Brother on the Lamb


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"I know."

"We have plenty of off days coming with Christmas but when the college is open I want you there. The way you get ahead in life is to be responsible and reliable. People need to know that they can trust you to be where you're supposed to be and to do what you're supposed to do."

"Ok. I'm sorry."

"I know it's not always easy and there used to be days when I had to force myself out of bed and force myself out the door and force myself ..."

"Scott, I said I was sorry. It won't happen again. I just thought it would be ok this one time."

"One time?"

"Yes, one time. Go check my attendance if you don't believe me."

"Alright. Just so long as you understand."

"I do."

I put my briefcase down and sat on the victorian sofa and looked out the window at the dark clouds. Denise came and sat next to me with an inquisitive look.

"So, why are you home so early?"

"I think I was in the way."

"What do you mean?"

"I was just noticing every little problem and getting more and more pissed off. It wasn't helping so I figured they all knew what they needed to do. I was going to go cool off and let them do it. I hope that doesn't mean I'm getting old."

Denise shook her head. "I don't think so." She hugged me to make me feel better and then we just stayed on the sofa with her in my arms for something like twenty minutes doing nothing.

I happened to look up at the time and then I started to move.

"Come on. You can't be dressed like that when Mrs. Ava shows up to cook dinner."

"She's not coming."


"Oh, you're going to be like, angry again, maybe."

"Just tell me what you did."

"Well, Thanksgiving tradition. We eat leftovers on Friday. And we have so much. So I told her she could have the day off. She said she was going to check with you."

I searched my memory and Mrs. Ava had asked something about leftover day. Ok. It was cool. "Then I suggest you at least get an apron when you're heating it up."


"Yes, you."

She looked up at the clock. "But it's not time yet."

Again we were there just being silent with each other. Or rather, it would have been silence but Denise started asking questions.

"Why don't you have a girlfriend?"

"What? I don't know. Why don't you have a boyfriend?"

"I just got here."

"You've been here long enough to get a boyfriend if you wanted one."

"You're not answering my question. Why aren't you seeing anyone?"

"Don't know. I haven't dated in a while."

"Why not?"

"It just never worked out for me. Women don't like men who are too guarded."

"You said that before but I don't believe you. You're good looking, and you're only 32. And you have the one thing most women want more than anything else."

"I'm not even going to ask. No. I mean, if I happened to meet someone and I happened to feel an attraction to them then that would be fine but I'm done looking. As for you though, I can't see why a bunch of guys haven't shown up here to call on you already. And guys don't mind a woman who keeps secrets, just so you know."

She pouted. "Women aren't going to go for a guy who doesn't put himself out there. How are they supposed to know you're single and not like married or something."

"I avoid trouble by not calling attention to myself. That's my whole thing in case you haven't noticed."

"The last woman you went out with, what was wrong with her?"


"Then why didn't it work out?"

"She just didn't like me."

"That can't be true. I've been here for just a little bit and I can already see that you are totally likable."

"I don't know what to tell you. I have her phone number. Call her up. You ask her why she broke up with me."

She looked down and away from me and then she hugged me a little closer. "You know, if ... um ... if you were interested ... that is ... if you didn't think there was anything wrong with it, I'd date you."

I was about to say something in response but then she suddenly continued.

"I mean, that isn't to say that I'm like in love with you or anything. Don't get the wrong idea. I'm just talking about going on a date and then ... you know ... seeing where it goes. At a start. Just a start."

"Look at me." I said. She lifted herself up and then turned to face me. She looked so scared, like a mouse about to run to hide. "What do we do when we break up?" I asked.

"Break up?"

"Yeah. Every relationship ends. You haven't learned that yet but it's true. So if we date and then we break up, that would suck cause you're my sister."

"I'll always be your sister."

"Yeah but if we date and then we break up, you'll be pissed off at me forever. And then stuff like, yesterday, we can't do anymore."

"I wouldn't let it be like that. I promise. If we couldn't be boyfriend and girlfriend anymore then I'll just like default back to just your sister."

"I'm too old for you. You should be dating someone your own age."

