Bro, Your Girlfriend is Crazy! Ch. 09

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A story from the collected works of TVWintergreen.
2.8k words

Part 9 of the 9 part series

Updated 07/06/2024
Created 05/20/2024
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Marsie chewed the nail on her thumb as she read the messages on her phone that just kept scrolling and scrolling. It was a representative from the Goblin Noble House, Chimera. She closed the app, ignoring all the requests for her to stop immediately. She wanted to just forget she read all of that. Instead she switched to the experimental Sociomancy app that she had been gifted and framed Meru within the screen.

"Hmm." As she was thinking she tilted her head back only to see a green shade being cast over her face. With a wet smack her man's cock drooped over it, smearing her makeup as she shifted. She did not move, or try to move it. She let out a sigh and idly smooched the member, leaving a peach lipstick mark. It was so long that it covered the length of her face and was in the process of dripping between her cleavage.

"What's wrong, baby? Don't like your new pet?" The man asked, patting her on the shoulder with his heavy hand.

"It's not that, daddy, it's just that my rep is getting on my case about it. This beastfolk belongs to another girl and they always bend over backwards to not do anything to annoy her or make her mad. It's stupid. She's not that strong. I read the files." Marsie claimed.

The man chuckled. "We can orc her, baby. Don't you worry. If it's a woman she won't stand a chance. My girl gets what she wants!"

Marsie smiled, grabbing his cock at the base and nuzzling it a bit. "Mmm. Better than a space-heater. It's practically steaming. She licked up the length and he moved forward, letting his balls drape over her eyes. As she was about to stuff her other hand between her thighs she heard her man say something.

"She's staring like she wants something."

Marsie sat up, still holding the cock in her hands. She lifted her phone with Meru framed in it and smirked.

"Oh, you want this?"

"N-no!" Meru shook his head.

"I'm n-not gay..." He pouted in a manner that Marsie thought to be adorable.

Her eyes narrowed as she giggled. "Oh of course not, sweetie, you're a girl. It's not gay to like cock if you're a girl."

Meru eyed her defiantly. "Yes it is. It's super gay, even if you're a girl." He stuck out his tongue at her, cheeks flushed.

Marsie sat up suddenly and let go of her man's cock. She leaned forward. "No it's n- Ugh, what am I even arguing for, you obviously enjoy it enough so who're you to talk, sweetie?" She smirked, eying his mental state in her app. It was telling her everything she needed to know about how he was feeling. She felt immense satisfaction as he prepared to deny it vehemently while his arousal levels in response to her man's massive member were so, so high.

"N-no! I don't! I like Kaid and Mel!" Meru argued.

Her bunny ears perked. "Eh? Who's Kaid?"

"He's a Gnoll..." The Aniyub blushed.

She stared at Meru in disbelief. "Oh... So you like a guy? You're talking about stuff being gay, are you stupid?"

Meru threw his head back in frustration, his ears standing straight up as he argued. "It's not gay if it's between bros!" There was a silence that hung over the warehouse as Marsie and her man stared at Meru blankly. Then the two started cackling.

Marsie pointed, holding her stomach. "What the fuck does that mean?"

The orc wiped a tear and added. "Hey, we can be bro's."

Meru gulped and stared at the orc's member hungrilly. The beastfolk licked his lips and asked hesitantly.

"W-we can? But you kidnapped me. I'm a hostage. You got me all tied up and you did a bunch of stuff to me earlier." He uttered some very good points. Marsie and her man exchanged a look. Marsie winked.

"Well, that was just a prank, bro." The orc stated.

"Huuuh?" Meru's jaw dropped. He was stunned.

"Are Mel and Kaid in on this!?"

Marsie covered her mouth with her hand to avoid showing her smile as she said. "Pfft. Y-yeah. Totally in on it. Got you, dude. You should've seen the look on your face."

Meru paused, looked down, then his lips curled up into a smirk. He shook a little then threw his head back and laughed. The orc shrugged and walked up to him, untying his bonds. He gave the beastfolk's head an exploratory pat on the head between his big ears. They twitched in response and he could not help but think it was pretty cute. Meru looked over his shoulder, his round, feminine face and flushed cheeks arousing the orc immensely as he asked

"Bro, what academy you go to? You Letter?" It was the terminology for the letters associated with fraternity clubs where mostly straight things happened all of the time.

The orc looked to Marsie, a bead of sweat rolling down his brow. The scenario had moved far beyond his range of expertise. She shrugged at him and just made a rolling motion with her hands. The orc, feeling put on the spot, nodded and offered Meru a nod.

"Yeah, yeah. I go to LKA, my frat is... Alpha... Sigma... Sigma?"

