Bring 'em Back Johnny


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"Before your accident you told me you had what you called a revolutionary idea, and that you were going to test it at home. We now have ten months of data that says this is the biggest thing to happen in solar for... ever."

"Wow." I was surprised. I had no memory of what I had done, but I sort of remembered wanting to try something big.

"I need to get a team up here on Monday to reverse engineer this," Suzi said.

"Really, is it that important?" I asked, thinking she was getting way too excited over a minor engineering change.

"Assuming that the conversion costs aren't stupid this technology will save us oh... fifteen to eighteen million in reduced hardware just on the major systems orders that we currently have on the books."

"Fuck." That wasn't me, that was Ira, but I certainly agreed.

"Get them here then," I said. Suzi dialed a number.

"Damien, I know it is after hours but I need you to get your best team of four to reverse engineer the system at Mister Giffon's place in Junifield on Monday...

Yes, I know...

Forty two percent efficiency improvement...

Number four, number two, forty-two...

He doesn't remember after the crash...

I'll send you the data, bye."

Suzi disconnected and fiddled with her phone.

"I need another drink," she said, and I poured her one.

We sat in silence as she drank down the wine quickly. Then her phone rang.

"Hi Damien...

Yes, I did the data transfer myself...


Thanks, bye." She looked over at me.

"They'll be here at about ten on Monday and we will need to allow two or three days, just in case." I nodded.

"I'll make sure I'm here to let them in."

The driveway doorbell rang again to let us know that Susan was on her way up. I went in to get ready to dish up the meal, and then I went to meet her. Susan gave me a hug and a kiss and she walked inside with me.

"Something smells good," she said.

"I'd better dish up now," I said.

"I'll help."

Over dinner Susan chatted to Suzi and Ira, and unfortunately it was mostly about me. When I tried to object, they just ignored me, so I did the smart thing and stopped objecting.

After dinner the girls all did the dishes. I was excused because I had cooked. This gave them another chance to gossip and they had obviously made a plan when they emerged from the kitchen. I sipped a whisky as I watched the three of them play table tennis for a while and then Susan came up to me.

"Do you mind if we have a quick 'girls only' soak in the outside hot tub? Pleeease?" I smiled. It was nice to see them having so much fun.

"Go for it," I said, and they all squealed and ran out.

I turned the television on and saw there was a game of football. I wondered who was playing, and then I wondered who I supported.

Oh well.

The girls were gone for almost an hour, but I was enjoying watching the game, so that was OK. When they came back in bathrobes they were still grinning. Susan refilled my drink, and they all had one too and watched the game with me. The only thing I knew for sure about football after the match was done was that, having observed the girls all shouting excitedly at the television, the umpires are apparently always severely biased against the team that the person who is watching barracks for.

Finally, it was time for bed, and off we all went.

As soon as our bedroom door shut Susan dropped her robe (she had nothing on underneath) and she kissed me aggressively.

"I'm sorry I have been so distracted this week," she said, after we separated, "but I have been doing some serious preparation."

"What for?" I asked.

"You," she said, "I have finally mastered the audition piece and tonight I want the real thing."


"You know that huge dildo that Ricky Reynolds showed us?"

I was thinking, 'No, surely you didn't.' But I wasn't stupid enough to say that.

"Um... yes?"

"Well the day after he showed it to us, I went and got it from him."


"Yes, I decided I really want to be with you, and to do that properly I had to... err... match."

I was mentally kicking myself for doubting Susan's commitment to our relationship.

"I really didn't expect that," I said.

"Of course, I had to work my way up to it, I had a couple of steps first, but last night I finally managed it so..." I waited.


"Let's fuck." Susan jumped onto the bed and spread her legs. Despite her bravado I could see she was actually very nervous.

I smiled as I admired her tiny taut body. Susan's nipples were poking out proudly as she watched me with a good degree of trepidation.

"Strip," she said, and I nodded and then slowly stripped as she watched.

"Condom?" I asked, as my clothes dropped to the floor.

"Haven't found one that fits," she said, "and I really tried. You're clean unless you have had another partner since you got out of hospital and I was clear at my last medical and haven't had unprotected sex since then."