"Scott, I like you. You know. I like you the way ... a girl likes a boyfriend."

Sigh. "I don't know what to say. I would date you. I would. Even though you are my sister I would date you. And I do like you too. There's no question there. You're so energetic and happy."

"I'm only that way because of you. This is the happiest I've been in my entire life."

"I'm glad. But look, you have to think about the future. Just living in the moment is no way to be. Tomorrow is coming and you have to have a plan."

"What do I have to do?"

"Well, if we dated, we'd have to agree on some things."

"Like what?"

"Like, outside the romance part of it, everything else would have to stay the same. I'm still the boss of the house. Ok. This is my house. And you don't get excused from going to class. You still have to go."

"Ok. I can do that."

"And if we decide to stop dating, we have to agree up front that nothing changes. You don't storm out or move out or do any stupid, self destructive bullshit."

"I wouldn't."

"And that goes for me too. I'm not allowed to kick you out just because dating didn't work out."

She smiled at me. "If I agree, does that mean we can date each other?"

"When you say date, what do you mean? Tell me what you envision."

"I don't know. Like, go out to dinner. See a movie together."

"We can do that as brother and sister."

"Nobody knows we're brother and sister."

"They don't need to know. We know. That's enough. It's none of their business."

"I know. What I mean is, when we go out to dinner, you can have your arm around me. And when we go see a movie, you can kiss me." While she was saying that she moved in closer to me and put my arm around her waist.

"And when we get home, you can give me a blow job. Is that what you're getting at?"

"I'll give you one if you want one."

"Not with the curtains open, you're not."

She giggled and then looked over her shoulder. "I guess you have a point."

"And it's going to be dinner time before we know it. So you better get to work in the kitchen."

"Why do I have to do it?"

"Because you told my housekeeper she didn't have to come in. That was your call, so you have to make me dinner. Leftovers are fine. I'm not picky."

"Ok. I'll cook for you. And just so you know, I only cook for my boyfriend."

"You're really getting into this, aren't you?"

"Can I kiss you?"

"You're a woman. You don't have to ask. You just have to do it."

She came closer to me and then she softly put her lips onto mine.

Issues were going to come up. How could we be dating and be living in the same house? How could we be dating while she was a student and I was a teacher at the same college? If we were going to go on dates in public then we were going to have to make this relationship known outside of just the house. So there were hoops to jump through and at the college there was paperwork to sign. All that was really required was for me to say we had a prior romantic relationship going back to before she was a student there. It certainly looked plausible enough since she immediately came to live with me once she got here. So we did that and I took her off the schedule at work.

Our first public date wasn't anything special. You put your toe in the water before you dive in. I took her to the Chinese restaurant and showed her how to use chopsticks. That went well. After the date, we went home and she went to her room. The date was over.

Half an hour after getting home she came up to my room to talk 'to her big brother' as she said. As soon as I heard the word brother I knew we wouldn't be talking. She was just so happy that she'd gotten to go on a real date with me that she fucked my brains out. For most of it I was just laying there while she went up and down on my dick again and again and again.

Publicly dating her was actually a real treat for me. A lot of people commented that I seemed happier and more relaxed. Maybe I had been a bit anal before.

January came and my girlfriend was now enrolled as a student full time. That first full year we sort of had this thing where our dating selves didn't have sex but our sibling selves did. The dating stuff stayed out of the bedroom. It wasn't until I took her on vacation with me the following Christmas that we ever had sex while we were out of the house and in public as a couple. Not that we fucked in front of people. We did so in our hotel room but that was the moment when siblings and couple merged in our minds. Denise was Denise. How exactly we were related didn't come into my thinking anymore. We were together and that was all that mattered. After that Christmas we started sharing a bedroom and we never looked back.

There really isn't a lot to say about the next couple of years. We had great sex and we had a good relationship. No one even suspected that we were related and we didn't even mention it to each other anymore. She grew in understanding and matured as a woman and we were just very comfortable with each other. We had built a life together.

Then thing had to go sideways again.

