Bull for Friends in Need Pt. 03

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Getting the husband's permission is half the fun.
4.5k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/27/2020
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I was relaxing on our patio and feeling much better when Dave arrived. It was nice to see him again after my embarrassing bedridden moment last week. My wife Ellicia answered the door and walked with him to our back yard.

Dave smiled and took a chair as I said, "Thanks again for visiting me last week when I couldn't get out of bed. And thanks for taking Ellicia to the concert. She said it was quite special and more than she'd expected."

Ellicia brought us coffee, and Dave smiled at her, "Yes, I'd say we both had a wonderful time, and I think Ellicia was hoping for more encores."

I smiled, "Next time, I hope to go with you."

Dave nodded, "I think you'd enjoy it as much as we did."

My wife smiled and patted Dave on the shoulder, "I'd be happy to go to concerts like that whenever you ask."

She left while Dave and I talked and enjoyed our coffee. Then he said, "Well, I learned two things this week, thanks to you."

I was puzzled, "Really, me? What in the world did you learn?"

Dave said, "You remember when you needed to pee, and Ellicia had to help you?"

"Yes," I said. "Sorry about that. I hope that wasn't inappropriate, but I was glad you had come and I didn't want you to leave yet."

Dave said, "Oh, that was fine. In fact, that's when I learned the two things."

"Oh," I replied. "Are you going to tell me what they are?"

Dave was cautious about what he was about to say, almost hesitant. "Well, it's just that I'd never seen a penis as small as yours, and I wondered if you and Ellicia didn't have children because you could not get her pregnant." He halted, then added, "You know, just not enough there to inseminate her."

I was very surprised to hear Dave say that, but for some reason I wasn't offended. I replied, "Well, I was in a weakened state at that moment, so perhaps that wasn't the best time to judge things."

"Right," Dave said, "But I have another friend who did have that problem, and his wife could only get pregnant when they used an alternative, a surrogate."

I had wondered about what Dave said. We were childless, and maybe I did have a size problem. But I don't think getting pregnant works quite that way.

Dave said, "It's not uncommon for a husband to have an inadequate penis and to agree to let the wife explore larger ones. Sometimes for the purpose if insemination. Nothing threatening to marriage, just as a practical solution to curiosity or for impregnation. It's not anything to worry about. But I've always admired husbands who were confident enough to let their wives have that experience. The couple must be very loving and caring, I suppose."

My mind was spinning.

Dave added, "I'm guessing that even erect your penis couldn't be very large, am I right?"

Should I answer such a question? I hesitated but found myself wanting to talk about this more. "Well, I've never measured it, if that's what you mean. I suppose it's average."

"Well, enough about that," Dave said. "Sorry I brought it up, but I have always wondered why you and Ellicia did not have children, and I thought maybe that was a problem."

I shook my head, "I don't think so."

"Have you ever talked with Ellicia about this?" Dave asked.

"Heaven's no," I said. But as I spoke I felt my dickie move and felt tell-tale wetness down there. I wanted to change the subject, so I asked, "And what was the second thing you learned?"

Dave looked around, then leaned over closer to me, "I learned that if I were confined to bed and had to pee, a urinal like that would never work for me."

I said, "Oh sure, you'd get used to it."

"No," Dave said, "It's not that."

"Then what would be the problem?" I asked him.

"Do you still have one here?" Dave asked me.

"Yes, there's one on the kitchen counter," as I pointed to the patio door.

Dave ran into the kitchen and returned with it in his hand. He pointed to the opening and said, "It just wouldn't fit."

I didn't understand. "What do you mean you wouldn't fit?" Dave turned his back to the house to hide himself from the possibility of my wife watching us, and then he unzipped his trousers. He fished around inside his pants and drew out the biggest fattest dick I ever saw or could imagine. He pressed it to the urinal opening, and sure enough his dick was too wide.

Holding his cock in one hand, Dave looked at me and said, "See, I'd be in big trouble."

I wasn't sure what to say. Dave wasn't quick to put his cock away. He held it there for me to see, and I think I saw it growing larger as he let me look at it. Finally, I said, "Maybe they come in different sizes?"

Dave laughed and tucked his dick back into his pants. "That would be good," he said, "because otherwise I'd just have to target shoot."

Just then, Ellicia came back to the patio. Dave complimented her on her looks and attire, and I felt my dick get hard. As she relaxed in a lounge chair, and I whispered to Dave so she couldn't hear me, "How did your friends find a surrogate to inseminate the wife?"