"Pill." I nodded, and decided that bareback was the way to go. Then I had a thought, she hadn't found the right size condoms.

"Audition piece?"

"Thoroughly sterilised." I nodded again.

My memory was patchy to say the least but some things, such as driving a car, seemed to just happen. Maybe they were reflex actions or something, but as we were both about to find out preparing to have sex fortunately fell into the same automatic action category.

When I had undressed, I went to the bed and the first thing I did was to lay down next to Susan.

"You are amazing," I whispered in her ear. "Beautiful and amazing."

She moaned softly as I nibbled her neck and my hand reached around to cup her breast.

"I want you to fuck me," she moaned. I guessed she wanted to get the anticipated 'bad part' over with, but I wasn't having any of that.

"I will," I promised, "but first I have to get you prepared right."

She turned to say something, but instead I kissed her, my tongue pressing gently into her mouth. The kiss became more and more passionate as my fingers gently manipulated her already firm nipple.

"Trust me," I said, as I slowly worked downwards.

I kissed her chin, and then her neck, and eventually I was at her breast, suckling gently as my hand moved across to manipulate her other nipple.

Susan moaned.

I crawled over her but continued to work on her nipples. She pushed her legs further apart as I kneeled between them.

Susan's eyes eventually glazed as her body shook from a small orgasm, and as she recovered, I kissed my way further down her body.

Susan moaned more as my tongue sought out her sensitive clit, and I licked and sucked her, slowly at first, but building up the pace as she bucked under my careful attention.

When Susan orgasmed a second time, I continued my oral attentions, but I also slowly inserted a finger into her incredibly tight opening. She may have managed the audition piece last night, but she was nowhere near ready for me yet tonight.

Susan's moans got louder as I built her up again. I worked my finger in and out slowly and sped up as her natural lubrication started to flow. Eventually I added a second finger as she loosened up, and I continued to increase the pace.

With a cry Susan came again, but I didn't let up. I added a third finger, opening her even further. Susan was gasping for air and moaning even more.

"Fuck..." she gasped and I grinned. 'Soon,' I thought, 'but not yet'.

I finally added a fourth finger and she gasped again but took it well. I slowly worked it in until I was pumping into her with my hand, right up to my thumb. It was a damn tight fit, but I knew I had to prepare her properly.

Susan screamed in ecstasy yet again, and her body squeezed my hand tightly as she writhed under me. She looked up hopefully and I smiled and nodded. I moved up so the tip of my by now very erect cock was in position, and then I firmly pressed forward.

"Oh fuck!" Susan cried in surprise as I slowly entered her, but I kept pushing until the head of my cock popped into her. Then I stopped and let her body adapt to the intruder.

Soon enough she nodded bravely, and I slowly started to stroke in and out. It took about ten minutes before Susan's pain and discomfort faded enough for her to actually start to enjoy the experience. Her yelps turned into gasps, then her gasps turned into moans and then finally her moans turned into cries of pleasure.

One thing that a good porn star needs to have is staying power, and from that night's performance I guess I must have been a good porn star. I fucked Susan through another two orgasms before I decided to up the pace and set myself up to finish. I couldn't get my full length inside her, but we got pretty darn close as I stroked in and out with increasing pace. Susan was screaming with ecstasy as I hammered into her and I timed it well and released my seed deep inside her as she screamed through her peak again.

I held her tight as we lay together, both of us sweaty and gasping for air, but both totally sated. I knew I could have gone again without too much effort but I decided not to as Susan was already going to be pretty sore after one round and I didn't want to make it any worse. I just cuddled her tightly and whispered how proud I was of her and we slowly let sleep take us. As I drifted off, I wondered how I could have possibly doubted Susan. She had always been looking after me from the moment I had regained consciousness after the crash.

I had the weirdest dream. Sally-Anne came to me to tell me some very strange things. She looked exactly like Vicki, but I immediately knew she was totally different inside. Better different too. She said that our time together was the highlight of her short life, but our destinies were always different. She said that of all the occupants in the car at the time of the accident I was the one who had the best opportunity to make the world a better place, and that I shouldn't squander my second chance at life. As the vision of Sally-Anne faded I asked her if Susan was the one for me. She smiled, said I already knew the answer to that and then she faded from my view.

