By Any Other Name

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A name called out in the middle of sex makes a wife worry.
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I reached over my head, grasping the headboard with both hands as my husband Bill worked his way down my body. His weight pinned me to the bed, deliciously helpless as his tongue flicked back and forth from one breast to the other, teasing my already stiff nipples till they were so ard they would have hurt had they not felt so good.

Then his lips began their march down and all I could do was twist and turn under their assault. He showered kisses over my belly, the swell of my mound and then his face was between my legs and his tongue parted my labia and slipped into me. I bucked so hard I nearly threw his satisfying heavy body off me as he found my clit and brought me to my first orgasm.

And my orgasms didn't stop there. While I was still quivering from the first one Bill gave out a war whoop and sprang up, covering me completely once more. With a near feral growl he plunged his cock into my soaking wet and slippery pussy, burying himself into me with one long thrust. Then he fucked me.

You would think after twenty two years of the same man making love to me it would get pretty routine. Well, tonight it was anything but routine. He pounded me like we were newlyweds going at it for the first time after a three year no sex engagement. He was going wild and I loved it and was doing everything I could to aid and abet him. I wrapped my legs around him and punched up with my hips to meet every down stroke of his.

I felt him shake and then he was shooting his cum into me. And he didn't slow down. He stayed hard and kept on going. I didn't know when Bill had started to channel the Energizer Bunny but I was not going to complain at all as I had my second orgasm and then a third when he raised himself onto his hands and slammed so deep inside of me I thought he was going to split me in two as he screamed.

"Oh Jennifer!"

Bill barely managed to roll onto his side after he collapsed on top of me, letting me spoon with him. Well, and let me breathe too. He's put on some weight over the years but I'm not the college softball player he first met either so that's not important. What was important though was what made me slip out of the bed after his long slow breathing and occasional snores and snorts let me know he was sound asleep so I could go downstairs and do some serious thinking.

No, what was important, you see, is that my name is Alice. Not Jennifer.

So who is Jennifer? The name seems to ring a bell but I'm switched if I can place it. It's not his secretary; or rather one of the several women in the pool who handle the correspondence and reports from Bill and the group of account executives that he works with. I had to sit down and think about it but I'm pretty sure it's not any of the female account execs in his group either.

Bill doesn't travel for his job, out of town that is. All his clients are here. I suppose this Jennifer could be one of them. He does visit them occasionally although most communications after the initial sales calls are done via phone or electronic means. He could be sneaking off to see someone at their office or home I guess. But how would I find out?

I pull myself up short. Okay, before I do anything silly I need to reason this out. Bill is suddenly more passionate about making love than he has been in a long time. And he calls out another woman's name as he does. So is he cheating on me with some woman named Jennifer? And what am I going to do about it?

Well for sure I'm not going to go off half-cocked about this. I'm not going to run out and hire a Private investigator. I'm definitely not going to confide this in my friends and ask them what to do. And for absolute certainty this is NOT going to make me run out and have an affair of my own. I mean really, I'm not completely stupid.

First and foremost of course is the fact that I love Bill. Twenty two years and three now grown children and all we've made it through would bind us together as a couple even if that weren't true. Even if he is having an affair I don't want to lose him. He's my other half no matter what happens, the man I have always planned to grow old with.

Second, and this makes me wonder if there is something seriously wrong with me, if having an affair is going to make him act as he did tonight, should my biggest concern be stopping it? I mean golly, he hasn't hammered me like that in ages and ages. Maybe I should just be grateful for her starting this spark in him.

I know that it's at least as much my fault as his that our love life has got this boring. Before tonight I mean. Like so many other couples we were so passionate when we first got married. Then the kids started coming and I got so busy with them, as did Bill I reminded myself. No one could ever say he wasn't a good Father who spent as much time as he could with his kids. And he worked so hard to provide for us, especially after we decided I would be a stay-at-home mom.

So time just for us seemed to fall to the bottom of the priority list. Oh we've tried. We made sure we had date nights and a weekend apart from the kids but those seemed to get farther and farther apart. Plus you're just not romantic when the major thought on both your minds is bed but it's because you desperately would like a nap.

Third, suppose I DID decide to have an affair. Who would I have it with? I study myself in the mirror. Often enough to know that if Bill isn't that Track Team Captain he was when we met that I've slipped too. I never could quite lose those last five, okay ten, pounds I put on during the last pregnancy. My tummy is soft, not the firm one of days gone by and don't even start me on my ass. So who would want a middle-aged woman suffering from middle-aged woman spread and especially one who can't keep her own husband happy at home? Slime balls and womanizers and why would I want such a person. I just want my Bill back.

