Butt Coin Ch. 07

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Marty meets w/ the International Sisterhood of Lesbians.
13.2k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 05/23/2024
Created 10/19/2023
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Marty and Sven must meet with the local chapter of the International Sisterhood of Lesbians (ISL) to enlist their help in the fight against the corrupt mayor and his cronies who are attempting to steal the whole Butt Coin project. To secure the help of the ISL, the guys must demonstrate their latest crypto adventure, Lesbian Coin, which leads to a sizable girl-on-girl orgy.

This is the seventh chapter in the Butt Coin saga. If you are wondering what the fuck is going on, I would happily suggest you go read the previous six chapters because a lot of shit, sometime literally, has happened so far. However, if that's not possible, let me give you a little recap in the story so far...

Butt Coin Ch 1: Marty's friend Sven comes up with a crazy idea to build a crypto currency based on anal sex called Butt Coin. Shortly afterwards Marty has to leave country for work, but when he returns, he finds that his business partner is missing. Then by chance Marty discovers that Maria, the kind older seamstress down the street, now makes Butt Coins and is willing to make one with him.

Butt Coin Ch 2: Marty gets held hostage by four sexy Brazilian women who are looking for Sven. The only way Marty can escape is by showing them the merits of Butt Coin.

Butt Coin Ch 3: Marty is forced to go to his ex-girlfriends, wedding. While there he accidently ends up have sex with his ex-girlfriend mother who then shits on her daughter's bridal bed.

Butt Coin Ch 4: Marty comes home from work to find Maria the seamstress at his door. She needs him to help her run her first BCGBP (Butt Coin Gang Bang Party). Afterwards Marty finds a led on his missing business partner who might be living in Spain.

Butt Coin Ch 5: Marty travels to Alicante Spain but his led goes cold. However, he runs into a beautiful Spanish woman named Esmeralda and it's love at first sight. The only problem is that she is a lesbian who isn't ready to have sex with Marty. To make things more awkward, Marty is forced to trade a Butt Coin to an older estate agent in return for some information that might led to the possible whereabouts of Sven.

Butt Coin Ch 6: Marty finally finds Sven, only to learn that he has been falsely accused of rape after he had sex with hot older Spanish woman by the Mayor of Alicante and his friends as they attempt to steal whole Butt Coin project.

Sorry to anyone who is mad that I posted this chapter of the series under Lesbian Fiction and not its traditional home of Anal Fiction. I couldn't under good conscience post it there given how much hot girl-on-girl action there was in this chapter.



It was nearly dusk as me and Sven stood outside his villa in Alicante Spain. We each held a large cardboard box full of laptops, cables, probes, and other stuff for the demonstration we were about to give to the local chapter of the secretive International Sisterhood of Lesbians (ISL).

"Isn't this exciting!" Sven beamed as he stood there in yet another pair of improbably white chinos. "This last week with you here has reminded me of the great times we got to spend together on our first business."

"Oh god," I groaned when I remembered about how our automatic, drone-based dog walking business ended. "Don't you remember the deaths and the lawsuits?"

"No, not that part," he laughed. "I'm talking about us working together again! The long nights! The heavy drinking! The raw excitement of it all as we gamble everything on our new venture!"

I waited for a few moments as I watched the skies over Alicante start to turn a deep red. "It has been great," I conceded.

"Any word from your girlfriend?" Sven ribbed me.

"No," I said as I checked my phone for the hundredth time. "According to our plan, Esmeralda will meet us there, wherever there happens to be." We both slipped into silence for a moment before I asked him the question that had been plaguing me ever since I met Esmeralda. "Do you think it's weird that my new girlfriend is a political lesbian, and we haven't had 'proper sex' with each other yet?"

"Weird, for you? No. Weird for everyone else? Yes."

"What does that mean?" I said a little indignant.

"I love you, Marty. You are the brother I never had," Sven said with absolute sincerity, "but, 'weird shit' follows you around."

"Half the weird shit that happens to me is because of you," I complained.

"Still, that 'weird shit' happens to you, not me," Sven laughed as he nudged me with his cardboard box. "As for Esmeralda, I think she is great and you two will make great parents one day."

"Whoa! No one has said anything about having kids," I blurted out.

