Brock and Judy Ch. 04


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Judy and I re-connected with each other in a way we hadn't been able to back home over the next ten days. We made tender, caring love to each other for the first five nights of our cruise. I used her like a slut the sixth night when I found her kneeling naked beside our bed after having gone for some Champagne to celebrate our restored relationship.

It was on the eighth day of the cruise when things livened up for us even more. I was swimming laps in the ship's outdoor pool while Judy sunbathed in her new one piece bathing suit. I had just finished my final lap and stood up to walk up the steps out of the pool when I saw a beautiful black woman lean over from the chaise lounge beside Judy's and kiss Judy passionately on the lips. I stood and watched as Judy returned the kiss. My cock began to harden in my trunks, so I began walking toward them as casually as I could. When they broke their kiss, Judy saw me and pointed me out to the woman who had been kissing her. The black woman stood and I finally realized how tall yet beautiful she was. At least 6' 2" tall, supermodel beautiful face, breasts larger than Judy's, a flat stomach, broad hips, and a J-Loesque butt, she literally ran to me and swept me up into her arms and began trying to kiss me while I sputtered in protest before giving in and allowing her to kiss me. Her kiss for me was just as passionate as the one she had given Judy. After she stopped kissing me, she began to talk with the same East Tennessee accent that Judy and I had.

"Hello Brock, your beautiful wife said I needed to convince you before we could play together! I've wanted to make love to you both since I saw and heard you all talking together the other night in the casino. Please Brock, let's go back to my cabin and make love to each other. Judy told me you've never fucked a black woman before and I want to be your first."

How could I refuse a woman that was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, could manhandle me with such ease, and had already gotten my sexy wife all worked up while I was swimming in the pool? I did have the presence of mind to ask her name.

"I'm Samantha White and I think you know my momma, Janine White."

"Mrs. White, my first grade teacher, is your mother? How is it that we've never met before?"

"Oh, we've met before but you don't remember it. I was six years old and I and momma ran into you at the supermarket when you were fourteen. You haven't changed a bit since then, but I sure have. You were the first boy I ever had a crush on and now you're here and my dreams are about to come true! Please Brock, let's hurry down to my cabin and you can do anything you want to this black body!"

Judy and I linked our arms around each other's waists and followed Samantha down into a section of the ship we hadn't been in before. Samantha unlocked the door to her cabin and stood aside so that Judy and I could enter. Samantha gathered both of us into her arms and began trying to kiss us both at the same time. I'm not quite sure how she did it, but she had Judy and me naked against her in only a few minutes.

"Judy told me you always get to go first when the two of you share a woman, Brock, so hurry up and undress me so we can start enjoying each other's bodies on the bed!" Samantha breathed into my ear.

"No, this vacation is for Judy to enjoy so I'll watch while the two of you enjoy each other first!" I replied before turning to Judy and giving her a passion filled kiss. I retreated to an armchair that was conveniently placed against the wall across from the foot of the bed.

I watched as Samantha and Judy kissed each other as their hands roamed all over each other's bodies. The differences in color as the black hands of one caressed the white body of the other and vice versa were the most erotic thing I had ever witnessed. Judy could only relax and allow it to happen when Samantha picked her up and carried her to the large round bed that dominated the room. Samantha laid Judy on the edge of the bed so she could stand beside her and still have her mouth and hands reach Judy's body. Samantha didn't seem shocked from the three scars that adorned Judy's body and began kissing all over Judy's body as her hands kneaded Judy's breasts. I heard Judy moan in pleasure as the black goddess beside the bed dropped her mouth to her left breast and begin suckling on the rigid nipple atop it. Judy arched her ass off the bed when Samantha stuck her long index finger into her pussy and began to moan louder as the finger plunged in and out of her dripping wet sex. The myriad of colors that were located around her mound was breathtaking. Judy's blonde hair over her sex, the pinkness of her labia as they gripped the black digit that was pumping between them, the whiteness of her upper thighs above the brown tan line from where her bathing suit had been drove me over the edge in excitement and I shot my seed all over my belly without ever having touched my cock; something that hadn't happen since I had my last wet dream at the age of sixteen.

When Samantha dropped her mouth down to Judy's clit and sucked on it, Judy came with the loudest scream I had ever heard come from her lips. My cock hadn't gone soft after my climax so I arose from the chair and walked up behind Samantha and began rubbing its hardness between the cheeks of her ass. Samantha bent her knees a little, reached between her legs, grabbed my dick, and placed it to the entrance of her own wet tunnel before she pushed back and engulfed my turgid rod with one hard shove. We began thrusting against each other hard and fast from the very start and Samantha came on my cock after only ten minutes of our furious fucking. I knew it would be a while longer before I came so I stopped pumping my cock into her when she slowed then stopped.

"Judy scoot over so I can lie down beside you then we can go again." Samantha stated out loud.

Judy moved over to the left edge of the bed and Samantha lay down in the middle.

"Put that beautiful cock back inside my cunt and fuck me like a whore, Brock! Judy, I need that gorgeous pussy of yours plastered over my face and mouth! Use me, both of you, use me! I need to be used like a cheat, black whore down on Bourbon Street!"

