Buffy & The Four Ch. 03


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"I ordered the puppet to take a break and teach me how to cast a spell quietly, with just a few gestures and the power of my mind."

"If you are just using the power of YOUR mind it must be a very low wattage spell!" the wet teen laughed.

"Bitch!" Jody giggled, with no malice in the words.



The two friends laughed at the familiar routine of catty taunts. Mary unfurled the towel around her head and began to vigorously rub her hair with it. Kim watched her longingly before twisting her swivel chair back to the desk and flipping the page on her textbook. "I hate Chemistry!"

"Think of it as making potions," Willow explained. "It's really quite similar. You have to know how two ingredients interact to get the result you want."

Kim seemed surprised to consider it this way, but as she thought about it, the whole subject began to make a kind of sense. "Thanks."

"None needed. It is my only wish to serve my Mistresses," Willow said, resting her elbows on her crossed knees.

"In that case," Mary said, rubbing her legs with the towel, "I think you should get back to trying to convert your former friends before Ruth returns. She will be pissed if she knows we have given you a break."


"Okay, we still have a problem to sort out," Giles said, now they were all back in Ru's bedsit.

"The ah, arrangements," Xander helped. He had been waiting there for them and they had now filled him in on the problem. None had been surprised when he told them that Jody and Mary had been talking about their part in the Slayer's possession. Penk had already confirmed it for them.

"Yes. Obviously, you have to take part to get Anya's cure. That leaves me available for either Willow's or Buffy's..."

"You have to do Buffy's!" Dawn blurted out. "With me!"

Giles held up a placating hand toward the teenager and she settled back. "Yes, that would be best. You have a sister's love for her, and I am her Watcher. However, it still leaves us with a lack of partners. Tara must help create Willow's cure, but we have no man for her partner and we need one."

"She's a dyke," Ru said with her usual bluntness. "Can she even do a guy?"

Even though the words were harsh, everybody turned to look at the young witch who suddenly blushed a deep scarlet and dropped her gaze to stare intently at her lap. "I c..c..can do it," she mumbled.

"You sure?" Ru asked.


The werewolf raised her eyebrows but let it go.

"Who does Xander get to fuck?" Faith said.

Giles sighed, wearily. "Faith, please. This is difficult and embarrassing enough without resorting to crudity. I suppose there is only you or Veruca left."

"Me?" gasped Ru. "Ah-ah! No way. I'm not part of your Scooby gang. Why include me?"

"We will be at our weakest if both Tara and Faith are occupied," Giles explained. "With Buffy, Willow and Anya liable to find us at any moment, I don't think we should allow our guard to be lowered too much. Tara must take part to recite the spell, but I would prefer it if Faith keeps watch in case of emergency."

"I don't care!" Veruca persisted. "I'm not letting him shove his dick into me!"

"Good! I don't fancy catching rabies, anyway," Xander frowned.

"Fuck you!"

"Though you didn't want to?"

"Ru will do it if there is no other way," Faith told them.

"I will?" the singer gasped incredulously, gaping at the Slayer.

"Hey, I've done Xander; it's not as horrible as you might think."

"Huh?" Xander was too stunned for his usual wit.

"It was his first time, so you couldn't expect much, but I suppose I've had worse."

"Faith!" he protested.

"I mean," she continued, "I had to show him around a little, but he should have figured those bits out now after all the practise he's been getting with Anya."

"Faith!" he tried once more, his voice reaching a higher note.

"Then again, she is a demon and her bits may not be in the right places, so you'll just have to chance it."

"Faith, will you please stop helping me!" he begged. "I wouldn't want to do it with her, anyway."

"If you want your squeeze back, you'll shut up and do it."

"Well, I won't!" Ru snapped. "What makes you think I'll do it?"

Faith's face set into a blank expression. "Because you're a killer and need to stay on my good side so that means getting our friends back to normal. 'Kay Babe?"

Everybody felt the tension as the two young women stared at each other, but it was Ru who backed down. "How do I square it with Oz?"

"I am sure Daniel will understand," Giles told her. "In fact, I am positive he would want you to do anything you could to save his friends."

Ru sighed and dipped her head; the Watcher was right, Oz would not hesitate to help.

Dawn looked around at the group. "So who is going to help Tara save Willow?"

"I guess that would have to be me," said a voice from the doorway.

