But Honey, It Was Just A Dance


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Linda's face was showing more and more distress as she told her story and it was hitting home with Cathy. She shared her friend's pain and her own emotions were starting to show. A single tear broke loose from Cathy's eye and started to trickle down her cheek. "You shouldn't be telling me all this, Linda. Look at you, you're crying. Why don't we stop here?"

"No—no, I want to tell you the whole story, Cathy. You need to know the whole story, it's important. So, where was I...oh yeah, I know; I immediately took out my phone and called Harry. I asked him to come back and pick me up. That's when he told me he thought I was having an affair and he had a good idea it was with Terry. He said he was going to pack a bag and leave and he didn't know if he was coming back."

Linda picked up a napkin. "God, Cathy, it hit me like a ton of bricks," she said while dabbing the moisture from eyes. "It was like someone had just turned the lights on and everything suddenly came into focus. It wasn't Harry taking me for granted. Hell, he did everything he could to try and help. It was me; I was taking him for granted...him and Jennifer, as well as the life we had built for ourselves. I realized I was risking my entire marriage over some ass hole. I asked Harry again to come back and get me so we could talk, but he wouldn't do it, so I called a cab."

"What about Terry, what was he doing all this time?" Cathy questioned.

"Oh he wasn't giving up, not yet. He said Harry didn't deserve me and I should go home with him. I told the fucker to drop dead," she reported with a chuckle. "Even after that, he had to try one more time. He followed me outside to wait for the cab. As it pulled into the lot, he grabbed me and tried to kiss me. I gave him my knee right in the balls. While he was all hunched over in pain, I told him if he ever tried to contact me again, I'd file a sexual harassment suit."

Cathy reached over and took her friend's hand as Linda wiped away more tears.

"Anyway, by the time I got home Harry was gone. I tried to call him but he had his cell turned off. Cathy, I was so worried; all I could see was my marriage dissolving right before my eyes. My whole family-everything we worked for, going up in smoke. I'll tell you, Cath, I was never so scared in my life.

"The next day I tried calling him at work but he wouldn't talk to me. His secretary told me he even instructed the receptionist to block me from seeing him if I went over there. I was getting desperate so I went over and talked to Andrea, my neighbor. Harry liked her and her husband so I thought maybe he would talk to her. Well, he did but all he said was that he needed time to think and would call me in a couple of weeks. I knew trying to pressure him would just work against me so I decided to give him some space. Those were the worst two weeks of my life. When Jennifer was around I tried to stay strong and just told her that daddy was out of town, but as soon as she wasn't around, all I did was cry. I thought I'd really blown it. Harry was so pissed I really didn't think he was going to come back to me, especially if he thought I was cheating on him."

Linda was now crying as she remember the pain she went through.

"I'm sorry," she told Cathy, "It's...it's hard to talk about-even now." She took a deep breath, then picked up where she left off.

"As I was saying, finally Harry called and said he was coming home. Cathy I came so close to losing everything; believe me, it made me realize what I had and how unbelievably lucky I was. In the end, Cathy, love has to trump lust. I love Harry and he loves me. As far as I'm concerned, there isn't a man in this world that is worth jeopardizing that."

"Wow," Cathy said in a pensive voice, "you're right. I don't know what I would do if my husband left me. Did you ever tell Harry the truth?"

"Are you kidding? As close as I came to losing him, I wasn't about to take a chance on it happening again. Cathy, I live in constant fear that someday he'll find out, but since the day he came home, I've tried to be the best wife I could be. No longer do I take him or our marriage for granted. Every day I thank my lucky stars for what I have and I show Harry how much I appreciate him with all the passion in my soul. All I can hope for, is that it's enough if he ever does find out."

Cathy squeezed Linda's hand in a reassuring gesture.

"I am so glad you told me your story. You've stopped me from making a big mistake, Linda. Thank you."

The two girls talked for just a few more minutes, then made tentative plans for the next time they got together, before saying good-bye. Linda was feeling good and knew she had just saved a friend from making a terrible decision. She pulled into her drive in plenty of time to greet her daughter with a kiss and an after school snack. Damn, she thought to herself, Jennifer is growing up so fast. She'll soon be ten years old. Where does the time go?

