Cabin Fever


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He awoke with a start, shivering. Struggling to his feet, he made a mandatory visit to the bathroom, going quietly so as not to wake Kat. Thinking of her as he relieved himself, he wondered if she was still asleep, or if she had lain awake like him, burning for something she knew she ought best not to want so desperately. He washed his hands, hoping the sound of flushing and running water would not disturb her. As he walked by her room, he fought an overwhelming urge to open the door and slip in beside her under the sheets. He couldn't resist the urge to look at her, though, and he slid the door softly open, and walked over to watch her sleep. The covers hid her face almost completely, but he saw that she slept with her mouth slightly open, and heard the soft snores that whiffled through on every other breath. She stirred, and he retreated hastily. It would never do for her to wake and find him hovering over her like some dark angel. He closed the door softly behind him and wandered back to his solitary couch bed, which had not been slept in.

When the first rays of day began to creep over the horizon, Tim sat up. He had not slept, but had lain there warring with his lust, telling himself all the reasons why going back to Kat, lying in the wide bed, was the absolutely wrong thing to do. They'd only been together a few hours. They didn't really know much outside of all they discussed in those online conversations, and over the last few months, in those telephone ones. She was divorced, and the fault had not all been her ex-husband's. She had told him everything, and he knew she was capable of hurting him as deeply as she had hurt the man she had once claimed to love. None of the reasons he trotted out to stand before him in their stark rationality stopped him from shaking with the need to hold her close to his heart, to inhale her fragrance, to taste her sweetness again and again. He dragged himself off the bed, and searched in the pocket of his shirt for the packet of gum he always kept handy for just such a moment as this.

The minty flavor burst into his mouth, tingling on his tongue, and suddenly it was more than he could bear. He stood up abruptly, stumbling and almost falling over the suitcase he had left open by the bed. He let fly an ugly expletive, frustrated desire thrumming in his veins. He moved the offending leather case, and walked purposefully down the short hall to the bedroom, discarding the gum on the way. His hand was at the door, about to grasp the handle and open it, when it opened and Kat stood in the shadowy gloom of early morning, rumpled, her long legs encased in silky pink pajamas, the top half unbuttoned, the buttery flesh of a luscious breast peeking through the opening. Her eyes flew to his face, and he hauled her against his chest, his hands bands of steel around her arms.

"Bathroom break?" he asked, his voice rough.

She nodded, apparently unable to find her voice. She felt the trembling he could not hide in the hands that held her close to his heart. She stirred against his chest, and he let her go, watching her step across the hall to the bathroom. He stayed where she had left him, until he heard a flush and water running. When Kat opened the bathroom door, he took her hand and pulled her into the bedroom behind him, closing the door behind them and pushing her up against it.

"If I don't kiss you again, now, I'm going to explode!"

He didn't wait for her to respond one way or another. He planted his hands on either side of her head on the door, and lowered his own, pinning her with his mouth, pushing his tongue inside, reaching for hers, taking it, owning it. Her groan of surrender thrummed on his tongue, and set him alight. He could feel the fireworks of his lust exploding behind his closed eyelids, and he opened them, to stem the tide of feeling.

"Kat!" He lowered his hands to her face, kissing her again, and then he said, "I know I said we should wait, baby..." another kiss punctuating his words, "but I didn't sleep much last night for wanting you! I woke up and you were in here, and I was out there. It killed me." Another wet kiss, trailing his lips down the column of her throat, across her collarbone, to the other side, where he nipped her lovingly on an earlobe. "I want you here and now, Kat, and for as long as you'll let me have you." One more hot kiss, and then he slid his hands down to her waist. "Please?"

Tim's final plea was Kat's utter undoing. She had withstood as best she could, the assault on her senses of his mouth on her needy flesh, but his final plea, asking her permission to make love to her here and now, pinned against the bedroom door as she was, made her feel like the most desirable woman in the world. She nodded, and raised languid arms to pull his head down so she could kiss him as he had kissed her only moments before. She felt his cock harden against her, and the thrill of her power surged through her. He was powerless to resist her, as she was him.

"Tim," she whispered, her voice so low he could barely hear her, "I thought you might not want me anymore, and it hurt to think that."

He pushed his hips against her by way of answer, and kissed her hard on the mouth.

"Still think that?" he rasped, pulling her off the wall and watching her eyes widen with desire. "Come here!" He pulled her with him to the bed, and sat with her on the edge. "Kiss me again, babe, so I can be sure this is what you want, too!"

He watched her turn to him fully and lick her lips before planting them on his.

Kat licked the soft cushion of his lips, slowly, savoring them like candy. She wanted Tim so badly that she could taste her desire on her tongue. She opened her mouth, and watched him lower his head and suck her tongue inside. Oh God, she was dying!