"Oz!" Dawn grinned. "Speak of the devil..."

The compact little man acknowledged that fact with a small nod as he moved in from the open door, closed it, and leant his guitar case up against the wall.

"How'd you know what we were talking about?" Faith asked.

"Heard you," he replied, economical with words, as ever.

"From the hallway?"

"Wolf ears."


"You wanna bang the dyke?! No fuckin' way!" Ru stormed, springing to her feet and glaring at her boyfriend.

Oz flicked his eyes to hers for a second and Veruca calmed down but kept the sulky look on her face. Turning to Tara he asked, "Is it the only way to help Willow?"

The young witch nodded.

"Then you can count on me."

"Oz!" Veruca tried one last time, half-heartedly. When they had finally come to terms with their bond and relationship, they had settled into primal roles. There was no question between them that Oz was every inch the dominant Alpha male and although she would swear otherwise, even with her dying breath, Ru liked it that way.

"That is good," Giles told the young man. "Your help will make Willow's antidote far stronger."


"I can't go dancing or get laid, but SHE can just nip off to play teacher," Buffy grumbled to Anya. The demoness nodded in sympathy. The Slayer continued, "I blame it on Miss Calendar. It was Will standing in for her that gave her this teacher-bug in the first place."

"Standing in for her? Didn't your squeeze snap her neck?"

Buffy glared at her. "Angel didn't, Angelus did."

"Oh, that's a useful distinction," Anya sniped. "So if I ever killed someone it wouldn't be Anya doing it, it would be Anyanka?"

"You have killed people, lots of people, and no."

"Speaking of teachers, I once condemned a Victorian teacher to be eaten alive by his students," Anya mused. "They started at his toes and it took ages! Small mouths and all that. Anyway, he was spending so much time trying to teach those children everything he knew, and how to grow up into good and decent people, that he didn't have enough time for his intended. She was very miffed about it, actually."

Already tuning out, Buffy was back on her gripe of the day. "So instead of sitting here," she said, "I could be on my back underneath some sweaty studmuffin, his muscles flexing as he surged his huge cock into me, his spectacles gleaming in the firelight, my hands skimming the rough tweed of his waistcoat, his English accent purring sleazy words into my ear..."

"I'm getting them," Willow interrupted. She had been meditating since returning from the Daughters' dorm room.

"Where?" Buffy asked.

"Oz's apartment."

"But I checked there!" Anya protested. "Veruca said she hadn't seen them."

"Well, she is such an honest and trustworthy soul, isn't she?" Willow muttered.

Buffy unfurled her legs from underneath her and strode across the living room to her weapons chest. She tossed the lid back and then pondered the metal death inside before selecting a sturdy bladed sword. "Saddle up girls, we're going hunting."

Anya looked stern as she balled her fists and placed them on her hips. "We need horses? Nobody told me we were going to need horses!"


Tara was decidedly uncomfortable as Faith closed the door to the tiny bathroom. The young witch glanced nervously about, almost as if seeking an escape route. It did not help that Faith looked almost as unhappy about this as she did.

"Y..Y..You wanted to speak to me?"

"Yeah, blondie." Faith's eyes narrowed as she sized Tara up for a moment. "If I tell you something in confidence, it'll remain that way, yes?"

"O..Of course."

"'Coz if it don't, I'll make what the Shepherd did to you look like a love tap, you dig?"

Tara's face paled as she nodded, hesitantly. "T..There's no need for threats, I won't tell a soul."

Faith moved closer, so that their eyes were only a couple of inches apart. "It wasn't a threat, it was a promise."

"O..O..Okay. I swear to Thespia that what you tell me will r..remain just between us."

Satisfied, the Slayer backed down and sat on the edge of the bathtub. "It's about Bee."

Tara hesitated then sat down beside the rebellious Chosen. She did not say a word, just let the brunette take her time and speak when ready. It was obviously something very important to her and Tara understood that she was being trusted with a special secret.

"We need her back to normal. I nee..." She hesitated before sighing. She had needed far less courage to face the legions of Hell than she did to tell someone about her and Buffy. "Will Dawn and Giles produce an essence that will work?"

Tara was a natural listener; she knew when to answer a question and when to wait. As expected, Faith continued. "It's just that I'm wondering if I should take Dawn's place. Would that be better?"

"Because you are a Slayer?"