When Harry came home from work Linda greeted her man with hugs and kisses. She had never talked about that painful period of their marriage, until that day. Talking to Cathy just reminded her again of what a wonderful life she and Harry had built for themselves.

Later that night, as Harry laid next to her, wrapped in a blissful sleep, Linda rolled on her side and propped herself up on her elbow. She stared at the lines in his face that come from normal aging and remembered when each one showed up. With an almost imperceptibly faint touch, she traced the outline of a few of the later ones. Her heart pounded with admiration and love for the flesh and bones man who lay at her side.

Quietly, Linda leaned down and touched her lips to his, but as their lips met, Harry's turned up at the sides forming a big grin. He threw his arms around his lovely wife and pulled her down into a passionate kiss.

"I thought you were asleep," whispered Linda.

"Actually, I was laying here thinking about what to get Jennifer for her birthday," he remarked. You know what she really needs?"


"A baby brother or sister."

This wasn't a complete surprise. They had debated about having another child but never really came to a decision. Linda smiled; it sounded like her husband just ended the debate.

"Well her birthday is only two months away, honey. Shouldn't we get started?"

Harry's smile broadened. "You read my mind."

Two months later Jennifer celebrated her tenth birthday with a big party in the back yard. Mom and dad invited all her friends, and there was plenty of ice cream and cake for everyone. After the party, Linda and Harry surprised their daughter with, yet another, expensive toy...and the news of a brand new baby brother.

The End.


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AnonymousAnonymous3 days ago

4 stars. Though it really didn't do it for me. Don't sugar coat it, the wife had an affair. Disrespect and humiliation of her husband at the very least.

AnonymousAnonymous5 days ago

It was an entertaining story. Well worth the read

willyk1212willyk121214 days ago

pretty good story

theVikingSailortheVikingSailor22 days ago

Excellent story. One of the relatively few that has a theme and a message for the readers as well as being entertaining. I heard that afterward several angry husbands grabbed Terry off the street. They took him to an ER and handcuffed him to a post. One of the men brought a bolt cutter and they left Terry--all of him except for one small part--for the doctors to patch up. No one ever did locate the Bobbitt peg.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos23 days ago

I commented on this a few months ago when I first read it - liked it then, liked it now. I guess I'm just shocked at the number of people who are angry at the resolution of the story. Personally, I really like this sub-genre of "cheating wives" stories that are basically just "close calls", not where an unrepentant wife "gets away with it", but one where she learns her lesson and avoids the actual physical cheating.

AnonymousAnonymous27 days ago

Well she luckily had her wake up call just in time and got away with her emotional affair. She was more resistant that a lot of loving wives on this site, and she clearly recognized after rrhe fact when Harry had left her thar she had cheated, that Terry was an asshole, that she had been manipulated based on her just, and she had been a deceitful butch that very narrowly lost everything.

Meanwhile Harry had good instincts about everything EXCEPT about when to hire a PI. That was laughable. Doing so after you tell your wife you think she is cheating and leaving the house is just surreal.

Sadly there marriage is not string enough yo handle the truth. She outright lied and knows that a confession or discovery woukd break the trust. Yo be fair he already strongly suspected she was cheating despite the PI report. But probably thought it had not progressed for and it was now snuffed out. Nit coming clean is dishonorable but given she was wracked with guilt and really thought during those two weeks she had lost him, it is understandable (not honorable) why she kept it secret. Unfortunately this is all to often the case in real life. Even in cases where the affair becomes sexual. The spouse gets close and upset but sometimes cannot get the actual proof. The other spouse gets scared and breaks off the affair and whistles pass the graveyard. It is not moral or upstanding but it is all too human. 5 stars.

StruckwrongStruckwrongabout 1 month ago

She doesn't deserve her husband in the least . She got lucky and still managed to team with her emotional soon to be physical partner to humiliate her husband.

She didn't stop out of love she stopped out of fear of consequence.

Her husband kept in ignorance let her get away with it.

