Brooke's Wild Ride Ch. 01


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Mallory stood in the middle of her lair, arms crossed as she watched Brooke's reaction with an amused smile. She'd changed into a simple white tank top and jean shorts, her feet encased in a pair of bright pink bunny slippers. The cosplayer turned to see which one Brooke was pointing at, and nodded. "That's Asuna, from SWORD ART ONLINE. Starts out good, but the story really falls apart later on. Great costumes, though."

Brooke looked back and forth between the poster and Mallory. "I bet you'd look great in that dress!"

Mallory beamed with pride. "I *know* I would — I won Best Under 18 at Anime Horde two years ago, doing exactly that cosplay." Seeing Brooke's confused expression, Mallory continued. "Anime Horde's a nerd convention, held over in the midwest every summer. I've gone every year since I was twelve."

"How many people go to that?" Brooke leaned in closer, looking at all the little details on that costume.

"Last year it was up to about twenty thousand or so. It's a lot of fun, but since you don't watch any anime, you'd probably be bored."

Brooke stood back up, suddenly imagining herself wearing a skimpy costume and being surrounded by a sea of eager boys... and thoughtful girls. "I don't know, it sounds like it could be pretty lit. Oh wow, who's THAT?" The next poster showed a very beautiful young man with a charming smile, a pompadour haircut, and a school uniform jacket festooned with a dozen outlandish accessories. He was striking an exaggerated pose, his hands spread out in front of him.

Mallory walked over, fanning herself with one hand and grinning broadly. "Oh, you have excellent taste. That, my pretty little cheerleader, is the extremely sexy Josuke Higashikata." She paused. "Before you say anything, you can just call him 'Jojo' for short. He's the hero of JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURES, PART FOUR: DIAMOND IS UNBREAKABLE, and he is totally my 'husbando'."

"Your... what?" Brooke was still trying to remember how to say "Josuke Higashikata" correctly.

Mallory smirked. "My husbando. It's a slang term in anime fandom for..." she shrugged, and switched gears. "If he was a real guy, I would make it my life's mission to track him down, and ride him like a jackhammer until neither of us could move for a week. And then I'd bang him again, because he's perfect."

Brooke nodded. "Ooooooooh. Well, he IS really pretty... it's funny, though; he, like, kinda reminds me of Prince!"

"It's funny that you say that," Mallory said, looking at Brooke in a new light. "The artist who created Josuke specifically based him on Prince. He does all kind of music references in his work. Good eye, Brooke!

Beaming at the praise, Brooke set herself down on the edge of Mallory's bed. "So, how do we do this?"

"Well, first I need to take your measurements." Mallory took a step over to a work bench, and lifted up a measuring tape.

"Oh! Cool, gimme just a second." Brooke leapt to her feet, pulled off her top, threw it behind her on the bed, and reached for her skirt.

"Ah, Brooke..."

"Hold on, almost done! Sorry it's taking so long!" Brooke slid her skirt and panties down her legs in one quick motion, and turned around to face Mallory again, in all her naked glory. "Ta-dah!"

Mallory stood there non-plussed. "Brooke, you didn't have to strip."

"But wouldn't my clothes, like, get in the way of getting the best measurements, because of the fabric thickness or something?"

Her eyes rolling, the cosplayer just muttered "Roll with it, Mallory," to herself, and got to work, expertly moving the measuring tape around Brooke's body, and taking notes along the way.

"Okay, that's a... thirty four inch chest... Brooke, what cupsize is your bra?"

"Oh, I didn't wear one!"

Another quiet laugh, another headshake. "Yes, I can see that. But in general, I mean."

Brooke cupped her hands underneath her small breasts. "I hardly ever wear one! Don't really need the extra support, y'know?"

Mallory rubbed the bridge of her nose, glancing down at her own small-breasted self. "Yes, unfortunately, I *do* know. Brooke... if you *had* to wear a bra, and you wanted to wear a size that fit you, what cup size would you need? B? A?"

"Oh! Sorry about that." Brooke let her hands fall to her waist, swinging them back and forth in an idle gesture. "Mmm, pretty sure I'm an A."

"Christ, I must be a Negative-A, if that's the case." Mallory grumbled, and dropped to her knees. "Hold still, I need to..." She stopped, and looked up. "...You shaved your pubic hair into a heart shape."

"I know, isn't it awesome?" Brooke reached down and flicked a finger through the edge of that sculpted tuft. "I love shaving, it makes me soooo sensitive — but I also love making it look, like, super cute. I'd dye it pink, it if wasn't such a bother."

"Of course you would." Shaking her head again, Mallory went about her work.

