Bull with a Conscience Ch. 01

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My first experience as a bull.
9.2k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/31/2016
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This story explores the MMF relationship from the third person's perspective. It will be at least four chapters, offering the perspective of the bull, who in this case experienced his own wife cheating on him prior to becoming a bull. It makes him look at the role of a little differently.

As always, my stories are complete works of fiction, and all persons are of legal age - 18 year of age or older. Your votes and comments are important to me, so after you read it, please share with me!


My name is Frank, and I'm a bull.

Yes, that's right; I'm one of those guys that couples call whenever the man wants the woman to fuck someone else, sometimes with the man watching. I've been doing this for years, and I still don't understand why a man -- usually a husband -- would want to willingly let his wife have sex with another man, just because it turns him on. But since there are men like that out there, and women who don't mind being fucked by more than just their husband, I'm willing to provide the service.

But I'm a little different than most other bulls. I guess you could say I'm a bull with a conscience. Now that doesn't mean I try to talk these couples out of employing my services. Hey, I'm just like the next guy -- if I can get a good fuck out of the deal while I satisfy their weird cravings, I'm fine with that.

But the conscience part comes from my own background. No, I wasn't caught up in some unwilling cuckold scheme created by my wife. She just flat out cheated on me, and I kicked the bitch out for good. It was fortunate that my parents had convinced me to sign a pre-nup prior to getting married. I'll explain more about that in a bit.

I still feel the pain of that cheating cunt tearing my heart out and stomping on it. She begged me to forgive her, but that wasn't happening. Walking in on her and the asshole going at it like they were -- well, in a way, it kind of provided its own amusing consequence to her actions. I don't know if it was just because I scared him by walking in on them or not, but his dick was so small, I'm not sure how she could even feel him inside of her.

So now you can see where the 'conscience' part of my bull work comes from. After experiencing the pain caused by a cheating whore in my own life, I will not cause pain in someone else's relationship. If a couple are both willing for this to happen, I'm good with it. But if what I do could cause and suffering for anyone involved, I tell them to move on.

You see, that's one of the reasons why I think I'm pretty good at being a bull. I'm a farmer -- I work the land with my father, and he has always let me know that the family farm will be mine someday. That's why they were hoping I'd sign a pre-nup -- if anything happened in my marriage, they didn't want my wife getting any of the farm that had been in the family for generations. It turns out they were wise, but then I'd known that all along. My father is the best man I know, and I only hope to live up to that same standard.

So I'm a pretty handsome guy, in a rugged way, and I know that look turns some women on. I don't try to use it for my own benefit, but it's nice when you see women checking you out, and you can tell they are thinking about what it might look like underneath the jeans or overalls I usually wear when farming.

Of course, if they knew what was under there, they might get a little wetter between their legs. In addition to my good looks, I am fortunate to be pretty well equipped in the mid-section category. I'm not going to tell you that it is so many inches, because I have never measured. But I know that I'm bigger than average, which means bigger than most guys. And I know I was much bigger than the pencil-dicked asshole my wife was fucking on our bed, which gave me the satisfaction in knowing that she lost me for someone who couldn't possibly satisfy her like I did.

Now don't get me wrong -- I believe that in most cases, regardless of size, it's how a guy uses his cock on a girl that makes a difference, not how big he is. Some women are size queens, so if you don't measure up to their standards, it doesn't matter what you do. But in the long run, even a guy with a smaller dick can learn how to make a woman happy. It just takes knowledge and the ability to think outside of the box, so to speak. It also requires that the couple communicates -- they must let each other know that they want, then figure out a plan to make it happen.

So how does all of this lead up to me becoming a bull? Well, this part of the story is how I got my start. After I kicked my cunt wife out, we went through divorce proceedings, and it was all relatively simple because of the conditions of the pre-nup. Yes, I did have to get a new cell phone number so she would stop calling me begging me to take her back. And I did have to change email addresses for the same reason. I even had to get a restraining order against her, covering a mile within any land we owned and farmed, so she would stop driving out to see me. It was so embarrassing the day she came to the house and stripped naked in the front yard, begging me to take her back, because that happened just as my parents were pulling into the driveway for a visit. It was my father that suggested the restraining order. The wisdom of the man saved the day again.