Denise had been as some party and some guy at the party took a picture and Denise was in the background of the picture. Back over in that country we'd both come from, government assholes used facial recognition software to figure out who everyone in the picture was. Why would they do that if the picture wasn't taken in their country but over here? Because they're just assholes. They matched Denise's face to her old high school id photo and they had her. But Denise was completely legal. All the way. They couldn't touch her.

But that didn't stop them from trying. Diplomats were off to do their under the table diplomat crap and the next thing we knew, we were getting a letter saying that Denise couldn't stay in our new home country anymore. Her student visa was set to expire two semesters before she was going to graduate.

Yeah, life was no fun that day. I got my lawyer on the case to appeal the decision since it obviously went outside the law. And that brought up another issue. If they were coming for her, then they might be able to figure out who I really was too. That was scary.

I needed to buy her some time but there wasn't any way to get around this and keep her in the country long enough for her to graduate. It really looked like she'd have to go back and then apply for a new student visa from over there, all the while the fucking bastards would be messing with her. I was not going to let that happen to her. She wasn't going back. I'd get her a fake passport before I let that happen. But maybe there was another way.

I had a two pronged plan. The first was a huge decision for me. It really wasn't something I ever thought I'd do. It pained me to lose a bit of my freedom but there was no way out of it.

I called up the biggest of those companies that were always after my research so they could use it to make money. I made them an offer. I'd sell all of it to them for very cheap provided they could get one very important thing to happen.

"I don't care how you do it." I said over the phone. "Lobbyist or campaign funds or whatever. It stops. They have to leave my girlfriend alone. I'm not selling anything as long as anyone over there is trying to investigate her or force her to go back. If she has to get on the airplane to go back, then the deal is off."

I was pacing back and forth in my office at the shop while I was on the phone with the guy and Denise was sitting in my chair. The lawyer on the phone said they couldn't promise anything but they were going to see what they could do. I told them to hurry up, the days were counting down.

I looked over at Denise and she just looked exhausted from this ordeal. She was balled up in my chair. She wasn't crying but I knew the thunder clouds were forming.

Now for the second part of my plan. This was the easy part. I went into the front area of the shop and looked around at the various things. I found what I was looking for and I had the manager ring me up.

Yes, I know I technically own all of it anyway but when I pay I send the message to my employees that they should pay if they want something.

Anyway, I put the thing in the right kind of box and I went back to the office. I found Denise there. I felt pretty sure this was going to work out well but until you hear the words you never really know.

"Honey. Look at me."

She looked up and I took a knee in front of her. "What are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm asking you to marry me." I answered and then I showed her the box with the ring. It wasn't exactly what you'd call a real engagement ring. It was just a trinket from my shop but for that moment it was good enough.

A smile overcame her gloom as she took it in hand and then very quietly said "Yes."

I had already decided months ago, maybe even over a year ago, that I wanted to marry her. I just figured we'd want to wait until her undergrad was done and she had permanent residency on her own. But this worked too. She could change her visa status the same day we got married and then the assholes in that other place would have to use up time and resources to try and find another way to get her to have to go back. By then, hopefully she'd have already graduated so even if they did go after me, they couldn't get her.

And hell, if push came to shove, we could move. There were plenty of other countries we could go to that would just give the assholes the middle finger if they came calling. That was the difference money made in your life. Having money means you have choices. That was why you had to work hard, pay your dues, and not let the government steal everything through taxes.

My fiancée hugged me, and then she kissed me. We shared a nice little moment and then she looked under my desk.

"That sticker is still there." she said.

"Well, you know who the boss is."

I shut my door and closed my blinds. I came back over to her and told her to get out of my chair. It was the boss's chair. I sat down and she got my dick out to suck it. She hadn't really done that in a while, now that I think about it. And then I noticed that she was really good at that. When did she have time to level up her blow job skills?

For the first time that I could remember, she actually got me off and I was pumping cum into her mouth. The good fiancée that she was, she held it all in her mouth and then swallowed.