When I woke Susan was looking at me expectantly.

"What?" I asked, and she giggled.

"I need to go to the loo but we are sort of glued to the sheets and I didn't want to wake you like that."

I pulled gently at the bedding, and yes, we were stuck. Susan giggled, then I giggled and soon we were laughing madly. I gripped the top sheet.

"One," I gasped.

"Two," Susan giggled.

"Three," we both said, and we tore the sheet off us.

I maintain that it hurt me more because I am much hairier, but either way we yelped as we ripped the crusted bed sheet off us, and then we just laughed harder. We peeled ourselves off the bottom sheet and headed to the en suite. Susan walked tenderly.

"You OK?" I asked and she grimaced.

"It was worth it," she replied, smiling.

"Definitely," I agreed.

"You know you fucked a half a virgin last night?"

"Half a virgin?" I was confused.

"Nothing has ever been that deep inside me before so..."

We laughed together. I had wondered if we would make love again but I thought I had better give Susan, my former half a virgin, a rest. She would let me know when it was time.

We cleaned up making good use of the double head shower, and then we dressed and headed out to the lounge. Suzi and Ira were outside on the deck, sipping a coffee and taking in the view.

"Morning ladies," I said, as we walked out. They turned to us, and then Suzy turned to Ira.

"See, I told you she was still alive." Ira grinned.

"Didn't sound like it last night," she replied.

"Damn its boss man," Suzi said to me, "what the hell were you doing to this poor little thing last night to make her scream like that? It sounded like you were using a baseball bat to..."

"Not far off it," Susan said, and the other girls looked at her warily.


"I told you last night that he's hung like a horse."

"Yes, you did," Suzi said, and I remembered why I had kept the porn star and the business man separate.

"Didn't you know he's..."

"I think that's enough," I interrupted and Susan looked at me.

"Oh shit," she said, "they don't know..."

"Don't know what?" Ira asked.

"Breakfast time," I said, and Suzi and Ira groaned.

"Susan, can you please help me?" I asked. Suzi and Ira groaned again.

"Now we'll never know," Ira said plaintively.

"Know what?" I asked teasingly, and Ira poked her tongue out at me.

Susan apologised profusely as we made breakfast, but I told her she had nothing to apologise for. I hadn't told her that I kept my porn star life totally separate from my business life because I hadn't actually remembered that I did. She couldn't be expected to know.

After breakfast Suzi and Ira headed off and Susan and I cleaned up. I was looking forward to a weekend alone with Susan, and I said so.

"There is one small problem," Susan said, "they've changed the shift system and I'm on nights next week.

"Nights?" I hadn't really considered that Susan worked shifts, but it made sense.

"I'm starting at eleven at night and finishing at seven in the morning. At the moment it's still weekdays, but they plan on changing that too." Susan didn't sound impressed.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"I should head home tomorrow and try to get my sleep during the day. I'm used to it so it's not too hard."

"So, we'd better make the most of today," I said.

"And tonight," she grinned. I couldn't have agreed more.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked.

"Do you want to go to the animal park near Highcanter? It's supposed to be really good."

"Why not, we can just hope we don't run into the girls there."

"There is one thing I want to... um... suggest first," Susan said, looking a little nervous.


"Would you consider calling your father?" I admit her asking that made me angry.

"Why the hell would I do that?" I asked. Susan looked embarrassed.

"Well, I thought the story you were told sounded really one sided, so I made a few inquiries. It looked a lot like there was a fair bit missing so I... um... I rang him last week."

I just looked at her. Knowing Susan there must have been a pretty good reason for her to follow up, so I just raised an eyebrow. She sighed in relief.

"Turns out the story you were told was mostly lies, but he went along with it because that was the only way you were going to get the inheritance from your grandfather."

"Inheritance?" I must have sounded dumb.

"It gave you the capital to start your company. The rest of this," Susan waved her arm around indicating the house, "was all money you made from that business."