"Woah! A.S.S? I eat at A.S.S all the time with my other bro's. Never seen you before, you pledge?"

"Yeah..." The orc looked completely lost.

"Did you just say you ear at-"

Meru laughed. "Oh my god, you're a pledge at A.S.S, bro? That's so fucked up. That means you gotta get hazed. I help with that sometimes since I'm seasoned at my letter, too." Meru turned around on his knees and stared at the orc's cock lovingly.

The orc furrowed his brow. "What's that involve?"

"Y-yeah yeah..." Marsie leaned in.

"What's that? Tell me!" She was intrigued and entranced by how insane Meru was, and if it was just an act or if he was always like this.

Meru grabbed the orc's cock at the base and leaned in. He opened his mouth wide and began to circle the large head with his tongue while staring up with a smug expression.

"Give up any time you want, bro. All A.S.S members gotta go through this~"

The orc looked at Marsie with a gaze that told her he was wondering if the beastfolk boy was fucking with him, and that they had actually become the captives. Something strange was happening. For one, Meru's tongue was so, so good at getting under the ridge in the orc's helmet. He twitched and began to grow hard. Marsie stared back and just urged him to go along with it.

"Still haven't had enough? It only gets worse from here, haha." Meru smirked and sucked the head fully between his lips with some effort. His whole mouth was widened in an o, and his eyes were just as open, shocked that it fit. He reached under the orc's cock and began massaging his balls.

The orc took a deep breath, closed his eyes, centred himself and withstood it for as long as he could before just grabbing Meru's head at the back and pulling him hard over his member. The boy gagged, one eye opening while the other lidded. As he pulled his head back once the orc allowed he gasped.

"W-what the hell, bro!? Part of the pledge is you're supposed to be gentle!" Meru argued.

The orc stared at him sternly. "When's the last time you were down there?"

"Uhh... Like a month, maybe? Definitely within a month." Meru stated.

The orc's eye twitched. It was too short of a time, and the beastfolk would have to be stupid or crazy to believe his lie, but he went for it anyway.

"It... uh... changed. Basically we got a new way of getting hazed. I gotta endure being a little rough with you even if I don't want to." There was no way that would work.

Meru just shrugged. "Sucks to be you. I can tell by how much you're restraining yourself that this must suck. Well, okay, since you played such a funny prank I'll help you out, bro. Getting into A.S.S is a big deal so just pay it forward. Bro's helping bro's. He lifted his fist. The orc stared at it and felt strange.

"What? You'd do that for me? You don't even know me..."

"Bro, we're both letters. It's chill." Meru made the fist bump blow up as it connected.

Arkan was a believer. He was a staunch believer in the ideology and therefore fully believed that there were no men other than orc men, and that all of the other species were girls, whether they knew it or not. His heart softened at Meru's wild gesture. What he saw in front of him shaked his belief because despite how strange the beastfolk acted, the spirit he presented was that of a true man among men. He exuded the qualities, but not just that; he seemed to practise them whole-heartedly without even thinking. Meru was not just a man, he was an exceptional man. Therefore, Arkan could feel himself losing the will to take advantage of him.


"Hey!" Marsie gritted her teeth and approached him.

"Baby, listen it's-"

"Don't baby, me! 'Haze' this twink the way you're supposed to!" She ordered.

"Oi! Who's in charge here, me or you!?" The orc snapped.

"Last I checked you're still a-" A shiver ran down his spine as her neck cocked hard to one side, her cute bunny ears drooping. A wide smile crossed her lips with her deep red eyes centering on his shaky, drab green pupils. The aura she exuded was intense. While shaking from rage she lifted her phone towards him and did a few swipes and a few clicks. Arkan blinked, becoming rock hard again at the sight of the beastfolk.

"W-what did you-" He gulped as she rested a hand on his bicep and squeezed. All he could think as he felt her grip is that she was very, very strong. Arkan began to sweat.

She offered sweetly while stepping back towards her seat. "We'll talk about your position in this gang after you're done hazing this guy, 'daddy.'" She sat back down, crossed her arms, then crossed one leg over the other. She stared at him harshly.


"Fuck..." Arkan grunted.

"Something wrong, Bro? You need mental I got that too. I got you, anything you need. I'm a vet in the letters." He offered earnestly.

"Uhh, yeah. Maybe later. You sure you're good with this, bro?" Arkan asked cautiously as he turned Meru around and bent him forward at the waist. He grabbed a hold of one of the beastfolk's slender wrists and held it hesitantly. He was extremely aroused and was holding back out of sheer will.

Meru shook his ass back and forth. "If it'll help you out."