I decided the best thing to do was nothing at all. Nothing that would make Bill think that I suspect something is going on. Maybe I WILL put more effort into him starting with breakfast in the morning.

When morning came I had coffee ready and I thrust a mug in front of Bill as he plops down in his usual chair. I had waited until I heard him moving before starting the eggs but I had got up early and had his absolute favorite home-made biscuits still warm in the oven.

"What brought this on?" he asked me with a smile. "Not that I'm complaining mind you."

I raised my eyebrow and grinned back at him. "Have you forgotten last night hon? A performance like that deserves this at the very least."

I watched Bill carefully out of the corner of my eye. He was happy. Pleased. He seemed a bit embarrassed but one thing he was not showing was guilt. And now I have to start all over. Because I know my husband. I never thought he would cheat on me but definitely if he had he would be guilty about it. He always wears his emotions on his sleeve.

Now I'm even more confused. If he's not guilty how could he be having an affair? Could he somehow think that I'm having one and that it's some kind of payback? That's nonsense. Bill knows I never have and never would cheat on him. And why oh WHY does the name Jennifer keep resounding in my head?

It takes three whole days for it to hit me. During that time there's no more mind blowing sex. We do a little fooling around but it's still during the week and we usually wait till the weekend and a chance to sleep late and all. We're sitting down to watch TV and he claims the remote.

"It's my turn tonight to pick the show," he reminds me.

We settle down to watch something on AMC. Something with lots of gunfire. But that's okay because what Bill said is nagging me. It's nagging me a lot, like an itch that if it isn't scratched will drive you completely up a wall.

And then it hits me.

Jennifer! Of course. If he called HER name it's my own fault. Not that "fault" maybe exactly the word I'm looking for. I'm the one who made that whole night happen though with my choices. Now the question is this; how do I handle the situation?

The next morning I see Bill off to work and start scrambling. I grab the phone book and start calling. The first two stores I contact can't help me. The third, and final one, is reluctant but I do enough pleading and begging to overwhelm him and he agrees. I rush down there and on my return fore up the computer and start searching music files.

There it is! I pay the fee and down load the song and then burn it onto a CD. I guess just one song is a waste but who cares? Not me if this all works out.

That night I feed Bill another special meal but in a bit smaller portions than usual. After all, I don't want him too sleepy when I spring this on him. After a spell of TV that bores us both Bill says he's going to get ready for bed and then read a while. I wait till he's showered and stretched out on the bed in just a pair of boxers. Then I start getting everything ready. Pretty soon I'm standing at the bedroom door. Oh boy, oh boy oh BOY. I'm SO nervous.

I take a deep breath. Okay Alice, this is it. I fling open the bedroom door and hit the "Play" button on the CD player I positioned on the table and a recorded voice fills the room.

"You broke my heart..."

I'm not paying attention to the song. Well the actual singing hasn't started yet. That will be my cue. And Bill is lying on the bed in his shorts wondering what in the world I'm up to tonight. Maybe the pink sweater over the white and pink dress is jogging his memory but I can tell he hasn't made the connection to HER yet.

"You didn't even want me around..."

I really was lucky. The guy at the store said I absolutely positively have to have the whole outfit back to him by noon tomorrow. He said he hasn't had such a demand for one in a long time and if it keeps up he might have to order another. Apparently Bill isn't the only one taken with HER.

"I can really shake 'em down."

Oh GOD. That's my cue. I reach the back of my neck with both hands and yank. The tear-away costume of dress and sweater drop to the floor, as does Bill's jaw. Please, please, PLEASE Bill, tell me I don't look as ridiculous as I think I do in this purple sequined bra and micro-mini-nothing-there-at-all skirt that barely touches my thighs much less covers anything. I know I'm not HER but I'm trying.

Then the full voice of Billy Gordon breaks into the song along with the rest of the Contours and I thrown caution to the winds and start shimmying and strutting in my high heels.

"Do you love me? I can really move. Do you love me? I'm in the groove."

Bill's eyes widen as he recognizes the song and the outfit. And YES! The tent his cock makes in his shorts makes it clear that his imagination is up to the task of letting me fill her part. And now he's applauding and whistling and beckoning and I'm flying towards the bed and he grabs me in his arms and if tonight he screams "Jennifer!" I won't care.