I hadn't thought about how I started out financially, but it made sense that I had some sort of jump start.


"Your dad is a builder, and a very well-respected man too."

I thought for a bit, but I realised I was more curious than angry.

"Let's do it," I said, and Susan smiled.

"Hi Dave, this is Susan, Russell's friend."

"How are you Susan?" The voice sounded strong, but friendly.

"Good thanks. Russell is here, and we are on speaker."


"Umm... hi Dad?" I was nervous.

"Hi son, I hear you've been banging yourself up." He actually sounded concerned.

"Yes," I agreed, "and I'm sure Susan has told you I have no memories from before the accident."

"Yes, that's going to make things really difficult for us."


We spoke for a while but hedged around the hard topic of what happened between him and mum. My father suggested we needed to get together over a camp fire to really talk and I said I was happy to go along with that. When we compared schedules the only time we could arrange was Wednesday and Thursday nights of the coming week. Before that I had physio and the appointment with the Norman Freyer to look at my Bentley. After that dad was off to some international building standards conference in New Zealand. He suggested that we meet at the Hansard Mountain camping area for the couple of nights we had available. Being mid-week, we wouldn't have many, if any, neighbours and we could talk properly. As I didn't have my Ford and wouldn't be able to drive it even if I did, we set a time to meet in the outer car park. If the going looked too hard for my car we would transfer my gear to his 4WD and take that in the rest of the way. By the time we disconnected I was curious, but I didn't have the negative feelings that I had expected to have about him.

Susan and I had a great day at the animal park. They only had native animals, so we saw the famous ones, emus, kangaroos, koalas and wombats as well as lots of lesser known ones like Tasmanian devils, goannas, echidnas, platypus and some very exotic native parrots. The displays were amazing and informative too. On the way home we picked up some dinner so when we got back, we had nothing to do except fire up the hot tub and relax.

Then we made love.

It seemed to be a bit easier on Susan this time. I still worked hard to make sure she was well prepared before I entered her, and I still took it nice and slow until she had become accustomed to my size, and she still screamed out my name as she climaxed repeatedly over the hours that we took.

I'd like to think that I helped her to adapt to her new shift hours, because it was after seven in the morning before we finally fell asleep, and it was after midday before we woke up again. Susan shrugged, smiled and said she might leave after lunch, so we sat and ate together.

I was very sad to see her go. I liked having Susan with me. She was smart and fun, and she made me feel complete. But now, because of her strange shifts, we weren't going to see each other until the following weekend, and that seemed like forever away.

I spent the afternoon at a bit of a loose end. I went and looked at the solar management panel, but I just stared at it without understanding anything. I spent a bit more time on the internet looking at milking robots and then I jumped onto my company website and looked seriously at the detail of what we did. When I found something that I didn't understand (and there were plenty of them) I searched the internet for explanations. This actually worked well for me, because each time I read something technical I 'remembered' it. A couple of times I didn't remember what they were saying, and when I looked deeper there were alternate answers that I did remember. This was good, it told me I wasn't just believing what I was told and thinking they were memories, I was actually recognising things. I got so engrossed doing this that I just had cold lasagna from the fridge and kept going until I was too tired to get any more value, and then I went to bed. By that stage I felt I was getting pretty good at what I had apparently previously been amazing at. Oh well...

Monday morning saw Dana arrive, and we had a bit of a chat about what was going on for the week. When I said that I had had people in a guest room she lit up, saying she finally might feel like she was actually earning her money. I shook my head, again amazed that she couldn't see the value that she had been to me in my absence.

Damien and his team arrived shortly after ten and I showed them their rooms before they got their laptops and tablets out and plugged into my control panel. I must have been a nuisance, but I insisted that Damien tell me what they were doing and why at every step.

"Damn it boss," he finally said, "this feels so wrong."

"Why?" I asked.

"You taught me this stuff," he explained, "I remember you coming in to my Uni as a guest lecturer when I was just a green first year engineering student. Your talk was inspirational, and I decided then that I was going to do what you did."

"Really?" I asked, sad that I had no memory of something that important. Well, now I did but I had to be reminded first.