She pulled away from him suddenly, startling him, and stood up, backing away far enough so Tim could see all of her. And then, swaying to the rhythm of desire in her heart, she began a strip tease, seducing him with the slow undoing of the remaining buttons of her top, the sexy slither of the garment off her shoulders, the twirl that tossed it across the room to land at his feet. She seduced his eyes with her hands that slid down her thighs as she pushed the silky bottoms down her long legs, making him stare as she kicked off first one leg, then the other. The sultry swaying forward to retrieve the pants, and the sidle forward to drape them over his shoulders, bringing her full, lush breasts directly before his hungry mouth, made him groan, but when he would have touched her, she backed away sharply, those luscious orbs swaying sensually just out of his reach.

She seduced his loins with the slide of her palms over her heated flesh, across her turgid nipples down her rounded belly to the thong that covered the mound that housed her desire. She pressed a finger between those aching lips through the lacy garment, and moaned, watching Tim's face as she teased her aching flesh. Tim licked his lips, and Kat smiled, a knowing smile, and slid her hands over her hips and across her thighs, turning so he could watch as she caressed her bottom, and so that he could salivate when she snapped the string that settled in the space between her cheeks. She held it away from her, then slowly bent forward, so that Tim could see the heavy mound of her sex peep out at him. And then she straightened slowly and turned again. And Tim was right in front of her, the look in his eyes telling her she had pushed him well past the point of no return.

She gasped when he grabbed her wrists and walked backwards with her, to collapse onto the bed, pulling her down on top of him. His mouth sought hers wildly, his hands searching out the tender spots of flesh that he could reach to cast his spell. Kat ground herself against the hardness that was the center of his need, and felt him push back in response. The rough hairs on his chest inflamed her, and when he pushed a finger into the slit at her bottom, she moaned and squirmed with need.

"Tim!" she begged him, but he would not relent, choosing that moment to roll her over and pin her to the bed, sending his questing fingers down to the core of her desire, and, finding her wet and ready for him, reached further and plunged a finger in as far as it would go, and stroking her g-spot on the way out.

Kat cried out with the pleasure he was giving her, and Tim kissed her again, loving her with one, then two fingers, urgent, demanding, until Kat could no more hold off the swell of her orgasm then the tide can resist the pull of the moon. She arched her back under him, and cried out, and Tim swallowed her ecstatic cries in his kisses. He kissed her over and over again, slanting his mouth across her, sliding it down her arched throat, across her swelling breasts, down her belly to the place where heaven lived for the two of them. His cock ached to stroke into her, and he raised his head to look at her. Her face was flushed with feeling, her breathing just getting back to normal, her arms thrown above her head in absolute surrender.

Tim surged up, pressing a knee between her legs and spreading them wide. Kat opened for him, letting him into her body as he pushed inside, stroking into her slowly at first, and then, as she gave him back thrust for thrust, faster and harder. They groaned together, as Tim loved her, and when he pulled out of her to roll her to her side, she cried out a protest, until he pushed back inside. Then she sighed, and pushed back against his hard cock, loving the way he stroked in and out of her. When he moved a hand over her hip and slid his finger between the lips of her sex to fondle her clit, Kat could hold out no longer, and crashed again, her orgasm so powerful it brought Tim along with her. She contracted around him hard, and he thrust into her uncontrollably, harder and faster, gripping her hip in his hard hand, and helping her to pump his hard rod, grunting when his climax hit him, and trembling uncontrollably behind her.

"I needed you so much, baby!" he whispered, his voice a rough ghost of itself. He hugged her to his heart, which she could feel thudding madly in his chest. Kat felt his hand on her breasts, first one, then the other, fondling the rapidly hardening nipples. She had not felt this peaceful in years, and the fear that had kept her half awake most of the night dissipated, like mist in sunshine. She turned in his embrace, so that she could look him in the eye.

"What are we gonna do about this?" she demanded to know.

"About what?" Tim asked, obviously amused.

"The fact that we can't seem keep our hands to ourselves doesn't bode well for future attempts at abstinence, love!" she said, equally amused.

"Is that something you're interested in pursuing?" he wondered aloud. He trailed his fingers languidly over her body, as far as they would go,, and teased her hot flesh with his hands. "Because I have to tell you, I'm more interested in pursuing you here," he touched her mouth, "and here," he touched her mound, "and here!" He slid his finger between the lips of her sex, and watched her face change.

