Brotherly Rivalry

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His uncle and dad have competitive personalities...
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=== Friendly warning: Parts of this series include incest threesome between a man, his father and his uncle ===


Brian looked out of the window of the kitchen with a smile. It was already dark out, and if it wasn't for the bonfire in the garden, he'd be staring into complete darkness. His dad rarely ever started bonfires in their backyard these days - the neighbors would always complain about the smoke and it would get messy. Sometimes they'd even call the fire department on them. Nowadays, his dad would only make the bonfire on special occasions - and this was one of them.

Outside of the window, two silhouettes were sitting on a bench near the fire. Brian's dad was on the left. He took good care of himself and looked rather impressive in his forties. Lean physique, head full of jet black hair with only a few gray ones here and there, and a stately mustache. He usually wore glasses and well-fitted shirts. As the single, handsome dad in the neighborhood, he would turn a few eyes when he was mowing his lawn - including the ones of his own son.

Yes, Brian lusted after his dad for quite a while now. But the young man never tried anything, not even since they started living together after Brian moved in for his college. He was waiting for a good opportunity. And now, he finally saw a perfect one... his uncle, Lucas, was staying with them for some time while his house was getting reconstructed.

Lucas was his dad's older brother, and he was also in his late forties. He had a couple more wrinkles on his face compared to his younger brother, but it looked good, in a nice, rugged way. He kept his dark blonde hair short and usually kept it under a cap or a hat - maybe it was because it was starting to thin a little bit in the back, but he'd never admit it. Brian didn't care about that, his dirty mind lusted after his uncle just as much as it did for his dad.

Lucas was a big man with big muscles and a broad chest. He traveled a lot and worked with his hands, which made his muscles really toned and well-formed. He was a handsome man, just like his brother. And Brian didn't feel much shame at the number of loads he squeezed out of his cock in his room, while having the image of either his dad or his uncle... or both, together, in his head.

Of course, until today, it was just a fantasy that Brian had. But tonight, Brian had a plan.

You see, one of the things that his dad and his uncle had in common was their competitiveness. You know how some brothers just won't stop bickering over everything and trying to one-up each other? These two were prime examples of that. While his dad was a bit more rational and composed, he would never turn down an opportunity to get into a silly competition with his brother over anything.

Brian remembered the old family vacations where his uncle would join. It was always "Let's swim together to that rock and see who gets there faster." or "I bet I can finish this hamburger before you do." or "Oh, you think you're stronger than me? Let's arm wrestle and see, right now."

Both their ex-wives were always annoyed when the two of them did that, but Brian wasn't. He always found it funny. And now, years later, he knew it could work to his advantage. He smiled as he watched the two talk outside from the kitchen window. Then, he turned and opened the fridge to get a fresh six-pack of beers. It was time to spend some quality time together.

He went out through a back exit and approached his dad and uncle slowly. They were deep into a conversation about football and didn't even notice that Brian joined them at first. When they did, they both turned to him - Lucas with a smile and Brian's dad with a raised eyebrow.

"Brian!" Lucas called out, "The better part of my brother's genes! Decided to join us, huh?"

"Well," Brian shrugged, "It's a big night, isn't it? You're moving with us, at least for a while, and I figured we should celebrate."

Brian's dad eyed his son and then the six-pack of beers he was holding in his hands.

"Celebrate, huh?" he asked skeptically, "It's Tuesday. Don't you have a lecture tomorrow?"

"The first one starts in the afternoon," Brian replied, smiling as he raised the six-pack. His dad frowned while Lucas clapped his hands together laughing.

"That's my boy!" he exclaimed, "Or your boy, I guess. Honestly, Jim, I would expect you to remember a little bit more from college, considering you went and I didn't."

Brian's dad, Jim, leered at Lucas and then back at his son.

"," he said, stuttering a bit, "I remember working hard from morning to evening, every day. And what I remember even better was going to sleep early and not drinking alcohol in the middle of the week."

He raised his eyebrow as he nodded towards the six-pack. Lucas smiled and leaned over to take one of the cans that Brian brought.

"I'm going to stay quiet not to undermine your parenting, little brother," Lucas said cheekily, nodding at Brian as a 'thank you' for the beer, "But I remember your college years a little differently."