Sven shot me a look like I was being dumb, "She wants kids Marty."

Suddenly down at the far end of the street, a small police van took the turn a little too sharp, which caused the van's wheels to squeal.

"I take it that's our ride," Sven said as he wrinkled his nose in displeasure of yet another ride in a police van. "All I want for once, is to be taken to a secret meeting in this city in a nice car, and not a damn police van."

Sure enough, the police van came to a screeching halt directly in front of Sven and me. I saw him unconsciously tense for a second until he saw that there were only two policewomen in the front seat. Unfortunately, as soon as both of the women leapt from their police van, I instantly recognized the shorter of the two policewomen as Esmeralda's ex-girlfriend, Alice. If it wasn't for her pistol strapped to her side and her police badge, it may have been hard to take Alice serious for she was short, maybe 152 cm (5'0") in height, with nearly black hair that was bobbed short in a pixie cut, and she had exceptionally pail skin, especially for someone that lived this far south in Spain. And if anything, she was actually far cuter in person than she was in all the adorable photos that still covered Esmeralda's flat.

Before I had time to say anything, Alice's partner, a marginally taller Spanish woman with tight curly brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, whose name tag read Diaz, snatched the box from my hands and set it on the front seat of the police van. An instant later Alice grabbed my wrist and yanked me around, where she quickly began to pat me down. She quickly found and snatched my phone from the jacket pocket of the new suit Esmeralda picked out for me yesterday. She quickly did the same with my wallet and the spare set of keys Esmeralda had given me for her flat.

When Alice saw the spare keys on the funny yellow duck key chain--which I could only presume used to be hers--she took a sharp intake of breath and let out a stifled cry as she roughly handcuffed me and then put a hood over my head. Next thing I know I was thrown into the back of the police van, face down on the floor.

A few seconds later Sven was helped into the back of the police van by the other policewoman and safely helped into one of the seats the lined the walls where she buckled him up. Then the other woman officer helped me up to my feet, uncuffed me, and then re-cuffed me with my hands in front before she got me into a seat next to Sven. A few seconds later the police van tore off down the road.

"What did you do to that police officer?" Sven laughed.

"I'm sure that's Esmeralda's ex-girlfriend, Alice," I said as I tried to bite at the black bag that was tied around my head.

"How do you know? Have you met her?"

"No, but her photo is all over Esmeralda's apartment. When we sort of had sex near each other last night, I swear that Alice's photo was giving me the evil eye the whole time."

A long, hot ten minutes later the van came to a quick halt and the engine shut off. A few seconds later the back of the van was thrown opened. I flinched, expecting to be hit with a baton, taser, or worse, but instead I was seized by my arm, and carefully helped up to my feet, "You better come with me," said Diaz.

She carefully led me by my elbow through what seemed like a maze and then down a set of stairs into some sort of underground space until we went through a set of doors into what sounded like a small room.

"Porque!" shouted Esmeralda from nearby as she ran over to me and pulled the hood from my head.

It took my eyes a second to readjust to the light and it didn't help that Esmeralda had her hands all over my face as she attempted to smooth down my hair and to wipe the sweat from my brow. When I managed to pull my face away from her a bit where I could see better, I quickly saw that we were standing in the completely black entrance way to some sort of restaurant or club. Abruptly, I noticed that we were being watched by an older, butch woman with muscular arms that looked like she just stepped out of the Spanish Civil war. She was wearing a police uniform which included a holstered pistol on her hip. She watched both Esmeralda and I carefully as if she too was trying to figure out what the hell was going on between the two of us.

"Give me your hands," Diaz said as she reached over and removed my handcuffs.

"Muchas gracies," I said to officer Diaz.

"I will go get your boxes," Diaz said to me before she quickly looked over at her boss who gave her a curt nod.

A second later Sven came down the stairs laughing with Esmeralda's ex-girlfriend Alice, on his elbow. "It's like being in a fun house," he laughed before Alice pulled the hood from his head and removed his hand cuffs. His eyes went a little wide when he saw the deputy police chief standing there eyeing him, but he never stopped smiling.

Esmeralda quickly brushed some dust off the front of my suit before she stepped off to the side and turned where she could see the Deputy Police Chief too.