"Sorta." Faith sighed and finally said it. "I meant more because I love her."

"Oh." It was the last thing Tara was expecting.

Faith glanced sideways, hostile again. "You got a problem with that?"

"No! I think it's s..sweet. Ah... Does she know?"

"Will it be better for her if I take part?" Faith said, ignoring the question.

"Yes, it would. Do you want to do it?"

"With Giles? Who wouldn't?" she sighed. "But Bee wants to keep things a secret so I think it should be as a last resort. Is it possible we could try Dawn and Giles first and, if the potion doesn't work, then I'll do it?"

Tara slipped a hand comfortingly onto Faith's knee and patted it. "Sure. Supposing we survive long enough to try a second dose." She flashed the Slayer a quick burst of her beautiful smile.

Faith's brow wrinkled with uncertainty as she stared at Tara's hand but she returned the smile. "Babe, surviving is what I do best."


"Are you ready?" he asked Dawn.

She glanced around at the small group before nodding. "Not exactly how I had planned to lose my virginity, but yeah, I'm ready."

"Would you like me to undress you?" he asked.

Dawn felt very self-conscious and took another look around the room. Oz, Ru, Xander and Tara sat quietly on the floor underneath the window, their backs to the wall. They had talked about how right it would be for them to stay throughout this ritual and Giles had finally decided that, for safety's sake, they should remain in the room. Tara would have had to anyway, and each of the others would get their turn at this, so it seemed the best course of action.

Faith prowled restlessly by the doorway, looking half alert and half troubled by what was going on. Dawn wondered if the Slayer was concerned for her because she knew Dawn had a crush on some guy. The college girl suspected she would not like it if she found out that the guy was Giles, himself.

"No, I can do it," the teen finally said, reaching for her belt.

Giles took a deep breath and sat down on the edge of the double bed. He was desperately torn. On one hand, he did not want to do this with her in front of others, despite being used to it from his orgy days as Ripper. He knew full well that the young girl was totally in love with him and he felt she deserved better for her first time. Better than as a need for a spell, better than in front of an audience, better than with him. He cared deeply for her, he really did, but she was not his Slayer.

On the other hand, Dawn was a staggeringly beautiful little nymph and he would not be much of a man if he did not feel the affect of her considerable charms. While she slid her belt through its loops, he hooked a finger into the knot of his tie and worked it loose.

Dawn kept her eyes fastened on his. She noted the way they flicked from her hand up to her small breasts, and back down to her crotch. It made her smile and her confidence grow. She flicked her belt loose and cast it to one side, barely containing a giggle as his eyes followed it as if he were hypnotised. Fluttering her slim fingers to deliberately attract his attention, she returned the hand to her crotch and began to slowly, but firmly, unsnap the buttons of her fly. The denim peeled back as she did so, revealing a patch of young, toned skin, and a band of her white panties.

She suddenly blushed a little when she remembered that the pair she had put on today had a picture of a smiling daisy on the front. If she had known they would be on view, she would have put on her sexiest little lace ones!

Wiggling her hips slightly, Dawn worked the very tight jeans lower, freeing up more of her panties to the groups view. Xander raised a knee and draped a hand over it, which earned him a look from Ru. She seemed very unimpressed when she saw the slight bulge in his trousers.

Giles shrugged off his waistcoat and dropped it over the far side of the bed, all the time never taking his eyes off Dawn. She kicked off her sneakers and struggled out of her jeans, but his gaze rested mainly on the daisy, which rucked up and flattened out as she moved.

The teen felt a glimmer of nerves as Giles took off his shirt. She had wanted this from him for some weeks now and the prospect of it finally happening filled her stomach with butterflies. She admired his chest and its fine definition of muscles as she lifted her hand and began to unbutton her blouse.

Her belly was flat and smooth, the skin flawless as she worked the buttons free, going from bottom to top. Giles felt his first stirring of lust when she unbuttoned past her tiny breasts and her dark blue bra came into view. Her eyes met his for a second as she paused, teasingly, then cast off the blouse and let it slip down her back to the floor.

"Mmm," the Englishman sighed, looking at the teen now stood in just bra and panties before him. Her slim figure was the epitome of men's fantasies of what a teenager should look like. Dawn seemed coy and stood with one knee ever so slightly bent to shape her calf muscles to look their best. With a curled hand, she hooked one side of her long brown hair behind her ear as she smiled happily.