My wife and I had been best friends with a couple named Steve and Caitlin. They were farmers as well, and lived about a mile up the road from my place. We did everything together -- went to the same church, ate at the same restaurants, and we even helped each other farm, because that's what friends do in farming country. If I got done with harvest before he did, I'd pull my machines onto his ground to help him. If I had hay down and was trying to get it up before the rains came, he'd come and help me bale. It was mutual respect for each other that grew into a deep friendship.

Unfortunately when my wife decided to be a cheating whore (can you tell I don't like her much?), that friendship became a little strained at first. Really, I shouldn't say that, because it was Steve and Amy's friendship that got me through the affair and divorce. It was just a different dynamic now -- instead of two couples enjoying time together, I now felt like a third wheel when I was around them.

If they felt that way, they didn't let on. In fact, I could almost perceive that perhaps they were being a little friendlier to me now that the slut was out of the picture. It was very comforting, and at the time I really appreciated that they opened themselves up for me like that.

One day Steve and I were standing out in the field together. We had just finished working a section of Steve's ground, and were about ready to take the equipment back to our respective farmsteads. Out of the blue, Steve asked, "Frank, we're best friends, aren't we?"

I was a little surprised to hear this question, but I had to agree that we were, and told him so.

"Well, I have something to ask you, but it's a little weird, and I don't want to do anything to harm our friendship. That's the most important thing about this."

Now I was intrigued. "Steve, I'm pretty sure there's not much you can ask that will stop our friendship."

Steve nodded, and then said, "I hope not, but this is a very unusual request. You know that Caitlin and I love each other, and there will be nothing that will keep us from ever loving each other. But I have this thing that I always think about, and it turns me on so much I can't think straight."

This wasn't what I thought he was going to say, and I was starting to feel a little uncomfortable, but I had promised him I would listen, so I said, "A thing? What kind of thing?"

"Well, it's hard to say, and I don't want you to think any less of me, but I kind of have this craving to see my wife make love to another man."

Now I was shocked -- he wanted to see what I saw with my cheating cunt of a wife? Wanted to see her with another man fucking her? How the hell could any man want to purposely see his wife being fucked by another man?

"Steve, are you nuts? I just kicked my wife out for that very same reason! Believe me, that was the absolute LAST thing I ever wanted to see. And now you telling me that you WANT your wife to fuck another man? That just doesn't make sense!"

"I know, Frank, and I can't really explain it. The difference is that Caitlin and I have talked about this -- a lot actually, over several years. She couldn't believe it either when I first started mentioning how I liked other guys looking at her. It evolved to the point where I told her what my desire was. At first she was repulsed -- I think she was thinking that I didn't want to fuck her anymore, but that wasn't the case at all. Then she thought I was testing her -- that if I could get her to admit she wanted to have sex with someone else, I would say she didn't love me.

"It took a lot of talking back and forth, and a lot of understanding on her part, before she could finally see that I was serious about it. It's not that I don't love her anymore. It's just something inside of me that wants to see her have the most pleasure possible, and I think that maybe another man would provide that for her -- and me, as well. And then the thought of me going back to her after she's done with the other man and "reclaiming" her for myself is an incredible turn on! This is getting me excited just thinking about it!"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Easy there, big fella. You're serious about this, aren't you? How long have you been thinking about this?"

Steve looked at me and said, "I don't know -- a long time, I can tell you that. There's no real easy way to just come out to your wife and tell her you want her to get fucked by another man. It took years of edging around the subject before I finally felt I could share it with her.

"Frank, I know Jenny (that was my ex-wife's name -- I don't think I've mentioned it before, since I now prefer to call her 'cunt') cheated on you, and I know what I'm describing to you sounds like it's the same thing. But it's not, because even though another man would be fucking my wife, it would be with my permission, and hopefully I will be there when it happens. And Caitlin's on board as well. I have convinced her to give it a try, and if it's not good for either of us, we will never do it again.