Judy and I rushed to comply with Samantha's orders. I helped Judy to straddle Samantha's face reverse cowgirl before I slammed my cock back into her hot snatch. Judy rode Samantha's face while I pounded her pussy as hard and fast as I had ever done Judy's. Judy came first from Samantha's mouth and tongue on her snatch followed by Samantha and me at the same time, only the third time I'd ever came at the same time as the woman and the first with a woman other than my wife. Judy and I cuddled up with Samantha's beautiful black body and went to sleep as she held us close. We awoke two hours later and Samantha made us promise to come to the piano lounge at 10 PM that evening. Judy and I returned to our cabin and I fucked her like I had Samantha earlier. We took another nap together so we'd be able to be at the piano lounge at ten.

Judy and I arrived at the entrance to the piano lounge at ten minutes to ten and I could tell that it was packed with other passengers. We started to turn away and head back to our cabin when one of the ships male crew members stopped us and escorted us to a table with a reserved sign on it dead center of the stage. At ten promptly a man dressed in a tuxedo walked to the center of the stage.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I hope you have enjoyed the cruise so far. I don't want to prolong your wait any longer so would you please welcome straight from New Orleans, here is Miss Dominique Devereux!"

The curtain opened as a group of musicians began to play and the most beautiful voice I could ever remember hearing began to sing. A beautiful black woman with blonde hair walked out of the shadows as she continued to sing her opening song. I didn't realize who it was until she was all the way to the front of the stage and in the spotlight. Samantha stopped and looked directly at Judy and me as she finished her song.

"Hello, all you beautiful people out there tonight! I hope you enjoy my little performance and hope you'll come back and see my performance tomorrow night. I promise that it'll be bigger and better than tonight's as we close out this wonderful cruise. I want to dedicate tonight's performance to two wonderful people who in only a day have found a special place in my heart! Brock and Judy, tonight is for you!"

Samantha gave a small nod to the musicians and began her second song after the music had begun. She sang for the next forty five minutes and all the songs that I recognized were about love and special relationships. She sang a couple of songs in French and a couple in Spanish was the only reason I didn't recognize them.

"My last song is for a very special man who has made a long time dream come true! I can't tell you all his name, but I'm sure he knows who he is!"

Samantha sang her last song in French, but I knew the music well enough to know the song; Dolly Parton written and Whitney's signature song "I Will Always Love You". I got emotional as tears came to my eyes and Judy reached to take my hand. We sat holding hands with tears streaming down both our cheeks as Samantha back pedaled holding the last note until the curtain fell. The room erupted with applause as the other passengers sprang to their feet for a standing ovation. She didn't answer the curtain call that the audience was yelling for.

Judy and I had finally stood after regaining our composure. Judy leaned in and whispered into my ear.

"I think you've capture the heart of another beautiful woman, my darling husband! I remember when you thought you wouldn't be able to capture the heart of any woman, but now you have the hearts of three of the most beautiful women you've ever met! I'm the one who's going to have to watch you in public or you'll have the hearts of all the beautiful women we meet! I love you so much Brock and I hope you know that!"

"Yes Judy, I know how much you love me and I hope you know how much I love you! I didn't plan for any of this to happen and I hope you know that also! No matter what happens you were and always will be my first love! I forgot that for a little while, but I'm back now and ready to keep my promise to you! Let's go back to the cabin and enjoy ourselves in the bed for the next couple of hours!"

"Oh yes, my dear hubby!" Judy breathed in my ear.

We headed toward the exit but were stopped by that same crew member and he asked us to follow him backstage to meet Ms. Devereux. I held my tongue not telling him we'd already met Ms. Devereux and Judy and I followed him backstage. He led us to a red door with a big white star on it, knocked once, opened the door, turned and walked away.

Samantha was sitting at a well-lit dressing table in a big, fluffy white robe and I was stunned again by the contrast in colors and her undeniable beauty. She turned to the left so she could see Judy and me from where she was sitting. Her smile was so big and bright it would've lit up the room by itself if the lights around the dressing table weren't so bright.

"Hello, my babies! How are the two most precious people I know doing? I hope you enjoyed my show and will come back for tomorrow night's grand finale! I wish I'd seen you all sooner, we could have had so much excitement the last couple of weeks to last us all a lifetime! Will you please go back to my cabin with me and stay the rest of the night? I promise you won't be disappointed!"

I looked at Judy and she nodded her head yes so I answered Samantha's question by walking over to her, bending down, and giving her a tongue wrestling kiss as I groped her big, black left breast until the nipple atop it was rock hard. I could hear the moan of pleasure and need from Samantha's throat. Judy had walked over and begun running her right hand up and down Samantha's back through the robe. Samantha pushed me away from her when she needed to take a deep breath from our kiss.