Kat groaned as she felt his touch on her secret spot. Tim was sucking on her, licking her cum juices off her sweet tangle of hair. He had grown impossibly hard again, and considering the state of his arousal, he wasn't sure exactly how much playing he could handle without exploding. When she moved his hand away, and rolled over to get a firm grip on his erection, he groaned, a sound of pain and pleasure so profound it tore at Kat's insides, and made her gush. She pushed him, pumping his cock slow, then fast, circling and working him with her quick hands and nimble fingers, watching him tighten, watching his cheeks grow warm with color. When he put out a hand to stop her, she shook her head, needing to feel him in her mouth, to give him the pleasure he had given her more than once already. She lowered her head, and took him in. as far as she could.

Tim gripped the sheets in his fists, holding himself, tightening his grip on his fast fading control. God, she was driving him mad! He closed his eyes, and felt her tongue lave the head of his aching cock, and knew pre-cum was oozing out, beyond his power to stop it. No! He wanted inside her! She licked the head again, swirling the hard point of her tongue under the hood, and then sucking him in all the way. Tim felt the rush of fire in the base of his spine, and he cried out, fists impossibly tight on the crumpled sheets, finally unable to hold on to the flood. He shot cum into her mouth, and when she let him go, and pumped him one last time, he shot again and again, up his belly to his chin. Semen was everywhere -- on his chest, on his belly, on her lips, her cheeks, and Tim was powerless to do more than let it explode from him until at last, he was spent. He felt as though she had wrung him dry, and there was no more left in him. He opened his eyes, and Kat was staring at him as though she were seeing him for the first time.

"What, babe?" He reached for her, and she let him pull her up to his mouth, where he took a kiss and tasted himself on her tongue. "What else do you want from me? I hate to tell you, but I think you took it all, for now!" He smiled at her, knowing his love for her was shining in his eyes and not giving a damn.

"Nothing!" she answered. "I just can't believe sometimes how lucky I am."

Tim hugged her to him, wishing he could keep her like this forever. Work, family, everything faded to dullness when Kat was around. He heard the music of her laughter, of her faintly accented tones, above the noise of his mundane life. He felt the pulsing of her life in his groin, in his heart, in his soul, above the heat and cold of the world.

"Shower time again, I think," she said, drawing a teasing finger through his chest hairs, where the semen had settled. "You're so messy!"

She giggled when he swatted her butt.

"And whose fault is that?" he wondered, drawing her face to his again and stealing another hard kiss.

She turned and opened her mouth for him, letting him own her there as well.

"Mmmmmmm!" Her soft moans stirred him and he drew her up with him. "Let's take a quick shower. We need to get some sleep before we head out later."

Later. He had made plans for a boat ride, and some shopping -- she had said she wanted to get souvenirs, and he wanted to get all that out of the way early, so that most of the time he could spend with her, doing whatever would make them happy. Like making love with her made him happy... He smiled, a satisfied smile, content for the first time in years. He looked down at the woman who was drowsing in his arms, and felt the same kind of serenity he used to feel when he was a small boy at Christmas, and his mother used to steal into his room to check on him and make sure he was asleep before tiptoeing out again to put the presents under the tree. The feeling he always had, that all was right with his world, that nothing would ever break the bond of love, that he belonged right where he was, in his little house on the river. That feeling of connectedness -- to life, to love, to safety, to peace -- was what he'd been searching for for as long as he could remember, what he'd spent money and time trying to find, I all the places he'd visited, all the women he'd considered. And then he'd met Kat and after that first online conversation, he was hooked. And here she was, still reeling him in. He smiled again, and heaved a happy sigh.

Life was good...and getting better all the time! He looked at Kat again, and brushed his mouth over her cheekbone. She stirred and looked back at him. Maybe one last taste of her sweetness... He bent his head.

When she murmured "I love you, Tim!" in that languorous, sultry, late-night radio voice, with the look of love in her eyes, his heart swelled inside him, and the kiss got hard. Their shower was going to be delayed...

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

and let his seed surge into her wet heat. There are enough cliches in here to sink the Titanic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
If you can only read one story today

Read cabin fever. It is superb..

SanityCheckSanityCheckabout 11 years ago

Now why can't I find someone that excites me like that?

markellymarkellyalmost 12 years ago

A very nice read. It had just about everything in it. Thank you for posting this.

demure101demure101almost 12 years ago

Lovely to read! It leaves me longing for more in more senses than one.

Badfish61Badfish61about 16 years ago

Very provocative and moving. Wonderfully written.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
just bewdifullerest......

"Tis but a beautiful tale of wantoness, of lust, of love....very enjoyable to read, and it drew me in, as though I was Tim...that sort of writing is exciting..........

NicholasWolfNicholasWolfover 16 years ago

WOW!! As they say. A great story and wonderfully written.The characters seemed so real somehow.

NicholasWolfNicholasWolfover 16 years ago

WOW!! As they say. A great story and wonderfully written.The characters seemed so real somehow.

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