"Who knows -- maybe when the deed is being done, I'll have second thoughts and find out it wasn't what I wanted. Maybe she'll feel so guilty about being with someone else that she can't go through with it. I feel like I'm taking a risk here that when someone else fucks her, she won't want to fuck me anymore, but I think our love for each other is strong enough that that's not going to happen."

I had to pause and think about what Steve had just told me. Even before my lying bitch whore cheated on me, I loved her so much that I couldn't bear the thought of seeing her with another man, especially at my own suggestion. It just didn't compute -- it wasn't normal! But I could see how worked up Steve was getting as he told me this. And I understood the risk he was taking by opening up his freaky little world to me.

"Steve, I don't understand it, but who am I to question if you and Caitlin want to do something like this. I'm not sure why you needed to tell me, but if it's something you want to do, then go for it. Some guy is going to be lucky to get a chance to fuck your beautiful wife, that's for sure."

I wasn't lying to Steve when I said his wife was beautiful. She wasn't super-model pretty, but she had many wonderful features that I found attractive. She was a little taller than my stupid whore, and broader in the shoulders and hips, so she wasn't petite at all. But with her broadness came some pretty amazing curves, especially around her hips and waist. You'd think with that basic formation, her breasts would be large as well, but hers were pretty small -- in fact, when she was just hanging around on the farm, she rarely wore a bra, and I love seeing her prominent nipples poke out of the shirts or blouses she normally wore for every day. My cheating whore of a wife would catch me looking at Caitlin's nipples from time to time, and with a hot streak of jealously, would remind me that there was more to squeeze on her than on Caitlin.

Steve looked at me and smiled. "I was hoping you'd think that, Frank. You see, we haven't acted on this fantasy yet, but we are ready to try it. But we both know that for this first time, at least, we want this to be as safe as possible. We want it to be with somebody whom we trust, who won't go spreading our little secret to the world. Most importantly, I want to know that whoever the first person is to make my fantasy come true, it's someone that won't hurt Caitlin in any way. If she doesn't feel the same pleasure I hope to feel, we just won't do it.

"Frank, we've talked this over, and we want the first man to be you."

I did not see that coming. For a minute, I wasn't even sure that I could comprehend what he was asking of me. Did Steve really just tell me he wanted me to fuck his wife Caitlin? Could he possibly be serious about this? Was he testing me, using this crazy scenario to find out if I had the hots for his wife? I walked away a few steps and I pondered this.

Don't get me wrong -- I just told you that Caitlin was a beautiful woman, and that the man who got to fuck her would be a lucky dude. I just didn't think it was going to be me! I loved Caitlin, but I loved her as a couple with Steve. They have been my best friends for a long time, and they really stepped up when the nasty pig cheated on me.

And while it was true that I enjoyed worshiping her nipples when she didn't wear a bra, I honestly had never thought about fucking her. At the time, I loved my wife and didn't feel the need to fantasize about any other woman. Plus, I had no desire to even think about cheating with Caitlin on Steve. It was something that best friends didn't to do each other, at least not in my line of thinking.

I looked back at Steve and said, "So let me get this straight. You want me to fuck Caitlin, and that's okay with both you and her?"

He was serious when he responded, "Yes."

"And when I fuck her, you want to be there, watching as we do this?"

"Yes, if possible. I know it may be too weird -- perhaps for both you and her. But my ultimate fantasy would be for me to watch as my sexy wife experienced another man's cock rammed deep into her pussy -- preferably someone bigger than me, if you know what I mean."

I wasn't going to pull my cock out then and there so he could compare, but I knew I probably could give him that part of his fantasy. Still, it was just too much to try and process. I hadn't been with a woman in the six months since the skank cheated on me, and I while I always enjoyed taking care of myself from time to time, I was missing the feel of a warm pussy swallowing me in a moment of intimacy. My slutty whore of a wife was always good in bed, and even though I was glad to be rid of her, I did miss the sex.