Dave smiled, "I did it for them."

I'd known Dave for a while, but never suspected that he had this talent and experience. When he left, Ellicia stood up to give him a goodbye hug. His hand fell down her back and rested on her buttock. I thought about his enormous cock and I felt my little beebop throb. Right then I knew I would have to change my underwear.

Later, Ellicia asked me what we had talked about. She noted, "Your face looked a little red and you seemed kind of excited or something."

"Oh, we talked about the usual things," I told her. My instinct was to change the subject, but for some reason I wanted to tell her what Dave had said. Finally, I admitted, "Dave said that he learned two things when he visited me in bed last week."

"Really," she said, "Do you want to tell me about these two things?"

I told her that Dave thought my penis was small and maybe that's why we didn't have children. But I protested, "I think I'm about average, don't you?"

My wife smiled and patted my hand, "You're just right," she assured me.

That was a relief to hear, but Dave had shown me the dramatic difference between my poor excuse for a wife pleaser and the amusement park he had in his pants. "Dave said that maybe I couldn't inseminate you properly because my penis isn't up to the task."

Ellicia smiled, "Don't worry dear. That's just Dave's opinion."

I felt a little relieved until my wife added, "He could be right." "Besides," she said, "How big can Dave's penis be?" Oh God, I wanted to tell her about his cock, but how? Just then, my wife asked, "So what was the second thing Dave learned?"

I felt like a school boy telling a secret. "Dave said that when he watched you help me pee in the bed, he realized that he'd be in trouble if he was bedridden."

Ellicia turned her head to the side, "How's that?"

I was beginning to wish that I hadn't brought all this up, but now I felt compelled to tell her what I saw. My dick was very aroused by the subjects Dave brought up, and I found myself admitting to my wife, "Dave said his thingy would not fit in the portable urinal."

My wife just said, "Won't fit? How do you know?"

"He showed me," I told her.

Ellicia asked, "What? Dave showed you his penis?" Then she added, "Was it big?"

I could only nod yes.

Then my wife said, "Well that would be something to see. That's hard to believe. Maybe I could see it to judge for myself. Maybe your eyes aren't good."

I laughed and said, "If you want to see it, I don't know if Dave would show you," thinking that she was joking. But she wasn't.

Ellicia said, "I've heard rumors about men like that. There are even men who offer themselves to married couples so the wife can have a special experience if her husband permits, and then he watches."

Now I was concerned. What was my calm proper wife thinking? Was she asking for permission? I trusted Dave as a friend, and for some reason even the thought of my wife examining his cock in front of me didn't feel threatening. In fact, my dick was telling me that maybe I wanted her to see Dave's big cock.

But I still thought she was kidding me, so I called her bluff. "Okay, let's invite him back to show you."

Ellicia took out her cell phone and called Dave. Did she still think this was all a joke? Was she trying to embarrass me? What in the world would she say to Dave? "Hi Dave," she said, "Marc was just telling me about your visit today, and I don't believe what he's saying."

My heart was pounding and my pecker was throbbing. She laughed at whatever Dave said, and then she hung up. She noticed the wet spot in my trousers, "Oh dear, how nice to see you get excited," and she hugged me as her hand felt my hardness. She said nothing more about the phone call, and I wasn't sure if I should encourage any more of this talk.

In less than half an hour our doorbell rang. I answered it, and there was Dave. He said, "When Ellicia called, I offered to come over right away. Sounds like you told her about our naughty conversation, and I offered to prove that you were right." Now my heartbeat was nearing a dangerous level.

Dave stepped into the living room, and Ellicia said, "I don't believe it. Can you prove what Marc said?"

I wanted to stop him, but Dave said, "Only if Marc approves."

She looked at me, "Well?"

Dave said, "Sorry Marc, I didn't know your wife would want me to show her my cock. I'm as surprised as you are."

I was getting a little frantic when he said the word "cock" in front of my wife. I hesitated before I muttered, "Okay, go ahead."

Dave sat on the sofa and Ellicia sat next to him. I watched my wife unzip my friend's pants and put her hand inside his trousers. In a few seconds, she pulled out his big fat cock. Dave reclined calmly to let Ellicia stare at it. My wife kept her grip on his cock as we both watched it grow.