After a moment, she reached behind her back, but her motion was stayed when Giles said, "Wait! Let me."

Submissively, she stepped closer to him, so that he had to part his knees to let her in. She could feel the warmth of his breath upon her belly and it made her stomach ripple in delight. Giles looked slowly up, fixing his eyes on her lace-clad breasts. The small mounds looked so inviting, half hidden by the bra. Gently, he reached up and stroked his whole hand over the little globes.

Dawn moaned, closed her eyes and tilted her head back for a second before dropping her gaze back to his face. She took hold of his hand and pressed it against her flesh.

"Feel," she whispered.

He could too. He could feel the lace; feel the softness of her breast; feel the heat of her skin and feel the jackhammer pounding of her heart.

"You like it?" she asked, nervously.

"Yes," he breathed, his voice containing a thick edge of lust.

When her hand dropped away, he grasped and squeezed gently, testing just how soft, yet firm, the small mound was. Dawn moved with his touch, her body swaying slightly toward him. Smiling at her response, Giles let both his hands smooth their way around her back and deftly unhooked her bra. Dawn was surprised with how easily he did it as she shrugged her shoulders and let the garment slip down her arms to freedom.

"Oh," Giles breathed softly, when her pert little breasts came fully into view. He had seen them before, he had sucked on them before, but Dawn had one of those perfect little bodies that made men weak with awe every single time.

Cupping a hand to the small of her back, and feeling it graze the cotton of her panties, he guided her forward enough for his lips to close on her already stiffening nipples. She gasped softly as she felt the warm wetness of his mouth enclose her engorged little buds. That turned into a long, quiet moan when he began to suckle at her flesh.

With deft skill, he flicked and teased her nipples with his tongue, swapping from breast to breast at just the right intervals to leave the teen's skin humming with desire. Her stiff nipples glistened from his saliva as he sucked slightly harder to tug and pull at them. Dawn groaned and cupped the back of his head with both her hands.

While his mouth worked on her breasts, his hands slipped to her panties and hooked into the sides. Gently, he tugged them down just enough to pass her pussy and expose the hairless delight. Not taking his mouth away from her tingling teats, he used his right hand to cup her virgin sex and grind his palm against it.

"Oh, Giles!" Dawn gasped, giving a little circle with her hips in appreciation.

He smiled and gave a gentle nip at her nipples with his teeth when she widened her stance to allow his hand better access. He began to lightly saw his cupped hand back and forth over her pussy, feeling her panties that were still stretched across her thighs graze the back of his wrist as he did so.

"Mmmm," she sighed.

Giles gave a final long suck on her hard nipple, dragging it back with his mouth as he left her breast. When he let it pop free, he could see it was extremely swollen and aroused. He was now free to lean back slightly and take a look at her young cunt. His hand gave it a final stroke, feeling the lips part and slide along his fingers.

"You are so beautiful Dawn," he breathed quietly, not taking his eyes from her smooth, virgin pussy. The whole length of her slit was quite small, the flesh rising in a little mount. The pink flesh inside her cunt glistened already, testament to both her desire for Giles, and his skilful touch.

Keeping his head bowed to watch, he used his middle finger and thumb to spread open her outer lips and bare her more completely to his gaze. Tenderly, he teased the moist skin to spend more of her sweet juice with his index finger.

"Ohh," she whispered, ducking forward to kiss his forehead as her hands writhed about in his hair.

Her thighs quivered a little in excited anticipation as he slowly inserted a finger up into her wet sheath as far as her hymen. The inner cuntflesh was already slick and aroused and felt wonderful to his probing.

Grabbing his ears like handles, Dawn twisted his face upward and covered his mouth hungrily with her own. Boldly, she thrust her tongue out and duelled with his. It was Giles' turn to emit a low moan at the ferocity and eagerness of her passion as he tasted how sweet she was.

Across the room, Xander shifted uncomfortably again. He felt rather guilty about just how much he wished it were him with the teen. Beside him, Ru slid a hand down onto Oz's inner thigh and absently stroked him as her own arousal grew while watching the scene.

Giles filled both his hands with her small buttocks and pulled her tightly to him. Her breasts squashed against his chest as he growled into her mouth as he kissed her more and more passionately. Dawn undulated against him, loving the feeling of his chest hair tickling her nipples.