JackJillHopeJackJillHopeabout 1 month ago

Thank you for a good ending to a great story.

kirei8kirei8about 1 month ago

Looking forward to someone else completing the story where hubby finds out all and dumps the cheating cunt.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Sadly this is a horror story, it is disgusting how the husband is disrespected and sadder still that he buys her lies, as far as her learning anything, yeah she learned that if she openly cuckolded him he'd divorce her, so she simply can only cheat behind his back. She proved she is a liar and not only a cheat but wanted to cuckold him that is beyond disgusting and disrespectful just her having thoughts like that, should sent any husband running to a lawyer to file for divorce. For a wife to be so ignorant as to ask their husbands openly it is more than enough reason to divorce, the marriage is already dead.

enderlocke77enderlocke77about 2 months ago

not sure when this took place but if this happens to anyone take out ur cellphone and take a pic of the person that is trying to disrespect u. bc the chances are they are doing it for a reason even if it isnt to seduce ur spouse. then investigate them through an agency or other means

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

So, she was cheating on him.

James G 5James G 52 months ago

It's always the same. Their huabands do nothing but love them and treat them well, so they get bored and lose respect for him. As soon as he says "fuck you" and starts to leave she suddenly respects him again.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Another very good tale, thank you!

somewhere east of Omaha

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I've read the last few comments made before mine and agree with them. Linda cheated on her husband and she knows it, therefore is terrified he might find out and will never tell him the truth.

But on the other hand she learned a lesson, she realized how lucky she is to have the life that she started to take for granted. Before her close encounter with dusaster she entertained thoughts like: "I feel I never do something just for myself anymore." These are thoughts of hollow, selfish or mindless people and ultimately result in loneliness. Average woman didn't come up with crap like that by themselves. That poison, along with sentences that begin with "I deserve..." is endlessly repeated in movies, tv- shows, magazines and so on. Under the the lable of f-inism modern Western women have been manipulated into looking down on the things that give purpose to life.

However, it was fun reading the story, with one notable exception. Early on, when the husband begins to doubt his wife's fidelity, he has an inner monologue to the following extent: "I have no evidence yet my wife is cheating, therefore I won't hire a PI." The plot hinges on that nonsensical thought. Logically you wouldn't hire a PI if you already have evidence. You would initiate investigation if you have strong suspicions but no evidence, which is exactly the situation the MC finds himself in. So he actually should and would have tasked a private eye early on.

ncdeepdiverncdeepdiver3 months ago

This is a great story and gives true insight into how many affairs begin and how they spiral out of control with disastrous results.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

No after he took you for a nice dinner he wanted to go a new place. But you steered or talked him to go to where you knew the other man would be there to humilite your husband just so you could have a dance at your husband's expense. Some 20 year anniversary. Didn't get to enjoy after all did you. When you back to your table husband gone just like he said he would be. You mean after 20 years you couldn't read him in all times you guys were together. It was his anniversary also and he wanted to enjoy it the presence of his wife not another man. You did cheat and you should own up to itl So you got bored every marriage goes through difficult times. You should've said something to your husband we need to get away for the weekend or something. No all you thought about was yourself heck with everyone else. Bitch

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

No it wasn't just a dance. You disrespected your husband and sided with another man on your anniversary. You been treating him like dirt for 2 months. What did you expect for him to roll over and be a cuckold. He was trying to fight for you and all you had was disdain for him because you were caught up in this man's bull. You did cheat on your husband mentally. You are an conniving bitch. He should've hired the PI before not after.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

She might love her husband but she was taking him for granted. She had an emotional affair. When problems started to get worse that's when he should've hired a PI. Hiring one after the fact was useless. He also should ask her who that man was he certainly wasn't a gentleman. See if she would tell him the truth or hem haul around the question.Say I want his name. I'm going to look him up and have a talk with him to see her reaction.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

No it wasn5just a dance. You humiliated your husband on your anniversary by siding with the scum bag. If you would've been listen instead of complaining you would heard your husband tell you he would not be there when you return the table. Guess you got a wake up call. You should not ha e put yourself in this situation. You were selfish bitch.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Almost 500 comments over 9 years, and still coming. Few compliments more sincere than that! Good story, well written. Thanks!

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