Dave broke the ice, "See, I told Marc that I'd be in trouble if I had to pee in a bed."

Ellicia held on to her grip just below his bell head as Dave's cock kept rising and getting thicker. Dave began moving his pelvis up and down to make it look like my wife was giving him a wank job. He was not embarrassed, and my wife was not letting go.

As Dave slowly fucked my wife's hand, she began to slide it up and down. Dribbles of cum rise then flow down the sides of Dave's cock, and my wife's fingers spread Dave's slippery cum from top to bottom.

Ellicia said, "Well, Dave, you were right. This thing would be a problem for the nursing staff if you were hospitalized, but it must delight your girlfriends."

With his hands folded behind his head and his cock sticking up through his trouser fly, and with my wife giving him a hand job, and with me watching them, Dave said, "It's a mixed blessing, and you probably know why."

My wife said, "I bet the girls loved to play with it, but you have trouble using it for what God intended?"

Dave shocked me by saying, "You mean, to fuck other men's wives?"

I heard my own wife say, "Yes, can you fuck them with this?"

Dave unbuckled his trousers, and my wife let go of his cock long enough for him to push them down and take off his boxers. He stood up with his cock waving around from side to side, and now we saw his big balls in a low-slung sac swinging back and forth. Ellicia reached up to smooth more of his cum down from his glans and oil the sides of his dick. Her pampering touches made both of our cocks hard.

Dave politely said, "Marc, I hope this is okay with you," as I watched my wife holding the biggest dick in the county.

Neither Marc nor my wife waited for me to answer. Dave explained, "Girlfriends of mine and wives of other men can have trouble taking all of it." Then he stopped speaking long enough to ask my wife to use both hands. "I've had mostly success, but sometimes it takes effort."

I was feeling completely left out, but Dave acknowledged me sitting there watching and said, "Marc, why don't you relax and enjoy yourself." I quickly pulled off my pants and they looked at my juvenile dick. Hard as a nail, wet, and begging for attention. But not in the same species of Dave's.

Dave looked at me and said, "Ellicia, I think your husband's cock could have gotten you pregnant. It is small and inadequate in some ways." He looked down at her, "When he fucks you, do you feel full of his warm cum? Does it flow out of your pussy when he's done?"

Ellicia said, "No, not really. Can't say that I have felt that."

Her words were making me dizzy with desire to wank myself. I grabbed my dick and treated like a joy stick.

"From what ladies tell me," Dave said, "they feel the force of my ejaculation pulses and usually a lake of cum fills them."

Jeez, Dave was making me feel crazy and confused. Was this normal? Should I permit it to continue? Could I stop it?

My wife said, "Marc, do you want to feel it? It's so different than yours."

"That's not for me," I said.

"It's really hard but soft and tender up here," my wife said as she explored the plump head of his cock. Dave just stood there, all smiles.

Trying to wrap things up, I said, "I can see how it might be hard for a woman to accommodate that thing. But thanks for showing us, I guess."

Ellicia jumped in, "It's just fascinating to see this, but I agree with my husband. I don't know how I could ever be married to a man with something like this."

Dave put a dagger into me when he said, "Why don't we try?" He stood there tilting his hips from side to side to make his cock wave back and forth while my wife tried to catch it in her hands.

I tried to speak, "Well, er, ah, I mean...."

But I was too slow to stop it. Dave said, "Sure, let's try. I don't mind." He looked at me and said, "Nothing sexual about it, just to see if we can do it. Just to see if her pussy can take it. Just for the data."

I was so conflicted. A wave of threatened husband emotions met a tidal wave of excitement because, even though I didn't know it yesterday, today I wanted to see my wife fucked by him. Or did I? I couldn't tell. All I knew for sure that my own dick was on fire and I was getting breathless. Was Dave acting as the old friend I knew, or was he taking advantage of the situation to fuck my wife in front of me?

Ellicia begged, "Oh Marc, I think it would be okay to let him try. But only if you approve. After all, you are my husband, and your feelings are most important to me."

Oh God, I could hardly think straight. I was in charge, it seems. I think I was. They said I was. But I couldn't decide what was in my own best interest. So I dodged the question, "Dear, it's up to you. If you want to."

My darling wife let go of Dave's cock and walked over to hug me and take hold my dick. "No dear, that's not what I need to hear." Her fingers toyed with my slick little willie, "Do you want to watch Dave try to fuck me?"

