

Tony couldn't help but wonder how Danny would react to find out that Tony's cell phone had three messages, complete with nude photographs of his nineteen-year-old daughter, Alicia Scanduro.

He'd responded to the first one, showing her from the waist up, nipples hard and ready for him, her smile on full display, by simply typing out 'Wow.' The second one came a few days later; showing her standing in stockings and high heels, back to camera, her smiling over her shoulder at her camera phone. He typed out 'Perfect,' and hit send. The third one had come in just moments before her father sullenly rapped on his doorjamb. It was a shot of her hairless pussy, spread open for him. He typed out 'Yummy,' hit send and welcomed her father into his office.

"It is about God Damned fucking time," Anna spat at her husband as she was led out of the rear of the DeGarde Police Station. "What in the fuck took you so fucking long, numb nuts?"

"The Bail Bondsman wouldn't post bail for you," Michael whined.

"Oh God, shut up, stupid mother fucker," Anna snarled and moved to get behind the wheel of the luxury automobile.

"No, ma'am," the female police officer said forcefully as she unlocked the door of her police cruiser. "You do not have a driver's lisence. If I see you get behind that wheel, I will arrest you."

"Oh, kiss my ass, fucking dyke bitch," Anna seethed, but stomped around to the passenger door.

"Okay, we need to go to the lawyer's office at three o'clock and he'll..." Michael said.

"If you do not shut the fuck up, I will fucking kill you, do you hear me?" Anna screamed.

At three o'clock a thoroughly drunk Anna sat and rolled her eyes at the horse's ass that her husband had hired for her.

"Yeah, like that's going to fucking happen," she laughed without mirth as Sonny Leblanc suggested attendance at A.A. meetings.

"Mrs. LaCombe, the judge is going to want to see some effort on your part to get help," Sonny said.

"Well, that ain't going to happen, so move on to the next thing on your list," Anna said and lighted a cigarette.

"Please put that out; this is a non-smoking office," Sonny said.

Anna blew a stream of cigarette smoke directly into Sonny's face.

"Fuck you. I'm paying fifty thousand dollars," she sneered. "If I want to shit in the middle of the floor..."

"Put that cigarette out this moment or I will call the police and have you escorted out of this building," Sophia Coutre said in a no nonsense tone of voice from the doorway of Sonny's office. "As you are on probation at this moment, they will bring you directly to jail. Do you understand?"

"Yeah, yeah, what the fuck ever," Anna sneered and stubbed the cigarette out on the carpet.

"Sonny, make sure that Mr. And Mrs. Lacombe are billed for replacing the carpet in this office, and if that bill is not paid within four business days from this day, we will terminate representation and they can kiss the non-refundable retainer goodbye," she coldly said and left.

"What a fucking cunt," Anna said.

"One of the smartest women in Louisiana; I'm damned lucky to be working and learning under her," Sonny snapped.

"Uh huh, ass kiss," Anna sneered.

"Okay, you got two choices, Mrs. LaCombe," Sonny said. "Voluntary A.A., meetings, or confinement to a treatment center for alcoholism."

"What?" Anna screamed. "Alcoholism? I am not a fucking alcoholic!"

"Oh?" he sneered at her, a look she did not respond very well to. "How many D.U.I.s have you gotten in the past year?"

"That ain't got shit to do with it," she snapped. "Every mother fucker in DeGarde knows my car; they fucking follow me and if I even sneeze, they pull my ass over and claim it's a D.U.I."

"Uh huh," he sneered and flipped to the police reports. "I suppose a blood alcohol reading of, let's see, and point eight two. Well above the legal limit. And before that, it was a reading of point seven four, again, well above the legal limit. And then..."

"Those readings are faulty," she declared.

""But did you have anything to drink on those days, Mrs. LaCombe?" Sonny asked.

"Yeah," Anna admitted and felt the first tears begin.

She had been so attracted to Tony Clark from the moment she saw him, and seeing that Dada didn't like him made Tony all the more appealing to the diminutive girl. Since she couldn't have the one man she really loved most of all, she would hurt him as much as possible.

Emboldened by alcohol, she followed the tall man to his hotel room and gave him her virginity, even though she was supposed to be engaged to Paul Gimmeli, the son of Francis Gimmeli, CEO of DeGarde National Bank. Truth was, although Dada expected her to marry Paul, Paul did nothing for her. Whenever she sucked Paul's small cock, she had to imagine she was sucking someone else's cock. Even she wouldn't admit out loud whose cock she was imagining.

To her horror and delight, she discovered she was pregnant; her periods were always so regular you could set your watch by them. Paul was amused as Anna crawled all over him, grabbing and groping, sucking kisses hotly from him.

"Oh, baby, baby, I got a little surprise for you," she husked into his ear.