Brian looked at his dad, who clearly saw that his authority was in danger, and waved the cans of beer in his direction. Jim sighed in defeat and reached out for a can himself.

"Don't tell your mother," he noted grumpily as he opened his can with a sizzle, "She's already upset with me enough as it is, I don't need her to know I'm out late drinking with my son."

"It's alright, dad," Brian said as he reached for a small wooden stool to pull it closer, so he could sit down and talk to both the men, "She doesn't need to know. And besides, I'm over twenty-one, so I'm pretty sure I can do whatever I want."

That made Lucas, Brian's uncle, chuckle and raise his beer in the air proudly. It didn't seem to make Jim think any differently, though.

"I suppose you have a point," Brian's dad said, "But still. And I would be careful with the 'whatever you want' part."

"While we're on the subject of doing whatever we want," Lucas interjected, "How's my little bro and the dating scene around here? It's been two years since you divorced Emily, so I assume you've made your way through the entire street then, huh?"

That made Brian laugh so hard that he nearly spat out his beer. Jim turned to his brother slowly with a death glare.

"Do you mind?" he said to him, sounding annoyed, "My son is right here."

"Yeah, I can see," Lucas shrugged, "And I think it's only fair for him to know what kind of a horndog his dad was before he got married."

"I'm shutting this down," Jim said while taking another sip, a bit annoyed, "Not another word of this."

This is where Brian decided to interject. The conversation was already on the right track... but it wouldn't get where it needed to be if he didn't push the right buttons.

"Come on, dad," he said softly, "You know I'm an adult now. And, you know, college is still a big change for me. It's not easy to fit in with so many people around. I could use some inspiration."

"Well, you don't need to use younger me for inspiration," his dad replied, "And you certainly don't need to use your uncle for that either."

Lucas put a hand on his chest, acting offended.

"Jimmy, are you saying that I'm anything less than a good role model?"

"No, I'm straight up stating that you are a terrible one."

Lucas smirked and they both had a sip of beer. The discussion topic seemed to have reached its conclusion, but Brian wasn't quite done with it yet. He knew the competing nature of his dad and his uncle and he was well aware that it didn't take much to awaken it. Sometimes, a single spark would do.

"Sorry, dad," he said, pretending to sound innocent, "I think I can see what's going on here and I won't push any further. If you're embarrassed that uncle Lucas was a bit more successful with the girls in college than you, we don't need to talk about it. "

It was now Jim's turn to almost spit out his beer while Lucas exploded in booming laughter. Jim was red in the face and Brian could tell he struck a note - just like he intended to do.

"See? You're a terrible influence on him already," Jim sneered at his older brother.

"He's right though, isn't he?" Lucas taunted him, "Yeah, you were a horndog for sure, but that itself doesn't mean you had any success with it."

"Hey, for your information, I was THE fucking..."

Jim paused himself and took a look at his son, stopping himself before continuing.

"I had plenty of success, the only difference between you and me is that I wasn't boasting about every girl like you did. And I didn't feel the need to make up stories either."

"Hey," Lucas defended himself, "I never lied. Ever."

That made his brother chuckle.

"Do you expect me to believe that not one, but TWO of your professors threw themselves at you in exchange for 'adjusting your grade'?", Jim said, raising his eyebrow, "Because if you expect me to believe that your life is a porn flick, we're all just wasting our time here."

Lucas threw his hands in the air.

"Not a lie. Professor Anderson and professor Jenkins, both of those women, one in her office and the other in the janitor's closet. I swear on my life."

Jim laughed in disbelief.

"Yeah. That must have been some performance since you flunked out regardless."

"Careful, brother," Lucas warned him, "I might have to put you in your place."

They were already riled up - this was going better than Brian predicted. But he had to make sure the conversation was in the right direction. Arguing about women in the past would get him nowhere. He took another can for himself and offered everyone another round of beers.

"It's not that easy for me, I'll admit," Brian said, "There's a lot of competition out there, and they care about a lot of things. Looks, height..."

He put the beer closer to his lips and took a sip.


Jim looked at his son with a look of compassion.

"Hey, bud," he said softly, "I hope you're not feeling, erm, conscious about yourself or anything. You should know that when you find the right girl, she'll be happy with whatever you have to offer."