"Let me finish getting my make-up off and get dressed and we'll go to my cabin! My pussy is already wet in anticipation of being filled with your thick hard cock, Brock and I can't wait to get my mouth on that gorgeous pussy of yours Judy! Please wait outside the door so you won't distract me and I'll be able to get ready quicker! I think I've fallen for both of you and don't know if I can control myself If you stay in here with me any longer! Please wait outside and I promise I'll hurry!"

Judy and I both nodded and went back out into the hall to wait. Samantha came out ten minutes later in a very plain dress and with her naturally black hair corn rowed on her head. She took Judy's and my hands into one of hers and pulled us down the corridor toward the interior of the ship. She turned right after twenty feet and pulled us down a short corridor to a closed door. I saw that her cabin door was directly opposite the door she opened and she hustled us across the hall into her cabin. The three of us enjoyed the most enjoyable but intense nights of sex that I'd ever been a part of. Samantha was insatiable and Judy and I were both exhausted much sooner than she was. We again fell asleep with Samantha between us and Judy and I pulled in tight against her black body by her extremely strong arms. I watched as they pleasured themselves one last time the next morning and was a bit concerned when my dick remained soft through the entire experience. I hoped I would at least recover enough before night fall to make love to the woman I again loved more than anything or anyone in the whole world, my children included. I had begun to feel a tiny bit of regret for the scars that I had put on Judy's body and vowed to myself to never lose control like that again.

Judy and I returned to our cabin and slept most of the day away in each other's arms. We did attend Samantha's last show and it was an even bigger production than the previous evenings had been. She had two each of male and female backup singers and they performed for an hour and a half with Samantha answering that night's curtain call and singing her final song from the other night's performance but this time in English. She threw me a single rose before she started her backpedal so the curtain could close. Judy refused to take it when I offered it to her with tears of happiness in her eyes. We respectfully declined Samantha's offer for us to join her again that night in her cabin and she understood when I explained that I wanted to spend the last night of the cruise making love to my beautiful wife.

Judy and I made love to each other when we had returned to our cabin and went to sleep in each other's arms both knowing that our love for each other was stronger than ever. We returned home and told Gwen about everything we had done on the cruise including our time with Samantha. Gwen's parents kept the kids that weekend and Judy and I tried to duplicate with Gwen that fierce night of sex and love we had shared with Samantha. All three of us were exhausted from our physical activity around 3 AM on that Sunday morning and again slept past the break of dawn in our king sized bed. Gwen had no problem with mine and Judy's short, but intense affair with Samantha and we used the re-telling of our sexual romps with her to spice up the sex between the three of us for the next few months. Our lives returned to normal for a family that consisted of two women and one man living together and raising the woman's, not married to the man, children that he had fathered. I thought that life couldn't spring anymore surprises on me, but I would be proven wrong in thinking that only a few short months later. That will have to wait until the next time I write though.

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TornadoTysTornadoTysalmost 11 years ago
Blackmailing !

Author never mentioned what Larry was using to blackmail Judy !

Surely after the 1st affair Judy had and people new about it as there was a pay out from the company. What could he possibly have on her ! ?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
This is what happens to Brock

He wakes up on the the side of a dirt road with his testicals in his mouth and bound with barbed wire. Judy with Samantha's help do this. And Gwen gets a little punishment too. Brock is a complete scumbag. Unless he goes down in flames I will never read again. 1 star.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
What a Fuckhead

I realize this is a fiction site, but the authors male lead is nothing but a psychopath. No stars

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

This guy or girl can actually write but it is just too bizarre and weird to enjoy. I get a very creepy feeling every time I read a Mikoli story these days. I'm not saying the writing is bad, just that there is something really creepy about his/her characters and it gives me the heebie jeebies!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

One sick person. Too bizarre. You have talent. Shame it is misguided

frontlinecasterfrontlinecasteralmost 11 years ago

One stare, violence like that towards a woman is never justified, nor is keeping her in line based on fear or threats of death. The protagonist is a psychopath and the author seems to want to glorify him and has some truly fucked up ideas about what is and isn't okay in a marriage. Not to mention these stories are all the same and the descriptions of sex get boring and repetitive. Seriously, just stop.

JounarJounaralmost 11 years ago
1* just to out there

Once again your characters actions make zero sense and it hurts the story.

Judy gets blackmailed into having sex with Larry for the most stupid reason I'v ever heard off. So all Larry had to do was threaten to bankrupt the company and Judy is giving him handjobs and sneaking around behind Brock's back? What possible reason would she have to give in to Larry? Why would she not just tell Larry to fuck off or tell Brock about it? Hell, its not like she could even think Brock would only just kick her twice cheating ass out if he caught her cheating on him again after what he did the last time and all the threats he's made.

Gwen seems to go along with Brock cutting up Judy very easily like its the most normal thing in the world not to mention both her and Judy don't seem to bothered to be involved in the murder of Larry. And as for Brock, why the hell would he keep Judy around after she's twice cheated on him?

Again like in most of your stories the personalities of the characters change completely from one page to the next.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 11 years ago
Strange Indeed

Although this was a well written tale, it is pretty far-fetched. Actually that's a positive because it means you have a great imagination. Keep writing. Just get rid of this wife-beating Brock character. Do all of us a favor.

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