The orc breathed and pushed his saliva-slick cock into Meru's waiting rear. He saw that he wasn't a virgin, there. In fact, it looked like Meru had been fucked recently, just by a much more humble member. That was saying something, considering Kaid's size, but Arkan was just that much bigger. As he pushed in, Meru squeaked.

"Haii~" her tail wagged rapidly and his ass lifted as he stood up on his toes and bent down even more. Arkan grunted and placed his other hand under Meru's belly, pulling his torso back up while pulling him back by his wrist with his other hand. His cock filled Meru entirely, pressing on his sensitive spot inside so intensely that the beastfolk almost came just from having Arkan inside of him. He began moving his hips insistently back over the orc member.

"H-holy-" he panted.

"S-so big~"

Arkan couldn't take it anymore. He let Meru stay up on his toes as he just began pounding him. He only acted to keep his back straight so that he was able to penetrate the small body cleanly and without much friction. It was necessary with such a delicate thing. Arkan breathed heavily as he cock began to twitch and throb from the attention Meru's tight, warm hole was giving it.

"I-I can like, feel your heartbeat through it, bro~ It's so massive it's like we're connected~" Meru moaned.

"I still have no clue if you're fucking with me..." The orc grunted.

"You're tense, you must really hate being hazed~" Meru offered excitedly.

"But seriously, your cock is so much better than-" He stopped himself, eyes widening as he covered his mouth with the hand he had control of. He was about to say something he shouldn't and Arkan could tell.

"Better than..." As Arkan trailed off, Meru shook his head vehemently. The orc pushed in deeper than he had before. The thicker middle portion of his cock finally made it through and pushed apart the walls where Meru's m-spot was. The Aniyub squealed, his legs shaking and losing strength as he came hard from his own twitching member that had not been given any attention even once during the encounter. He was only supported by Arkan's strong, muscular rod, essentially, as the orc leaned forward over his small frame and asked close to his twitching ear.

"Better than?"

"K-Kaid... My best bro." Meru admitted in throws of pleasure.

"Your cock is, like, so much better than Kaid's!" He exclaimed again as the thick cock remained in the same spot, stimulating the boy with just it's throbbing presence. He felt close to coming again. His mouth fell open, along with his tongue falling out over his bottom lip, saliva drooling down it from the tip. His ears fell forward and drooped as he struggled and wriggled in place.

"Nng... Hah... Hah..." Meru's eyes rolled back as another orgasm came just from the heavy beat of the orc's heart transferring to him through the thick vein.

"H-holy fuck... I'm losing my mind.... I'm c-cumming so much... I'm gonna get addicted!" He squealed.

With that Arkan busted inside and sent his load deep into Meru's insides, warming him. He pulled out slowly, panting and sweating and staring down at the slender back. His opinion still hadn't lessened of the beastfolk. Meru was still, in his mind, a perfect bro. The circumstances were just unfortunate.

"M-maybe in a better time and place... I could've-"

There was a sudden popping sound, then a red misting that rose up in the warehouse before raining down. Marsie looked up, shaking.

"H-huh? D-daddy?" She brought her gaze down as she outstretched her hand. It was blood. Definitely blood. She rested her eyes on the beastfolk that had fallen forward, passed out. She then saw behind him, looking down with a nonplussed expression, Melody. She was covered in red. She stood where Arkan stood originally, but there was no trace of him except for his feet which were still in place where he stood. The rest was spread out over every wall of the warehouse.

Melody inhaled deeply, then exhaled. "Hoooooooh." She rolled her shoulder and walked over to Marsie slowly, step by step the girl began to panic and try to get away. She fell back, her chair tilting over. She landed on her back with Melody standing over her. She held her phone up and centred Mel desperately in the app's framing. Error began to flash. It showed mental state and emotions and usually those were complex with many different feelings woven in. What Marsie saw flash over every section were just two words repeated over and over.


Mel slicked her brown hair back as it soaked with blood, then knelt down as Marsie wetted herself once the girl got close. She took Marsie's phone gingerly, turned it around and looked at it. Wordlessly, Mel clicked through, then turned it around and highlighted the messenger. There was a new message. Mel pointed to it.


Mel smiled at Marsie's confused reaction. She went into her pocket and pulled another Fennek phone out that was covered in blood. She began typing. Marsie's eye shifted to her own screen as she saw the typing indicator light up from the messaging appy. She gulped as Mel finished and another message popped up.

[It's too late. We're all dead. (Couldn't think of something more clever) Melody~<3]

Marsie looked up at Mel past her phone and as the girl smiled with a venomous sweetness, Marsie passed out.

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