Lucas didn't say anything but nodded along with his brother in agreement and reached out to clink his can with the one Brian was holding.

"Oh, thanks," Brian shrugged it away, "I'm not that conscious, to be honest. I am happy with my body. But, you know, bigger guys attract curiosity in girls. I'm sure that you've noticed that as well."

He gave his uncle and dad a look to see if they would take the bait. And he was lucky.

Lucas turned to both of them with a wide smile.

"Well," he said confidently, "Not to brag, but..."

"Oh, shut up," Jim interrupted him, "My son is right here, don't run your mouth about your dick."

Brian's dad took a sip and added something that made Brian smile.

"Especially since it's gonna be another lie anyway."

Brian immediately turned to Lucas, looking for a reaction. Lucas stared Jim down as he slowly put his beer can on the ground.

"What was that, Jimmy?"

"I said that half of the town heard the tall tales you spread about your crotch," Jim answered calmly, before turning to Brian, "Remember, son. A good, confident man never needs to do that to improve his reputation."

"I didn't say anything to anybody to improve my reputation," Lucas said, still staring his brother down, "Those things that you might have heard spread themselves. It tends to happen. And we all know what this is all really about."

Jim chuckled.

"What would that be?"

Lucas' eyebrow went up. Brian saw this expression on his face before and his heartbeat fastened with excitement. It was a direct challenge.

"You're jealous."

Jim frowned and looked at him.


"He said you're jealous," Brian interjected, pouring a little more fuel to the fire, "Of his... well, you know what, dad. Do you think it's true?"

Jim rolled his eyes and regarded both of them.

"Let me make something crystal clear to you, brother," he turned to Lucas, "I'm not jealous of your dick. That would be like me being jealous of the size of my neighbor's car."

Brian loudly chuckled. Their neighbor drove a coupe.

Lucas nodded frustratingly and slapped his knee. He pointed his finger at Jim as if he was pointing a gun.

"That's it, little bro. Now you've done it."

Jim grinned and shook his head in disbelief.

"Now I've done what exactly?"

"If you wanted to talk shit about something, you shouldn't have picked something that would be so easy to test."

A rush went through Brian's body and his hands started shaking with excitement while holding the beer in his hand. He composed himself not to show it, but it was difficult. He couldn't believe how easy it was to pin both of them against each other.

Jim shook his head again and scoffed in disgust.

"I get what you're suggesting Lucas and I have only two things to say about it. One, you're a damn pervert, even bigger than I already thought you are. And two, you're also insane if you think I'm gonna whip out my cock to compare it to yours right here in front of my son."

Brian shrugged.

"I'm an adult. I've been in locker rooms."

"Yeah," Lucas nodded, "He's an adult. He's been in locker rooms."

"I can't believe I even have to say this," Jim reiterated, "But it's a 'no', Lucas, and stop being childish. And Brian, stop encouraging him to be like this just to have a laugh."

Brian pulled back, worried that any further push from him would raise suspicion. Luckily, the further push didn't have to come from him. Lucas nodded slowly and shrugged.

"Okay..." he said in defeat, "Just know this, brother. My dick isn't the only one with tales going on about it. The difference is that mine are positive ones."

Brian chuckled yet again and carefully watched his dad's reaction. He watched him put his beer down as well as he looked back at his older brother. His own cock started twitching inside of his pants. Was this actually going to happen?

"You really want to do this, huh?" Jim asked.

"See your dick?" Lucas shrugged, "Not particularly. More to prove the point to you. And to show your boy exactly the zero worth your word has."

"Okay, that's it!"

Jim stood up, red-faced, closely followed by the pairs of eyes of the other men. Brian's heart pounded fast as he paid full attention to his dad's crotch. He never saw his penis before, only an outline of it on a bathrobe here and there, and the only image he had of it existed in his late-night jerk-off fantasies. Now, he was actually going to see it!

His dad was wearing a pair of khaki shorts, which he had to fumble with a little bit before he opened them. Brian caught a glimpse of his red boxers but that didn't last long - his dad shamelessly reached in and pulled out his cock.

It was difficult for Brian to not just outwardly stare at it - especially since it was even better than he thought it would be. A meaty, thick, soft shaft was hanging from his dad's zipper, accompanied by two huge-looking balls. Brian could tell that it was big, even though a part of it was hidden under a thick bush of hair at the top.