Steve could tell I was trying to process his request, so he said to me, "Look, Frank -- you don't have to decide right now. Tell you what, go home and do a little research for me so you can see I'm not the only guy who has ever felt this way. Look up "cuckold" and "hotwife" on Wikipedia. And if you want to see more, use those terms on a porn site and see what comes up. Most of those are geared more to the husband being humiliated, and I'm not into that phase of it. But you'll see that it's more common than you think."

I could feel Steve's eyes staring at me, anticipating what I would say next. Hell, I was anticipating as well, because I wasn't sure what I would say. Finally, I looked over to him and said, "Okay -- I'll go do some research. I won't tell you 'no' yet, but it's going to take some time to try and figure this out. Please let Caitlin know that I haven't agreed to it yet because she's not desirable. She is a beautiful woman, but I've just never thought of having sex with her before."

Steve replied, "I appreciate that, Frank, and I will tell her. I would imagine after I tell her we had this conversation, she's going to want to call you herself to discuss this with you. If that would help you in your decision, is it okay that she calls?"

"Yes, that would be okay. In fact, I think it would probably be best if we could talk about it together. It's not that I don't trust you, Steve. I just want to make sure that if I did decide to do it, she was completely on board. Do you understand?"

Steve nodded and smiled. "Of course I understand. In fact, if I go home now and tell her that, I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't want to drive down here and talk to you in person as soon as possible. I would give my blessing for that conversation. But I also know that as soon as I get home and tell her that you and I talked, the first thing I'm going to do is fuck her brains out. I'm trying not to show it here, but this has gotten me incredibly excited about the possibility if it finally happening!"

"Okay, Steve -- if she wants to talk in person, that's fine. If she wants to do it later today, just have her give me a call before she comes up. I need to take a shower, and it sounds like you have immediate plans for her already."

Steve's face broke into a huge grin. "Thanks, buddy -- I know this was a weird request, and I thank you for staying with is so far. Are we still friends?"

"I told you that whatever you had to say probably wouldn't cost us our friendship. I had no idea what you were going to tell me, but so far we are all good."

Steve replied, "I'm so glad to hear that. Now, I need to fire this big tractor up and get back home. My wife is in for the fucking of her life! See you later, friend!"

I watched as he climbed up into the cab of his big John Deere and headed off down the road. As I headed to my tractor, I thought about the picture of him fucking his wife. Then I thought about the picture of him watching as I fucked her. For the first time, I got a little excited at the possibility. If they were really all for it, why would I object? After all, it had been a six month dry spell for me, so I was ready to feel that intimacy again. And I couldn't deny that I'd love to suck on Caitlin's small tits and pointy nipples, which always seemed to be hard when she was out and about our farms.

I pulled my tractor into the yard and parked it. As was my usual procedure, I headed directly into the shower to wash the day's dirt off. As the warm water rinsed over me, the picture of Steve and Caitlin fucking appeared in my mind. If they hadn't already finished by now, I suspected they were right in the middle of it. Then I pictured me fucking Caitlin, as Steve watched. It was this image that caused my cock to swell. I lathered it up and began stroking it, as I imagined Caitlin calling out things like 'Oh my god, it's so fucking big' and 'I've never felt anything like this in my pussy.' The more I pictured, and the more I imagined her words as we fucked, the closer I got to my own orgasm, until I reached the point where I shot my load all over the shower wall. It was one of the best orgasms from masturbation I'd had in a long time, and I've had several since that lying cunt whore cheated on me.

I finished washing, including rinsing the shower wall clean of my sperm, and dried off and got dressed. I fixed myself a light supper and turned on the television to watch the news. About 15 minutes after I'd finished eating, I got a text message from Caitlin, wondering if she could come down. I answered by telling her I'd love to see her.

She pulled into the yard about 5 minutes later. She knocked on the door, and I opened it to let her in, hugging her and kissing her on the cheek as she entered. I could see that her face looked flushed, and I hoped it wasn't my kiss that had caused that.