I quickly took a deep breath and adjusted my suit before I stepped forwards with a firm outstretched hand to the Deputy Police Chief. "Buenas tardes," I said as the Chief reached over, seized my hand, and gave me a firm handshake. "Me llamo Marty y este es mi socio commercial Sven."

"It's okay, we can speak English. Esmeralda already asked if it was okay. I had to learn English years ago to deal with all the drunken English tourists that come to Spain every year. It was easier than beating all of them with my night stick, it was starting to give me tennis elbow," the Comisario laughed at her own joke. "My name is Comisario Valeria Morano de la policia en Alicante."

"Thank you for meeting with us Comisario Morano," I said politely.

"We very much appreciate it," said Sven as he quickly wiped the grin off of his face and shook the Comisario's hand.

A second later the officer Diaz staggered down the stairs carrying both of our heavy boxes. Both Sven and I quickly darted over and grabbed our boxes from her hands and thanked her for the effort.

"Come," the Comisario said as she turned and swiftly walked through a set of double doors.

"What is this place?" I whispered to Esmeralda, who I suddenly noticed was dressed in a loose pair of blue coveralls, like a painter would wear, along with a pair of black Doc Martins boots. In addition, under her curly black hair on her neck I could see a large swath of white medical tape covering one of our sensors.

"This is the secret regional headquarters for the International Sisterhood of Lesbians," she said as we walked through the doors. "Which just happens to be a lesbian bar."

Suddenly we were into a glitzy underground bar and restaurant that had everything from a dance floor with a disco ball, to dozens if not more intimate alcoves in case their regulars wanted a little more privacy. The place wasn't open yet, so it was devoid of patrons and staff, and it smelled as if it had just been mopped. We kept following the Comisario as she quickly led us past the full bar towards the back of the place.

Suddenly, off to our right, the doors to the kitchen swung open and out walked a topless, older south American woman with big floppy brown boobs, carrying an enormous silver platter on her shoulder full of various tapas.

The woman gave a little jolt when she saw Sven and me as we tried not to gawk at her. Her eyes quickly shot to the Comisario who just gave her a little nod to let her know it was okay.

"Topless Tapas," Sven whispered to himself like he had just received a revelation from God.

The two policewomen, Esmeralda, and I all shot him a look to shut the fuck up, but the Comisario just gave him a little chuckle and just kept walking until we came to a large dark hallway that stretched back some ways. On our immediate left was the women's toilets and on our right was a good-sized open room with four fake leather couches all facing a small dance platform. Mounted to the ceiling there was a projector that showed a test image on a white wall next to where Esmeralda had pulled in some tables together for us to set up our equipment.

Over in the corner of the room there were three young women lounging around in jumpsuits similar to the one that Esmeralda was wearing.

"Please set up for your demonstration," said the Comisario before she sat down on the couch directly across from the white wall. Even before she was all the way down, all three of the women, walked over to her and began to rub her shoulders and to give her kisses on her cheeks.

Alice and Diaz took a seat on the other couch.

"Here," Esmeralda said as she showed us the tables she pulled together. "They don't do a lot of presentations here, so these were the best tables I could find. But you are close to the power socket and here is the cable to the projector."

"These are perfect," smiled Sven as he sat down his cardboard box and began to unbox his equipment.

"Are one of those ladies," I said as I pointed to the three other women in jumpsuit, one of which was now cuddled up in Comisario Morano's lap, "the lady from the opposition party we are supposed to meet with?"

"Oh no. They are dancers here at the club and they will help me with my part of the demonstration later," said Esmeralda as she gave me a wink. "Patrizia has been held up in traffic and will be here shortly, so you better set up now."

I quickly hooked up my laptop and was glad that my power point presentation that I had been working on for the last two days safely popped up. Then I began to help Sven as he and Esmeralda began to unspool what seemed like several hundred meters of white cables. When they were done, Sven just looked at us for several seconds like he was awkwardly waiting for something to happen. Eventually he asked me, "aren't you going to hook her up?"

"Oh yes," I said as I turned to Esmeralda with the end of five cables in my hand.