"Ooo, that tickles! Watch those hands, naughty girl!" When Mallory looked up at that, Brooke shot her an exaggerated wink.

"You're a hoot, you know that, blondie?"

Brooke responded by folding up her arms and flapping her hands like they were wings. "Hoot! Hoot! I'm a cute little owl! Hoooooo!"

Mallory just rolled her eyes and laughed. "Never a dull moment with you around, Brooke, that's for sure." She went back to her measuring, taking a few last notes. "Aaaaaaand that's done." Mallory stood up, dusting off her knees. "You can get dressed now."

"Awww, do I have to?" She cocked her head to one side, one hand on her hips.

"You're paying me good money for cosplay work, not for a booty call." Mallory bent over her notes, tapping her pen to her lips as she pondered options, not even looking in Brooke's direction anymore.

"Well, okay. But life is more fun when it's clothing-optional, you know?" As Brooke pulled on her skirt, she slipped the panties she'd worn into her shoulder bag, and then pulled the t-shirt back on.

Mallory walked over to one of her closets and opened it, calling back over her shoulder. "Brooke, do you always flirt with everyone you meet?"

"Well, not *everyone*, no. Just the people I think are pretty. A girl's gotta have standards."

That caused Mallory to pause, and look back over her shoulder. "I'm kinda shocked that you don't actually have a boyfriend. Or a girlfriend."

"Nope!" Brooke sat down on the edge of the bed again, this time crossing her legs to avoid revealing certain bare details. "Free as, like the wind or something. Free as a bird." She flapped her hands again. "Hooot!"

"There's a LOT of stories going around about you cheerleaders, just saying. Non-stop lesbian orgies, supposedly." Mallory kept up her search, moving items back and forth.

"Oh, I totally fool around with like, at least half the squad. It's fun! Blows off steam, y'know? I mean, a girl would know how best to lick another girl until she's screaming her head off, right?"

"I'll take your word for it." Mallory pulled out a short black jacket, and gave it an approving nod. "I *also* heard," she said as she hung the jacket on a hook on the wall, "that you're one of Lars-The-Drama-King's special favorites."

Brooke looked down at her sneakers. "...He's being a jerk right now."

"Shit, I'm sorry. Didn't mean to bring up bad news." Mallory walked over, a look of concern on her face. "Hey, I'm being a bad hostess. You want a Coke or something?"

"Diet, if you have it, thanks." Mallory brought a cold can over a moment later, and Brooke took a sip. She sat there quietly for a long moment, while Mallory went and opened a huge chest of clothes, and started digging through it. "He... he's being really insecure about some stupid stuff, that's like, not even ABOUT him."

Mallory looked up as she kept sorting through the chest. "Um, you want to talk about it? I can talk while I work, easy."

Brooke took another sip, shaking her head back and forth in indecision for a moment. "I mean, I was his first. Back at his birthday party? Did you hear about that?"

A snort. "Who DIDN'T? One story said that everyone was drunk off their ass, one girl pulled him into his bedroom for a 'birthday surprise' — guess that was you — and that afterwards he came roaring out of there like a party animal sex god, fucking like a dozen girls that night."

"That's... pretty much all true." Another quiet sip. "We used to fuck like, twice a week, regular. And he felt good in me, and we could talk, and he had a nice cock, and I thought he was a FRIEND, not just a friend-with-benefits, y'know?" Brooke finished the can in one long pull, and set it aside. "But now he's just... well, he's not very attractive when he acts like this."

"Sorry to hear that. I heard he was kind of intense, but basically alright — but I guess everyone has their downside. Still, must've been nice to get some D on the regular."

"Yup. A little good sex can like, totally take the edge off a bad day."

Mallory stood up again, and hugged herself. "Ain't that the truth." She kicked aside the pile of clothes she'd created, and walked over to a different chest, and began a new search. "I've had to be super picky with men, and as such, I haven't had any action on the regular in a loooooong time... although I at least broke the dry spell recently with someone new, so that's nice." She paused and laughed. "I can't believe I'm telling you about my sex life."

"This is, like, PRIMO girl-talk stuff, Mallory. It's totally awesome. Are you like, dating him now?"

"HIM? Oh no, no, no. He's... I don't think he's the 'dating' type. 'Too much for one woman to handle' might actually be true in his case. But we fooled around a bit, not too long ago, right in that bed you're sitting on. It was... really nice. I think I needed that." Mallory lifted up a mesh shirt, frowned at it, and tossed it back over her shoulder. "No, not that one."

"Having that good fuck made a bad day better, sounds like."

Mallory nodded. "As you put it before, it like, totally took the edge off a bad day." She stroked her own cheek, thoughtfully. "...Damn, he felt good." Shaking her head, she returned to her search.