Lucas looked at his brother unfazed and then looked down on the cock that his brother was presenting to him. He looked back up at Jim with a smirk.

"Not a big fan of manscaping, huh?"

Jim went a little red in the face as he realized that.

"Yeah, I've been busy. What about it?"

He then looked from his brother at his son and a small flash of shame appeared in his eyes. He realized at that point that he let his emotions get the better of him and that this was probably crossing some sort of line.

"Well, now you both saw it, so we can lay this whole thing to..." he said, as he slowly started putting his penis away.

"Not so fast," Lucas said, as he jumped out of his seat and stood next to Jim, "I'll admit, it's not the shrimp size that I was expecting - but you've still got nothing on me. We haven't compared anything yet."

Jim looked at him with disgust.

"I don't want you to wave my dick right in front of my boy's face."

"Oh, you mean like you are doing, right now?" Lucas asked him, "Father of the year, everybody. Sounds like you're just scared of Brian seeing you humiliated in front of his uncle."

Jim looked back at him and didn't say anything. Lucas smiled back as he started playing with the zipper on his jeans. Brian was almost not breathing - he was worried that anything he would say or do might ruin the show that was unfolding in front of him. His eyes were following his uncle's hand almost hungrily.

Lucas loosened his zipper and pants button and simply let his pants fall on the ground, revealing a pair of thick thighs covered in fuzz. He was wearing a pair of tighty-whities, which - at least in Brian's opinion - he wore quite well. He could already tell that his bulge was filling them up fully before his uncle dropped them and stepped out of them.

He was big too, and seeing his entire lower body really put together a whole picture. Trimmed, unlike his brother, he had a beautiful-looking cock that was definitely thicker than Jim's. However, length-wise, it seemed like a close call.

Brian was almost drooling, but the two men were too busy comparing their tools to notice. Lucas started off by shaking his manhood a little with his fingers while taunting his brother.

"Look at that, brother," he laughed, "Nice and thick. Are you sure women can even feel yours?"

That was definitely an unfair statement, as Jim's cock was definitely thick enough for anyone to notice, but it was also clear that Lucas was just trying to humiliate his brother.

"Are you kidding me?" Jim said, "Nobody said shit about thickness!"

"Thickness is what the girl cares about, obviously," Lucas laughed, "Do you think she cares how far it goes?"

"Okay, this is ridiculous," Jim said, "This is already too far. We're both standing here with our dicks out so if you could stop being a sore loser already, we could maybe pull our pants back up."

Brian wasn't quite ready for this to end that easily. He decided to chime in yet again.

"I mean, dad has a point, uncle Luke," he interjected, "Thickness is important for sure, but size typically means length. So dad has beat you there. Although..."

He wasn't sure if he should follow with the next part, but his hesitation didn't take long. He already went so far - he wasn't about to give up now.

"...from what I heard, guys usually don't measure when they're soft."

The brothers both looked at him and then at each other. Lucas looked at his brother grinning.

"Don't," Jim said, shaking his head.

"Hey, the boy's got a point!"

"Brian," Jim said sternly, "I don't know exactly what you said that for. I don't know if this is some kind of a prank or some dumb new internet challenge, but I don't care for it. You better stop now, mister. Nobody's getting their dick hard."

"Hey, nobody said you had to..." Lucas said tauntingly, while his hand tugged on his cock a couple times. Jim watched him in horror, but that only entertained Lucas and motivated him to give himself a couple more strokes. His dick slowly started swelling up.

"Look at that, brother," he said, swinging his hardening cock, "It's already bigger than yours."

Brian had to put his leg over the other one to hide the raging erection he had from just having watched his uncle toy with his cock. His uncle's tool was pulsing and growing quickly - it was clear Lucas didn't need much encouragement to keep going.

"You're a sick pervert," Jim informed his brother.

"And you're a small-dicked chump who's too afraid to show people his hardon," Lucas said, playing with himself more, "Everyone's got something."

"You fucking..."

Brian wasn't sure for a moment what was going to happen - if his dad was going to shove or punch Lucas. But to his surprise, his hand actually went for his cock, and started stroking it as well. He heard himself sigh in shock and that made his dad turn to him.