Esmeralda smiled and her eyes twinkled behind her black rimmed glasses as she suddenly stepped a lot closer to me than I was expecting. My heart skipped a beat and I suddenly wanted to kiss her, but as I looked over, I could see the Comisario, the two police officers, and the three-dancing women all looking at us."

Esmeralda saw them too, but she just smiled as she reached up and in a single motion pulled the front of her blue jump suit wide open in one go. Underneath she was completely naked except for five medical sensors--one taped to the side of her neck, two taped to the sides of her breast, and two taped to the sides of her genitals--secured in place by white medical tape.

I momentarily tore my glance off her big perky breast and dark nipples to yell at Sven who was watching over our shoulders. "Damn it! Turn your head," I demanded of him as the rest of the women in the room got to watch on. I turned back to Esmeralda and hoped that no one could see that I had an erection. I quickly busied myself by attaching the first cable to the first sensor taped to the right side of her neck.

"Do you want me to raise my arms?" Esmeralda said all innocent like as she raised her hands above her head and turned to give me access to the side of her boob on which the sensor was taped.

"That's," I stammered, "That's not necessary." I eventually managed to get out as I attached the second wire to the second sensor. Esmeralda twisted to the other side and allowed me to hook up the other wire.

Then we both looked at each other and then down at the other two sensors, each taped to either side of her labia.

"How?" I managed to squeak out.

Without saying a word, Esmeralda plopped her black Doc Martin's boot high up on the back of a bar stool and spread her legs a little.

"Oh," I got out before I bent down enough to attach the wires to either side of her pussy. From there I helped run the five wires down her leg and out the bottom of her jumpsuit before we both helped her re-Velcro her jumpsuit closed.

"Disculpe Comisario. Debo llevar comida y bebida?" ask the same older topless woman we saw a few minutes earlier from the edge of the room to the Comisario before she turned to Sven and I and in broken English asked, "Food and Drinks?"

"Vino blanco para nosotra," the Comisario said before she pointed at herself and the other women.

Sven's face lit up at the mention of drinks, "I would like a...."

"Agua!" both Esmeralda and I said at the same time, "Solo Agua."

"You two are no fun," Sven sneered at us as he carefully pulled out a heavily modified junction box he wired together last night to help measure the electrical signals women give off during orgasms.

"Los hombres quieren tapas?" the woman asked Esmeralda, which instantly caused my stomach to begin to rumble so loud that Esmeralda took a step back from me.

"Si gacies, por favor," I said to the woman before I turned to Esmeralda, "Sorry. I haven't eaten anything since you gave me breakfast ten hours ago."

The Comisario, the two policewomen, and the three dancing women all watched on intently over the next ten minutes while Sven and I pulled out several laptops and began chaining together everything using tons of cables and various junction boxes. When we were done with that, we started to plug in the long white electrical cables that trailed out of the bottom of Esmeralda's jumpsuit, while Esmeralda called up each of the three dancers in turn to have them open up their jumpsuits and to attach the cables to all of their lady bits.

"How many sets of cables should we lay out?" Esmeralda said as she stood up and pushed her black curly hair out of her face.

"Four. One set of cables for you and three other sets of cables for your three assistants," I said as I pointed to the three dancing women who all now had a tail of white cables trailing out of the bottom of their jumpsuits.

"What about them?" Esmeralda asked as she motioned to her ex-girlfriend, her partner Diaz, and the Comisario. "You said we need to record as many women's orgasms as possible. Maybe we should ask them if they want to be wired up too."

I glanced over towards Esmeralda's ex-girlfriend Alice who was shooting me daggers with her eyes. "I'm not sure they want too."

"Why not? I have seen both of them do far worse things than this," said Esmeralda as she gave me a wicked smile and a wink before she then turned and sauntered off down the stage to talk to her ex-girlfriend and her partner, as she dragged her tail of cables behind her.

"You are so fucking lucky to have her," Sven laughed as he punched me hard in the arm.

While we finished sorting out our demonstration, the topless woman from the bar came back in with another large platter of tapas and set it down on a table near our set up. I quickly sorted out the cables and plugged them in to test them before I ran over and began to stuff my face.

"I love fritata," I moaned as I swallowed one of the little egg and potato dishes whole and began to attack another.