"Soooo..." Brooke let her eyes wander over Mallory's frame, thinking about her own bad day. "What was it that made you so picky about guys?"

"Bottom line on top? Nearly every guy I've ever met is more interested in the costumes I wear, and not me, the girl who made and wears them." She reached in and pulled up a shirt with the words "Daddy's Little Monster" on it, which she balled up and threw at the wall in disgust. "Why do I even have that shirt? Ugh. Sorry, Brooke. It's just, I didn't want to be some dude's cardboard fucktoy."

"Well, I mean, I totally get that guys might want to do you in your costumes, y'know? I mean, the first time Ryan and I banged, I wore my cheerleader outfit! It was really silly, but I went ALL OUT, doing a whole 'GIMME AN F! U! C! K!' bit... and it was nice, 'cause he got SUPER hard! Fantasy can be totally hot sometimes -- but sometimes, you just wanna fuck and not, like, worry about the extra stuff."

Mallory looked up from the pile of clothes she was sifting through. "Wait, you and Ryan... Ryan Collins?"

"Oh GOD, yeah! Kaitlyn was so lucky, she's the first one to figure out what he could do, but she totally blabbed it to me after, and I knew I had to take him for a ride. He was the nerd I was talking about before! So yeah, we get together at least once a week for yoga and pilates and anal."

Shaking her head with a smile, Mallory picked up a pair of yoga pants, eyeing them thoughtfully. "Yoga, pilates, and anal. Sounds like a fun workout."

"Oh, it totally is! First you do the hard work, and then you get a warm cock in your ass for dessert!" When Mallory winced, Brooke continued. "Wait, have you NEVER had anything back there? Like, not even a finger?"

"I haven't had that privilege, no. Honestly, it doesn't sound like fun."

Brooke glanced down at her shoulder bag, which included a bottle of lube hiding in its depths, among other things. "Oh, I dunno..."

"But here's the thing, Brooke." Mallory tossed the yoga pants aside. "Nah, not right. Maybe fishnets?" She turned around, and held her arms open wide, gesturing to her wall of props, wigs, and costumes. "I get it that cosplay sex could be cool. I mean, it's like lingerie, I get that." She crossed her arms, her shoulders hunched. "But that's all that most of those creeps want. They don't want to caress Mallory Dourif, they just want to lay their favorite anime waifu, and I just happen to be the vagina attached to it."

At the word "caress", Brooke's eyes widened, and she nodded to herself. "I get that. More than one boy out there has only wanted to put it to me because I'm a slutty cheerleader, 'cause the skirt gives 'em wood. Achievement Unlocked, right?" She stood up. "I mean, how many of the guys I've sucked off really know anything about me? Like, that I want to be a writer, or maybe a professional dancer, or both? Or that I still cry when I watch 'Bambi', or that I hate asparagus, but would murder for a plate of hot spinach with garlic?"

She walked closer, and lifted Mallory's chin with a fingertip, so that their eyes could meet. "It's nice to have a little spice in your life, in your sex... a little playtime. Playtime is soooo important." She slipped her hands under Mallory's tank top, just caressing the taller woman's flat stomach and hips. "But if they don't know anything about you other than that, then I can understand how that would feel, like, totally empty sometimes." Mallory was staring as if hypnotized, and Brooke's hands circled around back, the tips of her fingers teasing just under the waistband of Mallory's shorts. "Tell me something about yourself, Mallory. I don't want you to feel empty."

Mallory blinked. "...I've never kissed a girl before."

Brooke nodded, one hand slipping down the back of those shorts, and lightly caressing across the soft fabric of the panties on Mallory's backside. "Uh huh."

"...I didn't get accepted into my early decision college. I cried for a week about it. I... had some bad thoughts about that for awhile. Real bad."

"I'm glad you're okay now, at least," Brooke said as her hand cupped Mallory's buttock, her fingertips now teasing the lower hem of those panties. "Does it still hurt?"

Mallory swallowed, her eyes never leaving Brooke's. "...Not right now." She raised her hands to hover at Brooke's sides, not yet touching. "I always... I always used to think that you were an idiot. I feel really bad about that."

Brooke's other hand slipped underneath the back of Mallory's panties, touching along the valley between her cheeks, moving very slowly and gently. "It's okay. I'm used to that. I know I'm, like, kinda silly. And maybe I like to play TOO much sometimes. And that I can be stuck up sometimes." She stepped in closer, her chest pressed against Mallory's body, looking up into the taller woman's lovely face. "But I know who I am. And I love who I am. I'm pretty amazing. And so are you."