Even with that, we just weren't finished. We didn't care that employees were passing by my door and slowing down as they wondered what we were doing in there. I put my nearly naked, soon to be wife, up on my desk and I started fucking and fucking her. I kissed her neck and then got her tits free. I loved those babies. Her body was always just so perfect. I can't tell you how many times other guys came up to me and had to comment on the fact that my woman was just the sexiest thing they'd ever seen. Well, that thing is a person and her name is Denise and she's going to be my wife.

Some guys saw us as the poster children for online dating since that was how we told people we first met. They lamented that they'd never been so lucky. As for me, it was crazy to think that the person I had to thank for Denise coming into this world was my father, a man I hated for so many reasons. But I guess, he wasn't all bad.

I looked my Denise in the eyes as I fucked her and she gave me a look that tried to tell me something. By this time we knew each other so well. We had our sex pattern down so well. She was trying to tell me something new. She was trying to tell me something important.

My dick went all the way into her. I was buried into her all the way to the hilt. Her pussy clenched me into place and I started to cum in her. I could tell from the expression on her face; that's what she wanted me to do. You're welcome, honey. It was the first time for me to do that. We'd always been so careful. But no more. We were getting married and the future was uncertain. We wanted to regain control over our lives.

Nine days later, we had our ceremony. All my staff were there as well as many of my fellow teachers. A lot of our neighbors were there as well. I heard later that there was this one guy whose wife refused to go because she didn't feel it was right for a black person to marry a white person. If she only knew. But I was happy she didn't go anyway since she'd been divorced twice. TWICE. She had no room to judge me. NONE.

My wife changed her immigration status that same day and she no longer had to leave. That didn't stop the assholes from trying to contact her and tell her crap about her mom being in trouble unless she came home. My wife just told them she already was home. We recorded the call and posted it on the internet for the world to hear. That cause some people to have their panties in a twist because it could hurt the REDACTED reputation round the world.

As of right now, we've been married for two years. My wife graduated and we're both in the process of changing our citizenship. We had hoped that the process would go quicker since we recently just welcomed our first child into the world. We have a healthy baby girl and the doctors can't find anything wrong with her.

We've been trying to get my wife's mother on a plane to come over here and live with us but the assholes are acting like North Korea and they're pulling stunts to keep her from flying. But recently there was an election and all the old corrupt politicians got trounced. So, we've got our fingers crossed that things will get better. I mean, they have so many real criminals to go after. Why would they really want to bother with us?

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bigurnbigurn4 months ago

4 Stars again, yet, once more, the story feels like a beginning... Not a complete story. Thanks, though.

Shdwolf1Shdwolf1about 5 years ago
Really?!! You're a better writer than this

Never got to the good parts, because the fkn "REDACTED" so pissed me off I just stopped reading. The writing wasn't bad, and the story could have been interesting, but wtf, this wasn't a transcript that needed "editing" to protect the innocent. It's a fkn story! Put names in, put places in, none of it is true in the first place. Felt more like trying to read a classified document with half the words blacked out. It didn't make it mysterious. It didn't add to the story. What it did do was seriously detract from the readability. just my two cents worth...

Dark_StormDark_Stormabout 6 years ago

The whole story was a slog to get through.

The ending doesn't make sense. Whomever they are hiding from finds the sister and knows where she is, begins to contact her, so the brother marries her? Like they wouldn't investigate her husband? No international government spy agency is going to be put off the trail by some company throwing a bit of money and influence around.

I come to Literotica to read erotic stories, but this story was pretty boring from the sexual standpoint...and from the non-sexual standpoint, too, now that I think about it. The sex was perfunctory at best.

There was nothing to make Scott and Denise into sympathetic characters. I never really cared about them. You played the incest angle too casually. Add to that, too many vague references that never solidified into any real antagonists, just into an amorphous "them", and you end up with a tedious story of paranoia, with little to no reason for anyone's actions.

You tried too hard to make things dark and mysterious, and ended up with a murky muddle instead.

ag2507ag2507over 6 years ago
Quite Surreal

But I think you meant lam not lamb.

trite_readertrite_readeralmost 7 years ago
Love The Story

Have I commented before on how much I love your stories?

Always something unique, and always entertaining.

Thanks author, looking forward to your next offering!

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