I could hold back no longer, "Oh yes! Please."

"Please what?" she asked.

She was going to make me say it, "Please let Dave try to fuck you."

"When?" she asked.

"Right now," I said.


"Right here." She was making me agree that it was okay to have my wife fucked in front of me, here and now.

Dave stepped over to my wife, his cock preceding him by a good nine inches. He took my wife's hand, and walked her to the sofa. She sat and Dave knelt in front of her. She was fully dressed, and her knees were pressed together modestly. Dave looked to me, "Nothing sexy intended here. It's a lot like watching your wife being fitted for shoes in a shoe store."

What? I don't know why my little dick didn't explode right then. Dave's approach to such an intimate thing as fucking my wife was casual and natural, like he was happy to do us a favor.

Dave reached under Ellicia's skirt, with a hand on the outside of each leg. She knew he was going to remove her panties, and lifted her rump ever so slightly. Dave drew down her panties and said, "White is always a nice choice," as he dropped them to the side.

He slide my wife's skirt up to the top of her long legs, and I moved a bit so I could see her familiar patch of curly dark hair disappearing down between her legs. Dave told my wife, "Move your legs apart so we can see your pussy."

She seemed hesitant, but Dave was patient, "Take your time, but you'll need to show me your pussy before we can try the cock fitting." Gradually, she let her legs fall to the sides until the slit of her pussy appeared to his view. As she spread her legs farther apart her little intimate folds and minor lips in various shades of pink glistened and unfolded.

"Your wife has the most beautiful pussy," Dave said to me. "And I mean that as a big compliment because I have seen quite a few others." Even after all that had already happened, I saw my wife blush at Dave's compliment. Her little butt angled from side to side, which made the view of her exposed pussy more detailed. I stood to get a better view.

Dave said, "Before we give it a try, let's just be sure she's lubricated sufficiently," and he leaned down between my wife's spread legs. As his tongue smothered her lips, poor Ellicia could no longer sit still and be quiet. Dave anticipated this, and he held her hips firmly in place so his tongue could explor the little hills and valleys of her pussy.

Hee pulled back for a moment and said, "Actually, they don't do this part in a shoe store," and we all laughed. Then he said, "I don't think she could be wetter, so now we can go ahead with our little experiment."

Dave seemed mindful of me and of my feelings, and that was awfully nice of him. He reassured me that all we were doing was giving my wife a chance to see if a cock of his size would even fit her. It's not like trying on shoes, but I appreciated his explanation. "We'll take it easy," he said, "Remember my purpose is not to fuck her." But as his cock approached my wife's pussy lips, all I could think about was wanting to see him fuck her.

It was exciting to see my wife sitting there, dressed with her legs spread wide, as if she was really at some sort of store for a cock fitting from a well-endowed employee.

I leaned over to see Dave's cock kiss my wife's pussy lips. His wide thick bell head rested gently against her parted lips. Ellicia struggled a bit anticipating the penetration, but Dave held back. "Let's just let them get friendly and acquainted first," Dave said. He pulled back slightly, and I saw a string of his cum connecting his dick with my wife's pussy.

"If your wife were younger," Dave said, "we'd have to worry about insemination." He asked Ellicia, "I assume you're past that age?" She nodded. "Oh good, then we won't have any worries and can go as far as possible."

Dave seemed to be a master at this sort of thing. My wife panting for his cock, and he even had me watching and eager to see him work it into her. As for me, my cock was in a state of excitement like never before. I had stopped touching myself so I wouldn't lose control. I enjoyed the sustained buzz Dave had created, and I didn't want it to end too soon.

Finally, Dave gradually inserted. The round of his dick head disappeared into Ellicia's pussy just enough to test the elasticity of her lips. Dave kindly asked her, "How does that feel?"

Ellicia nodded, as the first inch of cock entered her. Dave stopped to let her adjust and respond. She seemed eager for a more rapid pace, but Dave must have known it was best to enter slowly. He withdrew completely, then reentered back to the same depth, then inched in a bit deeper. Over and over, Dave used his technique to see how much of his cock my wife could take without asking to stop. With each slow entry, Ellicia let out a deep breath as if trying to make more room for Dave. About six inches later, as Dave's cock pulled out, he invited me, "Look how her lips follow and cling to the side of my cock. See how long they are. When a cock fills her properly those lovely lips have nowhere to go except to glide in and out."