"Oh, yeah?" he squeaked back. He'd already blown one load into his boxers. Anna was always the aggressor, but never had she been this aggressive before.

"Yeah," she enthused. "The other day (it had been nearly two months) I saw this really hot guy, he's this salesman for Eagan Equipment, you know?"

She was grinding her crotch against him. Paul loved her short cut off jeans. They showed her short but muscular legs and her fleshy ass cheeks. He could feel the heat of her pussy through the thread thin crotch of the jeans.

"And I went back to his room and fucked him," she went on. "Fucked him four or five times, and now I'm all knocked up."

"Wait," Paul squeaked again, the reality of what she was saying sinking in. "What? You did what?"

"Fucked him, let him fuck my twat, and fuck my asshole, (she had not let Tony have anal sex) that fucking hurts a lot, you here? And sucked his nice big old cock," Anna went on, grinding her pussy against Paul's now flaccid cock.

Dada's tears actually cut into her when she told him the truth of why Paul Gimmeli and she were no longer engaged. To her delight, though, Tony immediately stood up and offered to marry her.

Dada still did not approve of the tall Texan, and often spoke ill of him and never missed an opportunity pass to let his one and only daughter know that he was disappointed in her choice in husbands.

The death of Lucille devastated her but Dada was right there, giving her the support and loving she so desperately craved. The more she depended on Dada and alcohol, the less she felt any love for Tony. The more Dada spoke against Tony, the more she felt that maybe if she married someone Dada approved of, he'd give her the love she needed.

Michael LaCombe was a new salesperson at her brother's real estate office. According to both Robert and Dada, Michael had real potential. The slender young man was extremely flattered and flustered to have the very attractive Anna show him any attention.

He introduced her to marijuana and she loved the feeling marijuana and whiskey induced. He was quick to come, but thankfully could get it up quite often. He was also quick to put his mouth on her pussy; she demanded oral sex as often as possible. He also seemed absolutely fascinated by her large breasts and nipples.

No, she wasn't in love with Michael LaCombe, and when compared to Tony, he fell short, but Dada seemed to like Michael, so Anna decided that Tony had to go.

Nearly five years later, it was taking more and more of the alcohol and marijuana to bury her intense dislike for the spineless, weak-willed Michael LaCombe. His only source of income was the sale of marijuana; Robert had finally seen through the glib talk and handed Michael his walking papers. She didn't bother hiding her lack of respect for her husband, and did as little as possible to conceal her numerous affairs. IF he noticed them, he did not say anything about them. He seemed to look the other way when her breasts sported passion marks. He seemed to be oblivious to the semen stained panties she dropped into the hamper.

Her father had several talks with his only daughter about her heavy drinking and 'sleeping around.' Dada couldn't bring himself to denounce his only daughter as a drunken whore, but secretly he told Barbara what he thought of their daughter and she had to agree with him.

By now, Anna hoped that Dada would just die, and was terrified that one day Dada might die.

"We don't got that kind of money," she heard Michael whine to Sonny.

"Is there any way you could raise it?" Sonny asked. "Family members, friends?"

"What?" Anna asked and Sonny clenched his jaw, realizing that Anna had not listened to a single word he'd said.

"We," he said, indicating Michael and himself, "have decided that voluntary confinement to DeGarde's CDU would be the best thing for you."

"What?" Anna screeched. "No fucking way I'm going to..."

"Mrs. LaCombe," Sonny said, as if Anna wasn't screaming. "I'm not as concerned with this DUI as I am concerned with saving your life."

"And how much is it going to cost to 'save my life,' fucking Drama queen?" Anna spat with as much venom as she could muster.

"DeGarde CDU is only twenty eight thousand for a twenty eight day stay; their Aftercare program is free," Sonny said.

"Twenty eight? That's a thousand a day!" Anna yelled.

"Please lower your voice, Mrs. LaCombe," Sonny said. "I'm glad you can do simple math. DeGarde CDU is actually one of the lesser expensive Chemical Dependency Units in the state."

"I got to quit drinking for twenty eight days?" Anna asked in a horrified whisper.

"I'm kind of hoping you'll do it for longer than that," Sonny nodded.

Danny wanted to slug Tony Clark. Here he was, having to run Scanduro Construction and Scanduro Realtors, as well as his own Scanduro Property Management, and Tony was offering him nothing but insult. That's what the offer was, an insult.

"Well, I figure that, with the parking deck right across the street, you hear it's going to have a covered walkway that goes from the third level across the street to the third floor of Abdul's? Your parking lot will be largely unused," Tony pointed out. "So, you can either hang onto it, or sell it. I don't figure you're going to have a whole bunch of people wanting an asphalt slab."

"Yeah, but, ten thousand?" Danny spat.

"Take it or leave it," Tony shrugged.