Mallory suddenly bent down and locked lips with Brooke, who moaned happily into the embrace, and slipped one finger down past her backside, and along the outer lips of Mallory's sex. Mallory was growing wetter by the second, and Brooke's slender digit slipped right inside, pushing a new moan out of Mallory's throat as she threw her arms around Brooke and lost herself in that kiss.

Brooke's free hand came up, and slipped under Mallory's tank top again, this time seeking out and eagerly touching her nipples. Mallory gasped aloud at that, her knees buckling suddenly, but Brooke caught her under her armpits and held her steady. "I got you, it's okay."

"That felt so damn good...WHOA!" Brooke had reached down, slipped one arm behind Mallory's knees, and scooped up the taller girl into her arms, as if rescuing a damsel in distress. Mallory looked up into Brooke's eyes in surprise. "How are you doing this?"

Brooke grinned, and turned around to walk with Mallory in her arms towards the bed. "We cheerleaders are a *lot* stronger than we look. I, like, take my workouts super seriously." She set Mallory down on her bed, and then reached down to her waist to pull off her pink top and unbutton her skirt so that it fell down about her ankles.

"That's not what I meant," Mallory said, breathing heavily. "How are you making me feel so GUH!" Her words cut off as Brooke bent down and closed her mouth over the prone cosplayer's clothed nipple, causing Mallory to throw her head back onto her pillow in shock and ecstasy. "H-holy shit, I nearly came just from that. Brooke, please don't stop. Please."

Brooke obeyed the request, lapping and nipping at Mallory's hardening nipple through the cotton fabric as she climbed into the bed, kneeling next to her new lover. She tugged at the hem of Mallory's tank top, sliding it up her flat stomach, and Mallory frantically pulled the garment off the rest of the way, throwing it with vigor as far as possible, where it landed on a pile of discarded costumes. Brooke looked down at Mallory's naked chest. "You're so beautiful, Mallory. Did I really almost give you an O from that?" When Mallory gave a shaky but intent nod in response, Brooke smiled and covered Mallory's slender lips with her own for another long kiss.

Mallory's arms came up and around Brooke's naked body, clasping them together as the kiss continued. Brooke's chest was grinding gently into hers, and Mallory's eyes opened in amazement, watching Brooke kiss her, move with her. Her hands shaking with nerves, Mallory reached down, stroking along Brooke's back as they kissed, and coming to rest on the cheerleader's curvy posterior.

"Oh yeah..." Brooke lifted up from the kiss, her eyes alight at the feel of warm hands on her cheeks. "Touch my ass, Mallory. Stroke it, squeeze it, pinch it, do *anything* you want to me there, and I'm so totally yours." Before Mallory could answer, Brooke leaned in again, this time kissing and licking along Mallory's long and graceful neck.

A new shiver racing down her spine at Brooke's newest kiss, Mallory lifted one shaky hand... and then the shakes stopped as she brought her open palm down hard on Brooke's thick rump.

SMACK! Brooke's entire body tensed up, a high-pitched mewling erupting from her covered lips as her kisses to Mallory's neck continued. SMACK! Another hit, this one even harder, and much louder. Mallory started laughing, a high beautiful sound tinged with her own pleasure.

"You EVIL girl!" SMACK! "Seducing me like that!" SMACK! "Fuck, don't stop... but you are BAD, Brooke!" SMACK! "I've never been this wet in my entire goddamn life, not even when Ryan fucking Collins filled my tight neglected pussy with that unbelievable fucking monster he's packing!" SMACK!

Her lips falling away from Mallory's neck, Brooke was whimpering with pure pleasure. "You fucked Ryan, but I got you wetter than he did? Sweeeeeet." She took a deep breath, and nibbled on Mallory's earlobe for a second. "I can't believe I never thought to ask anyone to spank me before. You gotta do that again, 'kay? But right now, I wanna see how wet you are, Mallory. Can I... mmmm... can I get into your pants, please?"

With Mallory releasing her hold on Brooke, the tiny blonde sat up, and moved down to kneel next to Mallory's hips. "What kind of panties do you wear, Costume Girl? Let's find out." Mallory reached down to undo the top button of her shorts, and Brooke slid the denim down Mallory's long, toned legs before turning back to look at her, her breath catching in her throat. "Oh my god..."

"What's wrong?" Mallory looked up in surprise as she lay there on her back, clad in nothing but a high-waisted pair of pale pink panties with a little white cartoon kitten in a dress on them. Mallory's picturesque legs were spread slightly, revealing a giant wet spot over her concealed folds.

"Nothing wrong at all." Brooke's eyes got a little misty. "You... like, this moment, this sight? You are the sexiest person I've, like, ever met. Beautiful, and cute, and hot, and adorable, and pretty, and... like, EVERYTHING."