I said what happened the other night was my fault and it was. It was my turn to pick what we were going to watch on TV so I picked the show. But how was I to know the season finale of "Dancing with the Stars' was going to have a dance that hot? But heck, if Bill wants to pretend that I'm Jennifer Grey tonight that's alright.

I can just pretend he's Derek Hough.

(The End)

(The song lyrics at the end are from "Do You Love Me (Now That I Can Dance)" first released in 1962 by The Contours on the Motown subsidiary Gordy Records. Of course the song appeared in "Dirty Dancing", although NOT with Jennifer dancing to it and then she and Derek chose it for their free-style finale on DWTS. Now pretty much any guy I talk too NEVER watches DWTS (Too gay!) but the day after the finale I kept seeing those same guys wandering around in a daze mumbling "Jennifer". So I couldn't resist having some fun with it.)

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

That paragraph about her not going off half-cocked was a jab at all those shitty and absurb "wife overreacts to flimsy evidence/false accusation" stories, right? :) Love it.

Of course, in reality, I'd expect any decent wife to say (OK more likely shout), "who the fuck is Jennifer?" If they're reasonably intelligent people with a decent handle on their emotions, the situation would resolve itself quickly.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Love the story and loved the song.

DickSnugfitDickSnugfit4 months ago


. . . WTF was that all about??

deependerdeepender5 months ago

Great story! These days one is more likely to see dazed females wandering aroud eating cotton candy while whispering "Donald...Donald".

Calico75Calico75about 1 year ago

Fun story! Great ending!

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefover 1 year ago

What a great story and the ending was outstanding. Glad that things turned out the way they did and that Alice didn't go off the deep end and start something that would have destroyed them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I have to make a comment about this writers stories. Almost all of the other authors on this site usually have the wife bring deranged, or at least a Narcissist. But Patricia’s are unique, because

they usually involve the cheated or suspected cheated on person using common sense. Believe it or not, most men aren’t ex Navy Seals and most middle age married women, don’t have multi men with 7 figure incomes, chasing them. You, Patricia, are like “ sunshine, on a cloudy day! “ 5 stars.

Pjam1968Pjam1968over 1 year ago

This was really nice well built, thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Love this story. This is what Patricia does best, build up angst about a situation and turn it into an adorable, heartwarming ending. 5*

Here's a question for future commenters. Does Jennifer Grey look better with or without the nose job?

I have mixed feelings about it. I think she looks better with it, but now looks like another pretty face. Before she was unique. It was her nose that that gave her a cute teddy bear quality.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Ok. Liked the story a lot. Gave it fill marks. Have to say I didn't see JG in DWTS. Still, I'm not seeing her putting extra lead in any man's pencil. Aniston in Bruce Almighty? Now we're talking.

iameaseliameaselover 3 years ago

Second, and this makes me wonder if there is something seriously wrong with me, if having an affair is going to make him act as he did tonight, should my biggest concern be stopping it? I mean golly, he hasn't hammered me like that in ages and ages. Maybe I should just be grateful for her starting this spark in him

Imagine if a husband had said that in a story...the mouth breathers would freak right the F out over that, but if a wife says it, its an oh well. Misogyny is alive and well within the knuckle dragging crowd.

jtwheelsjtwheelsover 4 years ago
Not sure what?

Shows that authors throw in stories I have not seen and no ambition to see

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110over 4 years ago

Level headed wife who doesn’t go half cocked. How novel. 5 Stars

Baddogie59Baddogie59about 5 years ago
A TV Show

My wife watches that show sometimes and I have sat through a few episodes with her.

Don't recall the one your calling out in the story but I found it funny how she figured out where his fantasy girl came from.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
I watch DWTS

But certainly not for the stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Of Course I Watch DWTS

I give this story a 5 because we can't go higher. Well written with an interesting plot developement. I always watch DWTS with my wife, a good dancer herself, who enjoys the dance routines. What's not to like? All those sexy long legged females, often in very revealing outfits, can keep my interest all the way to the voting. For the wives the guys look pretty good too. When I'm lucky we get to see Carrie Ann Inaba or Julianna Hough perform and I look forward to hearing the critiques. Len is so focused on proper and accurate dance styling that people dislike him and while he may be gayer than gay you have to love Bruno Tonioli’s passionate and uncontrolled reactions to a really sensuous routine.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

A nice amusing ad happy story.


MbgdallasMbgdallasover 6 years ago
Oh yes.

Guys watch DWTS for Julianne Hough.

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