That was the first of the many deals that Tony Clark struck with Danny. Before he realized it, Scanduro Property Management no longer had any holdings of value and Danny had very little to show for it. On paper, his holdings had been valued at nearly three million but he had sold it all for less than half a million dollars. And thanks to Dad's legal fees and Anna's legal fees and treatment costs, DeGarde National Bank held more than half of that in outstanding loans.

"My Daddy and Mommy are fighting," Alicia said sadly as she and Tony sat at Radcliffe's, the exclusive restaurant in DeGarde.

"Oh?" Tony asked. "Not about you and me, huh?"

"No, Daddy still doesn't know, and Mommy says she's known all along that I was in love with you, so she's real happy about us," Alicia said.

Cindy and Danny were fighting about money. Danny had a payroll of twelve thousand a week for Scanduro Construction and nine thousand for Scanduro Realtors but no actual source of income for either company, he was strapped for cash. Ego, pride would not allow him to close the doors on any of the three businesses.

Anna bared her buttocks to Dr. Amber Istrey and winced as Dr. Istrey jabbed the syringe of Phenobarbital in.

"Ow!" Anna complained. "What the fuck was that?"

"Phenobarbital, can't have you going into DTs on us," Amber said easily and swabbed the injection spot with a sterile pad. "You can put your robe back down, I'm finished sweetie."

"Um, listen, I um, I'm only here because my fucked up lawyer and dickhead husband stuck my ass in here," Anna said.

"That's fine," Dr. Istrey said and pushed her thick blonde hair back as she scribbled her notes.

"I mean, what I mean is, I isn't going to be doing none of this shit, so we isn't got to worry about none of that 'Group' shit and no more of those fucking Phenobarbital shots, okay?" Anna said.

Amber put the pen down and smiled at Anna. Anna did not like the smile that doctor was giving her.

"Anna, may I call you Anna?" Amber asked, and then went on without waiting for an answer. "Whether you want to be here or not, you're here. And as long as you're here, you're going to do the Group shit; you're going to submit to shots, you're going to actively participate. And you're going to fucking like it, understand?"

Danny felt tightness in his chest and wondered if he was having a heart attack. His daughter, his precious Alicia was getting into the passenger seat of a Mercedes-Benz, obviously out on a date. And it was Tony Clark's Mercedes-Benz. If the tightness in his chest had not been present already, the sight of her head disappearing the moment Tony put the luxury car into drive would have done it.

"I do love the way you suck cock," Tony praised as Alicia wormed all of his erection into her throat.

He checked in the rear view mirror to make sure that Danny Scanduro was catching all of the action. He hefted one of Alicia's breasts and squeezed her throbbing nipple. She groaned and began sucking his cock all the harder. He increased the pressure to her sensitive nipple.

"Oh, fuck!" she grunted as she orgasmed from Tony's cruel pinching of her nipple.

"Here it comes, baby," Tony warned and she took the head of his cock back in her mouth. Moments later she held a mouthful of his semen, savoring the taste.

Michael LaCombe put the belt around his neck and needlessly held his breath. He did not know who had called the DeGarde Police Department and alerted them that the storage shed in the back yard was actually a hydroponics farm for marijuana, but they were carefully photographing the shed, inside and out and would soon be coming in to search the house. He wasn't going to go back to prison. The last time he'd been there, he'd been brutally raped nearly every single day.

"Aw, holy fucking shit," Charlie Villeaux, DeGarde Police Captain, said as he looked at Michael's lifeless body hanging from the ceiling fan in the master bedroom.

Alicia felt sick to her stomach as her father sobbed piteously. She couldn't deny where she'd been, or what she'd been doing. She'd expected her father to be mad; his dislike of Tony Clark was no secret, but his tears were cutting her to ribbons. Her mother, who had known of Alicia's dates with Tony, sat silently, eyes trying to communicate her support to her daughter.

"Uh uh!" Anna protested.

"So, fucking men for booze doesn't make you a hooker?" Dr. Istrey asked, the amusement evident in her eyes.

"No!" Anna protested again. "It isn't like I was fucking them for money or nothing!"

"Anyone else here make that distinction?" Amber asked, and Anna wanted to claw the pretty woman's eyes out.

Tony Clark warmly welcomed Kathy Villeaux back from maternity leave. To say that she was a bit disconcerted to meet her new boss, a complete unknown, was an understatement. Within the hour, though, she had warmed up to the young man.

Mrs. Villeaux, I may own the lion's share of DeGarde National Bank," Tony told her. "But I know who does the lion's share of the work around here. Those six tellers and the floor manager never stop, do they?"

"No, they don't," she smiled warmly.

"And the entire time you were out, by the way, congratulations, I understand it's a boy?" Tony went on.

"Yep, Charlie Junior," she beamed.