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"The engagement ring was my grandmother's, as you know—that stays with me. The wedding rings we gave each other: you can do whatever the fuck you want to with them. Melt them down, throw them away—shove them up your ass. They stood for our love and fidelity to one another, and we both know what that's worth now, don't we?"

I moved to the coffee table and picked up a beautiful glass vase, mostly clear but shining with bright blue and green highlights. "Remember this, Helen? From Venice, the fifth anniversary gift we bought one another. It was really too expensive but we both loved it, and it kind of became a symbol of how precious we were to each other."

I raised my arms high, then threw the vase to the floor with all my strength. Helen cried out in pain as it shattered into tiny pieces.

"Not worth keeping anymore," I said coldly. I turned and picked up two photo albums, tossing them into the fireplace.

"Our wedding album and our family album. All the precious pictures, all the memories of what we meant to one another. No need for them now, right Helen?" I bent and poured lighter fluid on them, then struck a kitchen match and set them alight.

Helen lurched suddenly towards the fireplace to stop me, crying out, "No!" But I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her back to the couch, where she collapsed, sobbing. We both watched the flames consume the albums, and I gently patted the pocket where I'd put the pictures of our daughters that I'd rescued from the family book. My memories of the girls were still precious to me.

In a couple of minutes both books were ashes. Helen was still sobbing, her face turned away from me.

"Okay, Helen, that's it!" I said briskly, clapping my hands. "Show's over, and it's time for you to go."

When she didn't move, I grasped her arm firmly and pulled her to her feet, leading her towards the front door.

"Wait, Rob, wait!" she said, struggling to free herself. "You can't just... throw me out of here!"

"Actually I can, Helen, and I'm going to."

Her face showed her pain and her fear. "Without a word from me? Without letting me...explain what...what happened?"

I stepped back, looking at her for a long silent moment.

"Helen—do you really believe that there's anything you can say, any possible explanation you can give, that will ease my pain and my hurt? Anything that will make your cheating, your total betrayal and humiliation of me, more bearable? Anything AT ALL that can make this better—or less awful?"

"But...I haven't even said why I ..."

"Do you think I fucking care WHY?" I shouted at her. "Will knowing WHY you did this make me feel better? 'Okay, it's all fine, now that I know what Helen's reasons are'—are you out of your mind?"

She just looked at me, haggard, frightened, distraught, without speaking. Then after another long moment she said, "but what about the girls?"

"I drove to see Linda and Ronnie over the weekend. They both know about your cheating, and that I'm divorcing you."

"Oh, NO!" she cried out, and collapsed to the floor in sobs. I watched her for a few minutes. My beloved wife; the mother of my children; my life partner; my best, most trusted friend for a quarter of a century.

Then I left her there, on the floor in the front hall, while I loaded her suitcases into the trunk of her car. When I came back inside she was sitting, hollow-eyed, looking at nothing. Without a word I pulled her to her feet and walked her outside to the car.

The key was sitting on top of the car, and I left her standing by the driver's side door. I contemplated the right parting words, but nothing came to mind. "Goodbye, Helen" seemed a bit insufficient for the situation, and "fuck you, you cheating cunt" a bit unoriginal.

So I just left her there. I went back into the house and locked the door behind me. Then I stood there, in the front hall, not moving. Not really thinking. Waiting to hear the sound of Helen's car driving away.

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AnonymousAnonymous13 days ago

Having a gun on the hip would have been far too much temptation (odd since I'm not violent or a gun owner).

Thanks ohio, 4th read I think.

somewhere east of Omaha

oldtwitoldtwit3 months ago

I like this, written in a forceful just so way, no frills about it.

Nice one

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Just chuck her in the fire with the albums and move on. Done and done. Cheating is bad enough. Doing it with multiple others is worse. Giving them all the things you won't give your husband is just... fuck how much worse can it get? :(

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Love that decisiveness, line up the ducks and pull the trigger. All the stars. Oh and love the fact the rats are put back in the cage.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Brought back memories. My wife, Carol, was very good friends with her boss, Fred who is 19 years younger than she is. She was approaching 50 but still looked mid 30's. Blonde hair, blue eyes and a nice trim figure with full B boobs. One day I called her office and was told she had left for the day with Fred. Something didn't seem right so I drove over to Fred's house where her car was parked out front. I parked up the street and went around to the side of the house. When I looked through the window, I got the shock of my life. Carol was standing in the living room, naked, except for her nylon panties. I watched as she walked over to a completely naked Fred, dropped to her knees and started sucking his cock. I was surprised to find that I was rock hard watching her suck on his cock and balls and swallowing which she had never done for me. They went into his bedroom so I changed windows and watched her suck him til he was hard enough to fuck her. When she got home, I told her what I saw and told her that, if she wanted to stay married she had to tell me everything. She had been fucking him for about 2 years. They never fucked in the office although she had given him several blowjobs there. I made her tell me every guy she'd fucked since we'd been married. She had fucked one other guy for about three months and had given one man 3 or 4 blowjobs. She had gone to lunch a few times with her old boyfriend and always sucked his cock and spent one afternoon in a motel fucking. We are still married and I'm pretty sure she has stayed faithful. We've had great sex as she would tell me about the guys she fucked.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I've enjoyed this a few times but was curious about the title. Was that in reference to 'dead meat'? It would be nice to know if your still around, perhaps writing more - thanks for the tales.

somewhere east of Omaha

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Alight does not mean to light a fire.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Sure does hurt Been there copped that Keep writing (jaybee186)

60022Mallard60022Mallard8 months ago

I wonder how many sex lives of middle aged couples are like that described by the MC?

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Too over-the-top. And Rob passed the psycho test for becoming a policeman? I don't think so.

KaeyoKaeyo12 months ago

What is with the LW fetish for “I must burn everything!”

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

These stories are all the same. Wife cheats, husbands wants all the sordid details... wife cooks big breakfast 🤣 🤣 🤣

TLHianhinTLHianhin12 months ago

The fact there was no sex should have made him suspicious. And he’s a cop!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I enjoyed this tale. It’s a good thing I didn’t write, tho. I’d have had the MC drag lover boy back into the house and thrown him into the shower with the whore. A much shorter story. I guess that’s one reason I’m not a writer. DMW aka Sumnut

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Another great learning experience missed. The reason why he didn't want to know the why was the same reason he got betrayed. He should check his daughters are actually his, just in case he's a real Bona fide cuck.

It was a good story, if a little tired, until the rushed end.

The rate of divorce for law enforcement professionals in the USA is by some estimates 75% as opposed to the national average of 50%. There are two seemingly good reasons for this (1) the job itself and (2) the kind of people that go into this profession. Plenty of gristle there to pad out the antagonists into real 3d characters.

But I can see that his lack of introspection will lead him towards a life of playing golf, maybe the occasional bit of boating and an equally but seemingly inexplicably boring sex life with his next partner.

mariverzmariverzover 1 year ago

Apoyo al anónimo...cómo diablos puede ser policía si lo han engañado toda la vida...? En mi país son corruptos, drogadictos, no respetan los derechos humanos., Cornudos, abusadores de poder.... Pero nunca sería. Actores porno!

EvelZombieEvelZombieover 1 year ago

Good story. Pretty sure legally she could get back into the home though. She has rights to the property no matter who's name is on the title. Other than that this is a good story so far

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

He should be fired from the Force for cause. His very own wife cheating on him since forever, and he never found out?!?! What a great Policeman!!! LOL

nixroxnixroxover 1 year ago

5 stars - I also do not care what the SLUT's reasons were.

She cheated - she got caught - she got kicked to the curb - end of story.

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